 * @file llwindowsdl.h
 * @brief SDL implementation of LLWindow class
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


// Simple Directmedia Layer (http://libsdl.org/) implementation of LLWindow class

#include "llwindow.h"
#include "lltimer.h"

#include "SDL/SDL.h"
#include "SDL/SDL_endian.h"

#if LL_X11
// get X11-specific headers for use in low-level stuff like copy-and-paste support
#include "SDL/SDL_syswm.h"

// AssertMacros.h does bad things.
#include "fix_macros.h"
#undef verify
#undef require

class LLWindowSDL : public LLWindow
    /*virtual*/ void show();
    /*virtual*/ void hide();
    /*virtual*/ void close();
    /*virtual*/ bool getVisible();
    /*virtual*/ bool getMinimized();
    /*virtual*/ bool getMaximized();
    /*virtual*/ bool maximize();
    /*virtual*/ void minimize();
    /*virtual*/ void restore();
    /*virtual*/ bool getFullscreen();
    /*virtual*/ bool getPosition(LLCoordScreen *position);
    /*virtual*/ bool getSize(LLCoordScreen *size);
    /*virtual*/ bool getSize(LLCoordWindow *size);
    /*virtual*/ bool setPosition(LLCoordScreen position);
    /*virtual*/ bool setSizeImpl(LLCoordScreen size);
    /*virtual*/ bool setSizeImpl(LLCoordWindow size);
    /*virtual*/ bool switchContext(bool fullscreen, const LLCoordScreen &size, bool disable_vsync, const LLCoordScreen * const posp = NULL);
    /*virtual*/ bool setCursorPosition(LLCoordWindow position);
    /*virtual*/ bool getCursorPosition(LLCoordWindow *position);
    /*virtual*/ void showCursor();
    /*virtual*/ void hideCursor();
    /*virtual*/ void showCursorFromMouseMove();
    /*virtual*/ void hideCursorUntilMouseMove();
    /*virtual*/ bool isCursorHidden();
    /*virtual*/ void updateCursor();
    /*virtual*/ void captureMouse();
    /*virtual*/ void releaseMouse();
    /*virtual*/ void setMouseClipping( bool b );
    /*virtual*/ void setMinSize(U32 min_width, U32 min_height, bool enforce_immediately = true);

    /*virtual*/ bool isClipboardTextAvailable();
    /*virtual*/ bool pasteTextFromClipboard(LLWString &dst);
    /*virtual*/ bool copyTextToClipboard(const LLWString & src);

    /*virtual*/ bool isPrimaryTextAvailable();
    /*virtual*/ bool pasteTextFromPrimary(LLWString &dst);
    /*virtual*/ bool copyTextToPrimary(const LLWString & src);

    /*virtual*/ void flashIcon(F32 seconds);
    /*virtual*/ F32 getGamma();
    /*virtual*/ bool setGamma(const F32 gamma); // Set the gamma
    /*virtual*/ U32 getFSAASamples();
    /*virtual*/ void setFSAASamples(const U32 samples);
    /*virtual*/ bool restoreGamma();            // Restore original gamma table (before updating gamma)
    /*virtual*/ ESwapMethod getSwapMethod() { return mSwapMethod; }
    /*virtual*/ void processMiscNativeEvents();
    /*virtual*/ void gatherInput();
    /*virtual*/ void swapBuffers();
    /*virtual*/ void restoreGLContext() {};

    /*virtual*/ void delayInputProcessing() { };

    // handy coordinate space conversion routines
    /*virtual*/ bool convertCoords(LLCoordScreen from, LLCoordWindow *to);
    /*virtual*/ bool convertCoords(LLCoordWindow from, LLCoordScreen *to);
    /*virtual*/ bool convertCoords(LLCoordWindow from, LLCoordGL *to);
    /*virtual*/ bool convertCoords(LLCoordGL from, LLCoordWindow *to);
    /*virtual*/ bool convertCoords(LLCoordScreen from, LLCoordGL *to);
    /*virtual*/ bool convertCoords(LLCoordGL from, LLCoordScreen *to);

    /*virtual*/ LLWindowResolution* getSupportedResolutions(S32 &num_resolutions);
    /*virtual*/ F32 getNativeAspectRatio();
    /*virtual*/ F32 getPixelAspectRatio();
    /*virtual*/ void setNativeAspectRatio(F32 ratio) { mOverrideAspectRatio = ratio; }

    /*virtual*/ void beforeDialog();
    /*virtual*/ void afterDialog();

    /*virtual*/ bool dialogColorPicker(F32 *r, F32 *g, F32 *b);

    /*virtual*/ void *getPlatformWindow();
    /*virtual*/ void bringToFront();

    /*virtual*/ void spawnWebBrowser(const std::string& escaped_url, bool async);

    static std::vector<std::string> getDynamicFallbackFontList();

    // Not great that these are public, but they have to be accessible
    // by non-class code and it's better than making them global.
#if LL_X11
    Window mSDL_XWindowID;
    Display *mSDL_Display;
    void (*Lock_Display)(void);
    void (*Unlock_Display)(void);

#if LL_GTK
    // Lazily initialize and check the runtime GTK version for goodness.
    static bool ll_try_gtk_init(void);
#endif // LL_GTK

#if LL_X11
    static Window get_SDL_XWindowID(void);
    static Display* get_SDL_Display(void);
#endif // LL_X11

    LLWindowSDL(LLWindowCallbacks* callbacks,
        const std::string& title, int x, int y, int width, int height, U32 flags,
        bool fullscreen, bool clearBg, bool disable_vsync, bool use_gl,
        bool ignore_pixel_depth, U32 fsaa_samples);

    /*virtual*/ bool    isValid();
    /*virtual*/ LLSD    getNativeKeyData();

    void    initCursors();
    void    quitCursors();
    void    moveWindow(const LLCoordScreen& position,const LLCoordScreen& size);

    // Changes display resolution. Returns true if successful
    bool    setDisplayResolution(S32 width, S32 height, S32 bits, S32 refresh);

    // Go back to last fullscreen display resolution.
    bool    setFullscreenResolution();

    bool    shouldPostQuit() { return mPostQuit; }

    // Platform specific methods

    // create or re-create the GL context/window.  Called from the constructor and switchContext().
    bool createContext(int x, int y, int width, int height, int bits, bool fullscreen, bool disable_vsync);
    void destroyContext();
    void setupFailure(const std::string& text, const std::string& caption, U32 type);
    void fixWindowSize(void);
    U32 SDLCheckGrabbyKeys(SDLKey keysym, bool gain);
    bool SDLReallyCaptureInput(bool capture);

    // Platform specific variables
    U32             mGrabbyKeyFlags;
    int         mReallyCapturedCount;
    SDL_Surface *   mWindow;
    std::string mWindowTitle;
    double      mOriginalAspectRatio;
    bool        mNeedsResize;       // Constructor figured out the window is too big, it needs a resize.
    LLCoordScreen   mNeedsResizeSize;
    F32         mOverrideAspectRatio;
    F32     mGamma;
    U32     mFSAASamples;

    int     mSDLFlags;

    SDL_Cursor* mSDLCursors[UI_CURSOR_COUNT];
    int             mHaveInputFocus; /* 0=no, 1=yes, else unknown */
    int             mIsMinimized; /* 0=no, 1=yes, else unknown */

    friend class LLWindowManager;

#if LL_X11
    void x11_set_urgent(bool urgent);
    bool mFlashing;
    LLTimer mFlashTimer;
#endif //LL_X11

    U32 mKeyScanCode;
        U32 mKeyVirtualKey;
    SDLMod mKeyModifiers;

class LLSplashScreenSDL : public LLSplashScreen
    virtual ~LLSplashScreenSDL();

    /*virtual*/ void showImpl();
    /*virtual*/ void updateImpl(const std::string& mesg);
    /*virtual*/ void hideImpl();

S32 OSMessageBoxSDL(const std::string& text, const std::string& caption, U32 type);