/** * @file llopenglview-objc.mm * @brief Class implementation for most of the Mac facing window functionality. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2000&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #import "llopenglview-objc.h" #include "llwindowmacosx-objc.h" #import "llappdelegate-objc.h" @implementation NSScreen (PointConversion) + (NSScreen *)currentScreenForMouseLocation { NSPoint mouseLocation = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; NSEnumerator *screenEnumerator = [[NSScreen screens] objectEnumerator]; NSScreen *screen; while ((screen = [screenEnumerator nextObject]) && !NSMouseInRect(mouseLocation, screen.frame, NO)) ; return screen; } - (NSPoint)convertPointToScreenCoordinates:(NSPoint)aPoint { float normalizedX = fabs(fabs(self.frame.origin.x) - fabs(aPoint.x)); float normalizedY = aPoint.y - self.frame.origin.y; return NSMakePoint(normalizedX, normalizedY); } - (NSPoint)flipPoint:(NSPoint)aPoint { return NSMakePoint(aPoint.x, self.frame.size.height - aPoint.y); } @end attributedStringInfo getSegments(NSAttributedString *str) { attributedStringInfo segments; segment_lengths seg_lengths; segment_standouts seg_standouts; NSRange effectiveRange; NSRange limitRange = NSMakeRange(0, [str length]); while (limitRange.length > 0) { NSNumber *attr = [str attribute:NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName atIndex:limitRange.location longestEffectiveRange:&effectiveRange inRange:limitRange]; limitRange = NSMakeRange(NSMaxRange(effectiveRange), NSMaxRange(limitRange) - NSMaxRange(effectiveRange)); if (effectiveRange.length <= 0) { effectiveRange.length = 1; } if ([attr integerValue] == 2) { seg_lengths.push_back(effectiveRange.length); seg_standouts.push_back(true); } else { seg_lengths.push_back(effectiveRange.length); seg_standouts.push_back(false); } } segments.seg_lengths = seg_lengths; segments.seg_standouts = seg_standouts; return segments; } @implementation LLOpenGLView // Force a high quality update after live resizing - (void) viewDidEndLiveResize { if (mOldResize) //Maint-3135 { NSSize size = [self frame].size; callResize(size.width, size.height); } } - (unsigned long)getVramSize { CGLRendererInfoObj info = 0; GLint vram_bytes = 0; int num_renderers = 0; CGLError the_err = CGLQueryRendererInfo (CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask(kCGDirectMainDisplay), &info, &num_renderers); if(0 == the_err) { CGLDescribeRenderer (info, 0, kCGLRPTextureMemory, &vram_bytes); CGLDestroyRendererInfo (info); } else { vram_bytes = (256 << 20); } return (unsigned long)vram_bytes / 1048576; // We need this in megabytes. } - (void)viewDidMoveToWindow { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(windowResized:) name:NSWindowDidResizeNotification object:[self window]]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(windowWillMiniaturize:) name:NSWindowWillMiniaturizeNotification object:[self window]]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(windowDidDeminiaturize:) name:NSWindowDidDeminiaturizeNotification object:[self window]]; } - (void)setOldResize:(bool)oldresize { mOldResize = oldresize; } - (void)windowResized:(NSNotification *)notification; { if (!mOldResize) //Maint-3288 { NSSize size = [self frame].size; callResize(size.width, size.height); } } - (void)windowWillMiniaturize:(NSNotification *)notification; { callWindowHide(); } - (void)windowDidDeminiaturize:(NSNotification *)notification; { callWindowUnhide(); } - (void)dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [super dealloc]; } - (id) init { return [self initWithFrame:[self bounds] withSamples:2 andVsync:TRUE]; } - (id) initWithSamples:(NSUInteger)samples { return [self initWithFrame:[self bounds] withSamples:samples andVsync:TRUE]; } - (id) initWithSamples:(NSUInteger)samples andVsync:(BOOL)vsync { return [self initWithFrame:[self bounds] withSamples:samples andVsync:vsync]; } - (id) initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame withSamples:(NSUInteger)samples andVsync:(BOOL)vsync { [self registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSURLPboardType]]; [self initWithFrame:frame]; // Initialize with a default "safe" pixel format that will work with versions dating back to OS X 10.6. // Any specialized pixel formats, i.e. a core profile pixel format, should be initialized through rebuildContextWithFormat. // 10.7 and 10.8 don't really care if we're defining a profile or not. If we don't explicitly request a core or legacy profile, it'll always assume a legacy profile (for compatibility reasons). NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attrs[] = { NSOpenGLPFANoRecovery, NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer, NSOpenGLPFAClosestPolicy, NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated, NSOpenGLPFASampleBuffers, (samples > 0 ? 1 : 0), NSOpenGLPFASamples, samples, NSOpenGLPFAStencilSize, 8, NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, 24, NSOpenGLPFAAlphaSize, 8, NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, 24, 0 }; NSOpenGLPixelFormat *pixelFormat = [[[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attrs] autorelease]; if (pixelFormat == nil) { NSLog(@"Failed to create pixel format!", nil); return nil; } NSOpenGLContext *glContext = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:pixelFormat shareContext:nil]; if (glContext == nil) { NSLog(@"Failed to create OpenGL context!", nil); return nil; } [self setPixelFormat:pixelFormat]; [self setOpenGLContext:glContext]; [glContext setView:self]; [glContext makeCurrentContext]; if (vsync) { [glContext setValues:(const GLint*)1 forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval]; } else { [glContext setValues:(const GLint*)0 forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval]; } mOldResize = false; return self; } - (BOOL) rebuildContext { return [self rebuildContextWithFormat:[self pixelFormat]]; } - (BOOL) rebuildContextWithFormat:(NSOpenGLPixelFormat *)format { NSOpenGLContext *ctx = [self openGLContext]; [ctx clearDrawable]; [ctx initWithFormat:format shareContext:nil]; if (ctx == nil) { NSLog(@"Failed to create OpenGL context!", nil); return false; } [self setOpenGLContext:ctx]; [ctx setView:self]; [ctx makeCurrentContext]; return true; } - (CGLContextObj)getCGLContextObj { NSOpenGLContext *ctx = [self openGLContext]; return (CGLContextObj)[ctx CGLContextObj]; } - (CGLPixelFormatObj*)getCGLPixelFormatObj { NSOpenGLPixelFormat *fmt = [self pixelFormat]; return (CGLPixelFormatObj*)[fmt CGLPixelFormatObj]; } // Various events can be intercepted by our view, thus not reaching our window. // Intercept these events, and pass them to the window as needed. - Geenz - (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent { // Apparently people still use this? if ([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask && !([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask) && !([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) && !([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask) && !([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask) && !([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSFunctionKeyMask) && !([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSHelpKeyMask)) { callRightMouseDown(mMousePos, mModifiers); mSimulatedRightClick = true; } else { if ([theEvent clickCount] >= 2) { callDoubleClick(mMousePos, mModifiers); } else if ([theEvent clickCount] == 1) { callLeftMouseDown(mMousePos, mModifiers); } } } - (void) mouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent { if (mSimulatedRightClick) { callRightMouseUp(mMousePos, mModifiers); mSimulatedRightClick = false; } else { callLeftMouseUp(mMousePos, mModifiers); } } - (void) rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent { callRightMouseDown(mMousePos, mModifiers); } - (void) rightMouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent { callRightMouseUp(mMousePos, mModifiers); } - (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)theEvent { float mouseDeltas[2] = { [theEvent deltaX], [theEvent deltaY] }; callDeltaUpdate(mouseDeltas, 0); NSPoint mPoint = [theEvent locationInWindow]; mMousePos[0] = mPoint.x; mMousePos[1] = mPoint.y; callMouseMoved(mMousePos, 0); } // NSWindow doesn't trigger mouseMoved when the mouse is being clicked and dragged. // Use mouseDragged for situations like this to trigger our movement callback instead. - (void) mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent { // Trust the deltas supplied by NSEvent. // The old CoreGraphics APIs we previously relied on are now flagged as obsolete. // NSEvent isn't obsolete, and provides us with the correct deltas. float mouseDeltas[2] = { [theEvent deltaX], [theEvent deltaY] }; callDeltaUpdate(mouseDeltas, 0); NSPoint mPoint = [theEvent locationInWindow]; mMousePos[0] = mPoint.x; mMousePos[1] = mPoint.y; callMouseMoved(mMousePos, 0); } - (void) otherMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent { callMiddleMouseDown(mMousePos, mModifiers); } - (void) otherMouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent { callMiddleMouseUp(mMousePos, mModifiers); } - (void) rightMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent { [self mouseDragged:theEvent]; } - (void) otherMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent { [self mouseDragged:theEvent]; } - (void) scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)theEvent { callScrollMoved(-[theEvent deltaY]); } - (void) mouseExited:(NSEvent *)theEvent { callMouseExit(); } - (void) keyUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent { callKeyUp([theEvent keyCode], mModifiers); } - (void) keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent { uint keycode = [theEvent keyCode]; bool acceptsText = mHasMarkedText ? false : callKeyDown(keycode, mModifiers); if (acceptsText && !mMarkedTextAllowed && ![(LLAppDelegate*)[NSApp delegate] romanScript] && [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex:0] != NSDeleteCharacter && [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex:0] != NSBackspaceCharacter && [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex:0] != NSDownArrowFunctionKey && [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex:0] != NSUpArrowFunctionKey && [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex:0] != NSLeftArrowFunctionKey && [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex:0] != NSRightArrowFunctionKey) { [(LLAppDelegate*)[NSApp delegate] showInputWindow:true withEvent:theEvent]; } else { [[self inputContext] handleEvent:theEvent]; } // OS X intentionally does not send us key-up information on cmd-key combinations. // This behaviour is not a bug, and only applies to cmd-combinations (no others). // Since SL assumes we receive those, we fake it here. if (mModifiers & NSCommandKeyMask && !mHasMarkedText) { callKeyUp([theEvent keyCode], mModifiers); } } - (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)theEvent { mModifiers = [theEvent modifierFlags]; callModifier([theEvent modifierFlags]); NSInteger mask = 0; switch([theEvent keyCode]) { case 56: mask = NSShiftKeyMask; break; case 58: mask = NSAlternateKeyMask; break; case 59: mask = NSControlKeyMask; break; default: return; } if (mModifiers & mask) { callKeyDown([theEvent keyCode], 0); } else { callKeyUp([theEvent keyCode], 0); } } - (BOOL) acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } - (NSDragOperation) draggingEntered:(id)sender { NSPasteboard *pboard; NSDragOperation sourceDragMask; sourceDragMask = [sender draggingSourceOperationMask]; pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard]; if ([[pboard types] containsObject:NSURLPboardType]) { if (sourceDragMask & NSDragOperationLink) { NSURL *fileUrl = [[pboard readObjectsForClasses:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSURL class]] options:[NSDictionary dictionary]] objectAtIndex:0]; mLastDraggedUrl = [[fileUrl absoluteString] UTF8String]; return NSDragOperationLink; } } return NSDragOperationNone; } - (NSDragOperation)draggingUpdated:(id )sender { callHandleDragUpdated(mLastDraggedUrl); return NSDragOperationLink; } - (void) draggingExited:(id)sender { callHandleDragExited(mLastDraggedUrl); } - (BOOL)prepareForDragOperation:(id < NSDraggingInfo >)sender { return YES; } - (BOOL) performDragOperation:(id)sender { callHandleDragDropped(mLastDraggedUrl); return true; } - (BOOL)hasMarkedText { return mHasMarkedText; } - (NSRange)markedRange { int range[2]; getPreeditMarkedRange(&range[0], &range[1]); return NSMakeRange(range[0], range[1]); } - (NSRange)selectedRange { int range[2]; getPreeditSelectionRange(&range[0], &range[1]); return NSMakeRange(range[0], range[1]); } - (void)setMarkedText:(id)aString selectedRange:(NSRange)selectedRange replacementRange:(NSRange)replacementRange { if ([aString class] == NSClassFromString(@"NSConcreteMutableAttributedString")) { if (mMarkedTextAllowed) { unsigned int selected[2] = { selectedRange.location, selectedRange.length }; unsigned int replacement[2] = { replacementRange.location, replacementRange.length }; unichar text[[aString length]]; [[aString mutableString] getCharacters:text range:NSMakeRange(0, [aString length])]; attributedStringInfo segments = getSegments((NSAttributedString *)aString); setMarkedText(text, selected, replacement, [aString length], segments); mHasMarkedText = TRUE; mMarkedTextLength = [aString length]; } else { if (mHasMarkedText) { [self unmarkText]; } } } } - (void)commitCurrentPreedit { if (mHasMarkedText) { if ([[self inputContext] respondsToSelector:@selector(commitEditing)]) { [[self inputContext] commitEditing]; } } } - (void)unmarkText { [[self inputContext] discardMarkedText]; resetPreedit(); mHasMarkedText = FALSE; } // We don't support attributed strings. - (NSArray *)validAttributesForMarkedText { return [NSArray array]; } // See above. - (NSAttributedString *)attributedSubstringForProposedRange:(NSRange)aRange actualRange:(NSRangePointer)actualRange { return nil; } - (void)insertText:(id)insertString { if (insertString != nil) { [self insertText:insertString replacementRange:NSMakeRange(0, [insertString length])]; } } - (void)insertText:(id)aString replacementRange:(NSRange)replacementRange { if (!mHasMarkedText) { for (NSInteger i = 0; i < [aString length]; i++) { callUnicodeCallback([aString characterAtIndex:i], mModifiers); } } else { resetPreedit(); // We may never get this point since unmarkText may be called before insertText ever gets called once we submit our text. // But just in case... for (NSInteger i = 0; i < [aString length]; i++) { handleUnicodeCharacter([aString characterAtIndex:i]); } mHasMarkedText = FALSE; } } - (void) insertNewline:(id)sender { if (!(mModifiers & NSCommandKeyMask) && !(mModifiers & NSShiftKeyMask) && !(mModifiers & NSAlternateKeyMask)) { callUnicodeCallback(13, 0); } else { callUnicodeCallback(13, mModifiers); } } - (NSUInteger)characterIndexForPoint:(NSPoint)aPoint { return NSNotFound; } - (NSRect)firstRectForCharacterRange:(NSRange)aRange actualRange:(NSRangePointer)actualRange { float pos[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; getPreeditLocation(pos, mMarkedTextLength); return NSMakeRect(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3]); } - (void)doCommandBySelector:(SEL)aSelector { if (aSelector == @selector(insertNewline:)) { [self insertNewline:self]; } } - (BOOL)drawsVerticallyForCharacterAtIndex:(NSUInteger)charIndex { return NO; } - (void) allowMarkedTextInput:(bool)allowed { mMarkedTextAllowed = allowed; } @end @implementation LLUserInputWindow - (void) close { [self orderOut:self]; } @end @implementation LLNonInlineTextView - (void) setGLView:(LLOpenGLView *)view { glview = view; } - (void) insertText:(id)insertString { [[self inputContext] discardMarkedText]; [self setString:@""]; [_window orderOut:_window]; [self insertText:insertString replacementRange:NSMakeRange(0, [insertString length])]; } - (void) insertText:(id)aString replacementRange:(NSRange)replacementRange { [glview insertText:aString replacementRange:replacementRange]; } - (void) insertNewline:(id)sender { [[self textStorage] setValue:@""]; [[self inputContext] discardMarkedText]; [self setString:@""]; } - (void)doCommandBySelector:(SEL)aSelector { if (aSelector == @selector(insertNewline:)) { [self insertNewline:self]; } } @end @implementation LLNSWindow - (id) init { return self; } - (NSPoint)convertToScreenFromLocalPoint:(NSPoint)point relativeToView:(NSView *)view { NSScreen *currentScreen = [NSScreen currentScreenForMouseLocation]; if(currentScreen) { NSPoint windowPoint = [view convertPoint:point toView:nil]; NSPoint screenPoint = [[view window] convertBaseToScreen:windowPoint]; NSPoint flippedScreenPoint = [currentScreen flipPoint:screenPoint]; flippedScreenPoint.y += [currentScreen frame].origin.y; return flippedScreenPoint; } return NSZeroPoint; } - (NSPoint)flipPoint:(NSPoint)aPoint { return NSMakePoint(aPoint.x, self.frame.size.height - aPoint.y); } - (BOOL) becomeFirstResponder { callFocus(); return true; } - (BOOL) resignFirstResponder { callFocusLost(); return true; } - (void) close { callQuitHandler(); } @end