/** * @file fmodwrapper.cpp * @brief dummy source file for building a shared library to wrap libfmod.a * * Copyright (c) 2005-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc. * $License$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "lldir_solaris.h" #include "llerror.h" #include "llrand.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _STRUCTURED_PROC 1 #include static std::string getCurrentUserHome(char* fallback) { const uid_t uid = getuid(); struct passwd *pw; char *result_cstr = fallback; pw = getpwuid(uid); if ((pw != NULL) && (pw->pw_dir != NULL)) { result_cstr = (char*) pw->pw_dir; } else { llinfos << "Couldn't detect home directory from passwd - trying $HOME" << llendl; const char *const home_env = getenv("HOME"); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ if (home_env) { result_cstr = (char*) home_env; } else { llwarns << "Couldn't detect home directory! Falling back to " << fallback << llendl; } } return std::string(result_cstr); } LLDir_Solaris::LLDir_Solaris() { mDirDelimiter = "/"; mCurrentDirIndex = -1; mCurrentDirCount = -1; mDirp = NULL; char tmp_str[LL_MAX_PATH]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */ getcwd(tmp_str, LL_MAX_PATH); mExecutableFilename = ""; mExecutablePathAndName = ""; mExecutableDir = strdup(tmp_str); mWorkingDir = strdup(tmp_str); mAppRODataDir = strdup(tmp_str); mOSUserDir = getCurrentUserHome(tmp_str); mOSUserAppDir = ""; mLindenUserDir = tmp_str; char path [LL_MAX_PATH]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */ sprintf(path, "/proc/%d/psinfo", (int)getpid()); int proc_fd = -1; if((proc_fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) == -1){ llwarns << "unable to open " << path << llendl; return; } psinfo_t proc_psinfo; if(read(proc_fd, &proc_psinfo, sizeof(psinfo_t)) != sizeof(psinfo_t)){ llwarns << "Unable to read " << path << llendl; close(proc_fd); return; } close(proc_fd); mExecutableFilename = strdup(proc_psinfo.pr_fname); llinfos << "mExecutableFilename = [" << mExecutableFilename << "]" << llendl; sprintf(path, "/proc/%d/path/a.out", (int)getpid()); char execpath[LL_MAX_PATH]; if(readlink(path, execpath, LL_MAX_PATH) == -1){ llwarns << "Unable to read link from " << path << llendl; return; } mExecutablePathAndName = strdup(execpath); llinfos << "mExecutablePathAndName = [" << mExecutablePathAndName << "]" << llendl; // plunk a null at last '/' to get exec dir char *s = execpath + strlen(execpath) -1; while(*s != '/' && s != execpath){ --s; } if(s != execpath){ *s = (char)NULL; mExecutableDir = strdup(execpath); llinfos << "mExecutableDir = [" << mExecutableDir << "]" << llendl; } // *TODO: don't use /tmp, use $HOME/.secondlife/tmp or something. mTempDir = "/tmp"; } LLDir_Solaris::~LLDir_Solaris() { } // Implementation void LLDir_Solaris::initAppDirs(const std::string &app_name) { mAppName = app_name; LLString upper_app_name(app_name); LLString::toUpper(upper_app_name); char* app_home_env = getenv((upper_app_name + "_USER_DIR").c_str()); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ if (app_home_env) { // user has specified own userappdir i.e. $SECONDLIFE_USER_DIR mOSUserAppDir = app_home_env; } else { // traditionally on unixoids, MyApp gets ~/.myapp dir for data mOSUserAppDir = mOSUserDir; mOSUserAppDir += "/"; mOSUserAppDir += "."; LLString lower_app_name(app_name); LLString::toLower(lower_app_name); mOSUserAppDir += lower_app_name; } // create any directories we expect to write to. int res = LLFile::mkdir(mOSUserAppDir.c_str()); if (res == -1) { if (errno != EEXIST) { llwarns << "Couldn't create app user dir " << mOSUserAppDir << llendl; llwarns << "Default to base dir" << mOSUserDir << llendl; mOSUserAppDir = mOSUserDir; } } res = LLFile::mkdir(getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_LOGS,"").c_str()); if (res == -1) { if (errno != EEXIST) { llwarns << "Couldn't create LL_PATH_LOGS dir " << getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_LOGS,"") << llendl; } } res = LLFile::mkdir(getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_USER_SETTINGS,"").c_str()); if (res == -1) { if (errno != EEXIST) { llwarns << "Couldn't create LL_PATH_USER_SETTINGS dir " << getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_USER_SETTINGS,"") << llendl; } } res = LLFile::mkdir(getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_CACHE,"").c_str()); if (res == -1) { if (errno != EEXIST) { llwarns << "Couldn't create LL_PATH_CACHE dir " << getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_CACHE,"") << llendl; } } res = LLFile::mkdir(getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_MOZILLA_PROFILE,"").c_str()); if (res == -1) { if (errno != EEXIST) { llwarns << "Couldn't create LL_PATH_MOZILLA_PROFILE dir " << getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_MOZILLA_PROFILE,"") << llendl; } } mCAFile = getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_APP_SETTINGS, "CA.pem"); } U32 LLDir_Solaris::countFilesInDir(const std::string &dirname, const std::string &mask) { U32 file_count = 0; glob_t g; std::string tmp_str; tmp_str = dirname; tmp_str += mask; if(glob(tmp_str.c_str(), GLOB_NOSORT, NULL, &g) == 0) { file_count = g.gl_pathc; globfree(&g); } return (file_count); } // get the next file in the directory // automatically wrap if we've hit the end BOOL LLDir_Solaris::getNextFileInDir(const std::string &dirname, const std::string &mask, std::string &fname, BOOL wrap) { glob_t g; BOOL result = FALSE; fname = ""; if(!(dirname == mCurrentDir)) { // different dir specified, close old search mCurrentDirIndex = -1; mCurrentDirCount = -1; mCurrentDir = dirname; } std::string tmp_str; tmp_str = dirname; tmp_str += mask; if(glob(tmp_str.c_str(), GLOB_NOSORT, NULL, &g) == 0) { if(g.gl_pathc > 0) { if((int)g.gl_pathc != mCurrentDirCount) { // Number of matches has changed since the last search, meaning a file has been added or deleted. // Reset the index. mCurrentDirIndex = -1; mCurrentDirCount = g.gl_pathc; } mCurrentDirIndex++; if((mCurrentDirIndex >= (int)g.gl_pathc) && wrap) { mCurrentDirIndex = 0; } if(mCurrentDirIndex < (int)g.gl_pathc) { // llinfos << "getNextFileInDir: returning number " << mCurrentDirIndex << ", path is " << g.gl_pathv[mCurrentDirIndex] << llendl; // The API wants just the filename, not the full path. //fname = g.gl_pathv[mCurrentDirIndex]; char *s = strrchr(g.gl_pathv[mCurrentDirIndex], '/'); if(s == NULL) s = g.gl_pathv[mCurrentDirIndex]; else if(s[0] == '/') s++; fname = s; result = TRUE; } } globfree(&g); } return(result); } // get a random file in the directory // automatically wrap if we've hit the end void LLDir_Solaris::getRandomFileInDir(const std::string &dirname, const std::string &mask, std::string &fname) { S32 num_files; S32 which_file; DIR *dirp; dirent *entryp = NULL; fname = ""; num_files = countFilesInDir(dirname,mask); if (!num_files) { return; } which_file = ll_rand(num_files); // llinfos << "Random select file #" << which_file << llendl; // which_file now indicates the (zero-based) index to which file to play if (!((dirp = opendir(dirname.c_str())))) { while (which_file--) { if (!((entryp = readdir(dirp)))) { return; } } if ((!which_file) && entryp) { fname = entryp->d_name; } closedir(dirp); } } std::string LLDir_Solaris::getCurPath() { char tmp_str[LL_MAX_PATH]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */ getcwd(tmp_str, LL_MAX_PATH); return tmp_str; } BOOL LLDir_Solaris::fileExists(const std::string &filename) { struct stat stat_data; // Check the age of the file // Now, we see if the files we've gathered are recent... int res = stat(filename.c_str(), &stat_data); if (!res) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }