/** * @file lldir.h * @brief Definition of directory utilities class * * Copyright (c) 2000-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc. * $License$ */ #ifndef LL_LLDIR_H #define LL_LLDIR_H typedef enum ELLPath { LL_PATH_NONE = 0, LL_PATH_USER_SETTINGS = 1, LL_PATH_APP_SETTINGS = 2, LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT = 3, LL_PATH_CACHE = 4, LL_PATH_CHARACTER = 5, LL_PATH_MOTIONS = 6, LL_PATH_HELP = 7, LL_PATH_LOGS = 8, LL_PATH_TEMP = 9, LL_PATH_SKINS = 10, LL_PATH_TOP_SKIN = 11, LL_PATH_CHAT_LOGS = 12, LL_PATH_PER_ACCOUNT_CHAT_LOGS = 13, LL_PATH_MOZILLA_PROFILE = 14, LL_PATH_COUNT = 15 } ELLPath; class LLDir { public: LLDir(); virtual ~LLDir(); virtual void initAppDirs(const std::string &app_name) = 0; public: virtual S32 deleteFilesInDir(const std::string &dirname, const std::string &mask); // pure virtual functions virtual U32 countFilesInDir(const std::string &dirname, const std::string &mask) = 0; virtual BOOL getNextFileInDir(const std::string &dirname, const std::string &mask, std::string &fname, BOOL wrap) = 0; virtual void getRandomFileInDir(const std::string &dirname, const std::string &mask, std::string &fname) = 0; virtual std::string getCurPath() = 0; virtual BOOL fileExists(const std::string &filename) = 0; const std::string findFile(const std::string &filename, const std::string searchPath1 = "", const std::string searchPath2 = "", const std::string searchPath3 = ""); const std::string &getExecutablePathAndName() const; // Full pathname of the executable const std::string &getAppName() const; // install directory under progams/ ie "SecondLife" const std::string &getExecutableDir() const; // Directory where the executable is located const std::string &getExecutableFilename() const;// Filename of .exe const std::string &getWorkingDir() const; // Current working directory const std::string &getAppRODataDir() const; // Location of read-only data files const std::string &getOSUserDir() const; // Location of the os-specific user dir const std::string &getOSUserAppDir() const; // Location of the os-specific user app dir const std::string &getLindenUserDir() const; // Location of the Linden user dir. const std::string &getChatLogsDir() const; // Location of the chat logs dir. const std::string &getPerAccountChatLogsDir() const; // Location of the per account chat logs dir. const std::string &getTempDir() const; // Common temporary directory const std::string &getCAFile() const; // File containing TLS certificate authorities const std::string &getDirDelimiter() const; // directory separator for platform (ie. '\' or '/' or ':') const std::string &getSkinDir() const; // User-specified skin folder. // Expanded filename std::string getExpandedFilename(ELLPath location, const std::string &filename) const; // random filename in common temporary directory std::string getTempFilename() const; virtual void setChatLogsDir(const std::string &path); // Set the chat logs dir to this user's dir virtual void setPerAccountChatLogsDir(const std::string &first, const std::string &last); // Set the per user chat log directory. virtual void setLindenUserDir(const std::string &first, const std::string &last); // Set the linden user dir to this user's dir virtual void setSkinFolder(const std::string &skin_folder); virtual void dumpCurrentDirectories(); protected: std::string mAppName; // install directory under progams/ ie "SecondLife" std::string mExecutablePathAndName; // full path + Filename of .exe std::string mExecutableFilename; // Filename of .exe std::string mExecutableDir; // Location of executable std::string mWorkingDir; // Current working directory std::string mAppRODataDir; // Location for static app data std::string mOSUserDir; // OS Specific user directory std::string mOSUserAppDir; // OS Specific user app directory std::string mLindenUserDir; // Location for Linden user-specific data std::string mPerAccountChatLogsDir; // Location for chat logs. std::string mChatLogsDir; // Location for chat logs. std::string mCAFile; // Location of the TLS certificate authority PEM file. std::string mTempDir; std::string mDirDelimiter; std::string mSkinDir; // Location for u ser-specified skin info. }; void dir_exists_or_crash(const std::string &dir_name); extern LLDir *gDirUtilp; #endif // LL_LLDIR_H