 * @file llurlentry_test.cpp
 * @author Martin Reddy
 * @brief Unit tests for LLUrlEntry objects
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$
 * Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc.
 * The following source code is PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL. Use of
 * this source code is governed by the Linden Lab Source Code Disclosure
 * Agreement ("Agreement") previously entered between you and Linden
 * Lab. By accessing, using, copying, modifying or distributing this
 * software, you acknowledge that you have been informed of your
 * obligations under the Agreement and agree to abide by those obligations.
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "linden_common.h"
#include "../llurlentry.h"
#include "llurlentry_stub.cpp"
#include "lltut.h"
#include "../lluicolortable.h"

#include <boost/regex.hpp>

LLUIColor LLUIColorTable::getColor(const std::string& name, const LLColor4& default_color) const
	return LLUIColor();

LLUIColor::LLUIColor() {}

namespace tut
	struct LLUrlEntryData

	typedef test_group<LLUrlEntryData> factory;
	typedef factory::object object;

	tut::factory tf("LLUrlEntry");

namespace tut
	void testRegex(const std::string &testname, boost::regex regex,
				   const char *text, const std::string &expected)
		std::string url = "";
		boost::cmatch result;
		bool found = boost::regex_search(text, result, regex);
		if (found)
			S32 start = static_cast<U32>(result[0].first - text);
			S32 end = static_cast<U32>(result[0].second - text);
			url = std::string(text+start, end-start);
		ensure_equals(testname, url, expected);

	template<> template<>
	void object::test<1>()
		// test LLUrlEntryHTTP - standard http Urls
		LLUrlEntryHTTP url;
		boost::regex r = url.getPattern();

		testRegex("no valid url", r,

		testRegex("simple http (1)", r,

		testRegex("simple http (2)", r,

		testRegex("simple http (3)", r,

		testRegex("simple https", r,

		testRegex("http in text (1)", r,
				  "XX http://slurl.com/ XX",

		testRegex("http in text (2)", r,
				  "XX http://slurl.com/about.php XX",

		testRegex("https in text", r,
				  "XX https://slurl.com/about.php XX",

		testRegex("two http urls", r,
				  "XX http://slurl.com/about.php http://secondlife.com/ XX",

		testRegex("http url with port and username", r,
				  "XX http://nobody@slurl.com:80/about.php http://secondlife.com/ XX",

		testRegex("http url with port, username, and query string", r,
				  "XX http://nobody@slurl.com:80/about.php?title=hi%20there http://secondlife.com/ XX",

		// note: terminating commas will be removed by LLUrlRegistry:findUrl()
		testRegex("http url with commas in middle and terminating", r,
				  "XX http://slurl.com/?title=Hi,There, XX",

		// note: terminating periods will be removed by LLUrlRegistry:findUrl()
		testRegex("http url with periods in middle and terminating", r,
				  "XX http://slurl.com/index.php. XX",

		// DEV-19842: Closing parenthesis ")" breaks urls
		testRegex("http url with brackets (1)", r,
				  "XX http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JIRA_(software) XX",

		// DEV-19842: Closing parenthesis ")" breaks urls
		testRegex("http url with brackets (2)", r, 
				  "XX http://jira.secondlife.com/secure/attachment/17990/eggy+avs+in+1.21.0+(93713)+public+nightly.jpg XX",

		// DEV-10353: URLs in chat log terminated incorrectly when newline in chat
		testRegex("http url with newlines", r,

	template<> template<>
	void object::test<2>()
		// test LLUrlEntryHTTPLabel - wiki-style http Urls with labels
		LLUrlEntryHTTPLabel url;
		boost::regex r = url.getPattern();

		testRegex("invalid wiki url [1]", r,

		testRegex("invalid wiki url [2]", r,

		testRegex("invalid wiki url [3]", r,
				  "[http://www.example.org Label",

		testRegex("example.org with label (spaces)", r,
				  "[http://www.example.org  Text]",
				  "[http://www.example.org  Text]");

		testRegex("example.org with label (tabs)", r,
				  "[http://www.example.org\t Text]",
				  "[http://www.example.org\t Text]");

		testRegex("SL http URL with label", r,
				  "[http://www.secondlife.com/ Second Life]",
				  "[http://www.secondlife.com/ Second Life]");

		testRegex("SL https URL with label", r,
				  "XXX [https://www.secondlife.com/ Second Life] YYY",
				  "[https://www.secondlife.com/ Second Life]");

		testRegex("SL http URL with label", r,
				  "[http://www.secondlife.com/?test=Hi%20There Second Life]",
				  "[http://www.secondlife.com/?test=Hi%20There Second Life]");

	template<> template<>
	void object::test<3>()
		// test LLUrlEntrySLURL - second life URLs
		LLUrlEntrySLURL url;
		boost::regex r = url.getPattern();

		testRegex("no valid slurl [1]", r,

		testRegex("no valid slurl [2]", r,

		testRegex("no valid slurl [3]", r,

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50,50) [1]", r,

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50,50) [2]", r,
				  "XXX http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ahern/50/50/50/ XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50,50) [3]", r,
				  "XXX http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ahern/50/50/50 XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50,50) multicase", r,
				  "XXX http://SLUrl.com/SecondLife/Ahern/50/50/50/ XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50) [1]", r,
				  "XXX http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ahern/50/50/ XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50) [2]", r,
				  "XXX http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ahern/50/50 XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern (50)", r,
				  "XXX http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ahern/50 XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern", r,
				  "XXX http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ahern/ XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern SLURL with title", r,
				  "XXX http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ahern/50/50/50/?title=YOUR%20TITLE%20HERE! XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern SLURL with msg", r,
				  "XXX http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ahern/50/50/50/?msg=Your%20text%20here. XXX",

		// DEV-21577: In-world SLURLs containing "(" or ")" are not treated as a hyperlink in chat
		testRegex("SLURL with brackets", r,
				  "XXX http://slurl.com/secondlife/Burning%20Life%20(Hyper)/27/210/30 XXX",

		// DEV-35459: SLURLs and teleport Links not parsed properly
		testRegex("SLURL with quote", r,
				  "XXX http://slurl.com/secondlife/A'ksha%20Oasis/41/166/701 XXX",

	template<> template<>
	void object::test<4>()
		// test LLUrlEntryAgent - secondlife://app/agent Urls
		LLUrlEntryAgent url;
		boost::regex r = url.getPattern();

		testRegex("Invalid Agent Url", r,

		testRegex("Agent Url ", r,

		testRegex("Agent Url in text", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///app/agent/0e346d8b-4433-4d66-a6b0-fd37083abc4c/about XXX",

		testRegex("Agent Url multicase", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///App/AGENT/0E346D8B-4433-4d66-a6b0-fd37083abc4c/About XXX",

		testRegex("Agent Url alternate command", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///App/AGENT/0E346D8B-4433-4d66-a6b0-fd37083abc4c/foobar",


	template<> template<>
	void object::test<5>()
		// test LLUrlEntryGroup - secondlife://app/group Urls
		LLUrlEntryGroup url;
		boost::regex r = url.getPattern();

		testRegex("Invalid Group Url", r,

		testRegex("Group Url ", r,

		testRegex("Group Url ", r,

		testRegex("Group Url in text", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///app/group/00005ff3-4044-c79f-9de8-fb28ae0df991/about XXX",

		testRegex("Group Url multicase", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///APP/Group/00005FF3-4044-c79f-9de8-fb28ae0df991/About XXX",

	template<> template<>
	void object::test<6>()
		// test LLUrlEntryPlace - secondlife://<location> URLs
		LLUrlEntryPlace url;
		boost::regex r = url.getPattern();

		testRegex("no valid slurl [1]", r,

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50,50) [1]", r,

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50,50) [2]", r,
				  "XXX secondlife://Ahern/50/50/50/ XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50,50) [3]", r,
				  "XXX secondlife://Ahern/50/50/50 XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50,50) multicase", r,
				  "XXX SecondLife://Ahern/50/50/50/ XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50) [1]", r,
				  "XXX secondlife://Ahern/50/50/ XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50) [2]", r,
				  "XXX secondlife://Ahern/50/50 XXX",

		// DEV-21577: In-world SLURLs containing "(" or ")" are not treated as a hyperlink in chat
		testRegex("SLURL with brackets", r,
				  "XXX secondlife://Burning%20Life%20(Hyper)/27/210/30 XXX",

		// DEV-35459: SLURLs and teleport Links not parsed properly
		testRegex("SLURL with quote", r,
				  "XXX secondlife://A'ksha%20Oasis/41/166/701 XXX",

	template<> template<>
	void object::test<7>()
		// test LLUrlEntryParcel - secondlife://app/parcel Urls
		LLUrlEntryParcel url;
		boost::regex r = url.getPattern();

		testRegex("Invalid Classified Url", r,

		testRegex("Classified Url ", r,

		testRegex("Classified Url in text", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///app/parcel/0000060e-4b39-e00b-d0c3-d98b1934e3a8/about XXX",

		testRegex("Classified Url multicase", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///APP/Parcel/0000060e-4b39-e00b-d0c3-d98b1934e3a8/About XXX",
	template<> template<>
	void object::test<8>()
		// test LLUrlEntryTeleport - secondlife://app/teleport URLs
		LLUrlEntryTeleport url;
		boost::regex r = url.getPattern();

		testRegex("no valid teleport [1]", r,

		testRegex("no valid teleport [2]", r,

		testRegex("no valid teleport [3]", r,

		testRegex("no valid teleport [3]", r,

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50,50) [1]", r,

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50,50) [2]", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///app/teleport/Ahern/50/50/50/ XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50,50) [3]", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///app/teleport/Ahern/50/50/50 XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50,50) multicase", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///app/teleport/Ahern/50/50/50/ XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50) [1]", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///app/teleport/Ahern/50/50/ XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern (50,50) [2]", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///app/teleport/Ahern/50/50 XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern (50)", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///app/teleport/Ahern/50 XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///app/teleport/Ahern/ XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern teleport with title", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///app/teleport/Ahern/50/50/50/?title=YOUR%20TITLE%20HERE! XXX",

		testRegex("Ahern teleport with msg", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///app/teleport/Ahern/50/50/50/?msg=Your%20text%20here. XXX",

		// DEV-21577: In-world SLURLs containing "(" or ")" are not treated as a hyperlink in chat
		testRegex("Teleport with brackets", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///app/teleport/Burning%20Life%20(Hyper)/27/210/30 XXX",

		// DEV-35459: SLURLs and teleport Links not parsed properly
		testRegex("Teleport url with quote", r,
				  "XXX secondlife:///app/teleport/A'ksha%20Oasis/41/166/701 XXX",

	template<> template<>
	void object::test<9>()
		// test LLUrlEntrySL - general secondlife:// URLs
		LLUrlEntrySL url;
		boost::regex r = url.getPattern();

		testRegex("no valid slapp [1]", r,

		testRegex("valid slapp [1]", r,

		testRegex("valid slapp [2]", r,

		testRegex("valid slapp [3]", r,

		testRegex("valid slapp [4]", r,

		testRegex("valid slapp [5]", r,

		testRegex("valid slapp [6]", r,

	template<> template<>
	void object::test<10>()
		// test LLUrlEntrySLLabel - general secondlife:// URLs with labels
		LLUrlEntrySLLabel url;
		boost::regex r = url.getPattern();

		testRegex("invalid wiki url [1]", r,

		testRegex("invalid wiki url [2]", r,

		testRegex("invalid wiki url [3]", r,
				  "[secondlife:///app/ Label",

		testRegex("agent slurl with label (spaces)", r,
				  "[secondlife:///app/agent/0e346d8b-4433-4d66-a6b0-fd37083abc4c/about  Text]",
				  "[secondlife:///app/agent/0e346d8b-4433-4d66-a6b0-fd37083abc4c/about  Text]");

		testRegex("agent slurl with label (tabs)", r,
				  "[secondlife:///app/agent/0e346d8b-4433-4d66-a6b0-fd37083abc4c/about\t Text]",
				  "[secondlife:///app/agent/0e346d8b-4433-4d66-a6b0-fd37083abc4c/about\t Text]");

		testRegex("agent slurl with label", r,
				  "[secondlife:///app/agent/0e346d8b-4433-4d66-a6b0-fd37083abc4c/about FirstName LastName]",
				  "[secondlife:///app/agent/0e346d8b-4433-4d66-a6b0-fd37083abc4c/about FirstName LastName]");

		testRegex("teleport slurl with label", r,
				  "XXX [secondlife:///app/teleport/Ahern/50/50/50/ Teleport to Ahern] YYY",
				  "[secondlife:///app/teleport/Ahern/50/50/50/ Teleport to Ahern]");

	template<> template<>
	void object::test<11>()
		// test LLUrlEntryHTTPNoProtocol - general URLs without a protocol
		LLUrlEntryHTTPNoProtocol url;
		boost::regex r = url.getPattern();

		testRegex("naked .com URL", r,
				  "see google.com",

		testRegex("naked .org URL", r,
				  "see en.wikipedia.org for details",

		testRegex("naked .net URL", r,

		testRegex("naked .edu URL (2 instances)", r,
				  "MIT web site is at web.mit.edu and also www.mit.edu",

		testRegex("don't match e-mail addresses", r,

		testRegex(".com URL with path", r,
				  "see secondlife.com/status for grid status",

		testRegex(".com URL with port", r,

		testRegex(".com URL with port and path", r,
				  "see secondlife.com:80/status",

		testRegex("www.*.com URL with port and path", r,
				  "see www.secondlife.com:80/status",

		testRegex("invalid .com URL [1]", r,

		testRegex("invalid .com URL [2]", r,

		testRegex("invalid .com URL [3]", r,

		testRegex("invalid .edu URL", r,
				  "hi there scheduled maitenance has begun",

		testRegex("invalid .net URL", r,