 * @file llview.cpp
 * @author James Cook
 * @brief Container for other views, anything that draws.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "linden_common.h"

#define LLVIEW_CPP
#include "llview.h"

#include <sstream>
#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>

#include "llrender.h"
#include "llevent.h"
#include "llfocusmgr.h"
#include "llrect.h"
#include "llstl.h"
#include "llui.h"
#include "lluictrl.h"
#include "llwindow.h"
#include "v3color.h"
#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
#include "lltooltip.h"
#include "llsdutil.h"
#include "llsdserialize.h"
#include "llviewereventrecorder.h"
#include "llkeyboard.h"
// for ui edit hack
#include "llbutton.h"
#include "lllineeditor.h"
#include "lltexteditor.h"
#include "lltextbox.h"

static const S32 LINE_HEIGHT = 15;

S32     LLView::sDepth = 0;
bool    LLView::sDebugRects = false;
bool    LLView::sDebugUnicode = false;
bool    LLView::sDebugCamera = false;
bool    LLView::sIsRectDirty = false;
LLRect  LLView::sDirtyRect;
bool    LLView::sDebugRectsShowNames = true;
bool    LLView::sDebugKeys = false;
bool    LLView::sDebugMouseHandling = false;
std::string LLView::sMouseHandlerMessage;
bool    LLView::sForceReshape = false;
std::set<LLView*> LLView::sPreviewHighlightedElements;
bool LLView::sHighlightingDiffs = false;
LLView* LLView::sPreviewClickedElement = NULL;
bool    LLView::sDrawPreviewHighlights = false;
S32     LLView::sLastLeftXML = S32_MIN;
S32     LLView::sLastBottomXML = S32_MIN;
std::vector<LLViewDrawContext*> LLViewDrawContext::sDrawContextStack;

LLView::DrilldownFunc LLView::sDrilldown =
    boost::bind(&LLView::pointInView, _1, _2, _3, HIT_TEST_USE_BOUNDING_RECT);

//#if LL_DEBUG
bool LLView::sIsDrawing = false;

// Compiler optimization, generate extern template
template class LLView* LLView::getChild<class LLView>(
    std::string_view name, bool recurse) const;

static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register<LLView> r("view");

void deleteView(LLView *aView)
    delete aView;

namespace LLInitParam
    void TypeValues<LLView::EOrientation>::declareValues()
        declare("horizontal", LLView::HORIZONTAL);
        declare("vertical", LLView::VERTICAL);

:   string(""),
    flags("flags", FOLLOWS_LEFT | FOLLOWS_TOP)

:   name("name", std::string("unnamed")),
    enabled("enabled", true),
    visible("visible", true),
    mouse_opaque("mouse_opaque", true),
    hover_cursor("hover_cursor", "UI_CURSOR_ARROW"),
    use_bounding_rect("use_bounding_rect", false),
    tab_group("tab_group", 0),
    sound_flags("sound_flags", MOUSE_UP),
    bottom_delta("bottom_delta", S32_MAX),
    top_delta("top_delta", S32_MAX),
    left_delta("left_delta", S32_MAX),
    from_xui("from_xui", false),
    focus_root("focus_root", false),

    addSynonym(rect, "");

LLView::LLView(const LLView::Params& p)
:   mVisible(p.visible),
    // create rect first, as this will supply initial follows flags

    //LL_INFOS() << "Deleting view " << mName << ":" << (void*) this << LL_ENDL;
    if (LLView::sIsDrawing)
        LL_DEBUGS() << "Deleting view " << mName << " during UI draw() phase" << LL_ENDL;
//  llassert(LLView::sIsDrawing == false);

//  llassert_always(sDepth == 0); // avoid deleting views while drawing! It can subtly break list iterators

    if( hasMouseCapture() )
        //LL_WARNS() << "View holding mouse capture deleted: " << getName() << ".  Mouse capture removed." << LL_ENDL;
        gFocusMgr.removeMouseCaptureWithoutCallback( this );


    if (mParentView != NULL)

    if (mDefaultWidgets)
        delete mDefaultWidgets;
        mDefaultWidgets = NULL;

// virtual
bool LLView::isCtrl() const
    return false;

// virtual
bool LLView::isPanel() const
    return false;

void LLView::setToolTip(const LLStringExplicit& msg)
    mToolTipMsg = msg;

bool LLView::setToolTipArg(const LLStringExplicit& key, const LLStringExplicit& text)
    mToolTipMsg.setArg(key, text);
    return true;

void LLView::setToolTipArgs( const LLStringUtil::format_map_t& args )

// virtual
void LLView::setRect(const LLRect& rect)
    mRect = rect;

void LLView::setUseBoundingRect( bool use_bounding_rect )
    if (mUseBoundingRect != use_bounding_rect)
        mUseBoundingRect = use_bounding_rect;

bool LLView::getUseBoundingRect() const
    return mUseBoundingRect;

// virtual
const std::string& LLView::getName() const
    static std::string no_name("(no name)");

    return mName.empty() ? no_name : mName;

void LLView::sendChildToFront(LLView* child)
//  llassert_always(sDepth == 0); // Avoid re-ordering while drawing; it can cause subtle iterator bugs
    if (child && child->getParent() == this)
        // minor optimization, but more importantly,
        //  won't temporarily create an empty list
        if (child != mChildList.front())
            mChildList.remove( child );

void LLView::sendChildToBack(LLView* child)
//  llassert_always(sDepth == 0); // Avoid re-ordering while drawing; it can cause subtle iterator bugs
    if (child && child->getParent() == this)
        // minor optimization, but more importantly,
        //  won't temporarily create an empty list
        if (child != mChildList.back())
            mChildList.remove( child );

// virtual
bool LLView::addChild(LLView* child, S32 tab_group)
    if (!child)
        return false;

    if (this == child)
        LL_ERRS() << "Adding view " << child->getName() << " as child of itself" << LL_ENDL;

    // remove from current parent
    if (child->mParentView)

    // add to front of child list, as normal

    // add to tab order list
    if (tab_group != 0)
        mTabOrder.insert(tab_order_pair_t(child, tab_group));

    child->mParentView = this;
    if (getVisible() && child->getVisible())
        // if child isn't visible it won't affect bounding rect
        // if current view is not visible it will be recalculated
        // on visibility change
    mLastTabGroup = tab_group;
    return true;

bool LLView::addChildInBack(LLView* child, S32 tab_group)
    if(addChild(child, tab_group))
        return true;

    return false;

// remove the specified child from the view, and set it's parent to NULL.
void LLView::removeChild(LLView* child)
    //llassert_always(sDepth == 0); // Avoid re-ordering while drawing; it can cause subtle iterator bugs
    if (child->mParentView == this)
        // if we are removing an item we are currently iterating over, that would be bad
        mChildList.remove( child );
        child->mParentView = NULL;
        child_tab_order_t::iterator found = mTabOrder.find(child);
        if (found != mTabOrder.end())
        LL_WARNS() << "\"" << child->getName() << "\" is not a child of " << getName() << LL_ENDL;

bool LLView::isInVisibleChain() const
    bool visible = true;

    const LLView* viewp = this;
        if (!viewp->getVisible())
            visible = false;
        viewp = viewp->getParent();

    return visible;

bool LLView::isInEnabledChain() const
    bool enabled = true;

    const LLView* viewp = this;
        if (!viewp->getEnabled())
            enabled = false;
        viewp = viewp->getParent();

    return enabled;

static void buildPathname(std::ostream& out, const LLView* view)
    if (! (view && view->getParent()))
        return; // Don't include root in the path.

    buildPathname(out, view->getParent());

    // Build pathname into ostream on the way back from recursion.
    out << '/';

    // substitute all '/' in name with appropriate code
    std::string name = view->getName();
    std::size_t found = name.find('/');
    std::size_t start = 0;
    while (found != std::string::npos)
        std::size_t sub_len = found - start;
        if (sub_len > 0)
            out << name.substr(start, sub_len);
        out << "%2F";
        start = found + 1;
        found = name.find('/', start);
    if (start < name.size())
        out << name.substr(start, name.size() - start);

std::string LLView::getPathname() const
    std::ostringstream out;
    buildPathname(out, this);
    return out.str();

std::string LLView::getPathname(const LLView* view)
    if (! view)
        return "NULL";
    return view->getPathname();

// virtual
bool LLView::canFocusChildren() const
    return true;

void LLView::setEnabled(bool enabled)
    mEnabled = enabled;

bool LLView::isAvailable() const
    return isInEnabledChain() && isInVisibleChain();

bool LLView::isAvailable(const LLView* view)
    return view && view->isAvailable();

bool LLView::setLabelArg( const std::string& key, const LLStringExplicit& text )
    return false;

LLRect LLView::getSnapRect() const
    return mRect;

LLRect LLView::getRequiredRect()
    return mRect;

bool LLView::focusNextRoot()
    LLView::child_list_t result = LLView::getFocusRootsQuery().run(this);
    return LLView::focusNext(result);

bool LLView::focusPrevRoot()
    LLView::child_list_t result = LLView::getFocusRootsQuery().run(this);
    return LLView::focusPrev(result);

// static
bool LLView::focusNext(LLView::child_list_t & result)
    LLView::child_list_reverse_iter_t focused = result.rend();
    for(LLView::child_list_reverse_iter_t iter = result.rbegin();
        iter != result.rend();
            focused = iter;
    LLView::child_list_reverse_iter_t next = focused;
    next = (next == result.rend()) ? result.rbegin() : ++next;
    while(next != focused)
        // wrap around to beginning if necessary
        if(next == result.rend())
            next = result.rbegin();
        if ((*next)->isCtrl() && ((LLUICtrl*)*next)->hasTabStop())
            LLUICtrl * ctrl = static_cast<LLUICtrl*>(*next);
            return true;
    return false;

// static
bool LLView::focusPrev(LLView::child_list_t & result)
    LLView::child_list_iter_t focused = result.end();
    for(LLView::child_list_iter_t iter = result.begin();
        iter != result.end();
            focused = iter;
    LLView::child_list_iter_t next = focused;
    next = (next == result.end()) ? result.begin() : ++next;
    while(next != focused)
        // wrap around to beginning if necessary
        if(next == result.end())
            next = result.begin();
            LLUICtrl * ctrl = static_cast<LLUICtrl*>(*next);
            if (!ctrl->hasFocus())
            return true;
    return false;

// delete all children. Override this function if you need to
// perform any extra clean up such as cached pointers to selected
// children, etc.
void LLView::deleteAllChildren()
    // clear out the control ordering

    while (!mChildList.empty())
        LLView* viewp = mChildList.front();
        viewp->mParentView = NULL;
        delete viewp;

void LLView::setAllChildrenEnabled(bool b, bool recursive /*= false*/)
    for (LLView* viewp : mChildList)

    if (recursive)
        for (LLView* viewp : mChildList)
            viewp->setAllChildrenEnabled(b, recursive);

// virtual
void LLView::setVisible(bool visible)
    if ( mVisible != visible )
        mVisible = visible;

        // notify children of visibility change if root, or part of visible hierarchy
        if (!getParent() || getParent()->isInVisibleChain())
            // tell all children of this view that the visibility may have changed
            onVisibilityChange( visible );

// virtual
void LLView::onVisibilityChange ( bool new_visibility )
    bool old_visibility;
    bool log_visibility_change = LLViewerEventRecorder::instance().getLoggingStatus();
    for (LLView* viewp : mChildList)
        if (!viewp)

        // only views that are themselves visible will have their overall visibility affected by their ancestors

            if (old_visibility!=new_visibility)
                LLViewerEventRecorder::instance().logVisibilityChange( viewp->getPathname(), viewp->getName(), new_visibility,"widget");

        if (old_visibility)
            viewp->onVisibilityChange ( new_visibility );

            // Consider changing returns to confirm success and know which widget grabbed it
            // For now assume success and log at highest xui possible
            // NOTE we log actual state - which may differ if it somehow failed to set visibility
            LL_DEBUGS() << "LLView::handleVisibilityChange   - now: " << getVisible()  << " xui: " << viewp->getPathname() << " name: " << viewp->getName() << LL_ENDL;


// virtual
void LLView::onUpdateScrollToChild(const LLUICtrl * cntrl)
    LLView* parent_view = getParent();
    if (parent_view)

// virtual
void LLView::translate(S32 x, S32 y)
    mRect.translate(x, y);

// virtual
bool LLView::canSnapTo(const LLView* other_view)
    return other_view != this && other_view->getVisible();

// virtual
void LLView::setSnappedTo(const LLView* snap_view)

bool LLView::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    return childrenHandleHover( x, y, mask ) != NULL;

void LLView::onMouseEnter(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    //LL_INFOS() << "Mouse entered " << getName() << LL_ENDL;

void LLView::onMouseLeave(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    //LL_INFOS() << "Mouse left " << getName() << LL_ENDL;

bool LLView::visibleAndContains(S32 local_x, S32 local_y)
    return sDrilldown(this, local_x, local_y)
        && getVisible();

bool LLView::visibleEnabledAndContains(S32 local_x, S32 local_y)
    return visibleAndContains(local_x, local_y)
        && getEnabled();

// This is NOT event recording related
void LLView::logMouseEvent()
    if (sDebugMouseHandling)
        sMouseHandlerMessage = std::string("/") + mName + sMouseHandlerMessage;

template <typename METHOD, typename CHARTYPE>
LLView* LLView::childrenHandleCharEvent(std::string_view desc, const METHOD& method,
                                        CHARTYPE c, MASK mask)
    if ( getVisible() && getEnabled() )
        for (LLView* viewp : mChildList)
            if ((viewp->*method)(c, mask, true))
                if (LLView::sDebugKeys)
                    LL_INFOS() << desc << " handled by " << viewp->getName() << LL_ENDL;
                return viewp;
    return NULL;

// XDATA might be MASK, or S32 clicks
template <typename METHOD, typename XDATA>
LLView* LLView::childrenHandleMouseEvent(const METHOD& method, S32 x, S32 y, XDATA extra, bool allow_mouse_block)
    for (LLView* viewp : mChildList)
        S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
        S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;

        if (!viewp->visibleEnabledAndContains(local_x, local_y))

        if ((viewp->*method)( local_x, local_y, extra )
            || (allow_mouse_block && viewp->blockMouseEvent( local_x, local_y )))
            LL_DEBUGS() << "LLView::childrenHandleMouseEvent calling updatemouseeventinfo - local_x|global x  "<< local_x << " " << x   << "local/global y " << local_y << " " << y << LL_ENDL;
            LL_DEBUGS() << "LLView::childrenHandleMouseEvent  getPathname for viewp result: " << viewp->getPathname() << "for this view: " << getPathname() << LL_ENDL;


            // This is NOT event recording related

            return viewp;
    return NULL;

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    for (LLView* viewp : mChildList)
        S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
        S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
        // Differs from childrenHandleMouseEvent() in that we want to offer
        // tooltips even for disabled widgets.
        if(!viewp->visibleAndContains(local_x, local_y))

        if (viewp->handleToolTip(local_x, local_y, mask)
            || viewp->blockMouseEvent(local_x, local_y))
            // This is NOT event recording related
            return viewp;
    return NULL;

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask,
                                       bool drop,
                                       EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
                                       void* cargo_data,
                                       EAcceptance* accept,
                                       std::string& tooltip_msg)
    // default to not accepting drag and drop, will be overridden by handler
    *accept = ACCEPT_NO;

    for (LLView* viewp : mChildList)
        S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
        S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
        if( !viewp->visibleEnabledAndContains(local_x, local_y))

        // Differs from childrenHandleMouseEvent() simply in that this virtual
        // method call diverges pretty radically from the usual (x, y, int).
        if (viewp->handleDragAndDrop(local_x, local_y, mask, drop,
            || viewp->blockMouseEvent(local_x, local_y))
            return viewp;
    return NULL;

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    for (LLView* viewp : mChildList)
        S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
        S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
        if(!viewp->visibleEnabledAndContains(local_x, local_y))

        // This call differentiates this method from childrenHandleMouseEvent().

        if (viewp->handleHover(local_x, local_y, mask)
            || viewp->blockMouseEvent(local_x, local_y))
            // This is NOT event recording related
            return viewp;
    return NULL;

LLView* LLView::childFromPoint(S32 x, S32 y, bool recur)
    if (!getVisible())
        return NULL;

    for (LLView* viewp : mChildList)
        S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
        S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
        if (!viewp->visibleAndContains(local_x, local_y))
        // Here we've found the first (frontmost) visible child at this level
        // containing the specified point. Is the caller asking us to drill
        // down and return the innermost leaf child at this point, or just the
        // top-level child?
        if (recur)
            LLView* leaf(viewp->childFromPoint(local_x, local_y, recur));
            // Maybe viewp is already a leaf LLView, or maybe it has children
            // but this particular (x, y) point falls between them. If the
            // recursive call returns non-NULL, great, use that; else just use
            // viewp.
            return leaf? leaf : viewp;
        return viewp;

    return 0;

F32 LLView::getTooltipTimeout()
    static LLCachedControl<F32> tooltip_fast_delay(*LLUI::getInstance()->mSettingGroups["config"], "ToolTipFastDelay", 0.1f);
    static LLCachedControl<F32> tooltip_delay(*LLUI::getInstance()->mSettingGroups["config"], "ToolTipDelay", 0.7f);
    // allow "scrubbing" over ui by showing next tooltip immediately
    // if previous one was still visible
    return (F32)(LLToolTipMgr::instance().toolTipVisible()
    ? tooltip_fast_delay
    : tooltip_delay);

// virtual
const std::string LLView::getToolTip() const
    if (sDebugUnicode)
        std::string text = getText();
        if (!text.empty())
            const std::string& name = getName();
            std::string tooltip = llformat("Name: \"%s\"", name.c_str());

            if (const LLFontGL* font = getFont())
                tooltip += llformat("\nFont: %s (%s)",

            tooltip += "\n\n" + utf8str_showBytesUTF8(text);

            return tooltip;

    return mToolTipMsg.getString();

bool LLView::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    bool handled = false;

    // parents provide tooltips first, which are optionally
    // overridden by children, in case child is mouse_opaque
    std::string tooltip = getToolTip();
    if (!tooltip.empty())
        static LLCachedControl<bool> allow_ui_tooltips(*LLUI::getInstance()->mSettingGroups["config"], "BasicUITooltips", true);

        // Even if we don't show tooltips, consume the event, nothing below should show tooltip
        if (allow_ui_tooltips)
        handled = true;

    // child tooltips will override our own
    LLView* child_handler = childrenHandleToolTip(x, y, mask);
    if (child_handler)
        handled = true;

    return handled;

bool LLView::handleKey(KEY key, MASK mask, bool called_from_parent)
    bool handled = false;

    if (getVisible() && getEnabled())
        if( called_from_parent )
            // Downward traversal
            handled = childrenHandleKey( key, mask ) != NULL;

        if (!handled)
            // For event logging we don't care which widget handles it
            // So we capture the key at the end of this function once we know if it was handled
            handled = handleKeyHere( key, mask );
            if (handled)
                LL_DEBUGS() << "Key handled by " << getName() << LL_ENDL;

    if( !handled && !called_from_parent && mParentView)
        // Upward traversal
        handled = mParentView->handleKey( key, mask, false );
    return handled;

bool LLView::handleKeyUp(KEY key, MASK mask, bool called_from_parent)
    bool handled = false;

    if (getVisible() && getEnabled())
        if (called_from_parent)
            // Downward traversal
            handled = childrenHandleKeyUp(key, mask) != NULL;

        if (!handled)
            // For event logging we don't care which widget handles it
            // So we capture the key at the end of this function once we know if it was handled
            handled = handleKeyUpHere(key, mask);
            if (handled)
                LL_DEBUGS() << "Key handled by " << getName() << LL_ENDL;

    if (!handled && !called_from_parent && mParentView)
        // Upward traversal
        handled = mParentView->handleKeyUp(key, mask, false);
    return handled;

// Called from handleKey()
// Handles key in this object.  Checking parents and children happens in handleKey()
bool LLView::handleKeyHere(KEY key, MASK mask)
    return false;

// Called from handleKey()
// Handles key in this object.  Checking parents and children happens in handleKey()
bool LLView::handleKeyUpHere(KEY key, MASK mask)
    return false;

bool LLView::handleUnicodeChar(llwchar uni_char, bool called_from_parent)
    bool handled = false;

    if (getVisible() && getEnabled())
        if( called_from_parent )
            // Downward traversal
            handled = childrenHandleUnicodeChar( uni_char ) != NULL;

        if (!handled)
            handled = handleUnicodeCharHere(uni_char);
            if (handled && LLView::sDebugKeys)
                LL_INFOS() << "Unicode key " << wchar_utf8_preview(uni_char) << " is handled by " << getName() << LL_ENDL;

    if (!handled && !called_from_parent && mParentView)
        // Upward traversal
        handled = mParentView->handleUnicodeChar(uni_char, false);

    if (handled)

    return handled;

bool LLView::handleUnicodeCharHere(llwchar uni_char )
    return false;

bool LLView::handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, bool drop,
                               EDragAndDropType cargo_type, void* cargo_data,
                               EAcceptance* accept,
                               std::string& tooltip_msg)
    return childrenHandleDragAndDrop( x, y, mask, drop, cargo_type, cargo_data, accept, tooltip_msg) != NULL;

void LLView::onMouseCaptureLost()

bool LLView::hasMouseCapture()
    return gFocusMgr.getMouseCapture() == this;

bool LLView::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    LLView* r = childrenHandleMouseUp( x, y, mask );

    return (r!=NULL);

bool LLView::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    LLView* r= childrenHandleMouseDown(x, y, mask );

    return (r!=NULL);

bool LLView::handleDoubleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    return childrenHandleDoubleClick( x, y, mask ) != NULL;

bool LLView::handleScrollWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks)
    return childrenHandleScrollWheel( x, y, clicks ) != NULL;

bool LLView::handleScrollHWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks)
    return childrenHandleScrollHWheel( x, y, clicks ) != NULL;

bool LLView::handleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    return childrenHandleRightMouseDown( x, y, mask ) != NULL;

bool LLView::handleRightMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    return childrenHandleRightMouseUp( x, y, mask ) != NULL;

bool LLView::handleMiddleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    return childrenHandleMiddleMouseDown( x, y, mask ) != NULL;

bool LLView::handleMiddleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    return childrenHandleMiddleMouseUp( x, y, mask ) != NULL;

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleScrollWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks)
    return childrenHandleMouseEvent(&LLView::handleScrollWheel, x, y, clicks, false);

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleScrollHWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks)
    return childrenHandleMouseEvent(&LLView::handleScrollHWheel, x, y, clicks, false);

// Called during downward traversal
LLView* LLView::childrenHandleKey(KEY key, MASK mask)
    return childrenHandleCharEvent("Key", &LLView::handleKey, key, mask);

// Called during downward traversal
LLView* LLView::childrenHandleKeyUp(KEY key, MASK mask)
    return childrenHandleCharEvent("Key Up", &LLView::handleKeyUp, key, mask);

// Called during downward traversal
LLView* LLView::childrenHandleUnicodeChar(llwchar uni_char)
    return childrenHandleCharEvent("Unicode character", &LLView::handleUnicodeCharWithDummyMask,
                                   uni_char, MASK_NONE);

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    return childrenHandleMouseEvent(&LLView::handleMouseDown, x, y, mask);

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    return childrenHandleMouseEvent(&LLView::handleRightMouseDown, x, y, mask);

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleMiddleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    return childrenHandleMouseEvent(&LLView::handleMiddleMouseDown, x, y, mask);

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleDoubleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    return childrenHandleMouseEvent(&LLView::handleDoubleClick, x, y, mask);

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    return  childrenHandleMouseEvent(&LLView::handleMouseUp, x, y, mask);

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleRightMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    return childrenHandleMouseEvent(&LLView::handleRightMouseUp, x, y, mask);

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleMiddleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
    return childrenHandleMouseEvent(&LLView::handleMiddleMouseUp, x, y, mask);

void LLView::draw()

void LLView::drawChildren()
    if (!mChildList.empty())
        LLView* rootp = LLUI::getInstance()->getRootView();

        for (child_list_reverse_iter_t child_iter = mChildList.rbegin(); child_iter != mChildList.rend();)  // ++child_iter)
            child_list_reverse_iter_t child = child_iter++;
            LLView *viewp = *child;

            if (viewp == NULL)

            if (viewp->getVisible() && viewp->getRect().isValid())
                LLRect screen_rect = viewp->calcScreenRect();
                if ( rootp->getLocalRect().overlaps(screen_rect)  && sDirtyRect.overlaps(screen_rect))
                        LLUI::translate((F32)viewp->getRect().mLeft, (F32)viewp->getRect().mBottom);
                        // flag the fact we are in draw here, in case overridden draw() method attempts to remove this widget
                        viewp->mInDraw = true;
                        viewp->mInDraw = false;

                        if (sDebugRects)

                            // Check for bogus rectangle
                            if (!getRect().isValid())
                                LL_WARNS() << "Bogus rectangle for " << getName() << " with " << mRect << LL_ENDL;


void LLView::dirtyRect()
    LLView* child = getParent();
    LLView* parent = child ? child->getParent() : NULL;
    LLView* cur = this;
    while (child && parent && parent->getParent())
    { //find third to top-most view
        cur = child;
        child = parent;
        parent = parent->getParent();

    if (!sIsRectDirty)
        sDirtyRect = cur->calcScreenRect();
        sIsRectDirty = true;

//Draw a box for debugging.
void LLView::drawDebugRect()
    std::set<LLView*>::iterator preview_iter = std::find(sPreviewHighlightedElements.begin(), sPreviewHighlightedElements.end(), this); // figure out if it's a previewed element

        // drawing solids requires texturing be disabled

        if (getUseBoundingRect())
            LLUI::translate((F32)mBoundingRect.mLeft - (F32)mRect.mLeft, (F32)mBoundingRect.mBottom - (F32)mRect.mBottom);

        LLRect debug_rect = getUseBoundingRect() ? mBoundingRect : mRect;

        // draw red rectangle for the border
        LLColor4 border_color(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1.f);
        if(preview_iter != sPreviewHighlightedElements.end())
            if(LLView::sPreviewClickedElement && this == sPreviewClickedElement)
                border_color = LLColor4::red;
                static LLUIColor scroll_highlighted_color = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("ScrollHighlightedColor");
                border_color = scroll_highlighted_color;
            border_color.mV[sDepth%3] = 1.f;

        gGL.color4fv( border_color.mV );

            gGL.vertex2i(0, debug_rect.getHeight() - 1);
            gGL.vertex2i(0, 0);

            gGL.vertex2i(0, 0);
            gGL.vertex2i(debug_rect.getWidth() - 1, 0);

            gGL.vertex2i(debug_rect.getWidth() - 1, 0);
            gGL.vertex2i(debug_rect.getWidth() - 1, debug_rect.getHeight() - 1);

            gGL.vertex2i(debug_rect.getWidth() - 1, debug_rect.getHeight() - 1);
            gGL.vertex2i(0, debug_rect.getHeight() - 1);

        // Draw the name if it's not a leaf node or not in editing or preview mode
        if (mChildList.size()
            && preview_iter == sPreviewHighlightedElements.end()
            && sDebugRectsShowNames)
            S32 x, y;
            gGL.color4fv( border_color.mV );

            x = debug_rect.getWidth() / 2;

            S32 rect_height = debug_rect.getHeight();
            S32 lines = rect_height / LINE_HEIGHT + 1;

            S32 depth = 0;
            LLView * viewp = this;
            while (NULL != viewp)
                viewp = viewp->getParent();

            y = rect_height - LINE_HEIGHT * (depth % lines + 1);

            std::string debug_text = llformat("%s [%d, %d] + (%d x %d) = [%d, %d]", getName().c_str(),
                    debug_rect.mLeft, mParentView->getRect().getHeight() - debug_rect.mTop,
                    debug_rect.getWidth(), debug_rect.getHeight(),
                    debug_rect.mRight, mParentView->getRect().getHeight() - debug_rect.mBottom);
            LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifSmall()->renderUTF8(debug_text, 0, (F32)x, (F32)y, border_color,
                    LLFontGL::HCENTER, LLFontGL::BASELINE, LLFontGL::NORMAL, LLFontGL::NO_SHADOW);

void LLView::drawChild(LLView* childp, S32 x_offset, S32 y_offset, bool force_draw)
    if (childp && childp->getParent() == this)

        if ((childp->getVisible() && childp->getRect().isValid())
            || force_draw)
                LLUI::translate((F32)childp->getRect().mLeft + x_offset, (F32)childp->getRect().mBottom + y_offset);


void LLView::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, bool called_from_parent)
    // compute how much things changed and apply reshape logic to children
    S32 delta_width = width - getRect().getWidth();
    S32 delta_height = height - getRect().getHeight();

    if (delta_width || delta_height || sForceReshape)
        // adjust our rectangle
        mRect.mRight = getRect().mLeft + width;
        mRect.mTop = getRect().mBottom + height;

        // move child views according to reshape flags
        for (LLView* viewp : mChildList)
            if (viewp != NULL)
            LLRect child_rect( viewp->mRect );

            if (viewp->followsRight() && viewp->followsLeft())
                child_rect.mRight += delta_width;
            else if (viewp->followsRight())
                child_rect.mLeft += delta_width;
                child_rect.mRight += delta_width;
            else if (viewp->followsLeft())
                // left is 0, don't need to adjust coords
                // BUG what to do when we don't follow anyone?
                // for now, same as followsLeft

            if (viewp->followsTop() && viewp->followsBottom())
                child_rect.mTop += delta_height;
            else if (viewp->followsTop())
                child_rect.mTop += delta_height;
                child_rect.mBottom += delta_height;
            else if (viewp->followsBottom())
                // bottom is 0, so don't need to adjust coords
                // BUG what to do when we don't follow?
                // for now, same as bottom

            S32 delta_x = child_rect.mLeft - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
            S32 delta_y = child_rect.mBottom - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
            viewp->translate( delta_x, delta_y );
            if (child_rect.getWidth() != viewp->getRect().getWidth()
                || child_rect.getHeight() != viewp->getRect().getHeight()
                || sForceReshape)
                viewp->reshape(child_rect.getWidth(), child_rect.getHeight());

    if (!called_from_parent)
        if (mParentView)
            mParentView->reshape(mParentView->getRect().getWidth(), mParentView->getRect().getHeight(), false);


LLRect LLView::calcBoundingRect()
    LLRect local_bounding_rect = LLRect::null;

    for (LLView* childp : mChildList)
        // ignore invisible and "top" children when calculating bounding rect
        // such as combobox popups
        if (!childp->getVisible() || childp == gFocusMgr.getTopCtrl())

        LLRect child_bounding_rect = childp->getBoundingRect();

        if (local_bounding_rect.isEmpty())
            // start out with bounding rect equal to first visible child's bounding rect
            local_bounding_rect = child_bounding_rect;
            // accumulate non-null children rectangles
            if (!child_bounding_rect.isEmpty())

    // convert to parent-relative coordinates
    local_bounding_rect.translate(mRect.mLeft, mRect.mBottom);
    return local_bounding_rect;

void LLView::updateBoundingRect()
    if (isDead()) return;

    LLRect cur_rect = mBoundingRect;

    if (getUseBoundingRect())
        mBoundingRect = calcBoundingRect();
        mBoundingRect = mRect;

    // give parent view a chance to resize, in case we just moved, for example
    if (getParent() && getParent()->getUseBoundingRect())

    if (mBoundingRect != cur_rect)


LLRect LLView::calcScreenRect() const
    LLRect screen_rect;
    localPointToScreen(0, 0, &screen_rect.mLeft, &screen_rect.mBottom);
    localPointToScreen(getRect().getWidth(), getRect().getHeight(), &screen_rect.mRight, &screen_rect.mTop);
    return screen_rect;

LLRect LLView::calcScreenBoundingRect() const
    LLRect screen_rect;
    // get bounding rect, if used
    LLRect bounding_rect = getUseBoundingRect() ? mBoundingRect : mRect;

    // convert to local coordinates, as defined by mRect
    bounding_rect.translate(-mRect.mLeft, -mRect.mBottom);

    localPointToScreen(bounding_rect.mLeft, bounding_rect.mBottom, &screen_rect.mLeft, &screen_rect.mBottom);
    localPointToScreen(bounding_rect.mRight, bounding_rect.mTop, &screen_rect.mRight, &screen_rect.mTop);
    return screen_rect;

LLRect LLView::getLocalBoundingRect() const
    LLRect local_bounding_rect = getBoundingRect();
    local_bounding_rect.translate(-mRect.mLeft, -mRect.mBottom);

    return local_bounding_rect;

LLRect LLView::getLocalRect() const
    LLRect local_rect(0, getRect().getHeight(), getRect().getWidth(), 0);
    return local_rect;

LLRect LLView::getLocalSnapRect() const
    LLRect local_snap_rect = getSnapRect();
    local_snap_rect.translate(-getRect().mLeft, -getRect().mBottom);
    return local_snap_rect;

bool LLView::hasAncestor(const LLView* parentp) const
    if (!parentp)
        return false;

    LLView* viewp = getParent();
        if (viewp == parentp)
            return true;
        viewp = viewp->getParent();

    return false;


bool LLView::childHasKeyboardFocus(std::string_view childname) const
    LLView *focus = dynamic_cast<LLView *>(gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus());

    while (focus != NULL)
        if (focus->getName() == childname)
            return true;

        focus = focus->getParent();

    return false;


bool LLView::hasChild(std::string_view childname, bool recurse) const
    return findChildView(childname, recurse) != NULL;

// getChildView()
LLView* LLView::getChildView(std::string_view name, bool recurse) const
    return getChild<LLView>(name, recurse);

LLView* LLView::findChildView(std::string_view name, bool recurse) const

    // Look for direct children *first*
    for (LLView* childp : mChildList)
        if (childp->getName() == name)
            return childp;
    if (recurse)
        // Look inside each child as well.
        for (LLView* childp : mChildList)
            LLView* viewp = childp->findChildView(name, recurse);
            if ( viewp )
                return viewp;
    return NULL;

bool LLView::parentPointInView(S32 x, S32 y, EHitTestType type) const
    return (getUseBoundingRect() && type == HIT_TEST_USE_BOUNDING_RECT)
        ? mBoundingRect.pointInRect( x, y )
        : mRect.pointInRect( x, y );

bool LLView::pointInView(S32 x, S32 y, EHitTestType type) const
    return (getUseBoundingRect() && type == HIT_TEST_USE_BOUNDING_RECT)
        ? mBoundingRect.pointInRect( x + mRect.mLeft, y + mRect.mBottom )
        : mRect.localPointInRect( x, y );

bool LLView::blockMouseEvent(S32 x, S32 y) const
    return mMouseOpaque && pointInView(x, y, HIT_TEST_IGNORE_BOUNDING_RECT);

// virtual
void LLView::screenPointToLocal(S32 screen_x, S32 screen_y, S32* local_x, S32* local_y) const
    *local_x = screen_x - getRect().mLeft;
    *local_y = screen_y - getRect().mBottom;

    const LLView* cur = this;
    while( cur->mParentView )
        cur = cur->mParentView;
        *local_x -= cur->getRect().mLeft;
        *local_y -= cur->getRect().mBottom;

void LLView::localPointToScreen(S32 local_x, S32 local_y, S32* screen_x, S32* screen_y) const
    *screen_x = local_x;
    *screen_y = local_y;

    const LLView* cur = this;
        LLRect cur_rect = cur->getRect();
        *screen_x += cur_rect.mLeft;
        *screen_y += cur_rect.mBottom;
        cur = cur->mParentView;
    while( cur );

void LLView::screenRectToLocal(const LLRect& screen, LLRect* local) const
    *local = screen;
    local->translate( -getRect().mLeft, -getRect().mBottom );

    const LLView* cur = this;
    while( cur->mParentView )
        cur = cur->mParentView;
        local->translate( -cur->getRect().mLeft, -cur->getRect().mBottom );

void LLView::localRectToScreen(const LLRect& local, LLRect* screen) const
    *screen = local;
    screen->translate( getRect().mLeft, getRect().mBottom );

    const LLView* cur = this;
    while( cur->mParentView )
        cur = cur->mParentView;
        screen->translate( cur->getRect().mLeft, cur->getRect().mBottom );

LLView* LLView::getRootView()
    LLView* view = this;
    while( view->mParentView )
        view = view->mParentView;
    return view;

LLView* LLView::findPrevSibling(LLView* child)
    child_list_t::iterator prev_it = std::find(mChildList.begin(), mChildList.end(), child);
    if (prev_it != mChildList.end() && prev_it != mChildList.begin())
        return *(--prev_it);
    return NULL;

LLView* LLView::findNextSibling(LLView* child)
    child_list_t::iterator next_it = std::find(mChildList.begin(), mChildList.end(), child);
    if (next_it != mChildList.end())

    return (next_it != mChildList.end()) ? *next_it : NULL;

LLCoordGL getNeededTranslation(const LLRect& input, const LLRect& constraint, S32 min_overlap_pixels)
    LLCoordGL delta;

    const S32 KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_WIDTH = llmin(min_overlap_pixels, input.getWidth());
    const S32 KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_HEIGHT = llmin(min_overlap_pixels, input.getHeight());

    if (KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_WIDTH <= constraint.getWidth() &&
        KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_HEIGHT <= constraint.getHeight())
        if (input.mRight - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_WIDTH < constraint.mLeft)
            delta.mX = constraint.mLeft - (input.mRight - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_WIDTH);
        else if (input.mLeft + KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_WIDTH > constraint.mRight)
            delta.mX = constraint.mRight - (input.mLeft + KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_WIDTH);

        if (input.mTop > constraint.mTop)
            delta.mY = constraint.mTop - input.mTop;
        else if (input.mTop - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_HEIGHT < constraint.mBottom)
            delta.mY = constraint.mBottom - (input.mTop - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS_HEIGHT);

    return delta;

// Moves the view so that it is entirely inside of constraint.
// If the view will not fit because it's too big, aligns with the top and left.
// (Why top and left?  That's where the drag bars are for floaters.)
bool LLView::translateIntoRect(const LLRect& constraint, S32 min_overlap_pixels)
    return translateRectIntoRect(getRect(), constraint, min_overlap_pixels);

bool LLView::translateRectIntoRect(const LLRect& rect, const LLRect& constraint, S32 min_overlap_pixels)
    LLCoordGL translation = getNeededTranslation(rect, constraint, min_overlap_pixels);

    if (translation.mX != 0 || translation.mY != 0)
        translate(translation.mX, translation.mY);
        return true;

    return false;

// move this view into "inside" but not onto "exclude"
// NOTE: if this view is already contained in "inside", we ignore the "exclude" rect
bool LLView::translateIntoRectWithExclusion( const LLRect& inside, const LLRect& exclude, S32 min_overlap_pixels)
    LLCoordGL translation = getNeededTranslation(getRect(), inside, min_overlap_pixels);

    if (translation.mX != 0 || translation.mY != 0)
        // translate ourselves into constraint rect
        translate(translation.mX, translation.mY);

        // do we overlap with exclusion area?
        // keep moving in the same direction to the other side of the exclusion rect
        if (exclude.overlaps(getRect()))
            // moving right
            if (translation.mX > 0)
                translate(exclude.mRight - getRect().mLeft, 0);
            // moving left
            else if (translation.mX < 0)
                translate(exclude.mLeft - getRect().mRight, 0);

            // moving up
            if (translation.mY > 0)
                translate(0, exclude.mTop - getRect().mBottom);
            // moving down
            else if (translation.mY < 0)
                translate(0, exclude.mBottom - getRect().mTop);

        return true;
    return false;

void LLView::centerWithin(const LLRect& bounds)
    S32 left   = bounds.mLeft + (bounds.getWidth() - getRect().getWidth()) / 2;
    S32 bottom = bounds.mBottom + (bounds.getHeight() - getRect().getHeight()) / 2;

    translate( left - getRect().mLeft, bottom - getRect().mBottom );

bool LLView::localPointToOtherView( S32 x, S32 y, S32 *other_x, S32 *other_y, const LLView* other_view) const
    const LLView* cur_view = this;
    const LLView* root_view = NULL;

    while (cur_view)
        if (cur_view == other_view)
            *other_x = x;
            *other_y = y;
            return true;

        x += cur_view->getRect().mLeft;
        y += cur_view->getRect().mBottom;

        cur_view = cur_view->getParent();
        root_view = cur_view;

    // assuming common root between two views, chase other_view's parents up to root
    cur_view = other_view;
    while (cur_view)
        x -= cur_view->getRect().mLeft;
        y -= cur_view->getRect().mBottom;

        cur_view = cur_view->getParent();

        if (cur_view == root_view)
            *other_x = x;
            *other_y = y;
            return true;

    *other_x = x;
    *other_y = y;
    return false;

bool LLView::localRectToOtherView( const LLRect& local, LLRect* other, const LLView* other_view ) const
    LLRect cur_rect = local;
    const LLView* cur_view = this;
    const LLView* root_view = NULL;

    while (cur_view)
        if (cur_view == other_view)
            *other = cur_rect;
            return true;

        cur_rect.translate(cur_view->getRect().mLeft, cur_view->getRect().mBottom);

        cur_view = cur_view->getParent();
        root_view = cur_view;

    // assuming common root between two views, chase other_view's parents up to root
    cur_view = other_view;
    while (cur_view)
        cur_rect.translate(-cur_view->getRect().mLeft, -cur_view->getRect().mBottom);

        cur_view = cur_view->getParent();

        if (cur_view == root_view)
            *other = cur_rect;
            return true;

    *other = cur_rect;
    return false;

class CompareByTabOrder
    CompareByTabOrder(const LLView::child_tab_order_t& order, S32 default_tab_group = 0)
        :   mTabOrder(order),
    virtual ~CompareByTabOrder() {}

    // This method compares two LLViews by the tab order specified in the comparator object.  The
    // code for this is a little convoluted because each argument can have four states:
    // 1) not a control, 2) a control but not in the tab order, 3) a control in the tab order, 4) null
    bool operator() (const LLView* const a, const LLView* const b) const
        S32 a_group = 0, b_group = 0;
        if(!a) return false;
        if(!b) return true;

        LLView::child_tab_order_const_iter_t a_found = mTabOrder.find(a), b_found = mTabOrder.find(b);
        if(a_found != mTabOrder.end())
            a_group = a_found->second;
        if(b_found != mTabOrder.end())
            b_group = b_found->second;

        if(a_group < mDefaultTabGroup && b_group >= mDefaultTabGroup) return true;
        if(b_group < mDefaultTabGroup && a_group >= mDefaultTabGroup) return false;
        return a_group > b_group;  // sort correctly if they're both on the same side of the default tab groupreturn a > b;
    // ok to store a reference, as this should only be allocated on stack during view query operations
    const LLView::child_tab_order_t& mTabOrder;
    const S32 mDefaultTabGroup;

class SortByTabOrder : public LLQuerySorter, public LLSingleton<SortByTabOrder>
    /*virtual*/ void sort(LLView * parent, LLView::child_list_t &children) const override
        children.sort(CompareByTabOrder(parent->getTabOrder(), parent->getDefaultTabGroup()));

// static
const LLViewQuery & LLView::getTabOrderQuery()
    static LLViewQuery query;
    if(query.getPreFilters().size() == 0) {
    return query;

// This class is only used internally by getFocusRootsQuery below.
class LLFocusRootsFilter : public LLQueryFilter, public LLSingleton<LLFocusRootsFilter>
    /*virtual*/ filterResult_t operator() (const LLView* const view, const viewList_t & children) const override
        return filterResult_t(view->isCtrl() && view->isFocusRoot(), !view->isFocusRoot());

// static
const LLViewQuery & LLView::getFocusRootsQuery()
    static LLViewQuery query;
    if(query.getPreFilters().size() == 0) {
    return query;

void    LLView::setShape(const LLRect& new_rect, bool by_user)
    if (new_rect != getRect())
        handleReshape(new_rect, by_user);

void LLView::handleReshape(const LLRect& new_rect, bool by_user)
    reshape(new_rect.getWidth(), new_rect.getHeight());
    translate(new_rect.mLeft - getRect().mLeft, new_rect.mBottom - getRect().mBottom);

LLView* LLView::findSnapRect(LLRect& new_rect, const LLCoordGL& mouse_dir,
                             LLView::ESnapType snap_type, S32 threshold, S32 padding)
    new_rect = mRect;
    LLView* snap_view = NULL;

    if (!mParentView)
        return NULL;

    S32 delta_x = 0;
    S32 delta_y = 0;
    if (mouse_dir.mX >= 0)
        S32 new_right = mRect.mRight;
        LLView* view = findSnapEdge(new_right, mouse_dir, SNAP_RIGHT, snap_type, threshold, padding);
        delta_x = new_right - mRect.mRight;
        snap_view = view ? view : snap_view;

    if (mouse_dir.mX <= 0)
        S32 new_left = mRect.mLeft;
        LLView* view = findSnapEdge(new_left, mouse_dir, SNAP_LEFT, snap_type, threshold, padding);
        delta_x = new_left - mRect.mLeft;
        snap_view = view ? view : snap_view;

    if (mouse_dir.mY >= 0)
        S32 new_top = mRect.mTop;
        LLView* view = findSnapEdge(new_top, mouse_dir, SNAP_TOP, snap_type, threshold, padding);
        delta_y = new_top - mRect.mTop;
        snap_view = view ? view : snap_view;

    if (mouse_dir.mY <= 0)
        S32 new_bottom = mRect.mBottom;
        LLView* view = findSnapEdge(new_bottom, mouse_dir, SNAP_BOTTOM, snap_type, threshold, padding);
        delta_y = new_bottom - mRect.mBottom;
        snap_view = view ? view : snap_view;

    new_rect.translate(delta_x, delta_y);
    return snap_view;

LLView* LLView::findSnapEdge(S32& new_edge_val, const LLCoordGL& mouse_dir, ESnapEdge snap_edge, ESnapType snap_type, S32 threshold, S32 padding)
    LLRect snap_rect = getSnapRect();
    S32 snap_pos = 0;
    case SNAP_LEFT:
        snap_pos = snap_rect.mLeft;
    case SNAP_RIGHT:
        snap_pos = snap_rect.mRight;
    case SNAP_TOP:
        snap_pos = snap_rect.mTop;
    case SNAP_BOTTOM:
        snap_pos = snap_rect.mBottom;

    if (!mParentView)
        new_edge_val = snap_pos;
        return NULL;

    LLView* snap_view = NULL;

    // If the view is near the edge of its parent, snap it to
    // the edge.
    LLRect test_rect = snap_rect;

    S32 x_threshold = threshold;
    S32 y_threshold = threshold;

    LLRect parent_local_snap_rect = mParentView->getLocalSnapRect();

    if (snap_type == SNAP_PARENT || snap_type == SNAP_PARENT_AND_SIBLINGS)
        case SNAP_RIGHT:
            if (llabs(parent_local_snap_rect.mRight - test_rect.mRight) <= x_threshold
                && (parent_local_snap_rect.mRight - test_rect.mRight) * mouse_dir.mX >= 0)
                snap_pos = parent_local_snap_rect.mRight - padding;
                snap_view = mParentView;
                x_threshold = llabs(parent_local_snap_rect.mRight - test_rect.mRight);
        case SNAP_LEFT:
            if (llabs(test_rect.mLeft - parent_local_snap_rect.mLeft) <= x_threshold
                && test_rect.mLeft * mouse_dir.mX <= 0)
                snap_pos = parent_local_snap_rect.mLeft + padding;
                snap_view = mParentView;
                x_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mLeft - parent_local_snap_rect.mLeft);
        case SNAP_BOTTOM:
            if (llabs(test_rect.mBottom - parent_local_snap_rect.mBottom) <= y_threshold
                && test_rect.mBottom * mouse_dir.mY <= 0)
                snap_pos = parent_local_snap_rect.mBottom + padding;
                snap_view = mParentView;
                y_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mBottom - parent_local_snap_rect.mBottom);
        case SNAP_TOP:
            if (llabs(parent_local_snap_rect.mTop - test_rect.mTop) <= y_threshold && (parent_local_snap_rect.mTop - test_rect.mTop) * mouse_dir.mY >= 0)
                snap_pos = parent_local_snap_rect.mTop - padding;
                snap_view = mParentView;
                y_threshold = llabs(parent_local_snap_rect.mTop - test_rect.mTop);
            LL_ERRS() << "Invalid snap edge" << LL_ENDL;

    if (snap_type == SNAP_SIBLINGS || snap_type == SNAP_PARENT_AND_SIBLINGS)
        for ( child_list_const_iter_t child_it = mParentView->getChildList()->begin();
              child_it != mParentView->getChildList()->end(); ++child_it)
            LLView* siblingp = *child_it;

            if (!canSnapTo(siblingp)) continue;

            LLRect sibling_rect = siblingp->getSnapRect();

            case SNAP_RIGHT:
                if (llabs(test_rect.mRight - sibling_rect.mLeft) <= x_threshold
                    && (test_rect.mRight - sibling_rect.mLeft) * mouse_dir.mX <= 0)
                    snap_pos = sibling_rect.mLeft - padding;
                    snap_view = siblingp;
                    x_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mRight - sibling_rect.mLeft);
                // if snapped with sibling along other axis, check for shared edge
                else if (llabs(sibling_rect.mTop - (test_rect.mBottom - padding)) <= y_threshold
                    || llabs(sibling_rect.mBottom - (test_rect.mTop + padding)) <= x_threshold)
                    if (llabs(test_rect.mRight - sibling_rect.mRight) <= x_threshold
                        && (test_rect.mRight - sibling_rect.mRight) * mouse_dir.mX <= 0)
                        snap_pos = sibling_rect.mRight;
                        snap_view = siblingp;
                        x_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mRight - sibling_rect.mRight);
            case SNAP_LEFT:
                if (llabs(test_rect.mLeft - sibling_rect.mRight) <= x_threshold
                    && (test_rect.mLeft - sibling_rect.mRight) * mouse_dir.mX <= 0)
                    snap_pos = sibling_rect.mRight + padding;
                    snap_view = siblingp;
                    x_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mLeft - sibling_rect.mRight);
                // if snapped with sibling along other axis, check for shared edge
                else if (llabs(sibling_rect.mTop - (test_rect.mBottom - padding)) <= y_threshold
                    || llabs(sibling_rect.mBottom - (test_rect.mTop + padding)) <= y_threshold)
                    if (llabs(test_rect.mLeft - sibling_rect.mLeft) <= x_threshold
                        && (test_rect.mLeft - sibling_rect.mLeft) * mouse_dir.mX <= 0)
                        snap_pos = sibling_rect.mLeft;
                        snap_view = siblingp;
                        x_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mLeft - sibling_rect.mLeft);
            case SNAP_BOTTOM:
                if (llabs(test_rect.mBottom - sibling_rect.mTop) <= y_threshold
                    && (test_rect.mBottom - sibling_rect.mTop) * mouse_dir.mY <= 0)
                    snap_pos = sibling_rect.mTop + padding;
                    snap_view = siblingp;
                    y_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mBottom - sibling_rect.mTop);
                // if snapped with sibling along other axis, check for shared edge
                else if (llabs(sibling_rect.mRight - (test_rect.mLeft - padding)) <= x_threshold
                    || llabs(sibling_rect.mLeft - (test_rect.mRight + padding)) <= x_threshold)
                    if (llabs(test_rect.mBottom - sibling_rect.mBottom) <= y_threshold
                        && (test_rect.mBottom - sibling_rect.mBottom) * mouse_dir.mY <= 0)
                        snap_pos = sibling_rect.mBottom;
                        snap_view = siblingp;
                        y_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mBottom - sibling_rect.mBottom);
            case SNAP_TOP:
                if (llabs(test_rect.mTop - sibling_rect.mBottom) <= y_threshold
                    && (test_rect.mTop - sibling_rect.mBottom) * mouse_dir.mY <= 0)
                    snap_pos = sibling_rect.mBottom - padding;
                    snap_view = siblingp;
                    y_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mTop - sibling_rect.mBottom);
                // if snapped with sibling along other axis, check for shared edge
                else if (llabs(sibling_rect.mRight - (test_rect.mLeft - padding)) <= x_threshold
                    || llabs(sibling_rect.mLeft - (test_rect.mRight + padding)) <= x_threshold)
                    if (llabs(test_rect.mTop - sibling_rect.mTop) <= y_threshold
                        && (test_rect.mTop - sibling_rect.mTop) * mouse_dir.mY <= 0)
                        snap_pos = sibling_rect.mTop;
                        snap_view = siblingp;
                        y_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mTop - sibling_rect.mTop);
                LL_ERRS() << "Invalid snap edge" << LL_ENDL;

    new_edge_val = snap_pos;
    return snap_view;

// Listener dispatch functions

LLControlVariable *LLView::findControl(std::string_view name)
    auto uiInst = LLUI::getInstance();
    // parse the name to locate which group it belongs to
    std::size_t key_pos= name.find(".");
    if(key_pos !=  std::string_view::npos )
        std::string_view control_group_key = name.substr(0, key_pos);
        LLControlVariable* control;
        // check if it's in the control group that name indicated
        auto it = uiInst->mSettingGroups.find(control_group_key);
        if(it != uiInst->mSettingGroups.end() && it->second)
            control = it->second->getControl(name);
            if (control)
                return control;

    LLControlGroup& control_group = uiInst->getControlControlGroup(name);
    return control_group.getControl(name);

void LLView::initFromParams(const LLView::Params& params)
    LLRect required_rect = getRequiredRect();

    S32 width = llmax(getRect().getWidth(), required_rect.getWidth());
    S32 height = llmax(getRect().getHeight(), required_rect.getHeight());

    reshape(width, height);

    // call virtual methods with most recent data
    // use getters because these values might not come through parameter block

    if (!params.name().empty())

    mLayout = params.layout();

void LLView::parseFollowsFlags(const LLView::Params& params)
    // preserve follows flags set by code if user did not override
    if (!params.follows.isProvided())

    // interpret either string or bitfield version of follows
    if (params.follows.string.isChosen())

        std::string follows = params.follows.string;

        typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokenizer;
        boost::char_separator<char> sep("|");
        tokenizer tokens(follows, sep);
        tokenizer::iterator token_iter = tokens.begin();

        while(token_iter != tokens.end())
            const std::string& token_str = *token_iter;
            if (token_str == "left")
            else if (token_str == "right")
            else if (token_str == "top")
            else if (token_str == "bottom")
            else if (token_str == "all")
    else if (params.follows.flags.isChosen())

// static
//LLFontGL::HAlign LLView::selectFontHAlign(LLXMLNodePtr node)
//  LLFontGL::HAlign gl_hfont_align = LLFontGL::LEFT;
//  if (node->hasAttribute("halign"))
//  {
//      std::string horizontal_align_name;
//      node->getAttributeString("halign", horizontal_align_name);
//      gl_hfont_align = LLFontGL::hAlignFromName(horizontal_align_name);
//  }
//  return gl_hfont_align;

// Return the rectangle of the last-constructed child,
// if present and a first-class widget (eg, not a close box or drag handle)
// Returns true if found
static bool get_last_child_rect(LLView* parent, LLRect *rect)
    if (!parent) return false;

    LLView::child_list_t::const_iterator itor =
    for (;itor != parent->getChildList()->end(); ++itor)
        LLView *last_view = (*itor);
        if (last_view->getFromXUI())
            *rect = last_view->getRect();
            return true;
    return false;

void LLView::applyXUILayout(LLView::Params& p, LLView* parent, LLRect layout_rect)
    if (!parent) return;

    const S32 VPAD = 4;
    const S32 MIN_WIDGET_HEIGHT = 10;

    // *NOTE:  This will confuse export of floater/panel coordinates unless
    // the default is also "topleft".  JC
    if (p.layout().empty())
        p.layout = parent->getLayout();

    if (layout_rect.isEmpty())
        layout_rect = parent->getLocalRect();

    // overwrite uninitialized rect params, using context
    LLRect default_rect = parent->getLocalRect();

    bool layout_topleft = (p.layout() == "topleft");

    // convert negative or centered coordinates to parent relative values
    // Note: some of this logic matches the logic in TypedParam<LLRect>::setValueFromBlock()
    if (p.rect.left.isProvided())
        p.rect.left = p.rect.left + ((p.rect.left >= 0) ? layout_rect.mLeft : layout_rect.mRight);
    if (p.rect.right.isProvided())
        p.rect.right = p.rect.right + ((p.rect.right >= 0) ? layout_rect.mLeft : layout_rect.mRight);
    if (p.rect.bottom.isProvided())
        p.rect.bottom = p.rect.bottom + ((p.rect.bottom >= 0) ? layout_rect.mBottom : layout_rect.mTop);
        if (layout_topleft)
            //invert top to bottom
            p.rect.bottom = layout_rect.mBottom + layout_rect.mTop - p.rect.bottom;
    if (p.rect.top.isProvided())
        p.rect.top = p.rect.top + ((p.rect.top >= 0) ? layout_rect.mBottom : layout_rect.mTop);
        if (layout_topleft)
            //invert top to bottom
            p.rect.top = layout_rect.mBottom + layout_rect.mTop - p.rect.top;

    // DEPRECATE: automatically fall back to height of MIN_WIDGET_HEIGHT pixels
    if (!p.rect.height.isProvided() && !p.rect.top.isProvided() && p.rect.height == 0)
        p.rect.height = MIN_WIDGET_HEIGHT;

    default_rect.translate(0, default_rect.getHeight());

    // If there was a recently constructed child, use its rectangle
    get_last_child_rect(parent, &default_rect);

    if (layout_topleft)
        // Invert the sense of bottom_delta for topleft layout
        if (p.bottom_delta.isProvided())
            p.bottom_delta = -p.bottom_delta;
        else if (p.top_pad.isProvided())
            p.bottom_delta = -(p.rect.height + p.top_pad);
        else if (p.top_delta.isProvided())
            p.bottom_delta =
                -(p.top_delta + p.rect.height - default_rect.getHeight());
        else if (!p.left_delta.isProvided()
                    && !p.left_pad.isProvided())
            // set default position is just below last rect
            p.bottom_delta.set(-(p.rect.height + VPAD), false);
            p.bottom_delta.set(0, false);

        // default to same left edge
        if (!p.left_delta.isProvided())
            p.left_delta.set(0, false);
        if (p.left_pad.isProvided())
            // left_pad is based on prior widget's right edge
            p.left_delta.set(p.left_pad + default_rect.getWidth(), false);

        default_rect.translate(p.left_delta, p.bottom_delta);
        // set default position is just below last rect
        if (!p.bottom_delta.isProvided())
            p.bottom_delta.set(-(p.rect.height + VPAD), false);
        if (!p.left_delta.isProvided())
            p.left_delta.set(0, false);
        default_rect.translate(p.left_delta, p.bottom_delta);

    // this handles case where *both* x and x_delta are provided
    // ignore x in favor of default x + x_delta
    if (p.bottom_delta.isProvided()) p.rect.bottom.set(0, false);
    if (p.left_delta.isProvided()) p.rect.left.set(0, false);

    // selectively apply rectangle defaults, making sure that
    // params are not flagged as having been "provided"
    // as rect params are overconstrained and rely on provided flags
    if (!p.rect.left.isProvided())
        p.rect.left.set(default_rect.mLeft, false);
        //HACK: get around the fact that setting a rect param component value won't invalidate the existing rect object value
        p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.left, true);
    if (!p.rect.bottom.isProvided())
        p.rect.bottom.set(default_rect.mBottom, false);
        p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.bottom, true);
    if (!p.rect.top.isProvided())
        p.rect.top.set(default_rect.mTop, false);
        p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.top, true);
    if (!p.rect.right.isProvided())
        p.rect.right.set(default_rect.mRight, false);
        p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.right, true);

    if (!p.rect.width.isProvided())
        p.rect.width.set(default_rect.getWidth(), false);
        p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.width, true);
    if (!p.rect.height.isProvided())
        p.rect.height.set(default_rect.getHeight(), false);
        p.rect.paramChanged(p.rect.height, true);

static S32 invert_vertical(S32 y, LLView* parent)
    if (y < 0)
        // already based on top-left, just invert
        return -y;
    else if (parent)
        // use parent to flip coordinate
        S32 parent_height = parent->getRect().getHeight();
        return parent_height - y;
        LL_WARNS() << "Attempting to convert layout to top-left with no parent" << LL_ENDL;
        return y;

// Assumes that input is in bottom-left coordinates, hence must call
// _before_ convert_coords_to_top_left().
static void convert_to_relative_layout(LLView::Params& p, LLView* parent)
    // Use setupParams to get the final widget rectangle
    // according to our wacky layout rules.
    LLView::Params final = p;
    LLView::applyXUILayout(final, parent);
    // Must actually extract the rectangle to get consistent
    // right = left+width, top = bottom+height
    LLRect final_rect = final.rect;

    // We prefer to write out top edge instead of bottom, regardless
    // of whether we use relative positioning
    bool converted_top = false;

    // Look for a last rectangle
    LLRect last_rect;
    if (get_last_child_rect(parent, &last_rect))
        // ...we have a previous widget to compare to
        const S32 EDGE_THRESHOLD_PIXELS = 4;
        S32 left_pad = final_rect.mLeft - last_rect.mRight;
        S32 left_delta = final_rect.mLeft - last_rect.mLeft;
        S32 top_pad = final_rect.mTop - last_rect.mBottom;
        S32 top_delta = final_rect.mTop - last_rect.mTop;
        // If my left edge is almost the same, or my top edge is
        // almost the same...
        if (llabs(left_delta) <= EDGE_THRESHOLD_PIXELS
            || llabs(top_delta) <= EDGE_THRESHOLD_PIXELS)
            // ...use relative positioning
            // prefer top_pad if widgets are stacking vertically
            // (coordinate system is still bottom-left here)
            if (top_pad < 0)
                p.top_pad = top_pad;
                p.top_delta = top_delta;
            // null out other vertical specifiers
            converted_top = true;

            // prefer left_pad if widgets are stacking horizontally
            if (left_pad > 0)
                p.left_pad = left_pad;
                p.left_delta = left_delta;

    if (!converted_top)
        // ...this is the first widget, or one that wasn't aligned
        // prefer top/left specification
        p.rect.top = final_rect.mTop;

static void convert_coords_to_top_left(LLView::Params& p, LLView* parent)
    // Convert the coordinate system to be top-left based.
    if (p.rect.top.isProvided())
        p.rect.top = invert_vertical(p.rect.top, parent);
    if (p.rect.bottom.isProvided())
        p.rect.bottom = invert_vertical(p.rect.bottom, parent);
    if (p.top_pad.isProvided())
        p.top_pad = -p.top_pad;
    if (p.top_delta.isProvided())
        p.top_delta = -p.top_delta;
    if (p.bottom_delta.isProvided())
        p.bottom_delta = -p.bottom_delta;
    p.layout = "topleft";

void LLView::setupParamsForExport(Params& p, LLView* parent)
    // Don't convert if already top-left based
    if (p.layout() == "topleft")

    // heuristic:  Many of our floaters and panels were bulk-exported.
    // These specify exactly bottom/left and height/width.
    // Others were done by hand using bottom_delta and/or left_delta.
    // Some rely on not specifying left to mean align with left edge.
    // Try to convert both to use relative layout, but using top-left
    // coordinates.
    // Avoid rectangles where top/bottom/left/right was specified.
    if (p.rect.height.isProvided() && p.rect.width.isProvided())
        if (p.rect.bottom.isProvided() && p.rect.left.isProvided())
            // standard bulk export, convert it
            convert_to_relative_layout(p, parent);
        else if (p.rect.bottom.isProvided() && p.left_delta.isProvided())
            // hand layout with left_delta
            convert_to_relative_layout(p, parent);
        else if (p.bottom_delta.isProvided())
            // hand layout with bottom_delta
            // don't check for p.rect.left or p.left_delta because sometimes
            // this layout doesn't set it for widgets that are left-aligned
            convert_to_relative_layout(p, parent);

    convert_coords_to_top_left(p, parent);

LLView::tree_iterator_t LLView::beginTreeDFS()
    return tree_iterator_t(this,
                            boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&LLView::beginChild), _1),
                            boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&LLView::endChild), _1));

LLView::tree_iterator_t LLView::endTreeDFS()
    // an empty iterator is an "end" iterator
    return tree_iterator_t();

LLView::tree_post_iterator_t LLView::beginTreeDFSPost()
    return tree_post_iterator_t(this,
                            boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&LLView::beginChild), _1),
                            boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&LLView::endChild), _1));

LLView::tree_post_iterator_t LLView::endTreeDFSPost()
    // an empty iterator is an "end" iterator
    return tree_post_iterator_t();

LLView::bfs_tree_iterator_t LLView::beginTreeBFS()
    return bfs_tree_iterator_t(this,
                            boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&LLView::beginChild), _1),
                            boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&LLView::endChild), _1));

LLView::bfs_tree_iterator_t LLView::endTreeBFS()
    // an empty iterator is an "end" iterator
    return bfs_tree_iterator_t();

LLView::root_to_view_iterator_t LLView::beginRootToView()
    return root_to_view_iterator_t(this, boost::bind(&LLView::getParent, _1));

LLView::root_to_view_iterator_t LLView::endRootToView()
    return root_to_view_iterator_t();

// only create maps on demand, as they incur heap allocation/deallocation cost
// when a view is constructed/deconstructed
LLView& LLView::getDefaultWidgetContainer() const
    if (!mDefaultWidgets)
        LLView::Params p;
        p.name = "default widget container";
        p.visible = false; // ensures default widgets can't steal focus, etc.
        mDefaultWidgets = new LLView(p);
    return *mDefaultWidgets;

S32 LLView::notifyParent(const LLSD& info)
    LLView* parent = getParent();
        return parent->notifyParent(info);
    return 0;
bool    LLView::notifyChildren(const LLSD& info)
    bool ret = false;
    for (LLView* childp : mChildList)
        ret = ret || childp->notifyChildren(info);
    return ret;

// convenient accessor for draw context
const LLViewDrawContext& LLView::getDrawContext()
    return LLViewDrawContext::getCurrentContext();

const LLViewDrawContext& LLViewDrawContext::getCurrentContext()
    static LLViewDrawContext default_context;

    if (sDrawContextStack.empty())
        return default_context;

    return *sDrawContextStack.back();

LLSD LLView::getInfo(void)
    LLSD info;
    return info;

void LLView::addInfo(LLSD & info)
    info["path"] = getPathname();
    info["class"] = typeid(*this).name();
    info["visible"] = getVisible();
    info["visible_chain"] = isInVisibleChain();
    info["enabled"] = getEnabled();
    info["enabled_chain"] = isInEnabledChain();
    info["available"] = isAvailable();
    LLRect rect(calcScreenRect());
    info["rect"] = LLSDMap("left", rect.mLeft)("top", rect.mTop)
                ("right", rect.mRight)("bottom", rect.mBottom);