 * @file llurlentry.cpp
 * @author Martin Reddy
 * @brief Describes the Url types that can be registered in LLUrlRegistry
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$
 * Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc.
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
 * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
 * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab.  Terms of
 * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
 * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2
 * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
 * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
 * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
 * online at
 * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception
 * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
 * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
 * and agree to abide by those obligations.
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "linden_common.h"
#include "llurlentry.h"
#include "lluri.h"
#include "llcachename.h"
#include "lltrans.h"



std::string LLUrlEntryBase::getUrl(const std::string &string)
	return escapeUrl(string);

std::string LLUrlEntryBase::getIDStringFromUrl(const std::string &url) const
	// return the id from a SLURL in the format /app/{cmd}/{id}/about
	LLURI uri(url);
	LLSD path_array = uri.pathArray();
	if (path_array.size() == 4) 
		return path_array.get(2).asString();
	return "";

std::string LLUrlEntryBase::unescapeUrl(const std::string &url) const
	return LLURI::unescape(url);

std::string LLUrlEntryBase::escapeUrl(const std::string &url) const
	static std::string no_escape_chars;
	static bool initialized = false;
	if (!initialized)
		no_escape_chars = 

		std::sort(no_escape_chars.begin(), no_escape_chars.end());
		initialized = true;
	return LLURI::escape(url, no_escape_chars, true);

std::string LLUrlEntryBase::getLabelFromWikiLink(const std::string &url)
	// return the label part from [http://www.example.org Label]
	const char *text = url.c_str();
	S32 start = 0;
	while (! isspace(text[start]))
	while (text[start] == ' ' || text[start] == '\t')
	return url.substr(start, url.size()-start-1);

std::string LLUrlEntryBase::getUrlFromWikiLink(const std::string &string)
	// return the url part from [http://www.example.org Label]
	const char *text = string.c_str();
	S32 end = 0;
	while (! isspace(text[end]))
	return escapeUrl(string.substr(1, end-1));

void LLUrlEntryBase::addObserver(const std::string &id,
								 const std::string &url,
								 const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb)
	// add a callback to be notified when we have a label for the uuid
	LLUrlEntryObserver observer;
	observer.url = url;
	observer.signal = new LLUrlLabelSignal();
	if (observer.signal)
		mObservers.insert(std::pair<std::string, LLUrlEntryObserver>(id, observer));
void LLUrlEntryBase::callObservers(const std::string &id, const std::string &label)
	// notify all callbacks waiting on the given uuid
	std::multimap<std::string, LLUrlEntryObserver>::iterator it;
	for (it = mObservers.find(id); it != mObservers.end();)
		// call the callback - give it the new label
		LLUrlEntryObserver &observer = it->second;
		(*observer.signal)(it->second.url, label);
		// then remove the signal - we only need to call it once
		delete observer.signal;

// LLUrlEntryHTTP Describes generic http: and https: Urls
	mPattern = boost::regex("https?://([-\\w\\.]+)+(:\\d+)?(:\\w+)?(@\\d+)?(@\\w+)?/?\\S*",
	mMenuName = "menu_url_http.xml";
	mTooltip = LLTrans::getString("TooltipHttpUrl");
	//mIcon = "gear.tga";

std::string LLUrlEntryHTTP::getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb)
	return unescapeUrl(url);

// LLUrlEntryHTTP Describes generic http: and https: Urls with custom label
// We use the wikipedia syntax of [http://www.example.org Text]
	mPattern = boost::regex("\\[https?://\\S+[ \t]+[^\\]]+\\]",
	mMenuName = "menu_url_http.xml";
	mTooltip = LLTrans::getString("TooltipHttpUrl");

std::string LLUrlEntryHTTPLabel::getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb)
	return getLabelFromWikiLink(url);

std::string LLUrlEntryHTTPLabel::getUrl(const std::string &string)
	return getUrlFromWikiLink(string);

// LLUrlEntrySLURL Describes generic http: and https: Urls
	// see http://slurl.com/about.php for details on the SLURL format
	mPattern = boost::regex("http://slurl.com/secondlife/\\S+/?(\\d+)?/?(\\d+)?/?(\\d+)?/?\\S*",
	mMenuName = "menu_url_slurl.xml";
	mTooltip = LLTrans::getString("TooltipSLURL");

std::string LLUrlEntrySLURL::getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb)
	// we handle SLURLs in the following formats:
	//   - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Place/X/Y/Z
	//   - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Place/X/Y
	//   - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Place/X
	//   - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Place
	LLURI uri(url);
	LLSD path_array = uri.pathArray();
	S32 path_parts = path_array.size();
	if (path_parts == 5)
		// handle slurl with (X,Y,Z) coordinates
		std::string location = unescapeUrl(path_array[path_parts-4]);
		std::string x = path_array[path_parts-3];
		std::string y = path_array[path_parts-2];
		std::string z = path_array[path_parts-1];
		return location + " (" + x + "," + y + "," + z + ")";
	else if (path_parts == 4)
		// handle slurl with (X,Y) coordinates
		std::string location = unescapeUrl(path_array[path_parts-3]);
		std::string x = path_array[path_parts-2];
		std::string y = path_array[path_parts-1];
		return location + " (" + x + "," + y + ")";
	else if (path_parts == 3)
		// handle slurl with (X) coordinate
		std::string location = unescapeUrl(path_array[path_parts-2]);
		std::string x = path_array[path_parts-1];
		return location + " (" + x + ")";
	else if (path_parts == 2)
		// handle slurl with no coordinates
		std::string location = unescapeUrl(path_array[path_parts-1]);
		return location;

	return url;

std::string LLUrlEntrySLURL::getLocation(const std::string &url) const
	// return the part of the Url after slurl.com/secondlife/
	const std::string search_string = "secondlife";
	size_t pos = url.find(search_string);
	if (pos == std::string::npos)
		return "";

	pos += search_string.size() + 1;
	return url.substr(pos, url.size() - pos);

// LLUrlEntryAgent Describes a Second Life agent Url, e.g.,
// secondlife:///app/agent/0e346d8b-4433-4d66-a6b0-fd37083abc4c/about
	mPattern = boost::regex("secondlife:///app/agent/[\\da-f-]+/about",
	mMenuName = "menu_url_agent.xml";
	mTooltip = LLTrans::getString("TooltipAgentUrl");

void LLUrlEntryAgent::onAgentNameReceived(const LLUUID& id,
										  const std::string& first,
										  const std::string& last,
										  BOOL is_group)
	// received the agent name from the server - tell our observers
	callObservers(id.asString(), first + " " + last);

std::string LLUrlEntryAgent::getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb)
	std::string id = getIDStringFromUrl(url);
	if (gCacheName && ! id.empty())
		LLUUID uuid(id);
		std::string full_name;
		if (gCacheName->getFullName(uuid, full_name))
			return full_name;
			gCacheName->get(uuid, FALSE, boost::bind(&LLUrlEntryAgent::onAgentNameReceived, this, _1, _2, _3, _4));
			addObserver(id, url, cb);

	return unescapeUrl(url);

// LLUrlEntryGroup Describes a Second Life group Url, e.g.,
// secondlife:///app/group/00005ff3-4044-c79f-9de8-fb28ae0df991/about
	mPattern = boost::regex("secondlife:///app/group/[\\da-f-]+/about",
	mMenuName = "menu_url_group.xml";
	mTooltip = LLTrans::getString("TooltipGroupUrl");

void LLUrlEntryGroup::onGroupNameReceived(const LLUUID& id,
										  const std::string& first,
										  const std::string& last,
										  BOOL is_group)
	// received the group name from the server - tell our observers
	callObservers(id.asString(), first);

std::string LLUrlEntryGroup::getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb)
	std::string id = getIDStringFromUrl(url);
	if (gCacheName && ! id.empty())
		LLUUID uuid(id);
		std::string group_name;
		if (gCacheName->getGroupName(uuid, group_name))
			return group_name;
			gCacheName->get(uuid, TRUE, boost::bind(&LLUrlEntryGroup::onGroupNameReceived, this, _1, _2, _3, _4));
			addObserver(id, url, cb);

	return unescapeUrl(url);

/// LLUrlEntryParcel Describes a Second Life parcel Url, e.g.,
/// secondlife:///app/parcel/0000060e-4b39-e00b-d0c3-d98b1934e3a8/about
	mPattern = boost::regex("secondlife:///app/parcel/[\\da-f-]+/about",
	mMenuName = "menu_url_parcel.xml";
	mTooltip = LLTrans::getString("TooltipParcelUrl");

std::string LLUrlEntryParcel::getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb)
	return unescapeUrl(url);

// LLUrlEntryPlace Describes secondlife:///<location> URLs
	mPattern = boost::regex("secondlife://\\S+/?(\\d+/\\d+/\\d+|\\d+/\\d+)/?",
	mMenuName = "menu_url_slurl.xml";
	mTooltip = LLTrans::getString("TooltipSLURL");

std::string LLUrlEntryPlace::getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb)
	// we handle SLURLs in the following formats:
	//   - secondlife://Place/X/Y/Z
	//   - secondlife://Place/X/Y
	LLURI uri(url);
	std::string location = unescapeUrl(uri.hostName());
	LLSD path_array = uri.pathArray();
	S32 path_parts = path_array.size();
	if (path_parts == 3)
		// handle slurl with (X,Y,Z) coordinates
		std::string x = path_array[0];
		std::string y = path_array[1];
		std::string z = path_array[2];
		return location + " (" + x + "," + y + "," + z + ")";
	else if (path_parts == 2)
		// handle slurl with (X,Y) coordinates
		std::string x = path_array[0];
		std::string y = path_array[1];
		return location + " (" + x + "," + y + ")";

	return url;

std::string LLUrlEntryPlace::getLocation(const std::string &url) const
	// return the part of the Url after secondlife:// part
	const std::string search_string = "://";
	size_t pos = url.find(search_string);
	if (pos == std::string::npos)
		return "";

	pos += search_string.size();
	return url.substr(pos, url.size() - pos);

// LLUrlEntryTeleport Describes a Second Life teleport Url, e.g.,
// secondlife:///app/teleport/Ahern/50/50/50/
	mPattern = boost::regex("secondlife:///app/teleport/\\S+(/\\d+)?(/\\d+)?(/\\d+)?/?\\S*",
	mMenuName = "menu_url_teleport.xml";
	mTooltip = LLTrans::getString("TooltipTeleportUrl");

std::string LLUrlEntryTeleport::getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb)
	// we handle teleport SLURLs in the following formats:
	//   - secondlife:///app/teleport/Place/X/Y/Z
	//   - secondlife:///app/teleport/Place/X/Y
	//   - secondlife:///app/teleport/Place/X
	//   - secondlife:///app/teleport/Place
	LLURI uri(url);
	LLSD path_array = uri.pathArray();
	S32 path_parts = path_array.size();
	if (path_parts == 6)
		// handle teleport url with (X,Y,Z) coordinates
		std::string location = unescapeUrl(path_array[path_parts-4]);
		std::string x = path_array[path_parts-3];
		std::string y = path_array[path_parts-2];
		std::string z = path_array[path_parts-1];
		return "Teleport to " + location + " (" + x + "," + y + "," + z + ")";
	else if (path_parts == 5)
		// handle teleport url with (X,Y) coordinates
		std::string location = unescapeUrl(path_array[path_parts-3]);
		std::string x = path_array[path_parts-2];
		std::string y = path_array[path_parts-1];
		return "Teleport to " + location + " (" + x + "," + y + ")";
	else if (path_parts == 4)
		// handle teleport url with (X) coordinate only
		std::string location = unescapeUrl(path_array[path_parts-2]);
		std::string x = path_array[path_parts-1];
		return "Teleport to " + location + " (" + x + ")";
	else if (path_parts == 3)
		// handle teleport url with no coordinates
		std::string location = unescapeUrl(path_array[path_parts-1]);
		return "Teleport to " + location;

	return url;

std::string LLUrlEntryTeleport::getLocation(const std::string &url) const
	// return the part of the Url after ///app/teleport
	const std::string search_string = "teleport";
	size_t pos = url.find(search_string);
	if (pos == std::string::npos)
		return "";

	pos += search_string.size() + 1;
	return url.substr(pos, url.size() - pos);

/// LLUrlEntryObjectIM Describes a Second Life object instant msg Url, e.g.,
/// secondlife:///app/objectim/<sessionid>
	mPattern = boost::regex("secondlife:///app/objectim/[\\da-f-]+\\??\\S*",
	mMenuName = "menu_url_objectim.xml";
	mTooltip = LLTrans::getString("TooltipObjectIMUrl");

std::string LLUrlEntryObjectIM::getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb)
	LLURI uri(url);
	LLSD params = uri.queryMap();
	if (params.has("name"))
		// look for a ?name=<obj-name> param in the url
		// and use that as the label if present.
		std::string name = params.get("name");
		if (name.empty())
			name = LLTrans::getString("Unnamed");
		return name;

	return unescapeUrl(url);

std::string LLUrlEntryObjectIM::getLocation(const std::string &url) const
	LLURI uri(url);
	LLSD params = uri.queryMap();
	if (params.has("slurl"))
		return params.get("slurl");

	return "";

// LLUrlEntrySL Describes a generic SLURL, e.g., a Url that starts
// with secondlife:// (used as a catch-all for cases not matched above)
	mPattern = boost::regex("secondlife://(\\w+)?(:\\d+)?/\\S+",
	mMenuName = "menu_url_slapp.xml";
	mTooltip = LLTrans::getString("TooltipSLAPP");

std::string LLUrlEntrySL::getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb)
	return unescapeUrl(url);

// LLUrlEntrySLLabel Describes a generic SLURL, e.g., a Url that starts
/// with secondlife:// with the ability to specify a custom label.
	mPattern = boost::regex("\\[secondlife://\\S+[ \t]+[^\\]]+\\]",
	mMenuName = "menu_url_slapp.xml";
	mTooltip = LLTrans::getString("TooltipSLAPP");

std::string LLUrlEntrySLLabel::getLabel(const std::string &url, const LLUrlLabelCallback &cb)
	return getLabelFromWikiLink(url);

std::string LLUrlEntrySLLabel::getUrl(const std::string &string)
	return getUrlFromWikiLink(string);