/** * @file lltexteditor.h * @brief LLTextEditor base class * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ // Text editor widget to let users enter a a multi-line ASCII document// #ifndef LL_LLTEXTEDITOR_H #define LL_LLTEXTEDITOR_H #include "llrect.h" #include "llkeywords.h" #include "llframetimer.h" #include "llstyle.h" #include "lleditmenuhandler.h" #include "llviewborder.h" // for params #include "lltextbase.h" #include "lltextvalidate.h" #include "llpreeditor.h" #include "llcontrol.h" class LLFontGL; class LLScrollbar; class LLKeywordToken; class TextCmd; class LLUICtrlFactory; class LLScrollContainer; class LLTextEditor : public LLTextBase, protected LLPreeditor { public: struct Params : public LLInitParam::Block { Optional default_text; Optional prevalidate_callback; Optional embedded_items, ignore_tab, show_line_numbers, commit_on_focus_lost, show_context_menu, enable_tooltip_paste, auto_indent; //colors Optional default_color; Params(); }; void initFromParams(const Params&); protected: LLTextEditor(const Params&); friend class LLUICtrlFactory; public: // // Constants // static const llwchar FIRST_EMBEDDED_CHAR = 0x100000; static const llwchar LAST_EMBEDDED_CHAR = 0x10ffff; static const S32 MAX_EMBEDDED_ITEMS = LAST_EMBEDDED_CHAR - FIRST_EMBEDDED_CHAR + 1; virtual ~LLTextEditor(); typedef boost::signals2::signal keystroke_signal_t; void setKeystrokeCallback(const keystroke_signal_t::slot_type& callback); void setParseHighlights(BOOL parsing) {mParseHighlights=parsing;} static S32 spacesPerTab(); // mousehandler overrides virtual BOOL handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask); virtual BOOL handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask); virtual BOOL handleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask); virtual BOOL handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask); virtual BOOL handleDoubleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask ); virtual BOOL handleMiddleMouseDown(S32 x,S32 y,MASK mask); virtual BOOL handleKeyHere(KEY key, MASK mask ); virtual BOOL handleUnicodeCharHere(llwchar uni_char); virtual void onMouseCaptureLost(); // view overrides virtual void draw(); virtual void onFocusReceived(); virtual void onFocusLost(); virtual void onCommit(); virtual void setEnabled(BOOL enabled); // uictrl overrides virtual void clear(); virtual void setFocus( BOOL b ); virtual BOOL isDirty() const; // LLEditMenuHandler interface virtual void undo(); virtual BOOL canUndo() const; virtual void redo(); virtual BOOL canRedo() const; virtual void cut(); virtual BOOL canCut() const; virtual void copy(); virtual BOOL canCopy() const; virtual void paste(); virtual BOOL canPaste() const; virtual void updatePrimary(); virtual void copyPrimary(); virtual void pastePrimary(); virtual BOOL canPastePrimary() const; virtual void doDelete(); virtual BOOL canDoDelete() const; virtual void selectAll(); virtual BOOL canSelectAll() const; void selectByCursorPosition(S32 prev_cursor_pos, S32 next_cursor_pos); virtual bool canLoadOrSaveToFile(); void selectNext(const std::string& search_text_in, BOOL case_insensitive, BOOL wrap = TRUE); BOOL replaceText(const std::string& search_text, const std::string& replace_text, BOOL case_insensitive, BOOL wrap = TRUE); void replaceTextAll(const std::string& search_text, const std::string& replace_text, BOOL case_insensitive); // Undo/redo stack void blockUndo(); // Text editing virtual void makePristine(); BOOL isPristine() const; BOOL allowsEmbeddedItems() const { return mAllowEmbeddedItems; } // Autoreplace (formerly part of LLLineEditor) typedef boost::function autoreplace_callback_t; autoreplace_callback_t mAutoreplaceCallback; void setAutoreplaceCallback(autoreplace_callback_t cb) { mAutoreplaceCallback = cb; } // // Text manipulation // // inserts text at cursor void insertText(const std::string &text); void insertText(LLWString &text); void appendWidget(const LLInlineViewSegment::Params& params, const std::string& text, bool allow_undo); // Non-undoable void setText(const LLStringExplicit &utf8str, const LLStyle::Params& input_params = LLStyle::Params()); // Removes text from the end of document // Does not change highlight or cursor position. void removeTextFromEnd(S32 num_chars); BOOL tryToRevertToPristineState(); void setCursorAndScrollToEnd(); void getCurrentLineAndColumn( S32* line, S32* col, BOOL include_wordwrap ); void loadKeywords(const std::string& filename, const std::vector& funcs, const std::vector& tooltips, const LLColor3& func_color); LLKeywords::keyword_iterator_t keywordsBegin() { return mKeywords.begin(); } LLKeywords::keyword_iterator_t keywordsEnd() { return mKeywords.end(); } // Hacky methods to make it into a word-wrapping, potentially scrolling, // read-only text box. void setCommitOnFocusLost(BOOL b) { mCommitOnFocusLost = b; } // Hack to handle Notecards virtual BOOL importBuffer(const char* buffer, S32 length ); virtual BOOL exportBuffer(std::string& buffer ); const LLUUID& getSourceID() const { return mSourceID; } const LLTextSegmentPtr getPreviousSegment() const; void getSelectedSegments(segment_vec_t& segments) const; void setShowContextMenu(bool show) { mShowContextMenu = show; } bool getShowContextMenu() const { return mShowContextMenu; } void setPassDelete(BOOL b) { mPassDelete = b; } protected: void showContextMenu(S32 x, S32 y); void drawPreeditMarker(); void assignEmbedded(const std::string &s); void removeCharOrTab(); void indentSelectedLines( S32 spaces ); S32 indentLine( S32 pos, S32 spaces ); void unindentLineBeforeCloseBrace(); virtual BOOL handleSpecialKey(const KEY key, const MASK mask); BOOL handleNavigationKey(const KEY key, const MASK mask); BOOL handleSelectionKey(const KEY key, const MASK mask); BOOL handleControlKey(const KEY key, const MASK mask); BOOL selectionContainsLineBreaks(); void deleteSelection(BOOL transient_operation); S32 prevWordPos(S32 cursorPos) const; S32 nextWordPos(S32 cursorPos) const; void autoIndent(); void findEmbeddedItemSegments(S32 start, S32 end); void getSegmentsInRange(segment_vec_t& segments, S32 start, S32 end, bool include_partial) const; virtual llwchar pasteEmbeddedItem(llwchar ext_char) { return ext_char; } // Here's the method that takes and applies text commands. S32 execute(TextCmd* cmd); // Undoable operations void addChar(llwchar c); // at mCursorPos S32 addChar(S32 pos, llwchar wc); void addLineBreakChar(BOOL group_together = FALSE); S32 overwriteChar(S32 pos, llwchar wc); void removeChar(); S32 removeChar(S32 pos); S32 insert(S32 pos, const LLWString &wstr, bool group_with_next_op, LLTextSegmentPtr segment); S32 remove(S32 pos, S32 length, bool group_with_next_op); void focusLostHelper(); void updateAllowingLanguageInput(); BOOL hasPreeditString() const; // Overrides LLPreeditor virtual void resetPreedit(); virtual void updatePreedit(const LLWString &preedit_string, const segment_lengths_t &preedit_segment_lengths, const standouts_t &preedit_standouts, S32 caret_position); virtual void markAsPreedit(S32 position, S32 length); virtual void getPreeditRange(S32 *position, S32 *length) const; virtual void getSelectionRange(S32 *position, S32 *length) const; virtual BOOL getPreeditLocation(S32 query_offset, LLCoordGL *coord, LLRect *bounds, LLRect *control) const; virtual S32 getPreeditFontSize() const; virtual LLWString getPreeditString() const { return getWText(); } // // Protected data // // Probably deserves serious thought to hiding as many of these // as possible behind protected accessor methods. // // Use these to determine if a click on an embedded item is a drag or not. S32 mMouseDownX; S32 mMouseDownY; LLWString mPreeditWString; LLWString mPreeditOverwrittenWString; std::vector mPreeditPositions; std::vector mPreeditStandouts; protected: LLUIColor mDefaultColor; BOOL mShowLineNumbers; bool mAutoIndent; /*virtual*/ void updateSegments(); void updateLinkSegments(); private: // // Methods // void pasteHelper(bool is_primary); void cleanStringForPaste(LLWString & clean_string); void pasteTextWithLinebreaks(LLWString & clean_string); void drawLineNumbers(); void onKeyStroke(); // // Data // LLKeywords mKeywords; // Concrete TextCmd sub-classes used by the LLTextEditor base class class TextCmdInsert; class TextCmdAddChar; class TextCmdOverwriteChar; class TextCmdRemove; class LLViewBorder* mBorder; BOOL mBaseDocIsPristine; TextCmd* mPristineCmd; TextCmd* mLastCmd; typedef std::deque undo_stack_t; undo_stack_t mUndoStack; BOOL mTabsToNextField; // if true, tab moves focus to next field, else inserts spaces BOOL mCommitOnFocusLost; BOOL mTakesFocus; BOOL mAllowEmbeddedItems; bool mShowContextMenu; bool mParseOnTheFly; bool mEnableTooltipPaste; bool mPassDelete; LLUUID mSourceID; LLCoordGL mLastIMEPosition; // Last position of the IME editor keystroke_signal_t mKeystrokeSignal; LLTextValidate::validate_func_t mPrevalidateFunc; LLContextMenu* mContextMenu; }; // end class LLTextEditor // Build time optimization, generate once in .cpp file #ifndef LLTEXTEDITOR_CPP extern template class LLTextEditor* LLView::getChild( const std::string& name, BOOL recurse) const; #endif #endif // LL_TEXTEDITOR_