/** * @file llslider.cpp * @brief LLSlider base class * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llslider.h" #include "llui.h" #include "llgl.h" #include "llwindow.h" #include "llfocusmgr.h" #include "llkeyboard.h" // for the MASK constants #include "llcontrol.h" #include "llimagegl.h" LLSlider::LLSlider( const LLString& name, const LLRect& rect, void (*on_commit_callback)(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata), void* callback_userdata, F32 initial_value, F32 min_value, F32 max_value, F32 increment, BOOL volume, const LLString& control_name) : LLUICtrl( name, rect, TRUE, on_commit_callback, callback_userdata, FOLLOWS_LEFT | FOLLOWS_TOP), mValue( initial_value ), mInitialValue( initial_value ), mMinValue( min_value ), mMaxValue( max_value ), mIncrement( increment ), mVolumeSlider( volume ), mMouseOffset( 0 ), mTrackColor( LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor( "SliderTrackColor" ) ), mThumbOutlineColor( LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor( "SliderThumbOutlineColor" ) ), mThumbCenterColor( LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor( "SliderThumbCenterColor" ) ), mMouseDownCallback( NULL ), mMouseUpCallback( NULL ) { mThumbImage = LLUI::sImageProvider->getImageByID(LLUUID(LLUI::sAssetsGroup->getString("icn_slide-thumb_dark.tga"))); mTrackImage = LLUI::sImageProvider->getImageByID(LLUUID(LLUI::sAssetsGroup->getString("icn_slide-groove_dark.tga"))); mTrackHighlightImage = LLUI::sImageProvider->getImageByID(LLUUID(LLUI::sAssetsGroup->getString("icn_slide-highlight.tga"))); // properly handle setting the starting thumb rect // do it this way to handle both the operating-on-settings // and standalone ways of using this setControlName(control_name, NULL); setValue(getValueF32()); updateThumbRect(); mDragStartThumbRect = mThumbRect; } void LLSlider::setValue(F32 value, BOOL from_event) { value = llclamp( value, mMinValue, mMaxValue ); // Round to nearest increment (bias towards rounding down) value -= mMinValue; value += mIncrement/2.0001f; value -= fmod(value, mIncrement); value += mMinValue; if (!from_event && mValue != value) { setControlValue(value); } mValue = value; updateThumbRect(); } void LLSlider::updateThumbRect() { F32 t = (mValue - mMinValue) / (mMaxValue - mMinValue); S32 thumb_width = mThumbImage->getWidth(); S32 thumb_height = mThumbImage->getHeight(); S32 left_edge = (thumb_width / 2); S32 right_edge = getRect().getWidth() - (thumb_width / 2); S32 x = left_edge + S32( t * (right_edge - left_edge) ); mThumbRect.mLeft = x - (thumb_width / 2); mThumbRect.mRight = mThumbRect.mLeft + thumb_width; mThumbRect.mBottom = getLocalRect().getCenterY() - (thumb_height / 2); mThumbRect.mTop = mThumbRect.mBottom + thumb_height; } void LLSlider::setValueAndCommit(F32 value) { F32 old_value = mValue; setValue(value); if (mValue != old_value) { onCommit(); } } BOOL LLSlider::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { if( hasMouseCapture() ) { S32 thumb_half_width = mThumbImage->getWidth()/2; S32 left_edge = thumb_half_width; S32 right_edge = getRect().getWidth() - (thumb_half_width); x += mMouseOffset; x = llclamp( x, left_edge, right_edge ); F32 t = F32(x - left_edge) / (right_edge - left_edge); setValueAndCommit(t * (mMaxValue - mMinValue) + mMinValue ); getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_ARROW); lldebugst(LLERR_USER_INPUT) << "hover handled by " << getName() << " (active)" << llendl; } else { getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_ARROW); lldebugst(LLERR_USER_INPUT) << "hover handled by " << getName() << " (inactive)" << llendl; } return TRUE; } BOOL LLSlider::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { BOOL handled = FALSE; if( hasMouseCapture() ) { gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture( NULL ); if( mMouseUpCallback ) { mMouseUpCallback( this, mCallbackUserData ); } handled = TRUE; make_ui_sound("UISndClickRelease"); } else { handled = TRUE; } return handled; } BOOL LLSlider::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { // only do sticky-focus on non-chrome widgets if (!getIsChrome()) { setFocus(TRUE); } if( mMouseDownCallback ) { mMouseDownCallback( this, mCallbackUserData ); } if (MASK_CONTROL & mask) // if CTRL is modifying { setValueAndCommit(mInitialValue); } else { // Find the offset of the actual mouse location from the center of the thumb. if (mThumbRect.pointInRect(x,y)) { mMouseOffset = (mThumbRect.mLeft + mThumbImage->getWidth()/2) - x; } else { mMouseOffset = 0; } // Start dragging the thumb // No handler needed for focus lost since this class has no state that depends on it. gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture( this ); mDragStartThumbRect = mThumbRect; } make_ui_sound("UISndClick"); return TRUE; } BOOL LLSlider::handleKeyHere(KEY key, MASK mask, BOOL called_from_parent) { BOOL handled = FALSE; if( getVisible() && getEnabled() && !called_from_parent ) { switch(key) { case KEY_UP: case KEY_DOWN: // eat up and down keys to be consistent handled = TRUE; break; case KEY_LEFT: setValueAndCommit(getValueF32() - getIncrement()); handled = TRUE; break; case KEY_RIGHT: setValueAndCommit(getValueF32() + getIncrement()); handled = TRUE; break; default: break; } } return handled; } void LLSlider::draw() { if( getVisible() ) { // since thumb image might still be decoding, need thumb to accomodate image size updateThumbRect(); // Draw background and thumb. // drawing solids requires texturing be disabled LLGLSNoTexture no_texture; LLRect rect(mDragStartThumbRect); F32 opacity = getEnabled() ? 1.f : 0.3f; LLColor4 center_color = (mThumbCenterColor % opacity); LLColor4 track_color = (mTrackColor % opacity); // Track LLRect track_rect(mThumbImage->getWidth() / 2, getLocalRect().getCenterY() + (mTrackImage->getHeight() / 2), getRect().getWidth() - mThumbImage->getWidth() / 2, getLocalRect().getCenterY() - (mTrackImage->getHeight() / 2) ); gl_draw_scaled_image_with_border(track_rect.mLeft, track_rect.mBottom, 3, 3, track_rect.getWidth(), track_rect.getHeight(), mTrackImage, track_color); gl_draw_scaled_image_with_border(track_rect.mLeft, track_rect.mBottom, 3, 3, mThumbRect.mLeft, track_rect.getHeight(), mTrackHighlightImage, track_color); // Thumb if( hasMouseCapture() ) { gl_draw_scaled_image(mDragStartThumbRect.mLeft, mDragStartThumbRect.mBottom, mDragStartThumbRect.getWidth(), mDragStartThumbRect.getHeight(), mThumbImage, mThumbCenterColor % 0.3f); if (hasFocus()) { F32 lerp_amt = gFocusMgr.getFocusFlashAmt(); LLRect highlight_rect = mThumbRect; highlight_rect.stretch(llround(lerp(1.f, 3.f, lerp_amt))); gl_draw_scaled_image_with_border(highlight_rect.mLeft, highlight_rect.mBottom, 0, 0, highlight_rect.getWidth(), highlight_rect.getHeight(), mThumbImage, gFocusMgr.getFocusColor(), TRUE); } gl_draw_scaled_image(mThumbRect.mLeft, mThumbRect.mBottom, mThumbRect.getWidth(), mThumbRect.getHeight(), mThumbImage, mThumbOutlineColor); } else { if (hasFocus()) { F32 lerp_amt = gFocusMgr.getFocusFlashAmt(); LLRect highlight_rect = mThumbRect; highlight_rect.stretch(llround(lerp(1.f, 3.f, lerp_amt))); gl_draw_scaled_image_with_border(highlight_rect.mLeft, highlight_rect.mBottom, 0, 0, highlight_rect.getWidth(), highlight_rect.getHeight(), mThumbImage, gFocusMgr.getFocusColor(), TRUE); } gl_draw_scaled_image(mThumbRect.mLeft, mThumbRect.mBottom, mThumbRect.getWidth(), mThumbRect.getHeight(), mThumbImage, center_color); } LLUICtrl::draw(); } } // virtual LLXMLNodePtr LLSlider::getXML(bool save_children) const { LLXMLNodePtr node = LLUICtrl::getXML(); node->createChild("initial_val", TRUE)->setFloatValue(getInitialValue()); node->createChild("min_val", TRUE)->setFloatValue(getMinValue()); node->createChild("max_val", TRUE)->setFloatValue(getMaxValue()); node->createChild("increment", TRUE)->setFloatValue(getIncrement()); node->createChild("volume", TRUE)->setBoolValue(mVolumeSlider); return node; } //static LLView* LLSlider::fromXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, class LLUICtrlFactory *factory) { LLString name("slider_bar"); node->getAttributeString("name", name); LLRect rect; createRect(node, rect, parent, LLRect()); F32 initial_value = 0.f; node->getAttributeF32("initial_val", initial_value); F32 min_value = 0.f; node->getAttributeF32("min_val", min_value); F32 max_value = 1.f; node->getAttributeF32("max_val", max_value); F32 increment = 0.1f; node->getAttributeF32("increment", increment); BOOL volume = node->hasName("volume_slider") ? TRUE : FALSE; node->getAttributeBOOL("volume", volume); LLSlider* slider = new LLSlider(name, rect, NULL, NULL, initial_value, min_value, max_value, increment, volume); slider->initFromXML(node, parent); return slider; }