/** * @file llscrolllistitem.cpp * @brief Scroll lists are composed of rows (items), each of which * contains columns (cells). * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llscrolllistitem.h" #include "llrect.h" #include "llui.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLScrollListItem //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLScrollListItem::LLScrollListItem( const Params& p ) : mSelected(false), mHighlighted(false), mHoverIndex(-1), mSelectedIndex(-1), mEnabled(p.enabled), mUserdata(p.userdata), mItemValue(p.value), mItemAltValue(p.alt_value) { } LLScrollListItem::~LLScrollListItem() { std::for_each(mColumns.begin(), mColumns.end(), DeletePointer()); mColumns.clear(); } void LLScrollListItem::setSelected(bool b) { mSelected = b; mSelectedIndex = -1; } void LLScrollListItem::setHighlighted(bool b) { mHighlighted = b; mHoverIndex = -1; } void LLScrollListItem::setHoverCell(S32 cell) { mHoverIndex = cell; } void LLScrollListItem::setSelectedCell(S32 cell) { mSelectedIndex = cell; } void LLScrollListItem::addColumn(const LLScrollListCell::Params& p) { mColumns.push_back(LLScrollListCell::create(p)); } void LLScrollListItem::setNumColumns(S32 columns) { S32 prev_columns = mColumns.size(); if (columns < prev_columns) { std::for_each(mColumns.begin()+columns, mColumns.end(), DeletePointer()); } mColumns.resize(columns); for (S32 col = prev_columns; col < columns; ++col) { mColumns[col] = NULL; } } void LLScrollListItem::setColumn( S32 column, LLScrollListCell *cell ) { if (column < (S32)mColumns.size()) { delete mColumns[column]; mColumns[column] = cell; } else { LL_ERRS() << "LLScrollListItem::setColumn: bad column: " << column << LL_ENDL; } } S32 LLScrollListItem::getNumColumns() const { return mColumns.size(); } LLScrollListCell* LLScrollListItem::getColumn(const S32 i) const { if (0 <= i && i < (S32)mColumns.size()) { return mColumns[i]; } return NULL; } std::string LLScrollListItem::getContentsCSV() const { std::string ret; S32 count = getNumColumns(); for (S32 i=0; igetValue().asString(); if (i < count-1) { ret += ", "; } } return ret; } void LLScrollListItem::draw(const LLRect& rect, const LLColor4& fg_color, const LLColor4& hover_color, const LLColor4& select_color, const LLColor4& highlight_color, S32 column_padding) { // draw background rect gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); LLRect bg_rect = rect; if (mSelectedIndex < 0 && getSelected()) { // Whole item is highlighted/selected gl_rect_2d(bg_rect, select_color); } else if (mHoverIndex < 0) { // Whole item is highlighted/selected gl_rect_2d(bg_rect, hover_color); } S32 cur_x = rect.mLeft; S32 num_cols = getNumColumns(); S32 cur_col = 0; for (LLScrollListCell* cell = getColumn(0); cur_col < num_cols; cell = getColumn(++cur_col)) { // Two ways a cell could be hidden if (cell->getWidth() < 0 || !cell->getVisible()) continue; LLUI::pushMatrix(); { LLUI::translate((F32) cur_x, (F32) rect.mBottom); if (mSelectedIndex == cur_col) { // select specific cell LLRect highlight_rect(0, cell->getHeight(), cell->getWidth(), 0); gl_rect_2d(highlight_rect, select_color); } else if (mHoverIndex == cur_col) { // highlight specific cell LLRect highlight_rect(0, cell->getHeight(), cell->getWidth() , 0); gl_rect_2d(highlight_rect, hover_color); } cell->draw( fg_color, highlight_color ); } LLUI::popMatrix(); cur_x += cell->getWidth() + column_padding; } }