 * @file llresmgr.cpp
 * @brief Localized resource manager
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

// NOTE: this is a MINIMAL implementation.  The interface will remain, but the implementation will
// (when the time is right) become dynamic and probably use external files.

#include "linden_common.h"

#include "llresmgr.h"
#include "llfontgl.h"
#include "llerror.h"
#include "llstring.h"

	// Set default
	setLocale( LLLOCALE_USA );

void LLResMgr::setLocale( LLLOCALE_ID locale_id )
	mLocale = locale_id;

	//RN: for now, use normal 'C' locale for everything but specific UI input/output routines
//	switch( locale_id )
//	{
//	case LLLOCALE_USA: 
//		// Windows doesn't use ISO country codes.
//		llinfos << "Setting locale to " << setlocale( LC_ALL, "english-usa" ) << llendl;
//		// posix version should work everywhere else.
//		llinfos << "Setting locale to " << setlocale( LC_ALL, "en_US" ) << llendl;
//		break;
//	case LLLOCALE_UK:
//		// Windows doesn't use ISO country codes.
//		llinfos << "Setting locale to " << setlocale( LC_ALL, "english-uk" ) << llendl;
//		// posix version should work everywhere else.
//		llinfos << "Setting locale to " << setlocale( LC_ALL, "en_GB" ) << llendl;
//		break;
//	default:
//		llassert(0);
//		setLocale(LLLOCALE_USA);
//		break;
//	}

char LLResMgr::getDecimalPoint() const					
	char decimal = localeconv()->decimal_point[0]; 

	// On the Mac, locale support is broken before 10.4, which causes things to go all pear-shaped.
	if(decimal == 0)
		decimal = '.';

	return decimal;

char LLResMgr::getThousandsSeparator() const			
	char separator = localeconv()->thousands_sep[0]; 

	// On the Mac, locale support is broken before 10.4, which causes things to go all pear-shaped.
	if(separator == 0)
		separator = ',';

	return separator;

char LLResMgr::getMonetaryDecimalPoint() const
	char decimal = localeconv()->mon_decimal_point[0]; 

	// On the Mac, locale support is broken before 10.4, which causes things to go all pear-shaped.
	if(decimal == 0)
		decimal = '.';

	return decimal;

char LLResMgr::getMonetaryThousandsSeparator() const	
	char separator = localeconv()->mon_thousands_sep[0]; 

	// On the Mac, locale support is broken before 10.4, which causes things to go all pear-shaped.
	if(separator == 0)
		separator = ',';

	return separator;

// Sets output to a string of integers with monetary separators inserted according to the locale.
std::string LLResMgr::getMonetaryString( S32 input ) const
	std::string output;

	LLLocale locale(LLLocale::USER_LOCALE);
	struct lconv *conv = localeconv();
	// On the Mac, locale support is broken before 10.4, which causes things to go all pear-shaped.
	// Fake up a conv structure with some reasonable values for the fields this function uses.
	struct lconv fakeconv;
	char fake_neg[2] = "-";
	char fake_mon_group[4] = "\x03\x03\x00"; // commas every 3 digits
	if(conv->negative_sign[0] == 0)	// Real locales all seem to have something here...
		fakeconv = *conv;	// start with what's there.
			default:  			// Unknown -- use the US defaults.
			case LLLOCALE_USA: 
			case LLLOCALE_UK:	// UK ends up being the same as US for the items used here.
				fakeconv.negative_sign = fake_neg;
				fakeconv.mon_grouping = fake_mon_group;
				fakeconv.n_sign_posn = 1; // negative sign before the string
		conv = &fakeconv;

	char* negative_sign = conv->negative_sign;
	char separator = getMonetaryThousandsSeparator();
	char* grouping = conv->mon_grouping;
	// Note on mon_grouping:
	// Specifies a string that defines the size of each group of digits in formatted monetary quantities.
	// The operand for the mon_grouping keyword consists of a sequence of semicolon-separated integers. 
	// Each integer specifies the number of digits in a group. The initial integer defines the size of
	// the group immediately to the left of the decimal delimiter. The following integers define succeeding
	// groups to the left of the previous group. If the last integer is not -1, the size of the previous
	// group (if any) is repeatedly used for the remainder of the digits. If the last integer is -1, no
	// further grouping is performed. 

	// Note: we assume here that the currency symbol goes on the left. (Hey, it's Lindens! We can just decide.)
	BOOL negative = (input < 0 );
	BOOL negative_before = negative && (conv->n_sign_posn != 2);
	BOOL negative_after = negative && (conv->n_sign_posn == 2);

	std::string digits = llformat("%u", abs(input));
	if( !grouping || !grouping[0] )
		if( negative_before )
			output.append( negative_sign );
		output.append( digits );
		if( negative_after )
			output.append( negative_sign );
		return output;

	S32 groupings[10] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	S32 cur_group;
	for( cur_group = 0; grouping[ cur_group ]; cur_group++ )
		if( grouping[ cur_group ] != ';' )
			groupings[cur_group] = grouping[ cur_group ];

		if( groupings[cur_group] < 0 )
	S32 group_count = cur_group;

	char reversed_output[20] = "";	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
	char forward_output[20] = "";	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
	S32 output_pos = 0;
	cur_group = 0;
	S32 pos = digits.size()-1;
	S32 count_within_group = 0;
	while( (pos >= 0) && (groupings[cur_group] >= 0) )
		if( count_within_group > groupings[cur_group] )
			count_within_group = 1;
			reversed_output[ output_pos++ ] = separator;

			if( (cur_group + 1) >= group_count )
			if( groupings[cur_group + 1] > 0 )
		reversed_output[ output_pos++ ] = digits[pos--];

	while( pos >= 0 )
		reversed_output[ output_pos++ ] = digits[pos--];

	reversed_output[ output_pos ] = '\0';
	forward_output[ output_pos ] = '\0';

	for( S32 i = 0; i < output_pos; i++ )
		forward_output[ output_pos - 1 - i ] = reversed_output[ i ];

	if( negative_before )
		output.append( negative_sign );
	output.append( forward_output );
	if( negative_after )
		output.append( negative_sign );
	return output;

void LLResMgr::getIntegerString( std::string& output, S32 input ) const
	// handle special case of input value being zero
	if (input == 0)
		output = "0";
	// *NOTE: this method does not handle negative input integers correctly
	S32 fraction = 0;
	std::string fraction_string;
	S32 remaining_count = input;
	while(remaining_count > 0)
		fraction = (remaining_count) % 1000;
		if (!output.empty())
			if (fraction == remaining_count)
				fraction_string = llformat_to_utf8("%d%c", fraction, getThousandsSeparator());
				fraction_string = llformat_to_utf8("%3.3d%c", fraction, getThousandsSeparator());
			output = fraction_string + output;
			if (fraction == remaining_count)
				fraction_string = llformat("%d", fraction);
				fraction_string = llformat("%3.3d", fraction);
			output = fraction_string;
		remaining_count /= 1000;

const std::string LLLocale::USER_LOCALE("English_United States.1252");// = LLStringUtil::null;
const std::string LLLocale::SYSTEM_LOCALE("English_United States.1252");
const std::string LLLocale::USER_LOCALE("en_US.iso8859-1");// = LLStringUtil::null;
const std::string LLLocale::SYSTEM_LOCALE("en_US.iso8859-1");
const std::string LLLocale::USER_LOCALE("en_US.ISO8859-1");
const std::string LLLocale::SYSTEM_LOCALE("C");
#else // LL_LINUX likes this
const std::string LLLocale::USER_LOCALE("en_US.utf8");
const std::string LLLocale::SYSTEM_LOCALE("C");

LLLocale::LLLocale(const std::string& locale_string)
	mPrevLocaleString = setlocale( LC_ALL, NULL );
	char* new_locale_string = setlocale( LC_ALL, locale_string.c_str());
	if ( new_locale_string == NULL)
		LL_WARNS_ONCE("LLLocale") << "Failed to set locale " << locale_string << LL_ENDL;
		setlocale(LC_ALL, SYSTEM_LOCALE.c_str());
	//	llinfos << "Set locale to " << new_locale_string << llendl;

	setlocale( LC_ALL, mPrevLocaleString.c_str() );