 * @file llpanel.h
 * @author James Cook, Tom Yedwab
 * @brief LLPanel base class
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#ifndef LL_LLPANEL_H
#define LL_LLPANEL_H

#include "llcallbackmap.h"
#include "lluictrl.h"
#include "llviewborder.h"
#include "lluiimage.h"
#include "lluistring.h"
#include "v4color.h"
#include "llbadgeholder.h"
#include <list>
#include <queue>

const bool BORDER_YES = true;
const bool BORDER_NO = false;

class LLButton;
class LLUIImage;

 * General purpose concrete view base class.
 * Transparent or opaque,
 * With or without border,
 * Can contain LLUICtrls.
class LLPanel : public LLUICtrl, public LLBadgeHolder
    struct LocalizedString : public LLInitParam::Block<LocalizedString>
        Mandatory<std::string>  name;
        Mandatory<std::string>  value;


    struct Params
    :   public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLUICtrl::Params>
        Optional<bool>          has_border;
        Optional<LLViewBorder::Params>  border;

        Optional<bool>          background_visible,

        Optional<LLUIColor>     bg_opaque_color,
        // opaque image is for "panel in foreground" look
        Optional<LLUIImage*>    bg_opaque_image,

        Optional<S32>           min_width,

        Optional<std::string>   filename;
        Optional<std::string>   class_name;
        Optional<std::string>   help_topic;

        Multiple<LocalizedString>   strings;

        Optional<CommitCallbackParam> visible_callback;

        Optional<bool>          accepts_badge;


    friend class LLUICtrlFactory;
    // RN: for some reason you can't just use LLUICtrlFactory::getDefaultParams as a default argument in VC8
    static const LLPanel::Params& getDefaultParams();

    // Panels can get constructed directly
    LLPanel(const LLPanel::Params& params = getDefaultParams());

    typedef std::vector<class LLUICtrl *>               ctrl_list_t;

    bool buildFromFile(const std::string &filename, const LLPanel::Params& default_params = getDefaultParams());

    static LLPanel* createFactoryPanel(const std::string& name);

    /*virtual*/ ~LLPanel();

    // LLView interface
    /*virtual*/ bool    isPanel() const;
    /*virtual*/ void    draw();
    /*virtual*/ bool    handleKeyHere( KEY key, MASK mask );
    /*virtual*/ void    onVisibilityChange ( bool new_visibility );

    // From LLFocusableElement
    /*virtual*/ void    setFocus( bool b );

    // New virtuals
    virtual     void    refresh();  // called in setFocus()
    virtual     void    clearCtrls(); // overridden in LLPanelObject and LLPanelVolume

    // Border controls
    const LLViewBorder* getBorder() const { return mBorder; }
    void addBorder( LLViewBorder::Params p);
    void addBorder();
    void            removeBorder();
    bool            hasBorder() const { return mBorder != NULL; }
    void            setBorderVisible( bool b );

    void            setBackgroundColor( const LLColor4& color ) { mBgOpaqueColor = color; }
    const LLColor4& getBackgroundColor() const { return mBgOpaqueColor; }
    void            setTransparentColor(const LLColor4& color) { mBgAlphaColor = color; }
    const LLColor4& getTransparentColor() const { return mBgAlphaColor; }
    void            setBackgroundImage(LLUIImage* image) { mBgOpaqueImage = image; }
    void            setTransparentImage(LLUIImage* image) { mBgAlphaImage = image; }
    LLPointer<LLUIImage> getBackgroundImage() const { return mBgOpaqueImage; }
    LLPointer<LLUIImage> getTransparentImage() const { return mBgAlphaImage; }
    LLColor4        getBackgroundImageOverlay() { return mBgOpaqueImageOverlay; }
    LLColor4        getTransparentImageOverlay() { return mBgAlphaImageOverlay; }
    void            setBackgroundVisible( bool b )  { mBgVisible = b; }
    bool            isBackgroundVisible() const { return mBgVisible; }
    void            setBackgroundOpaque(bool b)     { mBgOpaque = b; }
    bool            isBackgroundOpaque() const { return mBgOpaque; }
    void            setDefaultBtn(LLButton* btn = NULL);
    void            setDefaultBtn(const std::string& id);
    void            updateDefaultBtn();
    void            setLabel(const LLStringExplicit& label) { mLabel = label; }
    std::string     getLabel() const { return mLabel; }
    void            setHelpTopic(const std::string& help_topic) { mHelpTopic = help_topic; }
    std::string     getHelpTopic() const { return mHelpTopic; }

    void            setCtrlsEnabled(bool b);
    ctrl_list_t     getCtrlList() const;

    LLHandle<LLPanel>   getHandle() const { return getDerivedHandle<LLPanel>(); }

    const LLCallbackMap::map_t& getFactoryMap() const { return mFactoryMap; }

    CommitCallbackRegistry::ScopedRegistrar& getCommitCallbackRegistrar() { return mCommitCallbackRegistrar; }
    EnableCallbackRegistry::ScopedRegistrar& getEnableCallbackRegistrar() { return mEnableCallbackRegistrar; }

    void initFromParams(const Params& p);
    bool initPanelXML(  LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, LLXMLNodePtr output_node, const LLPanel::Params& default_params);

    bool hasString(const std::string& name);
    std::string getString(const std::string& name, const LLStringUtil::format_map_t& args) const;
    std::string getString(const std::string& name) const;

    // ** Wrappers for setting child properties by name ** -TomY
    // WARNING: These are deprecated, please use getChild<T>("name")->doStuff() idiom instead

    // LLView
    void childSetVisible(const std::string& name, bool visible);

    void childSetEnabled(const std::string& name, bool enabled);
    void childEnable(const std::string& name)   { childSetEnabled(name, true); }
    void childDisable(const std::string& name) { childSetEnabled(name, false); };

    // LLUICtrl
    void childSetFocus(const std::string& id, bool focus = true);
    bool childHasFocus(const std::string& id);

    // *TODO: Deprecate; for backwards compatability only:
    // Prefer getChild<LLUICtrl>("foo")->setCommitCallback(boost:bind(...)),
    // which takes a generic slot.  Or use mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add() with
    // a named callback and reference it in XML.
    void childSetCommitCallback(const std::string& id, boost::function<void (LLUICtrl*,void*)> cb, void* data);
    void childSetColor(const std::string& id, const LLColor4& color);

    LLCtrlSelectionInterface* childGetSelectionInterface(const std::string& id) const;
    LLCtrlListInterface* childGetListInterface(const std::string& id) const;
    LLCtrlScrollInterface* childGetScrollInterface(const std::string& id) const;

    // This is the magic bullet for data-driven UI
    void childSetValue(const std::string& id, LLSD value);
    LLSD childGetValue(const std::string& id) const;

    // For setting text / label replacement params, e.g. "Hello [NAME]"
    // Not implemented for all types, defaults to noop, returns false if not applicaple
    bool childSetTextArg(const std::string& id, const std::string& key, const LLStringExplicit& text);
    bool childSetLabelArg(const std::string& id, const std::string& key, const LLStringExplicit& text);

    // LLButton
    void childSetAction(const std::string& id, boost::function<void(void*)> function, void* value);
    void childSetAction(const std::string& id, const commit_signal_t::slot_type& function);

    static LLView*  fromXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, LLXMLNodePtr output_node = NULL);

    //call onOpen to let panel know when it's about to be shown or activated
    virtual void    onOpen(const LLSD& key) {}

    void setXMLFilename(std::string filename) { mXMLFilename = filename; };
    std::string getXMLFilename() { return mXMLFilename; };

    boost::signals2::connection setVisibleCallback( const commit_signal_t::slot_type& cb );

    // Override to set not found list
    LLButton*       getDefaultButton() { return mDefaultBtn; }
    LLCallbackMap::map_t mFactoryMap;
    CommitCallbackRegistry::ScopedRegistrar mCommitCallbackRegistrar;
    EnableCallbackRegistry::ScopedRegistrar mEnableCallbackRegistrar;

    commit_signal_t* mVisibleSignal;        // Called when visibility changes, passes new visibility as LLSD()

    std::string     mHelpTopic;         // the name of this panel's help topic to display in the Help Viewer
    typedef std::deque<const LLCallbackMap::map_t*> factory_stack_t;
    static factory_stack_t  sFactoryStack;

    // for setting the xml filename when building panel in context dependent cases
    std::string     mXMLFilename;

    bool            mBgVisible;             // any background at all?
    bool            mBgOpaque;              // use opaque color or image
    LLUIColor       mBgOpaqueColor;
    LLUIColor       mBgAlphaColor;
    LLUIColor       mBgOpaqueImageOverlay;
    LLUIColor       mBgAlphaImageOverlay;
    LLPointer<LLUIImage> mBgOpaqueImage;    // "panel in front" look
    LLPointer<LLUIImage> mBgAlphaImage;     // "panel in back" look
    LLViewBorder*   mBorder;
    LLButton*       mDefaultBtn;
    LLUIString      mLabel;

    typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> ui_string_map_t;
    ui_string_map_t mUIStrings;

}; // end class LLPanel

// Build time optimization, generate once in .cpp file
extern template class LLPanel* LLView::getChild<class LLPanel>(
    const std::string& name, bool recurse) const;

typedef boost::function<LLPanel* (void)> LLPanelClassCreatorFunc;

// local static instance for registering a particular panel class

class LLRegisterPanelClass
:   public LLSingleton< LLRegisterPanelClass >
    // register with either the provided builder, or the generic templated builder
    void addPanelClass(const std::string& tag,LLPanelClassCreatorFunc func)
        mPanelClassesNames[tag] = func;

    LLPanel* createPanelClass(const std::string& tag)
        param_name_map_t::iterator iT =  mPanelClassesNames.find(tag);
        if(iT == mPanelClassesNames.end())
            return 0;
        return iT->second();
    template<typename T>
    static T* defaultPanelClassBuilder()
        T* pT = new T();
        return pT;

    typedef std::map< std::string, LLPanelClassCreatorFunc> param_name_map_t;

    param_name_map_t mPanelClassesNames;

// local static instance for registering a particular panel class
template<typename T>
    class LLPanelInjector
    // register with either the provided builder, or the generic templated builder
    LLPanelInjector(const std::string& tag);

template<typename T>
    LLPanelInjector<T>::LLPanelInjector(const std::string& tag)
