/** * @file llpanel.h * @author James Cook, Tom Yedwab * @brief LLPanel base class * * Copyright (c) 2001-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc. * $License$ */ #ifndef LL_LLPANEL_H #define LL_LLPANEL_H // Opaque view with a background and a border. Can contain LLUICtrls. #include "llcallbackmap.h" #include "lluictrl.h" #include "llviewborder.h" #include "lluistring.h" #include "v4color.h" #include #include const S32 LLPANEL_BORDER_WIDTH = 1; const BOOL BORDER_YES = TRUE; const BOOL BORDER_NO = FALSE; class LLViewerImage; class LLUUID; class LLCheckBoxCtrl; class LLComboBox; class LLIconCtrl; class LLLineEditor; class LLRadioGroup; class LLScrollListCtrl; class LLSliderCtrl; class LLSpinCtrl; class LLTextBox; class LLTextEditor; class LLAlertInfo { public: LLString mLabel; LLString::format_map_t mArgs; LLAlertInfo(LLString label, LLString::format_map_t args) : mLabel(label), mArgs(args) { } LLAlertInfo() { } }; class LLPanel : public LLUICtrl { public: virtual EWidgetType getWidgetType() const; virtual LLString getWidgetTag() const; // defaults to TRUE virtual BOOL isPanel(); // minimal constructor for data-driven initialization LLPanel(); LLPanel(const LLString& name); // Position and size not saved LLPanel(const LLString& name, const LLRect& rect, BOOL bordered = TRUE); // Position and size are saved to rect_control LLPanel(const LLString& name, const LLString& rect_control, BOOL bordered = TRUE); void addBorder( LLViewBorder::EBevel border_bevel = LLViewBorder::BEVEL_OUT, LLViewBorder::EStyle border_style = LLViewBorder::STYLE_LINE, S32 border_thickness = LLPANEL_BORDER_WIDTH ); void removeBorder(); virtual ~LLPanel(); virtual void draw(); virtual void refresh(); // called in setFocus() virtual void setFocus( BOOL b ); void setFocusRoot(BOOL b) { mIsFocusRoot = b; } virtual BOOL handleKeyHere( KEY key, MASK mask, BOOL called_from_parent ); virtual BOOL handleKey( KEY key, MASK mask, BOOL called_from_parent ); virtual BOOL postBuild(); void requires(LLString name, EWidgetType type = WIDGET_TYPE_DONTCARE); BOOL checkRequirements(); static void alertXml(LLString label, LLString::format_map_t args = LLString::format_map_t()); static BOOL nextAlert(LLAlertInfo &alert); void setBackgroundColor( const LLColor4& color ); LLColor4 getBackgroundColor(); void setTransparentColor(const LLColor4& color); void setBackgroundVisible( BOOL b ) { mBgVisible = b; } void setBackgroundOpaque(BOOL b) { mBgOpaque = b; } void setDefaultBtn(LLButton* btn = NULL); void setDefaultBtn(const LLString& id); void setLabel(LLString label) { mLabel = label; } LLString getLabel() const { return mLabel; } void setRectControl(const LLString& rect_control) { mRectControl.assign(rect_control); } void storeRectControl(); void setBorderVisible( BOOL b ); void setCtrlsEnabled(BOOL b); virtual void clearCtrls(); LLViewHandle getHandle() { return mViewHandle; } S32 getLastTabGroup() { return mLastTabGroup; } LLView* getCtrlByNameAndType(const LLString& name, EWidgetType type); static LLPanel* getPanelByHandle(LLViewHandle handle); virtual const LLCallbackMap::map_t& getFactoryMap() const { return mFactoryMap; } virtual LLXMLNodePtr getXML(bool save_children = true) const; static LLView* fromXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, LLUICtrlFactory *factory); BOOL initPanelXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, LLUICtrlFactory *factory); void initChildrenXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLUICtrlFactory* factory); void setPanelParameters(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parentp); LLString getFormattedUIString(const LLString& name, const LLString::format_map_t& args = LLUIString::sNullArgs) const; LLUIString getUIString(const LLString& name) const; // ** Wrappers for setting child properties by name ** -TomY // Override to set not found list virtual LLView* getChildByName(const LLString& name, BOOL recurse = FALSE) const; // LLView void childSetVisible(const LLString& name, bool visible); void childShow(const LLString& name) { childSetVisible(name, true); } void childHide(const LLString& name) { childSetVisible(name, false); } bool childIsVisible(const LLString& id) const; void childSetTentative(const LLString& name, bool tentative); void childSetEnabled(const LLString& name, bool enabled); void childEnable(const LLString& name) { childSetEnabled(name, true); } void childDisable(const LLString& name) { childSetEnabled(name, false); }; bool childIsEnabled(const LLString& id) const; void childSetToolTip(const LLString& id, const LLString& msg); void childSetRect(const LLString& id, const LLRect &rect); bool childGetRect(const LLString& id, LLRect& rect) const; // LLUICtrl void childSetFocus(const LLString& id, BOOL focus = TRUE); BOOL childHasFocus(const LLString& id); void childSetFocusChangedCallback(const LLString& id, void (*cb)(LLUICtrl*, void*)); void childSetCommitCallback(const LLString& id, void (*cb)(LLUICtrl*, void*), void* userdata = NULL ); void childSetDoubleClickCallback(const LLString& id, void (*cb)(void*), void* userdata = NULL ); void childSetValidate(const LLString& id, BOOL (*cb)(LLUICtrl*, void*) ); void childSetUserData(const LLString& id, void* userdata); void childSetColor(const LLString& id, const LLColor4& color); LLCtrlSelectionInterface* childGetSelectionInterface(const LLString& id); LLCtrlListInterface* childGetListInterface(const LLString& id); LLCtrlScrollInterface* childGetScrollInterface(const LLString& id); // This is the magic bullet for data-driven UI void childSetValue(const LLString& id, LLSD value); LLSD childGetValue(const LLString& id) const; // For setting text / label replacement params, e.g. "Hello [NAME]" // Not implemented for all types, defaults to noop, returns FALSE if not applicaple BOOL childSetTextArg(const LLString& id, const LLString& key, const LLString& text); BOOL childSetLabelArg(const LLString& id, const LLString& key, const LLString& text); // LLSlider / LLSpinCtrl void childSetMinValue(const LLString& id, LLSD min_value); void childSetMaxValue(const LLString& id, LLSD max_value); // LLTabContainer void childShowTab(const LLString& id, const LLString& tabname, bool visible = true); LLPanel *childGetVisibleTab(const LLString& id); void childSetTabChangeCallback(const LLString& id, const LLString& tabname, void (*on_tab_clicked)(void*, bool), void *userdata); // LLTextBox void childSetWrappedText(const LLString& id, const LLString& text, bool visible = true); // LLTextBox/LLTextEditor/LLLineEditor void childSetText(const LLString& id, const LLString& text); LLString childGetText(const LLString& id); // LLLineEditor void childSetKeystrokeCallback(const LLString& id, void (*keystroke_callback)(LLLineEditor* caller, void* user_data), void *user_data); void childSetPrevalidate(const LLString& id, BOOL (*func)(const LLWString &) ); // LLButton void childSetAction(const LLString& id, void(*function)(void*), void* value); void childSetActionTextbox(const LLString& id, void(*function)(void*)); void childSetControlName(const LLString& id, const LLString& control_name); // Error reporting void childNotFound(const LLString& id) const; void childDisplayNotFound(); typedef std::queue alert_queue_t; static alert_queue_t sAlertQueue; typedef std::map ui_string_map_t; private: // common constructor void init(); protected: virtual void addCtrl( LLUICtrl* ctrl, S32 tab_group ); virtual void addCtrlAtEnd( LLUICtrl* ctrl, S32 tab_group); // Unified error reporting for the child* functions typedef std::set expected_members_list_t; mutable expected_members_list_t mExpectedMembers; mutable expected_members_list_t mNewExpectedMembers; LLString mRectControl; LLColor4 mBgColorAlpha; LLColor4 mBgColorOpaque; LLColor4 mDefaultBtnHighlight; BOOL mBgVisible; BOOL mBgOpaque; LLViewBorder* mBorder; LLButton* mDefaultBtn; LLCallbackMap::map_t mFactoryMap; LLString mLabel; S32 mLastTabGroup; ui_string_map_t mUIStrings; typedef std::map requirements_map_t; requirements_map_t mRequirements; typedef std::map panel_map_t; static panel_map_t sPanelMap; }; class LLLayoutStack : public LLView { public: typedef enum e_layout_orientation { HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL } eLayoutOrientation; LLLayoutStack(eLayoutOrientation orientation); virtual ~LLLayoutStack(); /*virtual*/ void draw(); /*virtual*/ void reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent); /*virtual*/ LLXMLNodePtr getXML(bool save_children = true) const; /*virtual*/ void removeCtrl(LLUICtrl* ctrl); virtual EWidgetType getWidgetType() const { return WIDGET_TYPE_LAYOUT_STACK; } virtual LLString getWidgetTag() const { return LL_LAYOUT_STACK_TAG; } static LLView* fromXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, LLUICtrlFactory *factory); S32 getMinWidth(); S32 getMinHeight(); void addPanel(LLPanel* panel, S32 min_width, S32 min_height, BOOL auto_resize, S32 index = S32_MAX); void removePanel(LLPanel* panel); void updateLayout(BOOL force_resize = FALSE); protected: struct LLEmbeddedPanel; LLEmbeddedPanel* findEmbeddedPanel(LLPanel* panelp); void calcMinExtents(); S32 getMinStackSize(); S32 getCurStackSize(); protected: eLayoutOrientation mOrientation; typedef std::vector e_panel_list_t; e_panel_list_t mPanels; S32 mMinWidth; S32 mMinHeight; }; #endif