/** * @file llpanel.cpp * @brief LLPanel base class * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ // Opaque view with a background and a border. Can contain LLUICtrls. #include "linden_common.h" #define LLPANEL_CPP #include "llpanel.h" #include "llfocusmgr.h" #include "llfontgl.h" #include "llrect.h" #include "llerror.h" #include "lldir.h" #include "lltimer.h" #include "llbutton.h" #include "llmenugl.h" #include "llui.h" #include "llkeyboard.h" #include "lllineeditor.h" #include "llcontrol.h" #include "lltextbox.h" #include "lluictrl.h" #include "lluictrlfactory.h" #include "llviewborder.h" static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register r1("panel", &LLPanel::fromXML); LLPanel::factory_stack_t LLPanel::sFactoryStack; // Compiler optimization, generate extern template template class LLPanel* LLView::getChild( const std::string& name, bool recurse) const; LLPanel::LocalizedString::LocalizedString() : name("name"), value("value") {} const LLPanel::Params& LLPanel::getDefaultParams() { return LLUICtrlFactory::getDefaultParams(); } LLPanel::Params::Params() : has_border("border", false), border(""), background_visible("background_visible", false), background_opaque("background_opaque", false), bg_opaque_color("bg_opaque_color"), bg_alpha_color("bg_alpha_color"), bg_opaque_image_overlay("bg_opaque_image_overlay"), bg_alpha_image_overlay("bg_alpha_image_overlay"), bg_opaque_image("bg_opaque_image"), bg_alpha_image("bg_alpha_image"), min_width("min_width", 100), min_height("min_height", 100), strings("string"), filename("filename"), class_name("class"), help_topic("help_topic"), visible_callback("visible_callback"), accepts_badge("accepts_badge") { addSynonym(background_visible, "bg_visible"); addSynonym(has_border, "border_visible"); addSynonym(label, "title"); } LLPanel::LLPanel(const LLPanel::Params& p) : LLUICtrl(p), LLBadgeHolder(p.accepts_badge), mBgVisible(p.background_visible), mBgOpaque(p.background_opaque), mBgOpaqueColor(p.bg_opaque_color()), mBgAlphaColor(p.bg_alpha_color()), mBgOpaqueImageOverlay(p.bg_opaque_image_overlay), mBgAlphaImageOverlay(p.bg_alpha_image_overlay), mBgOpaqueImage(p.bg_opaque_image()), mBgAlphaImage(p.bg_alpha_image()), mDefaultBtn(NULL), mBorder(NULL), mLabel(p.label), mHelpTopic(p.help_topic), mCommitCallbackRegistrar(false), mEnableCallbackRegistrar(false), mXMLFilename(p.filename), mVisibleSignal(NULL) // *NOTE: Be sure to also change LLPanel::initFromParams(). We have too // many classes derived from LLPanel to retrofit them all to pass in params. { if (p.has_border) { addBorder(p.border); } } LLPanel::~LLPanel() { delete mVisibleSignal; } // virtual bool LLPanel::isPanel() const { return true; } void LLPanel::addBorder(LLViewBorder::Params p) { removeBorder(); p.rect = getLocalRect(); mBorder = LLUICtrlFactory::create(p); addChild( mBorder ); } void LLPanel::addBorder() { LLViewBorder::Params p; p.border_thickness(LLPANEL_BORDER_WIDTH); addBorder(p); } void LLPanel::removeBorder() { if (mBorder) { removeChild(mBorder); delete mBorder; mBorder = NULL; } } // virtual void LLPanel::clearCtrls() { LLPanel::ctrl_list_t ctrls = getCtrlList(); for (LLPanel::ctrl_list_t::iterator ctrl_it = ctrls.begin(); ctrl_it != ctrls.end(); ++ctrl_it) { LLUICtrl* ctrl = *ctrl_it; ctrl->setFocus( false ); ctrl->setEnabled( false ); ctrl->clear(); } } void LLPanel::setCtrlsEnabled( bool b ) { LLPanel::ctrl_list_t ctrls = getCtrlList(); for (LLPanel::ctrl_list_t::iterator ctrl_it = ctrls.begin(); ctrl_it != ctrls.end(); ++ctrl_it) { LLUICtrl* ctrl = *ctrl_it; ctrl->setEnabled( b ); } } LLPanel::ctrl_list_t LLPanel::getCtrlList() const { ctrl_list_t controls; for(child_list_t::const_iterator it = getChildList()->begin(), end_it = getChildList()->end(); it != end_it; ++it) { LLView* viewp = *it; if(viewp->isCtrl()) { controls.push_back(static_cast(viewp)); } } return controls; } void LLPanel::draw() { F32 alpha = getDrawContext().mAlpha; // draw background if( mBgVisible ) { alpha = getCurrentTransparency(); LLRect local_rect = getLocalRect(); if (mBgOpaque ) { // opaque, in-front look if (mBgOpaqueImage.notNull()) { mBgOpaqueImage->draw( local_rect, mBgOpaqueImageOverlay % alpha ); } else { // fallback to flat colors when there are no images gl_rect_2d( local_rect, mBgOpaqueColor.get() % alpha); } } else { // transparent, in-back look if (mBgAlphaImage.notNull()) { mBgAlphaImage->draw( local_rect, mBgAlphaImageOverlay % alpha ); } else { gl_rect_2d( local_rect, mBgAlphaColor.get() % alpha ); } } } updateDefaultBtn(); LLView::draw(); } void LLPanel::updateDefaultBtn() { if( mDefaultBtn) { if (gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus( this ) && mDefaultBtn->getEnabled()) { LLButton* buttonp = dynamic_cast(gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus()); bool focus_is_child_button = buttonp && buttonp->getCommitOnReturn(); // only enable default button when current focus is not a return-capturing button mDefaultBtn->setBorderEnabled(!focus_is_child_button); } else { mDefaultBtn->setBorderEnabled(false); } } } void LLPanel::refresh() { // do nothing by default // but is automatically called in setFocus(true) } void LLPanel::setDefaultBtn(LLButton* btn) { if (mDefaultBtn && mDefaultBtn->getEnabled()) { mDefaultBtn->setBorderEnabled(false); } mDefaultBtn = btn; if (mDefaultBtn) { mDefaultBtn->setBorderEnabled(true); } } void LLPanel::setDefaultBtn(const std::string& id) { LLButton *button = getChild(id); if (button) { setDefaultBtn(button); } else { setDefaultBtn(NULL); } } bool LLPanel::handleKeyHere( KEY key, MASK mask ) { bool handled = false; LLUICtrl* cur_focus = dynamic_cast(gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus()); // handle user hitting ESC to defocus if (key == KEY_ESCAPE) { setFocus(false); return true; } else if( (mask == MASK_SHIFT) && (KEY_TAB == key)) { //SHIFT-TAB if (cur_focus) { LLUICtrl* focus_root = cur_focus->findRootMostFocusRoot(); if (focus_root) { handled = focus_root->focusPrevItem(false); } } } else if( (mask == MASK_NONE ) && (KEY_TAB == key)) { //TAB if (cur_focus) { LLUICtrl* focus_root = cur_focus->findRootMostFocusRoot(); if (focus_root) { handled = focus_root->focusNextItem(false); } } } // If RETURN was pressed and something has focus, call onCommit() if (!handled && cur_focus && key == KEY_RETURN && mask == MASK_NONE) { LLButton* focused_button = dynamic_cast(cur_focus); if (focused_button && focused_button->getCommitOnReturn()) { // current focus is a return-capturing button, // let *that* button handle the return key handled = false; } else if (mDefaultBtn && mDefaultBtn->getVisible() && mDefaultBtn->getEnabled()) { // If we have a default button, click it when return is pressed mDefaultBtn->onCommit(); handled = true; } else if (cur_focus->acceptsTextInput()) { // call onCommit for text input handling control cur_focus->onCommit(); handled = true; } } return handled; } void LLPanel::onVisibilityChange ( bool new_visibility ) { LLUICtrl::onVisibilityChange ( new_visibility ); if (mVisibleSignal) (*mVisibleSignal)(this, LLSD(new_visibility) ); // Pass bool as LLSD } void LLPanel::setFocus(bool b) { if( b && !hasFocus()) { // give ourselves focus preemptively, to avoid infinite loop LLUICtrl::setFocus(true); // then try to pass to first valid child focusFirstItem(); } else { LLUICtrl::setFocus(b); } } void LLPanel::setBorderVisible(bool b) { if (mBorder) { mBorder->setVisible( b ); } } LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_PANEL_CONSTRUCTION("Panel Construction"); LLView* LLPanel::fromXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView* parent, LLXMLNodePtr output_node) { std::string name("panel"); node->getAttributeString("name", name); std::string class_attr; node->getAttributeString("class", class_attr); LLPanel* panelp = NULL; { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_PANEL_CONSTRUCTION); if(!class_attr.empty()) { panelp = LLRegisterPanelClass::instance().createPanelClass(class_attr); if (!panelp) { LL_WARNS() << "Panel class \"" << class_attr << "\" not registered." << LL_ENDL; } } if (!panelp) { panelp = createFactoryPanel(name); llassert(panelp); if (!panelp) { return NULL; // :( } } } // factory panels may have registered their own factory maps if (!panelp->getFactoryMap().empty()) { sFactoryStack.push_back(&panelp->getFactoryMap()); } // for local registry callbacks; define in constructor, referenced in XUI or postBuild panelp->mCommitCallbackRegistrar.pushScope(); panelp->mEnableCallbackRegistrar.pushScope(); panelp->initPanelXML(node, parent, output_node, LLUICtrlFactory::getDefaultParams()); panelp->mCommitCallbackRegistrar.popScope(); panelp->mEnableCallbackRegistrar.popScope(); if (!panelp->getFactoryMap().empty()) { sFactoryStack.pop_back(); } return panelp; } void LLPanel::initFromParams(const LLPanel::Params& p) { //setting these here since panel constructor not called with params //and LLView::initFromParams will use them to set visible and enabled setVisible(p.visible); setEnabled(p.enabled); setFocusRoot(p.focus_root); setSoundFlags(p.sound_flags); // control_name, tab_stop, focus_lost_callback, initial_value, rect, enabled, visible LLUICtrl::initFromParams(p); // visible callback if (p.visible_callback.isProvided()) { setVisibleCallback(initCommitCallback(p.visible_callback)); } for (LLInitParam::ParamIterator::const_iterator it = p.strings.begin(); it != p.strings.end(); ++it) { mUIStrings[it->name] = it->value; } setLabel(p.label()); setHelpTopic(p.help_topic); setShape(p.rect); parseFollowsFlags(p); setToolTip(p.tool_tip()); setFromXUI(p.from_xui); mHoverCursor = getCursorFromString(p.hover_cursor); if (p.has_border) { addBorder(p.border); } // let constructors set this value if not provided if (p.use_bounding_rect.isProvided()) { setUseBoundingRect(p.use_bounding_rect); } setDefaultTabGroup(p.default_tab_group); setMouseOpaque(p.mouse_opaque); setBackgroundVisible(p.background_visible); setBackgroundOpaque(p.background_opaque); setBackgroundColor(p.bg_opaque_color().get()); setTransparentColor(p.bg_alpha_color().get()); mBgOpaqueImage = p.bg_opaque_image(); mBgAlphaImage = p.bg_alpha_image(); mBgOpaqueImageOverlay = p.bg_opaque_image_overlay; mBgAlphaImageOverlay = p.bg_alpha_image_overlay; setAcceptsBadge(p.accepts_badge); } static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_PANEL_SETUP("Panel Setup"); static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_EXTERNAL_PANEL_LOAD("Load Extern Panel Reference"); static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_PANEL_POSTBUILD("Panel PostBuild"); bool LLPanel::initPanelXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, LLXMLNodePtr output_node, const LLPanel::Params& default_params) { Params params(default_params); { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_PANEL_SETUP); LLXMLNodePtr referenced_xml; std::string xml_filename = mXMLFilename; // if the panel didn't provide a filename, check the node if (xml_filename.empty()) { node->getAttributeString("filename", xml_filename); setXMLFilename(xml_filename); } LLXUIParser parser; if (!xml_filename.empty()) { if (output_node) { //if we are exporting, we want to export the current xml //not the referenced xml parser.readXUI(node, params, LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->getCurFileName()); Params output_params(params); setupParamsForExport(output_params, parent); output_node->setName(node->getName()->mString); parser.writeXUI(output_node, output_params, LLInitParam::default_parse_rules(), &default_params); return true; } LLUICtrlFactory::instance().pushFileName(xml_filename); LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_EXTERNAL_PANEL_LOAD); if (!LLUICtrlFactory::getLayeredXMLNode(xml_filename, referenced_xml)) { LL_WARNS() << "Couldn't parse panel from: " << xml_filename << LL_ENDL; return false; } parser.readXUI(referenced_xml, params, LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->getCurFileName()); // add children using dimensions from referenced xml for consistent layout setShape(params.rect); LLUICtrlFactory::createChildren(this, referenced_xml, child_registry_t::instance()); LLUICtrlFactory::instance().popFileName(); } // ask LLUICtrlFactory for filename, since xml_filename might be empty parser.readXUI(node, params, LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->getCurFileName()); if (output_node) { Params output_params(params); setupParamsForExport(output_params, parent); output_node->setName(node->getName()->mString); parser.writeXUI(output_node, output_params, LLInitParam::default_parse_rules(), &default_params); } params.from_xui = true; applyXUILayout(params, parent); { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_PANEL_CONSTRUCTION); initFromParams(params); } // add children LLUICtrlFactory::createChildren(this, node, child_registry_t::instance(), output_node); // Connect to parent after children are built, because tab containers // do a reshape() on their child panels, which requires that the children // be built/added. JC if (parent) { S32 tab_group = params.tab_group.isProvided() ? params.tab_group() : parent->getLastTabGroup(); parent->addChild(this, tab_group); } { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_PANEL_POSTBUILD); postBuild(); } } return true; } bool LLPanel::hasString(const std::string& name) { return mUIStrings.find(name) != mUIStrings.end(); } std::string LLPanel::getString(const std::string& name, const LLStringUtil::format_map_t& args) const { ui_string_map_t::const_iterator found_it = mUIStrings.find(name); if (found_it != mUIStrings.end()) { // make a copy as format works in place LLUIString formatted_string = LLUIString(found_it->second); formatted_string.setArgList(args); return formatted_string.getString(); } std::string err_str("Failed to find string " + name + " in panel " + getName()); //*TODO: Translate if(LLUI::getInstance()->mSettingGroups["config"]->getBOOL("QAMode")) { LL_ERRS() << err_str << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_WARNS() << err_str << LL_ENDL; } return LLStringUtil::null; } std::string LLPanel::getString(const std::string& name) const { ui_string_map_t::const_iterator found_it = mUIStrings.find(name); if (found_it != mUIStrings.end()) { return found_it->second; } std::string err_str("Failed to find string " + name + " in panel " + getName()); //*TODO: Translate if(LLUI::getInstance()->mSettingGroups["config"]->getBOOL("QAMode")) { LL_ERRS() << err_str << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_WARNS() << err_str << LL_ENDL; } return LLStringUtil::null; } void LLPanel::childSetVisible(const std::string& id, bool visible) { LLView* child = findChild(id); if (child) { child->setVisible(visible); } } void LLPanel::childSetEnabled(const std::string& id, bool enabled) { LLView* child = findChild(id); if (child) { child->setEnabled(enabled); } } void LLPanel::childSetFocus(const std::string& id, bool focus) { LLUICtrl* child = findChild(id); if (child) { child->setFocus(focus); } } bool LLPanel::childHasFocus(const std::string& id) { LLUICtrl* child = findChild(id); if (child) { return child->hasFocus(); } else { return false; } } // *TODO: Deprecate; for backwards compatability only: // Prefer getChild("foo")->setCommitCallback(boost:bind(...)), // which takes a generic slot. Or use mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add() with // a named callback and reference it in XML. void LLPanel::childSetCommitCallback(const std::string& id, boost::function cb, void* data) { LLUICtrl* child = findChild(id); if (child) { child->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(cb, child, data)); } } void LLPanel::childSetColor(const std::string& id, const LLColor4& color) { LLUICtrl* child = findChild(id); if (child) { child->setColor(color); } } LLCtrlSelectionInterface* LLPanel::childGetSelectionInterface(const std::string& id) const { LLUICtrl* child = findChild(id); if (child) { return child->getSelectionInterface(); } return NULL; } LLCtrlListInterface* LLPanel::childGetListInterface(const std::string& id) const { LLUICtrl* child = findChild(id); if (child) { return child->getListInterface(); } return NULL; } LLCtrlScrollInterface* LLPanel::childGetScrollInterface(const std::string& id) const { LLUICtrl* child = findChild(id); if (child) { return child->getScrollInterface(); } return NULL; } void LLPanel::childSetValue(const std::string& id, LLSD value) { LLUICtrl* child = findChild(id); if (child) { child->setValue(value); } } LLSD LLPanel::childGetValue(const std::string& id) const { LLUICtrl* child = findChild(id); if (child) { return child->getValue(); } // Not found => return undefined return LLSD(); } bool LLPanel::childSetTextArg(const std::string& id, const std::string& key, const LLStringExplicit& text) { LLUICtrl* child = findChild(id); if (child) { return child->setTextArg(key, text); } return false; } bool LLPanel::childSetLabelArg(const std::string& id, const std::string& key, const LLStringExplicit& text) { LLView* child = findChild(id); if (child) { return child->setLabelArg(key, text); } return false; } void LLPanel::childSetAction(const std::string& id, const commit_signal_t::slot_type& function) { LLButton* button = findChild(id); if (button) { button->setClickedCallback(function); } } void LLPanel::childSetAction(const std::string& id, boost::function function, void* value) { LLButton* button = findChild(id); if (button) { button->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(function, value)); } } boost::signals2::connection LLPanel::setVisibleCallback( const commit_signal_t::slot_type& cb ) { if (!mVisibleSignal) { mVisibleSignal = new commit_signal_t(); } return mVisibleSignal->connect(cb); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // buildPanel() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool LLPanel::buildFromFile(const std::string& filename, const LLPanel::Params& default_params, bool cacheable) { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED; bool didPost = false; LLXMLNodePtr root; if (!LLUICtrlFactory::getLayeredXMLNode(filename, root, LLDir::CURRENT_SKIN, cacheable)) { LL_WARNS() << "Couldn't parse panel from: " << filename << LL_ENDL; return didPost; } // root must be called panel if( !root->hasName("panel" ) ) { LL_WARNS() << "Root node should be named panel in : " << filename << LL_ENDL; return didPost; } LL_DEBUGS() << "Building panel " << filename << LL_ENDL; LLUICtrlFactory::instance().pushFileName(filename); { if (!getFactoryMap().empty()) { sFactoryStack.push_back(&getFactoryMap()); } // for local registry callbacks; define in constructor, referenced in XUI or postBuild getCommitCallbackRegistrar().pushScope(); getEnableCallbackRegistrar().pushScope(); didPost = initPanelXML(root, NULL, NULL, default_params); getCommitCallbackRegistrar().popScope(); getEnableCallbackRegistrar().popScope(); setXMLFilename(filename); if (!getFactoryMap().empty()) { sFactoryStack.pop_back(); } } LLUICtrlFactory::instance().popFileName(); return didPost; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // createFactoryPanel() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLPanel* LLPanel::createFactoryPanel(const std::string& name) { std::deque::iterator itor; for (itor = sFactoryStack.begin(); itor != sFactoryStack.end(); ++itor) { const LLCallbackMap::map_t* factory_map = *itor; // Look up this panel's name in the map. LLCallbackMap::map_const_iter_t iter = factory_map->find( name ); if (iter != factory_map->end()) { // Use the factory to create the panel, instead of using a default LLPanel. LLPanel *ret = (LLPanel*) iter->second.mCallback( iter->second.mData ); return ret; } } LLPanel::Params panel_p; return LLUICtrlFactory::create(panel_p); }