/** * @file llnotifications.h * @brief Non-UI manager and support for keeping a prioritized list of notifications * @author Q (with assistance from Richard and Coco) * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLNOTIFICATIONS_H #define LL_LLNOTIFICATIONS_H /** * This system is intended to provide a singleton mechanism for adding * notifications to one of an arbitrary set of event channels. * * Controlling JIRA: DEV-9061 * * Every notification has (see code for full list): * - a textual name, which is used to look up its template in the XML files * - a payload, which is a block of LLSD * - a channel, which is normally extracted from the XML files but * can be overridden. * - a timestamp, used to order the notifications * - expiration time -- if nonzero, specifies a time after which the * notification will no longer be valid. * - a callback name and a couple of status bits related to callbacks (see below) * * There is a management class called LLNotifications, which is an LLSingleton. * The class maintains a collection of all of the notifications received * or processed during this session, and also manages the persistence * of those notifications that must be persisted. * * We also have Channels. A channel is a view on a collection of notifications; * The collection is defined by a filter function that controls which * notifications are in the channel, and its ordering is controlled by * a comparator. * * There is a hierarchy of channels; notifications flow down from * the management class (LLNotifications, which itself inherits from * The channel base class) to the individual channels. * Any change to notifications (add, delete, modify) is * automatically propagated through the channel hierarchy. * * We provide methods for adding a new notification, for removing * one, and for managing channels. Channels are relatively cheap to construct * and maintain, so in general, human interfaces should use channels to * select and manage their lists of notifications. * * We also maintain a collection of templates that are loaded from the * XML file of template translations. The system supports substitution * of named variables from the payload into the XML file. * * By default, only the "unknown message" template is built into the system. * It is not an error to add a notification that's not found in the * template system, but it is logged. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "llevents.h" #include "llfunctorregistry.h" #include "llinitparam.h" #include "llinstancetracker.h" #include "llmortician.h" #include "llnotificationptr.h" #include "llpointer.h" #include "llrefcount.h" #include "llsdparam.h" #include "llnotificationslistener.h" class LLAvatarName; typedef enum e_notification_priority { NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_UNSPECIFIED, NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_LOW, NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_NORMAL, NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_HIGH, NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_CRITICAL } ENotificationPriority; struct NotificationPriorityValues : public LLInitParam::TypeValuesHelper { static void declareValues(); }; class LLNotificationResponderInterface { public: LLNotificationResponderInterface(){}; virtual ~LLNotificationResponderInterface(){}; virtual void handleRespond(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response) = 0; virtual LLSD asLLSD() = 0; virtual void fromLLSD(const LLSD& params) = 0; }; typedef boost::function LLNotificationResponder; typedef std::shared_ptr LLNotificationResponderPtr; typedef LLFunctorRegistry LLNotificationFunctorRegistry; typedef LLFunctorRegistration LLNotificationFunctorRegistration; // context data that can be looked up via a notification's payload by the display logic // derive from this class to implement specific contexts class LLNotificationContext : public LLInstanceTracker { public: LLNotificationContext() : LLInstanceTracker(LLUUID::generateNewID()) { } virtual ~LLNotificationContext() {} LLSD asLLSD() const { return getKey(); } private: }; // Contains notification form data, such as buttons and text fields along with // manipulator functions class LLNotificationForm { LOG_CLASS(LLNotificationForm); public: struct FormElementBase : public LLInitParam::Block { Optional name; Optional enabled; FormElementBase(); }; struct FormIgnore : public LLInitParam::Block { Optional text; Optional save_option; Optional control; Optional invert_control; Optional session_only; Optional checkbox_only; FormIgnore(); }; struct FormButton : public LLInitParam::Block { Mandatory index; Mandatory text; Optional ignore; Optional is_default; Optional width; Mandatory type; FormButton(); }; struct FormInput : public LLInitParam::Block { Mandatory type; Optional width; Optional max_length_chars; Optional allow_emoji; Optional text; Optional value; FormInput(); }; struct FormElement : public LLInitParam::ChoiceBlock { Alternative button; Alternative input; FormElement(); }; struct FormElements : public LLInitParam::Block { Multiple elements; FormElements(); }; struct Params : public LLInitParam::Block { Optional name; Optional ignore; Optional form_elements; Params(); }; typedef enum e_ignore_type { IGNORE_CHECKBOX_ONLY = -1, // ignore won't be handled, will set value/checkbox only IGNORE_NO = 0, IGNORE_WITH_DEFAULT_RESPONSE, IGNORE_WITH_DEFAULT_RESPONSE_SESSION_ONLY, IGNORE_WITH_LAST_RESPONSE, IGNORE_SHOW_AGAIN } EIgnoreType; LLNotificationForm(); LLNotificationForm(const LLNotificationForm&); LLNotificationForm(const LLSD& sd); LLNotificationForm(const std::string& name, const Params& p); void fromLLSD(const LLSD& sd); LLSD asLLSD() const; S32 getNumElements() { return mFormData.size(); } LLSD getElement(S32 index) { return mFormData.get(index); } LLSD getElement(const std::string& element_name); void getElements(LLSD& elements, S32 offset = 0); bool hasElement(const std::string& element_name) const; bool getElementEnabled(const std::string& element_name) const; void setElementEnabled(const std::string& element_name, bool enabled); void addElement(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const LLSD& value = LLSD(), bool enabled = true); void formatElements(const LLSD& substitutions); // appends form elements from another form serialized as LLSD void append(const LLSD& sub_form); std::string getDefaultOption(); LLPointer getIgnoreSetting(); bool getIgnored(); void setIgnored(bool ignored); EIgnoreType getIgnoreType() { return mIgnore; } std::string getIgnoreMessage() { return mIgnoreMsg; } private: LLSD mFormData; EIgnoreType mIgnore; std::string mIgnoreMsg; LLPointer mIgnoreSetting; bool mInvertSetting; }; typedef std::shared_ptr LLNotificationFormPtr; struct LLNotificationTemplate; // we want to keep a map of these by name, and it's best to manage them // with smart pointers typedef std::shared_ptr LLNotificationTemplatePtr; struct LLNotificationVisibilityRule; typedef std::shared_ptr LLNotificationVisibilityRulePtr; /** * @class LLNotification * @brief The object that expresses the details of a notification * * We make this noncopyable because * we want to manage these through LLNotificationPtr, and only * ever create one instance of any given notification. * * The enable_shared_from_this flag ensures that if we construct * a smart pointer from a notification, we'll always get the same * shared pointer. */ class LLNotification : boost::noncopyable, public std::enable_shared_from_this { LOG_CLASS(LLNotification); friend class LLNotifications; public: // parameter object used to instantiate a new notification struct Params : public LLInitParam::Block { friend class LLNotification; Mandatory name; Optional id; Optional substitutions, form_elements, payload; Optional priority; Optional time_stamp, expiry; Optional context; Optional responder; Optional offer_from_agent; Optional is_dnd; struct Functor : public LLInitParam::ChoiceBlock { Alternative name; Alternative function; Alternative responder; Alternative responder_sd; Functor() : name("responseFunctor"), function("functor"), responder("responder"), responder_sd("responder_sd") {} }; Optional functor; Params() : name("name"), id("id"), priority("priority", NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_UNSPECIFIED), time_stamp("time"), payload("payload"), form_elements("form"), substitutions("substitutions"), expiry("expiry"), offer_from_agent("offer_from_agent", false), is_dnd("is_dnd", false) { time_stamp = LLDate::now(); responder = NULL; } Params(const std::string& _name) : name("name"), priority("priority", NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_UNSPECIFIED), time_stamp("time"), payload("payload"), form_elements("form"), substitutions("substitutions"), expiry("expiry"), offer_from_agent("offer_from_agent", false), is_dnd("is_dnd", false) { functor.name = _name; name = _name; time_stamp = LLDate::now(); responder = NULL; } }; LLNotificationResponderPtr getResponderPtr() { return mResponder; } private: const LLUUID mId; LLSD mPayload; LLSD mSubstitutions; LLDate mTimestamp; LLDate mExpiresAt; bool mCancelled; bool mRespondedTo; // once the notification has been responded to, this becomes true LLSD mResponse; bool mIgnored; ENotificationPriority mPriority; LLNotificationFormPtr mForm; void* mResponderObj; // TODO - refactor/remove this field LLNotificationResponderPtr mResponder; bool mOfferFromAgent; bool mIsDND; // a reference to the template LLNotificationTemplatePtr mTemplatep; /* We want to be able to store and reload notifications so that they can survive a shutdown/restart of the client. So we can't simply pass in callbacks; we have to specify a callback mechanism that can be used by name rather than by some arbitrary pointer -- and then people have to initialize callbacks in some useful location. So we use LLNotificationFunctorRegistry to manage them. */ std::string mResponseFunctorName; /* In cases where we want to specify an explict, non-persisted callback, we store that in the callback registry under a dynamically generated key, and store the key in the notification, so we can still look it up using the same mechanism. */ bool mTemporaryResponder; // keep track of other notifications combined with COMBINE_WITH_NEW std::vector mCombinedNotifications; void init(const std::string& template_name, const LLSD& form_elements); void cancel(); public: LLNotification(const LLSDParamAdapter& p); void setResponseFunctor(std::string const &responseFunctorName); void setResponseFunctor(const LLNotificationFunctorRegistry::ResponseFunctor& cb); void setResponseFunctor(const LLNotificationResponderPtr& responder); typedef enum e_response_template_type { WITHOUT_DEFAULT_BUTTON, WITH_DEFAULT_BUTTON } EResponseTemplateType; // return response LLSD filled in with default form contents and (optionally) the default button selected LLSD getResponseTemplate(EResponseTemplateType type = WITHOUT_DEFAULT_BUTTON); // returns index of first button with value==TRUE // usually this the button the user clicked on // returns -1 if no button clicked (e.g. form has not been displayed) static S32 getSelectedOption(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response); // returns name of first button with value==TRUE static std::string getSelectedOptionName(const LLSD& notification); // after someone responds to a notification (usually by clicking a button, // but sometimes by filling out a little form and THEN clicking a button), // the result of the response (the name and value of the button clicked, // plus any other data) should be packaged up as LLSD, then passed as a // parameter to the notification's respond() method here. This will look up // and call the appropriate responder. // // response is notification serialized as LLSD: // ["name"] = notification name // ["form"] = LLSD tree that includes form description and any prefilled form data // ["response"] = form data filled in by user // (including, but not limited to which button they clicked on) // ["payload"] = transaction specific data, such as ["source_id"] (originator of notification), // ["item_id"] (attached inventory item), etc. // ["substitutions"] = string substitutions used to generate notification message // from the template // ["time"] = time at which notification was generated; // ["expiry"] = time at which notification expires; // ["responseFunctor"] = name of registered functor that handles responses to notification; LLSD asLLSD(bool excludeTemplateElements = false); const LLNotificationFormPtr getForm(); void updateForm(const LLNotificationFormPtr& form); void repost(); void respond(const LLSD& sd); void respondWithDefault(); void* getResponder() { return mResponderObj; } void setResponder(void* responder) { mResponderObj = responder; } void setIgnored(bool ignore); bool isCancelled() const { return mCancelled; } bool isRespondedTo() const { return mRespondedTo; } bool isActive() const { return !isRespondedTo() && !isCancelled() && !isExpired(); } const LLSD& getResponse() { return mResponse; } bool isIgnored() const { return mIgnored; } const std::string& getName() const; const std::string& getIcon() const; bool isPersistent() const; const LLUUID& id() const { return mId; } const LLSD& getPayload() const { return mPayload; } const LLSD& getSubstitutions() const { return mSubstitutions; } const LLDate& getDate() const { return mTimestamp; } bool getOfferFromAgent() const { return mOfferFromAgent; } bool isDND() const { return mIsDND; } void setDND(const bool flag) { mIsDND = flag; } std::string getType() const; std::string getMessage() const; std::string getFooter() const; std::string getLabel() const; std::string getURL() const; S32 getURLOption() const; S32 getURLOpenExternally() const; //for url responce option bool getForceUrlsExternal() const; bool canLogToChat() const; bool canLogToIM() const; bool canShowToast() const; bool canFadeToast() const; bool hasFormElements() const; void playSound(); typedef enum e_combine_behavior { REPLACE_WITH_NEW, COMBINE_WITH_NEW, KEEP_OLD, CANCEL_OLD } ECombineBehavior; ECombineBehavior getCombineBehavior() const; const LLDate getExpiration() const { return mExpiresAt; } ENotificationPriority getPriority() const { return mPriority; } const LLUUID getID() const { return mId; } // comparing two notifications normally means comparing them by UUID (so we can look them // up quickly this way) bool operator<(const LLNotification& rhs) const { return mId < rhs.mId; } bool operator==(const LLNotification& rhs) const { return mId == rhs.mId; } bool operator!=(const LLNotification& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); } bool isSameObjectAs(const LLNotification* rhs) const { return this == rhs; } // this object has been updated, so tell all our clients void update(); void updateFrom(LLNotificationPtr other); // A fuzzy equals comparator. // true only if both notifications have the same template and // 1) flagged as unique (there can be only one of these) OR // 2) all required payload fields of each also exist in the other. bool isEquivalentTo(LLNotificationPtr that) const; // if the current time is greater than the expiration, the notification is expired bool isExpired() const { if (mExpiresAt.secondsSinceEpoch() == 0) { return false; } LLDate rightnow = LLDate::now(); return rightnow > mExpiresAt; } std::string summarize() const; bool hasUniquenessConstraints() const; bool matchesTag(const std::string& tag); virtual ~LLNotification() {} }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const LLNotification& notification); namespace LLNotificationFilters { // a sample filter bool includeEverything(LLNotificationPtr p); typedef enum e_comparison { EQUAL, LESS, GREATER, LESS_EQUAL, GREATER_EQUAL } EComparison; // generic filter functor that takes method or member variable reference template struct filterBy { typedef boost::function field_t; typedef typename boost::remove_reference::type value_t; filterBy(field_t field, value_t value, EComparison comparison = EQUAL) : mField(field), mFilterValue(value), mComparison(comparison) { } bool operator()(LLNotificationPtr p) { switch(mComparison) { case EQUAL: return mField(p) == mFilterValue; case LESS: return mField(p) < mFilterValue; case GREATER: return mField(p) > mFilterValue; case LESS_EQUAL: return mField(p) <= mFilterValue; case GREATER_EQUAL: return mField(p) >= mFilterValue; default: return false; } } field_t mField; value_t mFilterValue; EComparison mComparison; }; }; namespace LLNotificationComparators { struct orderByUUID { bool operator()(LLNotificationPtr lhs, LLNotificationPtr rhs) const { return lhs->id() < rhs->id(); } }; }; typedef boost::function LLNotificationFilter; typedef std::set LLNotificationSet; typedef std::multimap LLNotificationMap; // ======================================================== // Abstract base class (interface) for a channel; also used for the master container. // This lets us arrange channels into a call hierarchy. // We maintain a hierarchy of notification channels; events are always started at the top // and propagated through the hierarchy only if they pass a filter. // Any channel can be created with a parent. A null parent (empty string) means it's // tied to the root of the tree (the LLNotifications class itself). // The default hierarchy looks like this: // // LLNotifications --+-- Expiration --+-- Mute --+-- Ignore --+-- Visible --+-- History // +-- Alerts // +-- Notifications // // In general, new channels that want to only see notifications that pass through // all of the built-in tests should attach to the "Visible" channel // class LLNotificationChannelBase : public LLEventTrackable, public LLRefCount { LOG_CLASS(LLNotificationChannelBase); public: LLNotificationChannelBase(LLNotificationFilter filter) : mFilter(filter) , mItems() , mItemsMutex() {} virtual ~LLNotificationChannelBase() { // explicit cleanup for easier issue detection mChanged.disconnect_all_slots(); mPassedFilter.disconnect_all_slots(); mFailedFilter.disconnect_all_slots(); LLMutexLock lock(&mItemsMutex); mItems.clear(); } // you can also connect to a Channel, so you can be notified of // changes to this channel LLBoundListener connectChanged(const LLEventListener& slot) { // Call this->connectChangedImpl() to actually connect it. return connectChangedImpl(slot); } LLBoundListener connectAtFrontChanged(const LLEventListener& slot) { return connectAtFrontChangedImpl(slot); } LLBoundListener connectPassedFilter(const LLEventListener& slot) { // see comments in connectChanged() return connectPassedFilterImpl(slot); } LLBoundListener connectFailedFilter(const LLEventListener& slot) { // see comments in connectChanged() return connectFailedFilterImpl(slot); } // use this when items change or to add a new one bool updateItem(const LLSD& payload); const LLNotificationFilter& getFilter() { return mFilter; } protected: LLBoundListener connectChangedImpl(const LLEventListener& slot); LLBoundListener connectAtFrontChangedImpl(const LLEventListener& slot); LLBoundListener connectPassedFilterImpl(const LLEventListener& slot); LLBoundListener connectFailedFilterImpl(const LLEventListener& slot); LLNotificationSet mItems; LLStandardSignal mChanged; LLStandardSignal mPassedFilter; LLStandardSignal mFailedFilter; LLMutex mItemsMutex; // these are action methods that subclasses can override to take action // on specific types of changes; the management of the mItems list is // still handled by the generic handler. virtual void onLoad(LLNotificationPtr p) {} virtual void onAdd(LLNotificationPtr p) {} virtual void onDelete(LLNotificationPtr p) {} virtual void onChange(LLNotificationPtr p) {} virtual void onFilterPass(LLNotificationPtr p) {} virtual void onFilterFail(LLNotificationPtr p) {} bool updateItem(const LLSD& payload, LLNotificationPtr pNotification); LLNotificationFilter mFilter; }; // The type of the pointers that we're going to manage in the NotificationQueue system // Because LLNotifications is a singleton, we don't actually expect to ever // destroy it, but if it becomes necessary to do so, the shared_ptr model // will ensure that we don't leak resources. class LLNotificationChannel; typedef boost::intrusive_ptr LLNotificationChannelPtr; // manages a list of notifications // Note that if this is ever copied around, we might find ourselves with multiple copies // of a queue with notifications being added to different nonequivalent copies. So we // make it inherit from boost::noncopyable, and then create a map of LLPointer to manage it. // class LLNotificationChannel : boost::noncopyable, public LLNotificationChannelBase, public LLInstanceTracker { LOG_CLASS(LLNotificationChannel); public: // Notification Channels have a filter, which determines which notifications // will be added to this channel. // Channel filters cannot change. struct Params : public LLInitParam::Block { Mandatory name; Optional filter; Multiple sources; }; LLNotificationChannel(const Params& p = Params()); LLNotificationChannel(const std::string& name, const std::string& parent, LLNotificationFilter filter); virtual ~LLNotificationChannel(); typedef LLNotificationSet::iterator Iterator; std::string getName() const { return mName; } typedef std::vector::const_iterator parents_iter; boost::iterator_range getParents() const { return boost::iterator_range(mParents); } bool isEmpty() const; S32 size() const; size_t size(); typedef boost::function NotificationProcess; void forEachNotification(NotificationProcess process); std::string summarize(); protected: void connectToChannel(const std::string& channel_name); private: std::string mName; std::vector mParents; std::vector mListeners; }; // An interface class to provide a clean linker seam to the LLNotifications class. // Extend this interface as needed for your use of LLNotifications. class LLNotificationsInterface { public: virtual LLNotificationPtr add(const std::string& name, const LLSD& substitutions, const LLSD& payload, LLNotificationFunctorRegistry::ResponseFunctor functor) = 0; }; class LLNotifications : public LLNotificationsInterface, public LLSingleton, public LLNotificationChannelBase { LLSINGLETON(LLNotifications); LOG_CLASS(LLNotifications); virtual ~LLNotifications() {} public: // Needed to clear up RefCounted things prior to actual destruction // as the singleton nature of the class makes them do "bad things" // on at least Mac, if not all 3 platforms // void clear(); // load all notification descriptions from file // calling more than once will overwrite existing templates // but never delete a template bool loadTemplates(); // load visibility rules from file; // OK to call more than once because it will reload bool loadVisibilityRules(); // Add a simple notification (from XUI) void addFromCallback(const LLSD& name); // *NOTE: To add simple notifications, #include "llnotificationsutil.h" // and use LLNotificationsUtil::add("MyNote") or add("MyNote", args) LLNotificationPtr add(const std::string& name, const LLSD& substitutions, const LLSD& payload); LLNotificationPtr add(const std::string& name, const LLSD& substitutions, const LLSD& payload, const std::string& functor_name); /* virtual */ LLNotificationPtr add(const std::string& name, const LLSD& substitutions, const LLSD& payload, LLNotificationFunctorRegistry::ResponseFunctor functor) override; LLNotificationPtr add(const LLNotification::Params& p); void add(const LLNotificationPtr pNotif); void load(const LLNotificationPtr pNotif); void cancel(LLNotificationPtr pNotif); void cancelByName(const std::string& name); void cancelByOwner(const LLUUID ownerId); void update(const LLNotificationPtr pNotif); LLNotificationPtr find(LLUUID uuid); // This is all stuff for managing the templates // take your template out LLNotificationTemplatePtr getTemplate(const std::string& name); // get the whole collection typedef std::vector TemplateNames; TemplateNames getTemplateNames() const; // returns a list of notification names typedef std::map TemplateMap; TemplateMap::const_iterator templatesBegin() { return mTemplates.begin(); } TemplateMap::const_iterator templatesEnd() { return mTemplates.end(); } // test for existence bool templateExists(const std::string& name); typedef std::list VisibilityRuleList; void forceResponse(const LLNotification::Params& params, S32 option); void createDefaultChannels(); LLNotificationChannelPtr getChannel(const std::string& channelName); std::string getGlobalString(const std::string& key) const; void setIgnoreAllNotifications(bool ignore); bool getIgnoreAllNotifications(); void setIgnored(const std::string& name, bool ignored); bool getIgnored(const std::string& name); bool isVisibleByRules(LLNotificationPtr pNotification); private: /*virtual*/ void initSingleton() override; /*virtual*/ void cleanupSingleton() override; void loadPersistentNotifications(); bool expirationFilter(LLNotificationPtr pNotification); bool expirationHandler(const LLSD& payload); bool uniqueFilter(LLNotificationPtr pNotification); bool uniqueHandler(const LLSD& payload); bool failedUniquenessTest(const LLSD& payload); LLNotificationChannelPtr pHistoryChannel; LLNotificationChannelPtr pExpirationChannel; TemplateMap mTemplates; VisibilityRuleList mVisibilityRules; std::string mFileName; LLNotificationMap mUniqueNotifications; typedef std::map GlobalStringMap; GlobalStringMap mGlobalStrings; bool mIgnoreAllNotifications; std::unique_ptr mListener; std::vector mDefaultChannels; }; /** * Abstract class for postponed notifications. * Provides possibility to add notification after specified by id avatar or group will be * received from cache name. The object of this type automatically well be deleted * by cleanup method after respond will be received from cache name. * * To add custom postponed notification to the notification system client should: * 1 create class derived from LLPostponedNotification; * 2 call LLPostponedNotification::add method; */ class LLPostponedNotification : public LLMortician { public: /** * Performs hooking cache name callback which will add notification to notifications system. * Type of added notification should be specified by template parameter T * and non-private derived from LLPostponedNotification class, * otherwise compilation error will occur. */ template static void add(const LLNotification::Params& params, const LLUUID& id, bool is_group) { // upcast T to the base type to restrict T derivation from LLPostponedNotification LLPostponedNotification* thiz = new T(); thiz->mParams = params; // Avoid header file dependency on llcachename.h thiz->lookupName(id, is_group); } private: void lookupName(const LLUUID& id, bool is_group); // only used for groups void onGroupNameCache(const LLUUID& id, const std::string& full_name, bool is_group); // only used for avatars void fetchAvatarName(const LLUUID& id); void onAvatarNameCache(const LLUUID& agent_id, const LLAvatarName& av_name); // used for both group and avatar names void finalizeName(const std::string& name); void cleanup() { die(); } protected: LLPostponedNotification() : mParams(), mName(), mAvatarNameCacheConnection() {} virtual ~LLPostponedNotification() { if (mAvatarNameCacheConnection.connected()) { mAvatarNameCacheConnection.disconnect(); } } /** * Abstract method provides possibility to modify notification parameters and * will be called after cache name retrieve information about avatar or group * and before notification will be added to the notification system. */ virtual void modifyNotificationParams() = 0; LLNotification::Params mParams; std::string mName; boost::signals2::connection mAvatarNameCacheConnection; }; // Stores only persistent notifications. // Class users can use connectChanged() to process persistent notifications // (see LLPersistentNotificationStorage for example). class LLPersistentNotificationChannel : public LLNotificationChannel { LOG_CLASS(LLPersistentNotificationChannel); public: LLPersistentNotificationChannel() : LLNotificationChannel("Persistent", "Visible", ¬ificationFilter) {} virtual ~LLPersistentNotificationChannel() { mHistory.clear(); } typedef std::vector history_list_t; history_list_t::iterator beginHistory() { sortHistory(); return mHistory.begin(); } history_list_t::iterator endHistory() { return mHistory.end(); } private: struct sortByTime { S32 operator ()(const LLNotificationPtr& a, const LLNotificationPtr& b) { return a->getDate() < b->getDate(); } }; void sortHistory() { std::sort(mHistory.begin(), mHistory.end(), sortByTime()); } // The channel gets all persistent notifications except those that have been canceled static bool notificationFilter(LLNotificationPtr pNotification) { bool handle_notification = false; handle_notification = pNotification->isPersistent() && !pNotification->isCancelled(); return handle_notification; } void onAdd(LLNotificationPtr p) { mHistory.push_back(p); } void onLoad(LLNotificationPtr p) { mHistory.push_back(p); } std::vector mHistory; }; #endif//LL_LLNOTIFICATIONS_H