/** * @file lllayoutstack.cpp * @brief LLLayout class - dynamic stacking of UI elements * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ // Opaque view with a background and a border. Can contain LLUICtrls. #include "linden_common.h" #include "lllayoutstack.h" #include "lllocalcliprect.h" #include "llpanel.h" #include "llresizebar.h" #include "llcriticaldamp.h" static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register register_layout_stack("layout_stack"); static LLLayoutStack::LayoutStackRegistry::Register register_layout_panel("layout_panel"); void LLLayoutStack::OrientationNames::declareValues() { declare("horizontal", HORIZONTAL); declare("vertical", VERTICAL); } // // LLLayoutPanel // LLLayoutPanel::LLLayoutPanel(const Params& p) : LLPanel(p), mMinDim(p.min_dim), mMaxDim(p.max_dim), mAutoResize(p.auto_resize), mUserResize(p.user_resize), mCollapsed(FALSE), mCollapseAmt(0.f), mVisibleAmt(1.f), // default to fully visible mResizeBar(NULL) { // panels initialized as hidden should not start out partially visible if (!getVisible()) { mVisibleAmt = 0.f; } } void LLLayoutPanel::initFromParams(const Params& p) { LLPanel::initFromParams(p); setFollowsNone(); } LLLayoutPanel::~LLLayoutPanel() { // probably not necessary, but... delete mResizeBar; mResizeBar = NULL; } F32 LLLayoutPanel::getCollapseFactor(LLLayoutStack::ELayoutOrientation orientation) { if (orientation == LLLayoutStack::HORIZONTAL) { F32 collapse_amt = clamp_rescale(mCollapseAmt, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f, (F32)mMinDim / (F32)llmax(1, getRect().getWidth())); return mVisibleAmt * collapse_amt; } else { F32 collapse_amt = clamp_rescale(mCollapseAmt, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f, llmin(1.f, (F32)mMinDim / (F32)llmax(1, getRect().getHeight()))); return mVisibleAmt * collapse_amt; } } // // LLLayoutStack // LLLayoutStack::Params::Params() : orientation("orientation"), animate("animate", true), clip("clip", true), open_time_constant("open_time_constant", 0.02f), close_time_constant("close_time_constant", 0.03f), border_size("border_size", LLCachedControl(*LLUI::sSettingGroups["config"], "UIResizeBarHeight", 0)) { name="stack"; } LLLayoutStack::LLLayoutStack(const LLLayoutStack::Params& p) : LLView(p), mMinWidth(0), mMinHeight(0), mPanelSpacing(p.border_size), mOrientation(p.orientation), mAnimate(p.animate), mAnimatedThisFrame(false), mClip(p.clip), mOpenTimeConstant(p.open_time_constant), mCloseTimeConstant(p.close_time_constant) {} LLLayoutStack::~LLLayoutStack() { e_panel_list_t panels = mPanels; // copy list of panel pointers mPanels.clear(); // clear so that removeChild() calls don't cause trouble std::for_each(panels.begin(), panels.end(), DeletePointer()); } void LLLayoutStack::draw() { updateLayout(); e_panel_list_t::iterator panel_it; for (panel_it = mPanels.begin(); panel_it != mPanels.end(); ++panel_it) { // clip to layout rectangle, not bounding rectangle LLRect clip_rect = (*panel_it)->getRect(); // scale clipping rectangle by visible amount if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { clip_rect.mRight = clip_rect.mLeft + llround((F32)clip_rect.getWidth() * (*panel_it)->getCollapseFactor(mOrientation)); } else { clip_rect.mBottom = clip_rect.mTop - llround((F32)clip_rect.getHeight() * (*panel_it)->getCollapseFactor(mOrientation)); } LLPanel* panelp = (*panel_it); LLLocalClipRect clip(clip_rect, mClip); // only force drawing invisible children if visible amount is non-zero drawChild(panelp, 0, 0, !clip_rect.isEmpty()); } mAnimatedThisFrame = false; } void LLLayoutStack::removeChild(LLView* view) { LLLayoutPanel* embedded_panelp = findEmbeddedPanel(dynamic_cast(view)); if (embedded_panelp) { mPanels.erase(std::find(mPanels.begin(), mPanels.end(), embedded_panelp)); delete embedded_panelp; } // need to update resizebars calcMinExtents(); LLView::removeChild(view); } BOOL LLLayoutStack::postBuild() { updateLayout(); return TRUE; } bool LLLayoutStack::addChild(LLView* child, S32 tab_group) { LLLayoutPanel* panelp = dynamic_cast(child); if (panelp) { mPanels.push_back(panelp); } return LLView::addChild(child, tab_group); } S32 LLLayoutStack::getDefaultHeight(S32 cur_height) { // if we are spanning our children (crude upward propagation of size) // then don't enforce our size on our children if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { cur_height = llmax(mMinHeight, getRect().getHeight()); } return cur_height; } S32 LLLayoutStack::getDefaultWidth(S32 cur_width) { // if we are spanning our children (crude upward propagation of size) // then don't enforce our size on our children if (mOrientation == VERTICAL) { cur_width = llmax(mMinWidth, getRect().getWidth()); } return cur_width; } void LLLayoutStack::movePanel(LLPanel* panel_to_move, LLPanel* target_panel, bool move_to_front) { LLLayoutPanel* embedded_panel_to_move = findEmbeddedPanel(panel_to_move); LLLayoutPanel* embedded_target_panel = move_to_front ? *mPanels.begin() : findEmbeddedPanel(target_panel); if (!embedded_panel_to_move || !embedded_target_panel || embedded_panel_to_move == embedded_target_panel) { llwarns << "One of the panels was not found in stack or NULL was passed instead of valid panel" << llendl; return; } e_panel_list_t::iterator it = std::find(mPanels.begin(), mPanels.end(), embedded_panel_to_move); mPanels.erase(it); it = move_to_front ? mPanels.begin() : std::find(mPanels.begin(), mPanels.end(), embedded_target_panel); mPanels.insert(it, embedded_panel_to_move); } void LLLayoutStack::addPanel(LLLayoutPanel* panel, EAnimate animate) { addChild(panel); // panel starts off invisible (collapsed) if (animate == ANIMATE) { panel->mVisibleAmt = 0.f; panel->setVisible(TRUE); } } void LLLayoutStack::removePanel(LLPanel* panel) { removeChild(panel); } void LLLayoutStack::collapsePanel(LLPanel* panel, BOOL collapsed) { LLLayoutPanel* panel_container = findEmbeddedPanel(panel); if (!panel_container) return; panel_container->mCollapsed = collapsed; } void LLLayoutStack::updatePanelAutoResize(const std::string& panel_name, BOOL auto_resize) { LLLayoutPanel* panel = findEmbeddedPanelByName(panel_name); if (panel) { panel->mAutoResize = auto_resize; } } void LLLayoutStack::setPanelUserResize(const std::string& panel_name, BOOL user_resize) { LLLayoutPanel* panel = findEmbeddedPanelByName(panel_name); if (panel) { panel->mUserResize = user_resize; } } bool LLLayoutStack::getPanelMinSize(const std::string& panel_name, S32* min_dimp) { LLLayoutPanel* panel = findEmbeddedPanelByName(panel_name); if (panel) { if (min_dimp) *min_dimp = panel->mMinDim; } return NULL != panel; } bool LLLayoutStack::getPanelMaxSize(const std::string& panel_name, S32* max_dimp) { LLLayoutPanel* panel = findEmbeddedPanelByName(panel_name); if (panel) { if (max_dimp) *max_dimp = panel->mMaxDim; } return NULL != panel; } static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_UPDATE_LAYOUT("Update LayoutStacks"); void LLLayoutStack::updateLayout(BOOL force_resize) { LLFastTimer ft(FTM_UPDATE_LAYOUT); static LLUICachedControl resize_bar_overlap ("UIResizeBarOverlap", 0); calcMinExtents(); createResizeBars(); // calculate current extents S32 total_width = 0; S32 total_height = 0; e_panel_list_t::iterator panel_it; for (panel_it = mPanels.begin(); panel_it != mPanels.end(); ++panel_it) { LLPanel* panelp = (*panel_it); if (panelp->getVisible()) { if (mAnimate) { if (!mAnimatedThisFrame) { (*panel_it)->mVisibleAmt = lerp((*panel_it)->mVisibleAmt, 1.f, LLCriticalDamp::getInterpolant(mOpenTimeConstant)); if ((*panel_it)->mVisibleAmt > 0.99f) { (*panel_it)->mVisibleAmt = 1.f; } } } else { (*panel_it)->mVisibleAmt = 1.f; } } else // not visible { if (mAnimate) { if (!mAnimatedThisFrame) { (*panel_it)->mVisibleAmt = lerp((*panel_it)->mVisibleAmt, 0.f, LLCriticalDamp::getInterpolant(mCloseTimeConstant)); if ((*panel_it)->mVisibleAmt < 0.001f) { (*panel_it)->mVisibleAmt = 0.f; } } } else { (*panel_it)->mVisibleAmt = 0.f; } } if ((*panel_it)->mCollapsed) { (*panel_it)->mCollapseAmt = lerp((*panel_it)->mCollapseAmt, 1.f, LLCriticalDamp::getInterpolant(mCloseTimeConstant)); } else { (*panel_it)->mCollapseAmt = lerp((*panel_it)->mCollapseAmt, 0.f, LLCriticalDamp::getInterpolant(mCloseTimeConstant)); } if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { // enforce minimize size constraint by default if (panelp->getRect().getWidth() < (*panel_it)->mMinDim) { panelp->reshape((*panel_it)->mMinDim, panelp->getRect().getHeight()); } total_width += llround(panelp->getRect().getWidth() * (*panel_it)->getCollapseFactor(mOrientation)); // want n-1 panel gaps for n panels if (panel_it != mPanels.begin()) { total_width += mPanelSpacing; } } else //VERTICAL { // enforce minimize size constraint by default if (panelp->getRect().getHeight() < (*panel_it)->mMinDim) { panelp->reshape(panelp->getRect().getWidth(), (*panel_it)->mMinDim); } total_height += llround(panelp->getRect().getHeight() * (*panel_it)->getCollapseFactor(mOrientation)); if (panel_it != mPanels.begin()) { total_height += mPanelSpacing; } } } S32 num_resizable_panels = 0; S32 shrink_headroom_available = 0; S32 shrink_headroom_total = 0; for (panel_it = mPanels.begin(); panel_it != mPanels.end(); ++panel_it) { // panels that are not fully visible do not count towards shrink headroom if ((*panel_it)->getCollapseFactor(mOrientation) < 1.f) { continue; } // if currently resizing a panel or the panel is flagged as not automatically resizing // only track total available headroom, but don't use it for automatic resize logic if ((*panel_it)->mResizeBar->hasMouseCapture() || (!(*panel_it)->mAutoResize && !force_resize)) { if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { shrink_headroom_total += (*panel_it)->getRect().getWidth() - (*panel_it)->mMinDim; } else //VERTICAL { shrink_headroom_total += (*panel_it)->getRect().getHeight() - (*panel_it)->mMinDim; } } else { num_resizable_panels++; if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { shrink_headroom_available += (*panel_it)->getRect().getWidth() - (*panel_it)->mMinDim; shrink_headroom_total += (*panel_it)->getRect().getWidth() - (*panel_it)->mMinDim; } else //VERTICAL { shrink_headroom_available += (*panel_it)->getRect().getHeight() - (*panel_it)->mMinDim; shrink_headroom_total += (*panel_it)->getRect().getHeight() - (*panel_it)->mMinDim; } } } // calculate how many pixels need to be distributed among layout panels // positive means panels need to grow, negative means shrink S32 pixels_to_distribute; if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { pixels_to_distribute = getRect().getWidth() - total_width; } else //VERTICAL { pixels_to_distribute = getRect().getHeight() - total_height; } // now we distribute the pixels... S32 cur_x = 0; S32 cur_y = getRect().getHeight(); for (panel_it = mPanels.begin(); panel_it != mPanels.end(); ++panel_it) { LLPanel* panelp = (*panel_it); S32 cur_width = panelp->getRect().getWidth(); S32 cur_height = panelp->getRect().getHeight(); S32 new_width = cur_width; S32 new_height = cur_height; if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { new_width = llmax((*panel_it)->mMinDim, new_width); } else { new_height = llmax((*panel_it)->mMinDim, new_height); } S32 delta_size = 0; // if panel can automatically resize (not animating, and resize flag set)... if ((*panel_it)->getCollapseFactor(mOrientation) == 1.f && (force_resize || (*panel_it)->mAutoResize) && !(*panel_it)->mResizeBar->hasMouseCapture()) { if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { // if we're shrinking if (pixels_to_distribute < 0) { // shrink proportionally to amount over minimum // so we can do this in one pass delta_size = (shrink_headroom_available > 0) ? llround((F32)pixels_to_distribute * ((F32)(cur_width - (*panel_it)->mMinDim) / (F32)shrink_headroom_available)) : 0; shrink_headroom_available -= (cur_width - (*panel_it)->mMinDim); } else { // grow all elements equally delta_size = llround((F32)pixels_to_distribute / (F32)num_resizable_panels); num_resizable_panels--; } pixels_to_distribute -= delta_size; new_width = llmax((*panel_it)->mMinDim, cur_width + delta_size); } else { new_width = getDefaultWidth(new_width); } if (mOrientation == VERTICAL) { if (pixels_to_distribute < 0) { // shrink proportionally to amount over minimum // so we can do this in one pass delta_size = (shrink_headroom_available > 0) ? llround((F32)pixels_to_distribute * ((F32)(cur_height - (*panel_it)->mMinDim) / (F32)shrink_headroom_available)) : 0; shrink_headroom_available -= (cur_height - (*panel_it)->mMinDim); } else { delta_size = llround((F32)pixels_to_distribute / (F32)num_resizable_panels); num_resizable_panels--; } pixels_to_distribute -= delta_size; new_height = llmax((*panel_it)->mMinDim, cur_height + delta_size); } else { new_height = getDefaultHeight(new_height); } } else { if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { new_height = getDefaultHeight(new_height); } else // VERTICAL { new_width = getDefaultWidth(new_width); } } // adjust running headroom count based on new sizes shrink_headroom_total += delta_size; LLRect panel_rect; panel_rect.setLeftTopAndSize(cur_x, cur_y, new_width, new_height); panelp->setShape(panel_rect); LLRect resize_bar_rect = panel_rect; if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { resize_bar_rect.mLeft = panel_rect.mRight - resize_bar_overlap; resize_bar_rect.mRight = panel_rect.mRight + mPanelSpacing + resize_bar_overlap; } else { resize_bar_rect.mTop = panel_rect.mBottom + resize_bar_overlap; resize_bar_rect.mBottom = panel_rect.mBottom - mPanelSpacing - resize_bar_overlap; } (*panel_it)->mResizeBar->setRect(resize_bar_rect); if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { cur_x += llround(new_width * (*panel_it)->getCollapseFactor(mOrientation)) + mPanelSpacing; } else //VERTICAL { cur_y -= llround(new_height * (*panel_it)->getCollapseFactor(mOrientation)) + mPanelSpacing; } } // update resize bars with new limits LLResizeBar* last_resize_bar = NULL; for (panel_it = mPanels.begin(); panel_it != mPanels.end(); ++panel_it) { LLPanel* panelp = (*panel_it); if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { (*panel_it)->mResizeBar->setResizeLimits( (*panel_it)->mMinDim, (*panel_it)->mMinDim + shrink_headroom_total); } else //VERTICAL { (*panel_it)->mResizeBar->setResizeLimits( (*panel_it)->mMinDim, (*panel_it)->mMinDim + shrink_headroom_total); } // toggle resize bars based on panel visibility, resizability, etc BOOL resize_bar_enabled = panelp->getVisible() && (*panel_it)->mUserResize; (*panel_it)->mResizeBar->setVisible(resize_bar_enabled); if (resize_bar_enabled) { last_resize_bar = (*panel_it)->mResizeBar; } } // hide last resize bar as there is nothing past it // resize bars need to be in between two resizable panels if (last_resize_bar) { last_resize_bar->setVisible(FALSE); } // not enough room to fit existing contents if (force_resize == FALSE // layout did not complete by reaching target position && ((mOrientation == VERTICAL && cur_y != -mPanelSpacing) || (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL && cur_x != getRect().getWidth() + mPanelSpacing))) { // do another layout pass with all stacked elements contributing // even those that don't usually resize llassert_always(force_resize == FALSE); updateLayout(TRUE); } mAnimatedThisFrame = true; } // end LLLayoutStack::updateLayout LLLayoutPanel* LLLayoutStack::findEmbeddedPanel(LLPanel* panelp) const { if (!panelp) return NULL; e_panel_list_t::const_iterator panel_it; for (panel_it = mPanels.begin(); panel_it != mPanels.end(); ++panel_it) { if ((*panel_it) == panelp) { return *panel_it; } } return NULL; } LLLayoutPanel* LLLayoutStack::findEmbeddedPanelByName(const std::string& name) const { LLLayoutPanel* result = NULL; for (e_panel_list_t::const_iterator panel_it = mPanels.begin(); panel_it != mPanels.end(); ++panel_it) { LLLayoutPanel* p = *panel_it; if (p->getName() == name) { result = p; break; } } return result; } // Compute sum of min_width or min_height of children void LLLayoutStack::calcMinExtents() { mMinWidth = 0; mMinHeight = 0; e_panel_list_t::iterator panel_it; for (panel_it = mPanels.begin(); panel_it != mPanels.end(); ++panel_it) { if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { mMinWidth += (*panel_it)->mMinDim; if (panel_it != mPanels.begin()) { mMinWidth += mPanelSpacing; } } else //VERTICAL { mMinHeight += (*panel_it)->mMinDim; if (panel_it != mPanels.begin()) { mMinHeight += mPanelSpacing; } } } } void LLLayoutStack::createResizeBars() { for (e_panel_list_t::iterator panel_it = mPanels.begin(); panel_it != mPanels.end(); ++panel_it) { LLLayoutPanel* lp = (*panel_it); if (lp->mResizeBar == NULL) { LLResizeBar::Side side = (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) ? LLResizeBar::RIGHT : LLResizeBar::BOTTOM; LLRect resize_bar_rect = getRect(); LLResizeBar::Params resize_params; resize_params.name("resize"); resize_params.resizing_view(lp); resize_params.min_size(lp->mMinDim); resize_params.side(side); resize_params.snapping_enabled(false); LLResizeBar* resize_bar = LLUICtrlFactory::create(resize_params); lp->mResizeBar = resize_bar; LLView::addChild(resize_bar, 0); // bring all resize bars to the front so that they are clickable even over the panels // with a bit of overlap for (e_panel_list_t::iterator panel_it = mPanels.begin(); panel_it != mPanels.end(); ++panel_it) { LLResizeBar* resize_barp = (*panel_it)->mResizeBar; sendChildToFront(resize_barp); } } } } // update layout stack animations, etc. once per frame // NOTE: we use this to size world view based on animating UI, *before* we draw the UI // we might still need to call updateLayout during UI draw phase, in case UI elements // are resizing themselves dynamically //static void LLLayoutStack::updateClass() { LLInstanceTrackerScopedGuard guard; for (LLLayoutStack::instance_iter it = guard.beginInstances(); it != guard.endInstances(); ++it) { it->updateLayout(); } }