/** * @file llkeywords.cpp * @brief Keyword list for LSL * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2000&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2000-2007, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include #include #include "llkeywords.h" #include "lltexteditor.h" #include "llstl.h" #include const U32 KEYWORD_FILE_CURRENT_VERSION = 2; inline BOOL LLKeywordToken::isHead(const llwchar* s) const { // strncmp is much faster than string compare BOOL res = TRUE; const llwchar* t = mToken.c_str(); S32 len = mToken.size(); for (S32 i=0; i> buffer; if( strcmp( buffer, "llkeywords" ) ) { llinfos << filename << " does not appear to be a keyword file" << llendl; return mLoaded; } // Check file version file >> buffer; U32 version_num; file >> version_num; if( strcmp(buffer, "version") || version_num != (U32)KEYWORD_FILE_CURRENT_VERSION ) { llinfos << filename << " does not appear to be a version " << KEYWORD_FILE_CURRENT_VERSION << " keyword file" << llendl; return mLoaded; } // start of line (SOL) const char SOL_COMMENT[] = "#"; const char SOL_WORD[] = "[word "; const char SOL_LINE[] = "[line "; const char SOL_ONE_SIDED_DELIMITER[] = "[one_sided_delimiter "; const char SOL_TWO_SIDED_DELIMITER[] = "[two_sided_delimiter "; LLColor3 cur_color( 1, 0, 0 ); LLKeywordToken::TOKEN_TYPE cur_type = LLKeywordToken::WORD; while (!file.eof()) { file.getline( buffer, BUFFER_SIZE ); if( !strncmp( buffer, SOL_COMMENT, strlen(SOL_COMMENT) ) ) /* Flawfinder: ignore */ { continue; } else if( !strncmp( buffer, SOL_WORD, strlen(SOL_WORD) ) ) /* Flawfinder: ignore */ { cur_color = readColor( buffer + strlen(SOL_WORD) ); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ cur_type = LLKeywordToken::WORD; continue; } else if( !strncmp( buffer, SOL_LINE, strlen(SOL_LINE) ) ) /* Flawfinder: ignore */ { cur_color = readColor( buffer + strlen(SOL_LINE) ); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ cur_type = LLKeywordToken::LINE; continue; } else if( !strncmp( buffer, SOL_TWO_SIDED_DELIMITER, strlen(SOL_TWO_SIDED_DELIMITER) ) ) /* Flawfinder: ignore */ { cur_color = readColor( buffer + strlen(SOL_TWO_SIDED_DELIMITER) ); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ cur_type = LLKeywordToken::TWO_SIDED_DELIMITER; continue; } if( !strncmp( buffer, SOL_ONE_SIDED_DELIMITER, strlen(SOL_ONE_SIDED_DELIMITER) ) ) /* Flawfinder: ignore */ { cur_color = readColor( buffer + strlen(SOL_ONE_SIDED_DELIMITER) ); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ cur_type = LLKeywordToken::ONE_SIDED_DELIMITER; continue; } LLString token_buffer( buffer ); LLString::trim(token_buffer); typedef boost::tokenizer > tokenizer; boost::char_separator sep_word("", " \t"); tokenizer word_tokens(token_buffer, sep_word); tokenizer::iterator token_word_iter = word_tokens.begin(); if( !token_buffer.empty() && token_word_iter != word_tokens.end() ) { // first word is keyword LLString keyword = (*token_word_iter); LLString::trim(keyword); // following words are tooltip LLString tool_tip; while (++token_word_iter != word_tokens.end()) { tool_tip += (*token_word_iter); } LLString::trim(tool_tip); if( !tool_tip.empty() ) { // Replace : with \n for multi-line tool tips. LLString::replaceChar( tool_tip, ':', '\n' ); addToken(cur_type, keyword, cur_color, tool_tip ); } else { addToken(cur_type, keyword, cur_color, NULL ); } } } file.close(); mLoaded = TRUE; return mLoaded; } // Add the token as described void LLKeywords::addToken(LLKeywordToken::TOKEN_TYPE type, const LLString& key_in, const LLColor3& color, const LLString& tool_tip_in ) { LLWString key = utf8str_to_wstring(key_in); LLWString tool_tip = utf8str_to_wstring(tool_tip_in); switch(type) { case LLKeywordToken::WORD: mWordTokenMap[key] = new LLKeywordToken(type, color, key, tool_tip); break; case LLKeywordToken::LINE: mLineTokenList.push_front(new LLKeywordToken(type, color, key, tool_tip)); break; case LLKeywordToken::TWO_SIDED_DELIMITER: case LLKeywordToken::ONE_SIDED_DELIMITER: mDelimiterTokenList.push_front(new LLKeywordToken(type, color, key, tool_tip)); break; default: llassert(0); } } LLColor3 LLKeywords::readColor( const LLString& s ) { F32 r, g, b; r = g = b = 0.0f; S32 read = sscanf(s.c_str(), "%f, %f, %f]", &r, &g, &b ); if( read != 3 ) /* Flawfinder: ignore */ { llinfos << " poorly formed color in keyword file" << llendl; } return LLColor3( r, g, b ); } // Walk through a string, applying the rules specified by the keyword token list and // create a list of color segments. void LLKeywords::findSegments(std::vector* seg_list, const LLWString& wtext, const LLColor4 &defaultColor) { std::for_each(seg_list->begin(), seg_list->end(), DeletePointer()); seg_list->clear(); if( wtext.empty() ) { return; } S32 text_len = wtext.size(); seg_list->push_back( new LLTextSegment( LLColor3(defaultColor), 0, text_len ) ); const llwchar* base = wtext.c_str(); const llwchar* cur = base; const llwchar* line = NULL; while( *cur ) { if( *cur == '\n' || cur == base ) { if( *cur == '\n' ) { cur++; if( !*cur || *cur == '\n' ) { continue; } } // Start of a new line line = cur; // Skip white space while( *cur && isspace(*cur) && (*cur != '\n') ) { cur++; } if( !*cur || *cur == '\n' ) { continue; } // cur is now at the first non-whitespace character of a new line // Line start tokens { BOOL line_done = FALSE; for (token_list_t::iterator iter = mLineTokenList.begin(); iter != mLineTokenList.end(); ++iter) { LLKeywordToken* cur_token = *iter; if( cur_token->isHead( cur ) ) { S32 seg_start = cur - base; while( *cur && *cur != '\n' ) { // skip the rest of the line cur++; } S32 seg_end = cur - base; //llinfos << "Seg: [" << (char*)LLString( base, seg_start, seg_end-seg_start) << "]" << llendl; LLTextSegment* text_segment = new LLTextSegment( cur_token->getColor(), seg_start, seg_end ); text_segment->setToken( cur_token ); insertSegment( seg_list, text_segment, text_len, defaultColor); line_done = TRUE; // to break out of second loop. break; } } if( line_done ) { continue; } } } // Skip white space while( *cur && isspace(*cur) && (*cur != '\n') ) { cur++; } while( *cur && *cur != '\n' ) { // Check against delimiters { S32 seg_start = 0; LLKeywordToken* cur_delimiter = NULL; for (token_list_t::iterator iter = mDelimiterTokenList.begin(); iter != mDelimiterTokenList.end(); ++iter) { LLKeywordToken* delimiter = *iter; if( delimiter->isHead( cur ) ) { cur_delimiter = delimiter; break; } } if( cur_delimiter ) { S32 between_delimiters = 0; S32 seg_end = 0; seg_start = cur - base; cur += cur_delimiter->getLength(); if( cur_delimiter->getType() == LLKeywordToken::TWO_SIDED_DELIMITER ) { while( *cur && !cur_delimiter->isHead(cur)) { // Check for an escape sequence. if (*cur == '\\') { // Count the number of backslashes. S32 num_backslashes = 0; while (*cur == '\\') { num_backslashes++; between_delimiters++; cur++; } // Is the next character the end delimiter? if (cur_delimiter->isHead(cur)) { // Is there was an odd number of backslashes, then this delimiter // does not end the sequence. if (num_backslashes % 2 == 1) { between_delimiters++; cur++; } else { // This is an end delimiter. break; } } } else { between_delimiters++; cur++; } } if( *cur ) { cur += cur_delimiter->getLength(); seg_end = seg_start + between_delimiters + 2 * cur_delimiter->getLength(); } else { // eof seg_end = seg_start + between_delimiters + cur_delimiter->getLength(); } } else { llassert( cur_delimiter->getType() == LLKeywordToken::ONE_SIDED_DELIMITER ); // Left side is the delimiter. Right side is eol or eof. while( *cur && ('\n' != *cur) ) { between_delimiters++; cur++; } seg_end = seg_start + between_delimiters + cur_delimiter->getLength(); } //llinfos << "Seg: [" << (char*)LLString( base, seg_start, seg_end-seg_start ) << "]" << llendl; LLTextSegment* text_segment = new LLTextSegment( cur_delimiter->getColor(), seg_start, seg_end ); text_segment->setToken( cur_delimiter ); insertSegment( seg_list, text_segment, text_len, defaultColor); // Note: we don't increment cur, since the end of one delimited seg may be immediately // followed by the start of another one. continue; } } // check against words llwchar prev = cur > base ? *(cur-1) : 0; if( !isalnum( prev ) && (prev != '_') ) { const llwchar* p = cur; while( isalnum( *p ) || (*p == '_') ) { p++; } S32 seg_len = p - cur; if( seg_len > 0 ) { LLWString word( cur, 0, seg_len ); word_token_map_t::iterator map_iter = mWordTokenMap.find(word); if( map_iter != mWordTokenMap.end() ) { LLKeywordToken* cur_token = map_iter->second; S32 seg_start = cur - base; S32 seg_end = seg_start + seg_len; // llinfos << "Seg: [" << word.c_str() << "]" << llendl; LLTextSegment* text_segment = new LLTextSegment( cur_token->getColor(), seg_start, seg_end ); text_segment->setToken( cur_token ); insertSegment( seg_list, text_segment, text_len, defaultColor); } cur += seg_len; continue; } } if( *cur && *cur != '\n' ) { cur++; } } } } void LLKeywords::insertSegment(std::vector* seg_list, LLTextSegment* new_segment, S32 text_len, const LLColor4 &defaultColor ) { LLTextSegment* last = seg_list->back(); S32 new_seg_end = new_segment->getEnd(); if( new_segment->getStart() == last->getStart() ) { *last = *new_segment; delete new_segment; } else { last->setEnd( new_segment->getStart() ); seg_list->push_back( new_segment ); } if( new_seg_end < text_len ) { seg_list->push_back( new LLTextSegment( defaultColor, new_seg_end, text_len ) ); } } #ifdef _DEBUG void LLKeywords::dump() { llinfos << "LLKeywords" << llendl; llinfos << "LLKeywords::sWordTokenMap" << llendl; word_token_map_t::iterator word_token_iter = mWordTokenMap.begin(); while( word_token_iter != mWordTokenMap.end() ) { LLKeywordToken* word_token = word_token_iter->second; word_token->dump(); ++word_token_iter; } llinfos << "LLKeywords::sLineTokenList" << llendl; for (token_list_t::iterator iter = mLineTokenList.begin(); iter != mLineTokenList.end(); ++iter) { LLKeywordToken* line_token = *iter; line_token->dump(); } llinfos << "LLKeywords::sDelimiterTokenList" << llendl; for (token_list_t::iterator iter = mDelimiterTokenList.begin(); iter != mDelimiterTokenList.end(); ++iter) { LLKeywordToken* delimiter_token = *iter; delimiter_token->dump(); } } void LLKeywordToken::dump() { llinfos << "[" << mColor.mV[VX] << ", " << mColor.mV[VY] << ", " << mColor.mV[VZ] << "] [" << mToken.c_str() << "]" << llendl; } #endif // DEBUG