/** * @file llkeywords.cpp * @brief Keyword list for LSL * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2000&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include #include #include "lldir.h" #include "llkeywords.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" #include "lltexteditor.h" #include "llstl.h" inline BOOL LLKeywordToken::isHead(const llwchar* s) const { // strncmp is much faster than string compare BOOL res = TRUE; const llwchar* t = mToken.c_str(); S32 len = mToken.size(); for (S32 i=0; igetExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_APP_SETTINGS,"keywords_lsl_tokens.xml") ); } LLKeywords::~LLKeywords() { std::for_each(mWordTokenMap.begin(), mWordTokenMap.end(), DeletePairedPointer()); std::for_each(mLineTokenList.begin(), mLineTokenList.end(), DeletePointer()); std::for_each(mDelimiterTokenList.begin(), mDelimiterTokenList.end(), DeletePointer()); } void LLKeywords::addColorGroup(const std::string key_in, const LLColor4 color) { WStringMapIndex key ( utf8str_to_wstring(key_in) ); mColorGroupMap[key] = color; } // Add the token as described void LLKeywords::addToken(LLKeywordToken::TOKEN_TYPE type, const std::string& key_in, const LLColor4& color, const std::string& tool_tip_in, const std::string& delimiter_in) { std::string tip_text = tool_tip_in; LLStringUtil::replaceString(tip_text, "\\n", "\n" ); LLStringUtil::replaceString(tip_text, "\t", " " ); if (tip_text =="") { tip_text = "[no info]"; } LLWString tool_tip = utf8str_to_wstring(tip_text); LLWString key = utf8str_to_wstring(key_in); LLWString delimiter = utf8str_to_wstring(delimiter_in); switch(type) { case LLKeywordToken::TT_CONSTANT: case LLKeywordToken::TT_CONTROL: case LLKeywordToken::TT_EVENT: case LLKeywordToken::TT_FUNCTION: case LLKeywordToken::TT_LABEL: case LLKeywordToken::TT_SECTION: case LLKeywordToken::TT_TYPE: case LLKeywordToken::TT_WORD: mWordTokenMap[key] = new LLKeywordToken(type, color, key, tool_tip, LLWStringUtil::null); break; case LLKeywordToken::TT_LINE: mLineTokenList.push_front(new LLKeywordToken(type, color, key, tool_tip, LLWStringUtil::null)); break; case LLKeywordToken::TT_TWO_SIDED_DELIMITER: case LLKeywordToken::TT_DOUBLE_QUOTATION_MARKS: case LLKeywordToken::TT_ONE_SIDED_DELIMITER: mDelimiterTokenList.push_front(new LLKeywordToken(type, color, key, tool_tip, delimiter)); break; default: llassert(0); } } std::string LLKeywords::getArguments(LLSD& arguments) { std::string args = ""; if (arguments.isMap()) { int count = arguments.size(); LLSD::map_iterator argsIt = arguments.beginMap(); for ( ; argsIt != arguments.endMap(); ++argsIt) { args += argsIt->second.get("type").asString() + " " + argsIt->first; if (count-- > 1) { args += ", "; } } } else if (!arguments.isUndefined()) { LL_WARNS("Arguments") << "Not a map! Invalid LLSD passed to function.\n" << arguments << LL_ENDL; } return args == "" ? " void " : args; } std::string LLKeywords::getAttribute(const std::string& key) { attribute_iterator_t it = mAttributes.find(key); return (it != mAttributes.end()) ? it->second : ""; } LLColor4 LLKeywords::getColorGroup(const std::string key_in) { std::string ColourGroup = "Black"; if (key_in == "constants-float") { ColourGroup = "SyntaxLslConstantFloat"; } else if (key_in == "constants-integer") { ColourGroup = "SyntaxLslConstantInteger"; } else if (key_in == "constants-key") { ColourGroup = "SyntaxLslConstantKey"; } else if (key_in == "constants-string") { ColourGroup = "SyntaxLslConstantRotation"; } else if (key_in == "constants-string") { ColourGroup = "SyntaxLslConstantString"; } else if (key_in == "constants-vector") { ColourGroup = "SyntaxLslConstantVector"; } else if (key_in == "controls") { ColourGroup = "SyntaxLslControlFlow"; } else if (key_in == "events") { ColourGroup = "SyntaxLslEvent"; } else if (key_in == "functions") { ColourGroup = "SyntaxLslFunction"; } else if (key_in == "types") { ColourGroup = "SyntaxLslDataType"; } else if (key_in == "sections") { ColourGroup = "SyntaxLslSection"; } else if (key_in == "misc-double_quotation_marks") { ColourGroup = "SyntaxLslStringLiteral"; } else if (key_in == "misc-comments_1_sided") { ColourGroup = "SyntaxLslComment1Sided"; } else if (key_in == "misc-comments_2_sided") { ColourGroup = "SyntaxLslComment2Sided"; } return LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor(ColourGroup); } BOOL LLKeywords::initialise() { mReady = false; if (! loadIntoLLSD(mFilenameSyntax, mSyntax) ) { LL_ERRS("") << "Failed to load syntax data from '" << mFilenameSyntax << "', cannot continue!" << LL_ENDL; } else { mReady = true; } return mReady; } BOOL LLKeywords::loadFromFile() { processTokens(); return true; } /** * @brief Load xml serialised LLSD * @desc Opens the specified filespec and attempts to deserialise the * contained data to the specified LLSD object. * @return Returns boolean true/false indicating success or failure. */ BOOL LLKeywords::loadIntoLLSD(const std::string& filename, LLSD& data) { mLoaded = false; llifstream file; file.open(filename); if(file.is_open()) { mLoaded = (BOOL)LLSDSerialize::fromXML(data, file); if (!mLoaded) { LL_WARNS("") << "Unable to deserialise file: " << filename << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_INFOS("") << "Deserialised file: " << filename << LL_ENDL; } } else { LL_WARNS("") << "Unable to open file: " << filename << LL_ENDL; } return mLoaded; } ///** // * @brief Start processing the colour LLSD from its beginning. // * // */ //std::string LLKeywords::processColors() //{ // return processColors(mColors, ""); //} ///** // * @brief Recursively process the colour LLSD from an arbitrary level. // * @desc Process the supplied LLSD for colour data. The strPrefix is a string // * of hyphen separated keys from previous levels. // */ //std::string LLKeywords::processColors(LLSD &settings, const std::string strPrefix) //{ // if (settings.isMap() || (! settings.isMap() && strPrefix != "") ) // { // LLSD llsd_map = settings; // LLSD::map_iterator my_iter = llsd_map.beginMap(); // for ( ; my_iter != llsd_map.endMap(); ++my_iter) // { // std::string strGroup = strPrefix; // const LLSD::String& key = my_iter->first; // LLSD& value = my_iter->second; // // if (key == "color") // { // if (value.isMap() || value.isArray()) // { // addColorGroup(strGroup, readColor(value)); // } // else // { // LL_WARNS("Invalid Color") << "Invalid Color Entry - first: '" << key << "' second: '" << value << "'" << LL_ENDL; // } // } // else if (value.isMap()) // { // strGroup += (strGroup.length() == 0) ? my_iter->first : "-" + my_iter->first; // strGroup = processColors(value, strGroup); // } // else // { // LL_WARNS("Invalid Color") << "Invalid Color Entry - first: '" << key << "' second: '" << value << "'" << LL_ENDL; // } // } // } // return strPrefix; //} //*/ void LLKeywords::processTokens() { // Add 'standard' stuff: Quotes, Comments, Strings, Labels, etc. before processing the LLSD std::string delimiter; addToken(LLKeywordToken::TT_LABEL, "@", getColorGroup("misc-flow-label"), "Label\nTarget for jump statement", delimiter ); addToken(LLKeywordToken::TT_ONE_SIDED_DELIMITER, "//", getColorGroup("misc-comments_1_sided"), "Comment (single-line)\nNon-functional commentary or disabled code", delimiter ); addToken(LLKeywordToken::TT_TWO_SIDED_DELIMITER, "/*", getColorGroup("misc-comments_2_sided"), "Comment (multi-line)\nNon-functional commentary or disabled code", "*/" ); addToken(LLKeywordToken::TT_DOUBLE_QUOTATION_MARKS, "\"", getColorGroup("misc-double_quotation_marks"), "String literal", "\"" ); LLSD::map_iterator outerIt = mSyntax.beginMap(); for ( ; outerIt != mSyntax.endMap(); ++outerIt) { if (outerIt->first == "misc") { if (outerIt->second.isMap()) { LLSD::map_iterator innerIt = outerIt->second.beginMap(); for ( ; innerIt != outerIt->second.endMap(); ++innerIt) { processTokensGroup(innerIt->second, "misc-" + innerIt->first); } } else { LL_ERRS("LSL-Tokens-Processing") << "Map for misc entries is missing! Ignoring." << LL_ENDL; } } else { if (outerIt->second.isMap()) { processTokensGroup(outerIt->second, outerIt->first); } else { LL_ERRS("LSL-Tokens-Processing") << "Map for " + outerIt->first + " entries is missing! Ignoring." << LL_ENDL; } } } LL_INFOS("") << LL_ENDL; } void LLKeywords::processTokensGroup(LLSD& Tokens, const std::string Group) { LLColor4 Color; LL_INFOS("Tokens") << "Group: '" << Group << "', using colour: '" << Color << "'" << LL_ENDL; LLKeywordToken::TOKEN_TYPE token_type = LLKeywordToken::TT_UNKNOWN; // If a new token type is added here, it must also be added to the 'addToken' method if (Group == "constants") { token_type = LLKeywordToken::TT_CONSTANT; } else if (Group == "controls") { token_type = LLKeywordToken::TT_CONTROL; } else if (Group == "events") { token_type = LLKeywordToken::TT_EVENT; } else if (Group == "functions") { token_type = LLKeywordToken::TT_FUNCTION; } else if (Group == "label") { token_type = LLKeywordToken::TT_LABEL; } else if (Group == "types") { token_type = LLKeywordToken::TT_TYPE; } if (Tokens.isMap()) { LLSD::map_iterator outerIt = Tokens.beginMap(); for ( ; outerIt != Tokens.endMap(); ++outerIt) { Color = getColorGroup(Group); if (outerIt->second.isMap()) { mAttributes.clear(); bool deprecated = false; LLSD arguments = LLSD (); LLSD::map_iterator innerIt = outerIt->second.beginMap(); for ( ; innerIt != outerIt->second.endMap(); ++innerIt) { if (innerIt->first == "arguments") { if (innerIt->second.isMap()) { arguments = innerIt->second; } } else { mAttributes[innerIt->first] = innerIt->second.asString(); } } std::string tooltip = ""; if (token_type == LLKeywordToken::TT_CONSTANT) { Color = getColorGroup(Group + "-" + getAttribute("type")); tooltip = "Type: " + getAttribute("type") + ", Value: " + getAttribute("value"); } else if (token_type == LLKeywordToken::TT_EVENT) { tooltip = outerIt->first + "(" + getArguments(arguments) + ")"; } else if (token_type == LLKeywordToken::TT_FUNCTION) { tooltip = getAttribute("return") + " " + outerIt->first + "(" + getArguments(arguments) + ");"; tooltip += "\nEnergy: "; tooltip += getAttribute("energy") == "" ? "0.0" : getAttribute("energy"); if (getAttribute("sleep") != "") { tooltip += ", Sleep: " + getAttribute("sleep"); } } if (getAttribute("tooltip") != "") { if (tooltip != "") { tooltip += "\n"; } tooltip += getAttribute("tooltip"); } deprecated = getAttribute("deprecated") == "true" ? true : false; if (deprecated) { Color = getColorGroup("deprecated"); } addToken(token_type, outerIt->first, Color, tooltip); } } } else if (Tokens.isArray()) // Currently nothing should need this, but it's here for completeness { for (int count = 0; count < Tokens.size(); ++count) { addToken(token_type, Tokens[count], Color, ""); } } else { LL_INFOS("Tokens") << "Invalid map/array passed: '" << Tokens << "'" << LL_ENDL; } } LLKeywords::WStringMapIndex::WStringMapIndex(const WStringMapIndex& other) { if(other.mOwner) { copyData(other.mData, other.mLength); } else { mOwner = false; mLength = other.mLength; mData = other.mData; } } LLKeywords::WStringMapIndex::WStringMapIndex(const LLWString& str) { copyData(str.data(), str.size()); } LLKeywords::WStringMapIndex::WStringMapIndex(const llwchar *start, size_t length): mData(start), mLength(length), mOwner(false) { } LLKeywords::WStringMapIndex::~WStringMapIndex() { if(mOwner) delete[] mData; } void LLKeywords::WStringMapIndex::copyData(const llwchar *start, size_t length) { llwchar *data = new llwchar[length]; memcpy((void*)data, (const void*)start, length * sizeof(llwchar)); mOwner = true; mLength = length; mData = data; } bool LLKeywords::WStringMapIndex::operator<(const LLKeywords::WStringMapIndex &other) const { // NOTE: Since this is only used to organize a std::map, it doesn't matter if it uses correct collate order or not. // The comparison only needs to strictly order all possible strings, and be stable. bool result = false; const llwchar* self_iter = mData; const llwchar* self_end = mData + mLength; const llwchar* other_iter = other.mData; const llwchar* other_end = other.mData + other.mLength; while(true) { if(other_iter >= other_end) { // We've hit the end of other. // This covers two cases: other being shorter than self, or the strings being equal. // In either case, we want to return false. result = false; break; } else if(self_iter >= self_end) { // self is shorter than other. result = true; break; } else if(*self_iter != *other_iter) { // The current character differs. The strings are not equal. result = *self_iter < *other_iter; break; } self_iter++; other_iter++; } return result; } LLColor4 LLKeywords::readColor( const std::string& s ) { F32 r, g, b; r = g = b = 0.0f; S32 values_read = sscanf(s.c_str(), "%f, %f, %f]", &r, &g, &b ); if( values_read != 3 ) { llinfos << " poorly formed color in keyword file" << llendl; } return LLColor4( r, g, b, 1.f); } LLColor4 LLKeywords::readColor(LLSD& sd) { if (sd.isArray()) { return LLColor4 (sd, 1.f); } else if (sd.isMap()) { return LLColor4 ( sd.get("x").asReal(), sd.get("y").asReal(), sd.get("z").asReal(), 1.f ); } else { return LLColor4::black; } } LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_SYNTAX_COLORING("Syntax Coloring"); // Walk through a string, applying the rules specified by the keyword token list and // create a list of color segments. void LLKeywords::findSegments(std::vector* seg_list, const LLWString& wtext, const LLColor4 &defaultColor, LLTextEditor& editor) { LLFastTimer ft(FTM_SYNTAX_COLORING); seg_list->clear(); if( wtext.empty() ) { return; } S32 text_len = wtext.size() + 1; seg_list->push_back( new LLNormalTextSegment( defaultColor, 0, text_len, editor ) ); const llwchar* base = wtext.c_str(); const llwchar* cur = base; while( *cur ) { if( *cur == '\n' || cur == base ) { if( *cur == '\n' ) { LLTextSegmentPtr text_segment = new LLLineBreakTextSegment(cur-base); text_segment->setToken( 0 ); insertSegment( *seg_list, text_segment, text_len, defaultColor, editor); cur++; if( !*cur || *cur == '\n' ) { continue; } } // Skip white space while( *cur && isspace(*cur) && (*cur != '\n') ) { cur++; } if( !*cur || *cur == '\n' ) { continue; } // cur is now at the first non-whitespace character of a new line // Line start tokens { BOOL line_done = FALSE; for (token_list_t::iterator iter = mLineTokenList.begin(); iter != mLineTokenList.end(); ++iter) { LLKeywordToken* cur_token = *iter; if( cur_token->isHead( cur ) ) { S32 seg_start = cur - base; while( *cur && *cur != '\n' ) { // skip the rest of the line cur++; } S32 seg_end = cur - base; //create segments from seg_start to seg_end insertSegments(wtext, *seg_list,cur_token, text_len, seg_start, seg_end, defaultColor, editor); line_done = TRUE; // to break out of second loop. break; } } if( line_done ) { continue; } } } // Skip white space while( *cur && isspace(*cur) && (*cur != '\n') ) { cur++; } while( *cur && *cur != '\n' ) { // Check against delimiters { S32 seg_start = 0; LLKeywordToken* cur_delimiter = NULL; for (token_list_t::iterator iter = mDelimiterTokenList.begin(); iter != mDelimiterTokenList.end(); ++iter) { LLKeywordToken* delimiter = *iter; if( delimiter->isHead( cur ) ) { cur_delimiter = delimiter; break; } } if( cur_delimiter ) { S32 between_delimiters = 0; S32 seg_end = 0; seg_start = cur - base; cur += cur_delimiter->getLengthHead(); LLKeywordToken::TOKEN_TYPE type = cur_delimiter->getType(); if( type == LLKeywordToken::TT_TWO_SIDED_DELIMITER || type == LLKeywordToken::TT_DOUBLE_QUOTATION_MARKS ) { while( *cur && !cur_delimiter->isTail(cur)) { // Check for an escape sequence. if (type == LLKeywordToken::TT_DOUBLE_QUOTATION_MARKS && *cur == '\\') { // Count the number of backslashes. S32 num_backslashes = 0; while (*cur == '\\') { num_backslashes++; between_delimiters++; cur++; } // If the next character is the end delimiter? if (cur_delimiter->isTail(cur)) { // If there was an odd number of backslashes, then this delimiter // does not end the sequence. if (num_backslashes % 2 == 1) { between_delimiters++; cur++; } else { // This is an end delimiter. break; } } } else { between_delimiters++; cur++; } } if( *cur ) { cur += cur_delimiter->getLengthHead(); seg_end = seg_start + between_delimiters + cur_delimiter->getLengthHead() + cur_delimiter->getLengthTail(); } else { // eof seg_end = seg_start + between_delimiters + cur_delimiter->getLengthHead(); } } else { llassert( cur_delimiter->getType() == LLKeywordToken::TT_ONE_SIDED_DELIMITER ); // Left side is the delimiter. Right side is eol or eof. while( *cur && ('\n' != *cur) ) { between_delimiters++; cur++; } seg_end = seg_start + between_delimiters + cur_delimiter->getLengthHead(); } insertSegments(wtext, *seg_list,cur_delimiter, text_len, seg_start, seg_end, defaultColor, editor); /* LLTextSegmentPtr text_segment = new LLNormalTextSegment( cur_delimiter->getColor(), seg_start, seg_end, editor ); text_segment->setToken( cur_delimiter ); insertSegment( seg_list, text_segment, text_len, defaultColor, editor); */ // Note: we don't increment cur, since the end of one delimited seg may be immediately // followed by the start of another one. continue; } } // check against words llwchar prev = cur > base ? *(cur-1) : 0; if( !isalnum( prev ) && (prev != '_') ) { const llwchar* p = cur; while( isalnum( *p ) || (*p == '_') ) { p++; } S32 seg_len = p - cur; if( seg_len > 0 ) { WStringMapIndex word( cur, seg_len ); word_token_map_t::iterator map_iter = mWordTokenMap.find(word); if( map_iter != mWordTokenMap.end() ) { LLKeywordToken* cur_token = map_iter->second; S32 seg_start = cur - base; S32 seg_end = seg_start + seg_len; // llinfos << "Seg: [" << word.c_str() << "]" << llendl; insertSegments(wtext, *seg_list,cur_token, text_len, seg_start, seg_end, defaultColor, editor); } cur += seg_len; continue; } } if( *cur && *cur != '\n' ) { cur++; } } } } void LLKeywords::insertSegments(const LLWString& wtext, std::vector& seg_list, LLKeywordToken* cur_token, S32 text_len, S32 seg_start, S32 seg_end, const LLColor4 &defaultColor, LLTextEditor& editor ) { std::string::size_type pos = wtext.find('\n',seg_start); while (pos!=-1 && pos < (std::string::size_type)seg_end) { if (pos!=seg_start) { LLTextSegmentPtr text_segment = new LLNormalTextSegment( cur_token->getColor(), seg_start, pos, editor ); text_segment->setToken( cur_token ); insertSegment( seg_list, text_segment, text_len, defaultColor, editor); } LLTextSegmentPtr text_segment = new LLLineBreakTextSegment(pos); text_segment->setToken( cur_token ); insertSegment( seg_list, text_segment, text_len, defaultColor, editor); seg_start = pos+1; pos = wtext.find('\n',seg_start); } LLTextSegmentPtr text_segment = new LLNormalTextSegment( cur_token->getColor(), seg_start, seg_end, editor ); text_segment->setToken( cur_token ); insertSegment( seg_list, text_segment, text_len, defaultColor, editor); } void LLKeywords::insertSegment(std::vector& seg_list, LLTextSegmentPtr new_segment, S32 text_len, const LLColor4 &defaultColor, LLTextEditor& editor ) { LLTextSegmentPtr last = seg_list.back(); S32 new_seg_end = new_segment->getEnd(); if( new_segment->getStart() == last->getStart() ) { seg_list.pop_back(); } else { last->setEnd( new_segment->getStart() ); } seg_list.push_back( new_segment ); if( new_seg_end < text_len ) { seg_list.push_back( new LLNormalTextSegment( defaultColor, new_seg_end, text_len, editor ) ); } } #ifdef _DEBUG void LLKeywords::dump() { llinfos << "LLKeywords" << llendl; llinfos << "LLKeywords::sWordTokenMap" << llendl; word_token_map_t::iterator word_token_iter = mWordTokenMap.begin(); while( word_token_iter != mWordTokenMap.end() ) { LLKeywordToken* word_token = word_token_iter->second; word_token->dump(); ++word_token_iter; } llinfos << "LLKeywords::sLineTokenList" << llendl; for (token_list_t::iterator iter = mLineTokenList.begin(); iter != mLineTokenList.end(); ++iter) { LLKeywordToken* line_token = *iter; line_token->dump(); } llinfos << "LLKeywords::sDelimiterTokenList" << llendl; for (token_list_t::iterator iter = mDelimiterTokenList.begin(); iter != mDelimiterTokenList.end(); ++iter) { LLKeywordToken* delimiter_token = *iter; delimiter_token->dump(); } } void LLKeywordToken::dump() { llinfos << "[" << mColor.mV[VX] << ", " << mColor.mV[VY] << ", " << mColor.mV[VZ] << "] [" << wstring_to_utf8str(mToken) << "]" << llendl; } #endif // DEBUG