 * @file llfocusmgr.h
 * @brief LLFocusMgr base class
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

// Singleton that manages keyboard and mouse focus


#include "llstring.h"
#include "llframetimer.h"
#include "llui.h"

class LLUICtrl;
class LLMouseHandler;
class LLView;

// NOTE: the LLFocusableElement class declaration has been moved here from lluictrl.h.
class LLFocusableElement
    friend class LLFocusMgr; // allow access to focus change handlers
    virtual ~LLFocusableElement();

    virtual void    setFocus( BOOL b );
    virtual BOOL    hasFocus() const;

    typedef boost::signals2::signal<void(LLFocusableElement*)> focus_signal_t;

    boost::signals2::connection setFocusLostCallback( const focus_signal_t::slot_type& cb);
    boost::signals2::connection setFocusReceivedCallback(const focus_signal_t::slot_type& cb);
    boost::signals2::connection setFocusChangedCallback(const focus_signal_t::slot_type& cb);
    boost::signals2::connection setTopLostCallback(const focus_signal_t::slot_type& cb);

    // These were brought up the hierarchy from LLView so that we don't have to use dynamic_cast when dealing with keyboard focus.
    virtual BOOL    handleKey(KEY key, MASK mask, BOOL called_from_parent);
    virtual BOOL    handleKeyUp(KEY key, MASK mask, BOOL called_from_parent);
    virtual BOOL    handleUnicodeChar(llwchar uni_char, BOOL called_from_parent);
    virtual BOOL    handleUnicodeString(char *uni_str, bool editing, BOOL called_from_parent);

     * If true this LLFocusableElement wants to receive KEYUP and KEYDOWN messages
     * even for normal character strokes.
     * Default implementation returns false.
    virtual bool    wantsKeyUpKeyDown() const;
    virtual bool    wantsReturnKey() const;

    virtual void    onTopLost();    // called when registered as top ctrl and user clicks elsewhere
    virtual void    onFocusReceived();
    virtual void    onFocusLost();
    focus_signal_t*  mFocusLostCallback;
    focus_signal_t*  mFocusReceivedCallback;
    focus_signal_t*  mFocusChangedCallback;
    focus_signal_t*  mTopLostCallback;

class LLFocusMgr

    // Mouse Captor
    void            setMouseCapture(LLMouseHandler* new_captor);    // new_captor = NULL to release the mouse.
    LLMouseHandler* getMouseCapture() const { return mMouseCaptor; }
    void            removeMouseCaptureWithoutCallback( const LLMouseHandler* captor );
    BOOL            childHasMouseCapture( const LLView* parent ) const;

    // Keyboard Focus
    void            setKeyboardFocus(LLFocusableElement* new_focus, BOOL lock = FALSE, BOOL keystrokes_only = FALSE);       // new_focus = NULL to release the focus.
    LLFocusableElement*     getKeyboardFocus() const { return mKeyboardFocus; }
    LLFocusableElement*     getLastKeyboardFocus() const { return mLastKeyboardFocus; }
    BOOL            childHasKeyboardFocus( const LLView* parent ) const;
    void            removeKeyboardFocusWithoutCallback( const LLFocusableElement* focus );
    BOOL            getKeystrokesOnly() { return mKeystrokesOnly; }
    void            setKeystrokesOnly(BOOL keystrokes_only) { mKeystrokesOnly = keystrokes_only; }

    F32             getFocusFlashAmt() const;
    S32             getFocusFlashWidth() const { return ll_round(lerp(1.f, 3.f, getFocusFlashAmt())); }
    LLColor4        getFocusColor() const;
    void            triggerFocusFlash();
    BOOL            getAppHasFocus() const { return mAppHasFocus; }
    void            setAppHasFocus(BOOL focus);
    LLView*     getLastFocusForGroup(LLView* subtree_root) const;
    void            clearLastFocusForGroup(LLView* subtree_root);

    // If setKeyboardFocus(NULL) is called, and there is a non-NULL default
    // keyboard focus view, focus goes there. JC
    void            setDefaultKeyboardFocus(LLFocusableElement* default_focus) { mDefaultKeyboardFocus = default_focus; }
    LLFocusableElement*     getDefaultKeyboardFocus() const { return mDefaultKeyboardFocus; }

    // Top View
    void            setTopCtrl(LLUICtrl* new_top);
    LLUICtrl*       getTopCtrl() const                  { return mTopCtrl; }
    void            removeTopCtrlWithoutCallback( const LLUICtrl* top_view );
    BOOL            childIsTopCtrl( const LLView* parent ) const;

    // All Three
    void            releaseFocusIfNeeded( LLView* top_view );
    void            lockFocus();
    void            unlockFocus();
    BOOL            focusLocked() const { return mLockedView != NULL; }

    bool            keyboardFocusHasAccelerators() const;

    struct Impl;

    LLUICtrl*           mLockedView;

    // Mouse Captor
    LLMouseHandler*     mMouseCaptor;               // Mouse events are premptively routed to this object

    // Keyboard Focus
    LLFocusableElement* mKeyboardFocus;             // Keyboard events are preemptively routed to this object
    LLFocusableElement* mLastKeyboardFocus;         // who last had focus
    LLFocusableElement* mDefaultKeyboardFocus;
    BOOL                mKeystrokesOnly;

    // Top View
    LLUICtrl*           mTopCtrl;

    LLFrameTimer        mFocusFlashTimer;

    BOOL                mAppHasFocus;

    Impl * mImpl;

extern LLFocusMgr gFocusMgr;

#endif  // LL_LLFOCUSMGR_H