 * @file llfloater.h
 * @brief LLFloater base class
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

// Floating "windows" within the GL display, like the inventory floater,
// mini-map floater, etc.

#ifndef LL_FLOATER_H
#define LL_FLOATER_H

#include "llpanel.h"
#include "lltoolbar.h"
#include "lluuid.h"
//#include "llnotificationsutil.h"
#include <set>
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>

class LLDragHandle;
class LLResizeHandle;
class LLResizeBar;
class LLButton;
class LLMultiFloater;
class LLFloater;

const bool RESIZE_YES = true;
const bool RESIZE_NO = false;

const bool DRAG_ON_TOP = false;
const bool DRAG_ON_LEFT = true;

const bool MINIMIZE_YES = true;
const bool MINIMIZE_NO = false;

const bool CLOSE_YES = true;
const bool CLOSE_NO = false;

const bool ADJUST_VERTICAL_YES = true;
const bool ADJUST_VERTICAL_NO = false;

const F32 CONTEXT_CONE_IN_ALPHA = 0.f;
const F32 CONTEXT_CONE_FADE_TIME = .08f;

namespace LLFloaterEnums
    enum EOpenPositioning

namespace LLInitParam
    struct TypeValues<LLFloaterEnums::EOpenPositioning> : public TypeValuesHelper<LLFloaterEnums::EOpenPositioning>
        static void declareValues();

    typedef F32 value_t;

    LLCoordCommon convertToCommon() const;
    void convertFromCommon(const LLCoordCommon& from);
    LLHandle<LLFloater> mFloater;

struct LLCoordFloater : LLCoord<LL_COORD_FLOATER>
    typedef LLCoord<LL_COORD_FLOATER> coord_t;

    LLCoordFloater() {}
    LLCoordFloater(F32 x, F32 y, LLFloater& floater);
    LLCoordFloater(const LLCoordCommon& other, LLFloater& floater);

    LLCoordFloater& operator=(const LLCoordCommon& other)
        return *this;

    LLCoordFloater& operator=(const LLCoordFloater& other);

    bool operator==(const LLCoordFloater& other) const;
    bool operator!=(const LLCoordFloater& other) const { return !(*this == other); }

    void setFloater(LLFloater& floater);

class LLFloater : public LLPanel, public LLInstanceTracker<LLFloater>
    friend class LLFloaterView;
    friend class LLFloaterReg;
    friend class LLMultiFloater;


    struct KeyCompare
//      static bool compare(const LLSD& a, const LLSD& b);
        static bool equate(const LLSD& a, const LLSD& b);
        bool operator()(const LLSD& a, const LLSD& b) const
            return compare(a, b);

    enum EFloaterButton
        BUTTON_CLOSE = 0,

    struct Params
    :   public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLPanel::Params>
        Optional<std::string>   title,

        Optional<bool>          single_instance,

        Optional<LLFloaterEnums::EOpenPositioning>  positioning;

        Optional<S32>           header_height,
                                legacy_header_height; // HACK see initFromXML()

        Optional<F32>           rel_x,

        // Images for top-right controls
        Optional<LLUIImage*>    close_image,
        Optional<LLUIImage*>    close_pressed_image,

        Optional<CommitCallbackParam> open_callback,

        Ignored                 follows;


    // use this to avoid creating your own default LLFloater::Param instance
    static const Params& getDefaultParams();

    // Load translations for tooltips for standard buttons
    static void initClass();

    LLFloater(const LLSD& key, const Params& params = getDefaultParams());

    virtual ~LLFloater();

    // Don't export top/left for rect, only height/width
    static void setupParamsForExport(Params& p, LLView* parent);
    bool buildFromFile(const std::string &filename);

    boost::signals2::connection setMinimizeCallback( const commit_signal_t::slot_type& cb );
    boost::signals2::connection setOpenCallback( const commit_signal_t::slot_type& cb );
    boost::signals2::connection setCloseCallback( const commit_signal_t::slot_type& cb );

    void initFromParams(const LLFloater::Params& p);
    bool initFloaterXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, const std::string& filename, LLXMLNodePtr output_node = NULL);

    /*virtual*/ void handleReshape(const LLRect& new_rect, bool by_user = false);
    /*virtual*/ bool canSnapTo(const LLView* other_view);
    /*virtual*/ void setSnappedTo(const LLView* snap_view);
    /*virtual*/ void setFocus( bool b );
    /*virtual*/ void setIsChrome(bool is_chrome);
    /*virtual*/ void setRect(const LLRect &rect);
                void setIsSingleInstance(bool is_single_instance);
                bool getIsSingleInstance() { return mSingleInstance; }

    void            initFloater(const Params& p);

    void            openFloater(const LLSD& key = LLSD());

    // If allowed, close the floater cleanly, releasing focus.
    virtual void    closeFloater(bool app_quitting = false);

    // Close the floater or its host. Use when hidding or toggling a floater instance.
    virtual void    closeHostedFloater();

    /*virtual*/ void reshape(S32 width, S32 height, bool called_from_parent = true);
    /*virtual*/ void translate(S32 x, S32 y);

    // Release keyboard and mouse focus
    void            releaseFocus();

    // moves to center of gFloaterView
    void            center();

    LLMultiFloater* getHost();
    bool isDetachedAndNotMinimized();

    void            applyTitle();
    std::string     getCurrentTitle() const;
    void            setTitle( const std::string& title);
    std::string     getTitle() const;
    void            setShortTitle( const std::string& short_title );
    std::string     getShortTitle() const;
    virtual void    setMinimized(bool b);
    void            moveResizeHandlesToFront();
    void            addDependentFloater(LLFloater* dependent, bool reposition = true, bool resize = false);
    void            addDependentFloater(LLHandle<LLFloater> dependent_handle, bool reposition = true, bool resize = false);
    LLFloater*      getDependee() { return (LLFloater*)mDependeeHandle.get(); }
    void            removeDependentFloater(LLFloater* dependent);
    void            fitWithDependentsOnScreen(const LLRect& left, const LLRect& bottom, const LLRect& right, const LLRect& constraint, S32 min_overlap_pixels);
    bool            isMinimized() const             { return mMinimized; }
    /// isShown() differs from getVisible() in that isShown() also considers
    /// isMinimized(). isShown() is true only if visible and not minimized.
    bool            isShown() const;
    /// The static isShown() can accept a NULL pointer (which of course
    /// returns false). When non-NULL, it calls the non-static isShown().
    static bool     isShown(const LLFloater* floater);
    static bool     isVisible(const LLFloater* floater);
    static bool     isMinimized(const LLFloater* floater);
    bool            isFirstLook() { return mFirstLook; } // EXT-2653: This function is necessary to prevent overlapping for secondary showed toasts
    virtual bool    isFrontmost();
    bool            isDependent()                   { return !mDependeeHandle.isDead(); }
    void            setCanMinimize(bool can_minimize);
    void            setCanClose(bool can_close);
    void            setCanTearOff(bool can_tear_off);
    virtual void    setCanResize(bool can_resize);
    void            setCanDrag(bool can_drag);
    bool            getCanDrag();
    void            setHost(LLMultiFloater* host);
    bool            isResizable() const             { return mResizable; }
    void            setResizeLimits( S32 min_width, S32 min_height );
    void            getResizeLimits( S32* min_width, S32* min_height ) { *min_width = mMinWidth; *min_height = mMinHeight; }

    static std::string      getControlName(const std::string& name, const LLSD& key);
    static LLControlGroup*  getControlGroup();

    bool            isMinimizeable() const{ return mCanMinimize; }
    bool            isCloseable() const{ return mCanClose; }
    bool            isDragOnLeft() const{ return mDragOnLeft; }
    S32             getMinWidth() const{ return mMinWidth; }
    S32             getMinHeight() const{ return mMinHeight; }
    S32             getHeaderHeight() const { return mHeaderHeight; }

    virtual bool    handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask);
    virtual bool    handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask);
    virtual bool    handleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask);
    virtual bool    handleDoubleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask);
    virtual bool    handleMiddleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask);

    virtual bool    handleScrollWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 mask);

    virtual void    draw();
    virtual void    drawShadow(LLPanel* panel);

    virtual void    onOpen(const LLSD& key) {}
    virtual void    onClose(bool app_quitting) {}

    // This cannot be "const" until all derived floater canClose()
    // methods are const as well.  JC
    virtual bool    canClose() { return true; }

    /*virtual*/ void setVisible(bool visible); // do not override
    /*virtual*/ void onVisibilityChange ( bool new_visibility ); // do not override

    bool            canFocusStealFrontmost() const { return mFocusStealsFrontmost; }
    void            setFocusStealsFrontmost(bool wants_frontmost) { mFocusStealsFrontmost = wants_frontmost; }

    void            setFrontmost(bool take_focus = true, bool restore = true);
     virtual void   setVisibleAndFrontmost(bool take_focus = true, const LLSD& key = LLSD());

    // Defaults to false.
    virtual bool    canSaveAs() const { return false; }

    virtual void    saveAs() {}

    void            setSnapTarget(LLHandle<LLFloater> handle) { mSnappedTo = handle; }
    void            clearSnapTarget() { mSnappedTo.markDead(); }
    LLHandle<LLFloater> getSnapTarget() const { return mSnappedTo; }

    LLHandle<LLFloater> getHandle() const { return getDerivedHandle<LLFloater>(); }
    const LLSD&     getKey() { return mKey; }
    virtual bool    matchesKey(const LLSD& key) { return mSingleInstance || KeyCompare::equate(key, mKey); }

    const std::string& getInstanceName() { return mInstanceName; }

    bool            isDockable() const { return mCanDock; }
    void            setCanDock(bool b);

    bool            isDocked() const { return mDocked; }
    virtual void    setDocked(bool docked, bool pop_on_undock = true);

    virtual void    setTornOff(bool torn_off) { mTornOff = torn_off; }
    bool isTornOff() {return mTornOff;}
    void setOpenPositioning(LLFloaterEnums::EOpenPositioning pos) {mPositioning = pos;}

    // Close the floater returned by getFrontmostClosableFloater() and
    // handle refocusing.
    static void     closeFrontmostFloater();

    static bool     isQuitRequested() { return sQuitting; }

//  LLNotification::Params contextualNotification(const std::string& name)
//  {
//      return LLNotification::Params(name).context(mNotificationContext);
//  }

    static void     onClickClose(LLFloater* floater);
    static void     onClickMinimize(LLFloater* floater);
    static void     onClickTearOff(LLFloater* floater);
    static void     onClickDock(LLFloater* floater);
    static void     onClickHelp(LLFloater* floater);

    static void     setFloaterHost(LLMultiFloater* hostp) {sHostp = hostp; }
    static LLMultiFloater* getFloaterHost() {return sHostp; }

    void            updateTransparency(ETypeTransparency transparency_type);

    void            enableResizeCtrls(bool enable, bool width = true, bool height = true);

    bool            isPositioning(LLFloaterEnums::EOpenPositioning p) const { return (p == mPositioning); }
    void            applyControlsAndPosition(LLFloater* other);

    void            stackWith(LLFloater& other);

    virtual void    initRectControl();
    virtual bool    applyRectControl();
    bool            applyDockState();
    void            applyPositioning(LLFloater* other, bool on_open);
    void            applyRelativePosition();

    void            storeRectControl();
    void            storeVisibilityControl();
    void            storeDockStateControl();

    void            setKey(const LLSD& key);
    void            setInstanceName(const std::string& name);

    virtual void    bringToFront(S32 x, S32 y);
    virtual void    goneFromFront();

    void            setExpandedRect(const LLRect& rect) { mExpandedRect = rect; } // size when not minimized
    const LLRect&   getExpandedRect() const { return mExpandedRect; }

    void            setAutoFocus(bool focus) { mAutoFocus = focus; } // whether to automatically take focus when opened
    bool            getAutoFocus() const { return mAutoFocus; }
    LLDragHandle*   getDragHandle() const { return mDragHandle; }

    void            destroy(); // Don't call this directly.  You probably want to call closeFloater()

    virtual void    onClickCloseBtn(bool app_quitting = false);

    virtual void    updateTitleButtons();

    // Draws a cone from this floater to parent floater or view (owner)
    // Modifies context_cone_opacity (interpolates according to fade time and returns new value)
    void            drawConeToOwner(F32 &context_cone_opacity,
                                    F32 max_cone_opacity,
                                    LLView *owner_view,
                                    F32 context_fade_time = CONTEXT_CONE_FADE_TIME,
                                    F32 contex_cone_in_alpha = CONTEXT_CONE_IN_ALPHA,
                                    F32 contex_cone_out_alpha = CONTEXT_CONE_OUT_ALPHA);

    void            setForeground(bool b);  // called only by floaterview
    void            cleanupHandles(); // remove handles to dead floaters
    void            createMinimizeButton();
    void            buildButtons(const Params& p);

    // Images and tooltips are named in the XML, but we want to look them
    // up by index.
    static LLUIImage*   getButtonImage(const Params& p, EFloaterButton e);
    static LLUIImage*   getButtonPressedImage(const Params& p, EFloaterButton e);

     * @params is_chrome - if floater is Chrome it means that floater will never get focus.
     * Therefore it can't be closed with 'Ctrl+W'. So the tooltip text of close button( X )
     * should be 'Close' not 'Close(Ctrl+W)' as for usual floaters.
    static std::string  getButtonTooltip(const Params& p, EFloaterButton e, bool is_chrome);

    bool            offerClickToButton(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, EFloaterButton index);
    void            addResizeCtrls();
    void            layoutResizeCtrls();
    void            addDragHandle();
    void            layoutDragHandle();     // repair layout

    static void     updateActiveFloaterTransparency();
    static void     updateInactiveFloaterTransparency();
    void            updateTransparency(LLView* view, ETypeTransparency transparency_type);

    static const F32 CONTEXT_CONE_IN_ALPHA;
    static const F32 CONTEXT_CONE_OUT_ALPHA;
    static const F32 CONTEXT_CONE_FADE_TIME;

    // Called when floater is opened, passes mKey
    // Public so external views or floaters can watch for this floater opening
    commit_signal_t mOpenSignal;

    // Called when floater is closed, passes app_qitting as LLSD()
    // Public so external views or floaters can watch for this floater closing
    commit_signal_t mCloseSignal;

    commit_signal_t* mMinimizeSignal;

    bool            mSaveRect;
    bool            mDefaultRectForGroup;
    std::string     mRectControl;
    std::string     mPosXControl;
    std::string     mPosYControl;
    std::string     mVisibilityControl;
    std::string     mDocStateControl;
    LLSD            mKey;               // Key used for retrieving instances; set (for now) by LLFLoaterReg

    LLDragHandle*   mDragHandle;
    LLResizeBar*    mResizeBar[4];
    LLResizeHandle* mResizeHandle[4];

    LLButton*       mButtons[BUTTON_COUNT];
    LLRect          mExpandedRect;

    LLUIString      mTitle;
    LLUIString      mShortTitle;

    bool            mSingleInstance;      // true if there is only ever one instance of the floater
    bool            mReuseInstance;       // true if we want to hide the floater when we close it instead of destroying it
    bool            mIsReuseInitialized;  // true if mReuseInstance already set from parameters
    std::string     mInstanceName;        // Store the instance name so we can remove ourselves from the list

    bool            mCanTearOff;
    bool            mCanMinimize;
    bool            mCanClose;
    bool            mFocusStealsFrontmost = true;   // false if we don't want the currently focused floater to cover this floater without user interaction
    bool            mDragOnLeft;
    bool            mResizable;
    bool            mAutoClose;

    LLFloaterEnums::EOpenPositioning    mPositioning;
    LLCoordFloater  mPosition;

    S32             mMinWidth;
    S32             mMinHeight;
    S32             mHeaderHeight;      // height in pixels of header for title, drag bar
    S32             mLegacyHeaderHeight;// HACK see initFloaterXML()

    bool            mMinimized;
    bool            mForeground;
    LLHandle<LLFloater> mDependeeHandle;

    bool            mFirstLook;         // true if the _next_ time this floater is visible will be the first time in the session that it is visible.

    typedef std::set<LLHandle<LLFloater> > handle_set_t;
    typedef std::set<LLHandle<LLFloater> >::iterator handle_set_iter_t;
    handle_set_t    mDependents;
    bool            mTranslateWithDependents { false };

    bool            mButtonsEnabled[BUTTON_COUNT];
    F32             mButtonScale;
    bool            mAutoFocus;
    LLHandle<LLFloater> mSnappedTo;

    LLHandle<LLFloater> mHostHandle;
    LLHandle<LLFloater> mLastHostHandle;

    bool            mCanDock;
    bool            mDocked;
    bool            mTornOff;

    static LLMultiFloater* sHostp;
    static bool     sQuitting;
    static std::string  sButtonNames[BUTTON_COUNT];
    static std::string  sButtonToolTips[BUTTON_COUNT];
    static std::string  sButtonToolTipsIndex[BUTTON_COUNT];

    typedef void(*click_callback)(LLFloater*);
    static click_callback sButtonCallbacks[BUTTON_COUNT];

    bool            mHasBeenDraggedWhileMinimized;
    S32             mPreviousMinimizedBottom;
    S32             mPreviousMinimizedLeft;

    F32             mDefaultRelativeX;
    F32             mDefaultRelativeY;

// LLFloaterView
// Parent of all floating panels


class LLFloaterView : public LLUICtrl
    struct Params : public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLUICtrl::Params>{};

    LLFloaterView (const Params& p);
    friend class LLUICtrlFactory;


    /*virtual*/ void reshape(S32 width, S32 height, bool called_from_parent = true);
    /*virtual*/ void draw();
    /*virtual*/ LLRect getSnapRect() const;
    /*virtual*/ void refresh();

    LLRect          findNeighboringPosition( LLFloater* reference_floater, LLFloater* neighbor );

    // Given a child of gFloaterView, make sure this view can fit entirely onscreen.
    void            adjustToFitScreen(LLFloater* floater, bool allow_partial_outside, bool snap_in_toolbars = false);

    void            setMinimizePositionVerticalOffset(S32 offset) { mMinimizePositionVOffset = offset; }
    void            getMinimizePosition( S32 *left, S32 *bottom);
    void            restoreAll();       // un-minimize all floaters
    typedef std::set<LLView*> skip_list_t;
    void pushVisibleAll(bool visible, const skip_list_t& skip_list = skip_list_t());
    void popVisibleAll(const skip_list_t& skip_list = skip_list_t());

    void            setCycleMode(bool mode) { mFocusCycleMode = mode; }
    bool            getCycleMode() const { return mFocusCycleMode; }
    void            bringToFront( LLFloater* child, bool give_focus = true, bool restore = true );
    void            highlightFocusedFloater();
    void            unhighlightFocusedFloater();
    void            focusFrontFloater();
    void            destroyAllChildren();
    // attempt to close all floaters
    void            closeAllChildren(bool app_quitting);
    bool            allChildrenClosed();
    void            shiftFloaters(S32 x_offset, S32 y_offset);

    void            hideAllFloaters();
    void            showHiddenFloaters();

    LLFloater* getFrontmost() const;
    LLFloater* getBackmost() const;
    LLFloater* getParentFloater(LLView* viewp) const;
    LLFloater* getFocusedFloater() const;
    void        syncFloaterTabOrder();

    // Returns z order of child provided. 0 is closest, larger numbers
    // are deeper in the screen. If there is no such child, the return
    // value is not defined.
    S32 getZOrder(LLFloater* child);

    void setFloaterSnapView(LLHandle<LLView> snap_view) {mSnapView = snap_view; }
    LLFloater* getFrontmostClosableFloater();

    void setToolbarRect(LLToolBarEnums::EToolBarLocation tb, const LLRect& toolbar_rect);

    void hiddenFloaterClosed(LLFloater* floater);

    LLRect              mLastSnapRect;
    LLRect              mToolbarLeftRect;
    LLRect              mToolbarBottomRect;
    LLRect              mToolbarRightRect;
    LLHandle<LLView>    mSnapView;
    bool            mFocusCycleMode;
    S32             mSnapOffsetBottom;
    S32             mSnapOffsetRight;
    S32             mMinimizePositionVOffset;
    typedef std::vector<std::pair<LLHandle<LLFloater>, boost::signals2::connection> > hidden_floaters_t;
    hidden_floaters_t mHiddenFloaters;
    LLHandle<LLFloater> mFrontChildHandle;

// Globals

extern LLFloaterView* gFloaterView;

#endif  // LL_FLOATER_H