/** * @file llflatlistview.cpp * @brief LLFlatListView base class * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llpanel.h" #include "llflatlistview.h" static const LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register<LLFlatListView> flat_list_view("flat_list_view"); const LLSD SELECTED_EVENT = LLSD().insert("selected", true); const LLSD UNSELECTED_EVENT = LLSD().insert("selected", false); LLFlatListView::Params::Params() : item_pad("item_pad"), allow_select("allow_select"), multi_select("multi_select"), keep_one_selected("keep_one_selected") {}; void LLFlatListView::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent /* = TRUE */) { LLScrollContainer::reshape(width, height, called_from_parent); setItemsNoScrollWidth(width); rearrangeItems(); } bool LLFlatListView::addItem(LLPanel* item, LLSD value /* = LLUUID::null*/, EAddPosition pos /*= ADD_BOTTOM*/) { if (!item) return false; if (value.isUndefined()) return false; //force uniqueness of items, easiest check but unreliable if (item->getParent() == mItemsPanel) return false; item_pair_t* new_pair = new item_pair_t(item, value); switch (pos) { case ADD_TOP: mItemPairs.push_front(new_pair); //in LLView::draw() children are iterated in backorder mItemsPanel->addChildInBack(item); break; case ADD_BOTTOM: mItemPairs.push_back(new_pair); mItemsPanel->addChild(item); break; default: break; } //_4 is for MASK item->setMouseDownCallback(boost::bind(&LLFlatListView::onItemMouseClick, this, new_pair, _4)); item->setRightMouseDownCallback(boost::bind(&LLFlatListView::onItemMouseClick, this, new_pair, _4)); rearrangeItems(); return true; } bool LLFlatListView::insertItemAfter(LLPanel* after_item, LLPanel* item_to_add, LLSD value /*= LLUUID::null*/) { if (!after_item) return false; if (!item_to_add) return false; if (value.isUndefined()) return false; if (mItemPairs.empty()) return false; //force uniqueness of items, easiest check but unreliable if (item_to_add->getParent() == mItemsPanel) return false; item_pair_t* after_pair = getItemPair(after_item); if (!after_pair) return false; item_pair_t* new_pair = new item_pair_t(item_to_add, value); if (after_pair == mItemPairs.back()) { mItemPairs.push_back(new_pair); mItemsPanel->addChild(item_to_add); } else { pairs_iterator_t it = mItemPairs.begin(); ++it; while (it != mItemPairs.end()) { if (*it == after_pair) { mItemPairs.insert(++it, new_pair); mItemsPanel->addChild(item_to_add); break; } } } //_4 is for MASK item_to_add->setMouseDownCallback(boost::bind(&LLFlatListView::onItemMouseClick, this, new_pair, _4)); item_to_add->setRightMouseDownCallback(boost::bind(&LLFlatListView::onItemMouseClick, this, new_pair, _4)); rearrangeItems(); return true; } bool LLFlatListView::removeItem(LLPanel* item) { if (!item) return false; if (item->getParent() != mItemsPanel) return false; item_pair_t* item_pair = getItemPair(item); if (!item_pair) return false; return removeItemPair(item_pair); } bool LLFlatListView::removeItemByValue(const LLSD& value) { if (value.isUndefined()) return false; item_pair_t* item_pair = getItemPair(value); if (!item_pair) return false; return removeItemPair(item_pair); } bool LLFlatListView::removeItemByUUID(LLUUID& uuid) { return removeItemByValue(LLSD(uuid)); } LLPanel* LLFlatListView::getItemByValue(LLSD& value) const { if (value.isDefined()) return NULL; item_pair_t* pair = getItemPair(value); if (pair) return pair->first; return NULL; } bool LLFlatListView::selectItem(LLPanel* item, bool select /*= true*/) { if (!item) return false; if (item->getParent() != mItemsPanel) return false; item_pair_t* item_pair = getItemPair(item); if (!item_pair) return false; return selectItemPair(item_pair, select); } bool LLFlatListView::selectItemByValue(const LLSD& value, bool select /*= true*/) { if (value.isUndefined()) return false; item_pair_t* item_pair = getItemPair(value); if (!item_pair) return false; return selectItemPair(item_pair, select); } bool LLFlatListView::selectItemByUUID(LLUUID& uuid, bool select /* = true*/) { return selectItemByValue(LLSD(uuid), select); } LLSD LLFlatListView::getSelectedValue() const { if (mSelectedItemPairs.empty()) return LLSD(); item_pair_t* first_selected_pair = mSelectedItemPairs.front(); return first_selected_pair->second; } void LLFlatListView::getSelectedValues(std::vector<LLSD>& selected_values) const { if (mSelectedItemPairs.empty()) return; for (pairs_const_iterator_t it = mSelectedItemPairs.begin(); it != mSelectedItemPairs.end(); ++it) { selected_values.push_back((*it)->second); } } LLUUID LLFlatListView::getSelectedUUID() const { const LLSD& value = getSelectedValue(); if (value.isDefined() && value.isUUID()) { return value.asUUID(); } else { return LLUUID::null; } } void LLFlatListView::getSelectedUUIDs(std::vector<LLUUID>& selected_uuids) const { if (mSelectedItemPairs.empty()) return; for (pairs_const_iterator_t it = mSelectedItemPairs.begin(); it != mSelectedItemPairs.end(); ++it) { selected_uuids.push_back((*it)->second.asUUID()); } } LLPanel* LLFlatListView::getSelectedItem() const { if (mSelectedItemPairs.empty()) return NULL; return mSelectedItemPairs.front()->first; } void LLFlatListView::getSelectedItems(std::vector<LLPanel*>& selected_items) const { if (mSelectedItemPairs.empty()) return; for (pairs_const_iterator_t it = mSelectedItemPairs.begin(); it != mSelectedItemPairs.end(); ++it) { selected_items.push_back((*it)->first); } } void LLFlatListView::resetSelection() { if (mSelectedItemPairs.empty()) return; for (pairs_iterator_t it= mSelectedItemPairs.begin(); it != mSelectedItemPairs.end(); ++it) { item_pair_t* pair_to_deselect = *it; LLPanel* item = pair_to_deselect->first; item->setValue(UNSELECTED_EVENT); } mSelectedItemPairs.clear(); } void LLFlatListView::clear() { // do not use LLView::deleteAllChildren to avoid removing nonvisible items. drag-n-drop for ex. for (pairs_iterator_t it = mItemPairs.begin(); it != mItemPairs.end(); ++it) { mItemsPanel->removeChild((*it)->first); delete (*it)->first; delete *it; } mItemPairs.clear(); mSelectedItemPairs.clear(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PROTECTED STUFF ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLFlatListView::LLFlatListView(const LLFlatListView::Params& p) : LLScrollContainer(p), mItemsPanel(NULL), mItemPad(p.item_pad), mAllowSelection(p.allow_select), mMultipleSelection(p.multi_select), mKeepOneItemSelected(p.keep_one_selected) { mBorderThickness = getBorderWidth(); LLRect scroll_rect = getRect(); LLRect items_rect; setItemsNoScrollWidth(scroll_rect.getWidth()); items_rect.setLeftTopAndSize(mBorderThickness, scroll_rect.getHeight() - mBorderThickness, mItemsNoScrollWidth, 0); LLPanel::Params pp; pp.rect(items_rect); mItemsPanel = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLPanel> (pp); addChild(mItemsPanel); //we don't need to stretch in vertical direction on reshaping by a parent //no bottom following! mItemsPanel->setFollows(FOLLOWS_LEFT | FOLLOWS_RIGHT | FOLLOWS_TOP); }; void LLFlatListView::rearrangeItems() { static LLUICachedControl<S32> scrollbar_size ("UIScrollbarSize", 0); if (mItemPairs.empty()) return; //calculating required height - assuming items can be of different height //list should accommodate all its items S32 height = 0; pairs_iterator_t it = mItemPairs.begin(); for (; it != mItemPairs.end(); ++it) { LLPanel* item = (*it)->first; height += item->getRect().getHeight(); } height += mItemPad * (mItemPairs.size() - 1); LLRect rc = mItemsPanel->getRect(); S32 width = mItemsNoScrollWidth; // update width to avoid horizontal scrollbar if (height > getRect().getHeight() - 2 * mBorderThickness) width -= scrollbar_size; //changes the bottom, end of the list goes down in the scroll container rc.setLeftTopAndSize(rc.mLeft, rc.mTop, width, height); mItemsPanel->setRect(rc); //reshaping items S32 item_new_top = height; pairs_iterator_t it2, first_it = mItemPairs.begin(); for (it2 = first_it; it2 != mItemPairs.end(); ++it2) { LLPanel* item = (*it2)->first; LLRect rc = item->getRect(); if(it2 != first_it) { item_new_top -= (rc.getHeight() + mItemPad); } rc.setLeftTopAndSize(rc.mLeft, item_new_top, width, rc.getHeight()); item->reshape(rc.getWidth(), rc.getHeight()); item->setRect(rc); } } void LLFlatListView::onItemMouseClick(item_pair_t* item_pair, MASK mask) { if (!item_pair) return; bool select_item = !isSelected(item_pair); //*TODO find a better place for that enforcing stuff if (mKeepOneItemSelected && numSelected() == 1 && !select_item) return; if (!(mask & MASK_CONTROL) || !mMultipleSelection) resetSelection(); selectItemPair(item_pair, select_item); } LLFlatListView::item_pair_t* LLFlatListView::getItemPair(LLPanel* item) const { llassert(item); for (pairs_const_iterator_t it= mItemPairs.begin(); it != mItemPairs.end(); ++it) { item_pair_t* item_pair = *it; if (item_pair->first == item) return item_pair; } return NULL; } //compares two LLSD's bool llsds_are_equal(const LLSD& llsd_1, const LLSD& llsd_2) { llassert(llsd_1.isDefined()); llassert(llsd_2.isDefined()); if (llsd_1.type() != llsd_2.type()) return false; if (!llsd_1.isMap()) { if (llsd_1.isUUID()) return llsd_1.asUUID() == llsd_2.asUUID(); //assumptions that string representaion is enough for other types return llsd_1.asString() == llsd_2.asString(); } if (llsd_1.size() != llsd_2.size()) return false; LLSD::map_const_iterator llsd_1_it = llsd_1.beginMap(); LLSD::map_const_iterator llsd_2_it = llsd_2.beginMap(); for (S32 i = 0; i < llsd_1.size(); ++i) { if ((*llsd_1_it).first != (*llsd_2_it).first) return false; if (!llsds_are_equal((*llsd_1_it).second, (*llsd_2_it).second)) return false; ++llsd_1_it; ++llsd_2_it; } return true; } LLFlatListView::item_pair_t* LLFlatListView::getItemPair(const LLSD& value) const { llassert(value.isDefined()); for (pairs_const_iterator_t it= mItemPairs.begin(); it != mItemPairs.end(); ++it) { item_pair_t* item_pair = *it; if (llsds_are_equal(item_pair->second, value)) return item_pair; } return NULL; } bool LLFlatListView::selectItemPair(item_pair_t* item_pair, bool select) { llassert(item_pair); if (!mAllowSelection && select) return false; if (isSelected(item_pair) == select) return true; //already in specified selection state if (select) { mSelectedItemPairs.push_back(item_pair); } else { mSelectedItemPairs.remove(item_pair); } //a way of notifying panel of selection state changes LLPanel* item = item_pair->first; item->setValue(select ? SELECTED_EVENT : UNSELECTED_EVENT); return true; } bool LLFlatListView::isSelected(item_pair_t* item_pair) const { llassert(item_pair); pairs_const_iterator_t it_end = mSelectedItemPairs.end(); return std::find(mSelectedItemPairs.begin(), it_end, item_pair) != it_end; } bool LLFlatListView::removeItemPair(item_pair_t* item_pair) { llassert(item_pair); bool deleted = false; for (pairs_iterator_t it = mItemPairs.begin(); it != mItemPairs.end(); ++it) { item_pair_t* _item_pair = *it; if (_item_pair == item_pair) { mItemPairs.erase(it); deleted = true; break; } } if (!deleted) return false; for (pairs_iterator_t it = mSelectedItemPairs.begin(); it != mSelectedItemPairs.end(); ++it) { item_pair_t* selected_item_pair = *it; if (selected_item_pair == item_pair) { it = mSelectedItemPairs.erase(it); break; } } mItemsPanel->removeChild(item_pair->first); delete item_pair->first; delete item_pair; rearrangeItems(); return true; }