/** * @file lldockcontrol.cpp * @brief Creates a panel of a specific kind for a toast * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2000&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "lldockcontrol.h" #include "lldockablefloater.h" LLDockControl::LLDockControl(LLView* dockWidget, LLFloater* dockableFloater, const LLUIImagePtr& dockTongue, DocAt dockAt, get_allowed_rect_callback_t get_allowed_rect_callback) : mDockWidget(dockWidget), mDockableFloater(dockableFloater), mDockTongue(dockTongue), mDockTongueX(0), mDockTongueY(0) { mDockAt = dockAt; if (dockableFloater->isDocked()) { on(); } else { off(); } if (!(get_allowed_rect_callback)) { mGetAllowedRectCallback = boost::bind(&LLDockControl::getAllowedRect, this, _1); } else { mGetAllowedRectCallback = get_allowed_rect_callback; } if (dockWidget != NULL) { repositionDockable(); } if (mDockWidget != NULL) { mDockWidgetVisible = isDockVisible(); } else { mDockWidgetVisible = false; } } LLDockControl::~LLDockControl() { } void LLDockControl::setDock(LLView* dockWidget) { mDockWidget = dockWidget; if (mDockWidget != NULL) { repositionDockable(); mDockWidgetVisible = isDockVisible(); } else { mDockWidgetVisible = false; } } void LLDockControl::getAllowedRect(LLRect& rect) { rect = mDockableFloater->getRootView()->getChild("non_toolbar_panel")->getRect(); } void LLDockControl::repositionDockable() { if (!mDockWidget) return; LLRect dockRect = mDockWidget->calcScreenRect(); LLRect rootRect; mGetAllowedRectCallback(rootRect); // recalculate dockable position if dock position changed, dock visibility changed, // root view rect changed or recalculation is forced if (mPrevDockRect != dockRect || mDockWidgetVisible != isDockVisible() || mRootRect != rootRect || mRecalculateDocablePosition) { // undock dockable and off() if dock not visible if (!isDockVisible()) { mDockableFloater->setDocked(false); // force off() since dockable may not have dockControll at this time off(); LLDockableFloater* dockable_floater = dynamic_cast (mDockableFloater); if(dockable_floater != NULL) { dockable_floater->onDockHidden(); } } else { if(mEnabled) { moveDockable(); } LLDockableFloater* dockable_floater = dynamic_cast (mDockableFloater); if(dockable_floater != NULL) { dockable_floater->onDockShown(); } } mPrevDockRect = dockRect; mRootRect = rootRect; mRecalculateDocablePosition = false; mDockWidgetVisible = isDockVisible(); } } bool LLDockControl::isDockVisible() { bool res = true; if (mDockWidget != NULL) { //we should check all hierarchy res = mDockWidget->isInVisibleChain(); if (res) { LLRect dockRect = mDockWidget->calcScreenRect(); switch (mDockAt) { case LEFT: // to keep compiler happy break; case BOTTOM: case TOP: { // check is dock inside parent rect // assume that parent for all dockable floaters // is the root view LLRect dockParentRect = mDockWidget->getRootView()->calcScreenRect(); if (dockRect.mRight <= dockParentRect.mLeft || dockRect.mLeft >= dockParentRect.mRight) { res = false; } break; } default: break; } } } return res; } void LLDockControl::moveDockable() { // calculate new dockable position LLRect dockRect = mDockWidget->calcScreenRect(); LLRect rootRect; mGetAllowedRectCallback(rootRect); bool use_tongue = false; LLDockableFloater* dockable_floater = dynamic_cast (mDockableFloater); if (dockable_floater != NULL) { use_tongue = dockable_floater->getUseTongue(); } LLRect dockableRect = mDockableFloater->calcScreenRect(); S32 x = 0; S32 y = 0; LLRect dockParentRect; switch (mDockAt) { case LEFT: x = dockRect.mLeft; y = dockRect.mTop + mDockTongue->getHeight() + dockableRect.getHeight(); // check is dockable inside root view rect if (x < rootRect.mLeft) { x = rootRect.mLeft; } if (x + dockableRect.getWidth() > rootRect.mRight) { x = rootRect.mRight - dockableRect.getWidth(); } mDockTongueX = x + dockableRect.getWidth()/2 - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2; mDockTongueY = dockRect.mTop; break; case TOP: x = dockRect.getCenterX() - dockableRect.getWidth() / 2; y = dockRect.mTop + dockableRect.getHeight(); // unique docking used with dock tongue, so add tongue height to the Y coordinate if (use_tongue) { y += mDockTongue->getHeight(); if ( y > rootRect.mTop) { y = rootRect.mTop; } } // check is dockable inside root view rect if (x < rootRect.mLeft) { x = rootRect.mLeft; } if (x + dockableRect.getWidth() > rootRect.mRight) { x = rootRect.mRight - dockableRect.getWidth(); } // calculate dock tongue position dockParentRect = mDockWidget->getParent()->calcScreenRect(); if (dockRect.getCenterX() < dockParentRect.mLeft) { mDockTongueX = dockParentRect.mLeft - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2; } else if (dockRect.getCenterX() > dockParentRect.mRight) { mDockTongueX = dockParentRect.mRight - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2;; } else { mDockTongueX = dockRect.getCenterX() - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2; } mDockTongueY = dockRect.mTop; break; case BOTTOM: x = dockRect.getCenterX() - dockableRect.getWidth() / 2; y = dockRect.mBottom; // unique docking used with dock tongue, so add tongue height to the Y coordinate if (use_tongue) { y -= mDockTongue->getHeight(); } // check is dockable inside root view rect if (x < rootRect.mLeft) { x = rootRect.mLeft; } if (x + dockableRect.getWidth() > rootRect.mRight) { x = rootRect.mRight - dockableRect.getWidth(); } // calculate dock tongue position dockParentRect = mDockWidget->getParent()->calcScreenRect(); if (dockRect.getCenterX() < dockParentRect.mLeft) { mDockTongueX = dockParentRect.mLeft - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2; } else if (dockRect.getCenterX() > dockParentRect.mRight) { mDockTongueX = dockParentRect.mRight - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2;; } else { mDockTongueX = dockRect.getCenterX() - mDockTongue->getWidth() / 2; } mDockTongueY = dockRect.mBottom - mDockTongue->getHeight(); break; } S32 max_available_height = rootRect.getHeight() - (rootRect.mBottom - mDockTongueY) - mDockTongue->getHeight(); // A floater should be shrunk so it doesn't cover a part of its docking tongue and // there is a space between a dockable floater and a control to which it is docked. if (use_tongue && dockableRect.getHeight() >= max_available_height) { dockableRect.setLeftTopAndSize(x, y, dockableRect.getWidth(), max_available_height); mDockableFloater->reshape(dockableRect.getWidth(), dockableRect.getHeight()); } else { // move dockable dockableRect.setLeftTopAndSize(x, y, dockableRect.getWidth(), dockableRect.getHeight()); } LLRect localDocableParentRect; mDockableFloater->getParent()->screenRectToLocal(dockableRect, &localDocableParentRect); mDockableFloater->setRect(localDocableParentRect); mDockableFloater->screenPointToLocal(mDockTongueX, mDockTongueY, &mDockTongueX, &mDockTongueY); } void LLDockControl::on() { if (isDockVisible()) { mEnabled = true; mRecalculateDocablePosition = true; } } void LLDockControl::off() { mEnabled = false; } void LLDockControl::forceRecalculatePosition() { mRecalculateDocablePosition = true; } void LLDockControl::drawToungue() { bool use_tongue = false; LLDockableFloater* dockable_floater = dynamic_cast (mDockableFloater); if (dockable_floater != NULL) { use_tongue = dockable_floater->getUseTongue(); } if (mEnabled && use_tongue) { mDockTongue->draw(mDockTongueX, mDockTongueY); } }