/** * @file llcombobox.cpp * @brief LLComboBox base class * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ // A control that displays the name of the chosen item, which when // clicked shows a scrolling box of options. #define INSTANTIATE_GETCHILD_COMBOBOX #include "linden_common.h" // file includes #include "llcombobox.h" // common includes #include "llstring.h" // newview includes #include "llbutton.h" #include "llkeyboard.h" #include "llscrolllistctrl.h" #include "llwindow.h" #include "llfloater.h" #include "llscrollbar.h" #include "llscrolllistcell.h" #include "llscrolllistitem.h" #include "llcontrol.h" #include "llfocusmgr.h" #include "lllineeditor.h" #include "v2math.h" #include "lluictrlfactory.h" // Globals S32 LLCOMBOBOX_HEIGHT = 0; S32 LLCOMBOBOX_WIDTH = 0; S32 MAX_COMBO_WIDTH = 500; template LLComboBox* LLView::getChild( const std::string& name, BOOL recurse, BOOL create_if_missing ) const; static LLDefaultWidgetRegistry::Register register_combo_box("combo_box"); void LLComboBox::PreferredPositionValues::declareValues() { declare("above", ABOVE); declare("below", BELOW); } LLComboBox::ItemParams::ItemParams() : label("label") { } LLComboBox::Params::Params() : allow_text_entry("allow_text_entry", false), show_text_as_tentative("show_text_as_tentative", true), max_chars("max_chars", 20), arrow_image("arrow_image"), list_position("list_position", BELOW), items("item"), combo_button("combo_button"), combo_list("combo_list"), combo_editor("combo_editor") { addSynonym(items, "combo_item"); } LLComboBox::LLComboBox(const LLComboBox::Params& p) : LLUICtrl(p), mTextEntry(NULL), mTextEntryTentative(p.show_text_as_tentative), mHasAutocompletedText(false), mAllowTextEntry(p.allow_text_entry), mMaxChars(p.max_chars), mPrearrangeCallback(p.prearrange_callback()), mTextEntryCallback(p.text_entry_callback()), mSelectionCallback(p.selection_callback()), mArrowImage(p.arrow_image), mListPosition(p.list_position) { // Text label button LLButton::Params button_params = p.combo_button; button_params.mouse_down_callback.function(boost::bind(&LLComboBox::onButtonDown, this)); button_params.follows.flags(FOLLOWS_LEFT|FOLLOWS_BOTTOM|FOLLOWS_RIGHT); button_params.rect(p.rect); button_params.pad_right(2); mButton = LLUICtrlFactory::create(button_params); mButton->setRightHPad(2); //redo to compensate for button hack that leaves space for a character addChild(mButton); LLScrollListCtrl::Params params = p.combo_list; params.name("ComboBox"); params.commit_callback.function(boost::bind(&LLComboBox::onItemSelected, this, _2)); params.visible(false); params.commit_on_keyboard_movement(false); mList = LLUICtrlFactory::create(params); addChild(mList); for (LLInitParam::ParamIterator::const_iterator it = p.items().begin(); it != p.items().end(); ++it) { LLScrollListItem::Params item_params = *it; if (it->label.isProvided()) { item_params.cells.add().value(it->label()); } mList->addRow(item_params); } createLineEditor(p); setTopLostCallback(boost::bind(&LLComboBox::hideList, this)); } void LLComboBox::initFromParams(const LLComboBox::Params& p) { LLUICtrl::initFromParams(p); if (!acceptsTextInput() && mLabel.empty()) { selectFirstItem(); } } // virtual BOOL LLComboBox::postBuild() { if (mControlVariable) { setValue(mControlVariable->getValue()); // selects the appropriate item } return TRUE; } LLComboBox::~LLComboBox() { // children automatically deleted, including mMenu, mButton } void LLComboBox::setEnabled(BOOL enabled) { LLView::setEnabled(enabled); mButton->setEnabled(enabled); } void LLComboBox::clear() { if (mTextEntry) { mTextEntry->setText(LLStringUtil::null); } mButton->setLabelSelected(LLStringUtil::null); mButton->setLabelUnselected(LLStringUtil::null); mButton->setDisabledLabel(LLStringUtil::null); mButton->setDisabledSelectedLabel(LLStringUtil::null); mList->deselectAllItems(); } void LLComboBox::onCommit() { if (mAllowTextEntry && getCurrentIndex() != -1) { // we have selected an existing item, blitz the manual text entry with // the properly capitalized item mTextEntry->setValue(getSimple()); mTextEntry->setTentative(FALSE); } setControlValue(getValue()); LLUICtrl::onCommit(); } // virtual BOOL LLComboBox::isDirty() const { BOOL grubby = FALSE; if ( mList ) { grubby = mList->isDirty(); } return grubby; } // virtual Clear dirty state void LLComboBox::resetDirty() { if ( mList ) { mList->resetDirty(); } } // add item "name" to menu LLScrollListItem* LLComboBox::add(const std::string& name, EAddPosition pos, BOOL enabled) { LLScrollListItem* item = mList->addSimpleElement(name, pos); item->setEnabled(enabled); if (!mAllowTextEntry && mLabel.empty()) { selectFirstItem(); } return item; } // add item "name" with a unique id to menu LLScrollListItem* LLComboBox::add(const std::string& name, const LLUUID& id, EAddPosition pos, BOOL enabled ) { LLScrollListItem* item = mList->addSimpleElement(name, pos, id); item->setEnabled(enabled); if (!mAllowTextEntry && mLabel.empty()) { selectFirstItem(); } return item; } // add item "name" with attached userdata LLScrollListItem* LLComboBox::add(const std::string& name, void* userdata, EAddPosition pos, BOOL enabled ) { LLScrollListItem* item = mList->addSimpleElement(name, pos); item->setEnabled(enabled); item->setUserdata( userdata ); if (!mAllowTextEntry && mLabel.empty()) { selectFirstItem(); } return item; } // add item "name" with attached generic data LLScrollListItem* LLComboBox::add(const std::string& name, LLSD value, EAddPosition pos, BOOL enabled ) { LLScrollListItem* item = mList->addSimpleElement(name, pos, value); item->setEnabled(enabled); if (!mAllowTextEntry && mLabel.empty()) { selectFirstItem(); } return item; } LLScrollListItem* LLComboBox::addSeparator(EAddPosition pos) { return mList->addSeparator(pos); } void LLComboBox::sortByName(BOOL ascending) { mList->sortOnce(0, ascending); } // Choose an item with a given name in the menu. // Returns TRUE if the item was found. BOOL LLComboBox::setSimple(const LLStringExplicit& name) { BOOL found = mList->selectItemByLabel(name, FALSE); if (found) { setLabel(name); } return found; } // virtual void LLComboBox::setValue(const LLSD& value) { BOOL found = mList->selectByValue(value); if (found) { LLScrollListItem* item = mList->getFirstSelected(); if (item) { setLabel( mList->getSelectedItemLabel() ); } } } const std::string LLComboBox::getSimple() const { const std::string res = mList->getSelectedItemLabel(); if (res.empty() && mAllowTextEntry) { return mTextEntry->getText(); } else { return res; } } const std::string LLComboBox::getSelectedItemLabel(S32 column) const { return mList->getSelectedItemLabel(column); } // virtual LLSD LLComboBox::getValue() const { LLScrollListItem* item = mList->getFirstSelected(); if( item ) { return item->getValue(); } else if (mAllowTextEntry) { return mTextEntry->getValue(); } else { return LLSD(); } } void LLComboBox::setLabel(const LLStringExplicit& name) { if ( mTextEntry ) { mTextEntry->setText(name); if (mList->selectItemByLabel(name, FALSE)) { mTextEntry->setTentative(FALSE); } else { mTextEntry->setTentative(mTextEntryTentative); } } if (!mAllowTextEntry) { mButton->setLabelUnselected(name); mButton->setLabelSelected(name); mButton->setDisabledLabel(name); mButton->setDisabledSelectedLabel(name); } } BOOL LLComboBox::remove(const std::string& name) { BOOL found = mList->selectItemByLabel(name); if (found) { LLScrollListItem* item = mList->getFirstSelected(); if (item) { mList->deleteSingleItem(mList->getItemIndex(item)); } } return found; } BOOL LLComboBox::remove(S32 index) { if (index < mList->getItemCount()) { mList->deleteSingleItem(index); setLabel(mList->getSelectedItemLabel()); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // Keyboard focus lost. void LLComboBox::onFocusLost() { hideList(); // if valid selection if (mAllowTextEntry && getCurrentIndex() != -1) { mTextEntry->selectAll(); } LLUICtrl::onFocusLost(); } void LLComboBox::setButtonVisible(BOOL visible) { static LLUICachedControl drop_shadow_button ("DropShadowButton", 0); mButton->setVisible(visible); if (mTextEntry) { LLRect text_entry_rect(0, getRect().getHeight(), getRect().getWidth(), 0); if (visible) { text_entry_rect.mRight -= llmax(8,mArrowImage->getWidth()) + 2 * drop_shadow_button; } //mTextEntry->setRect(text_entry_rect); mTextEntry->reshape(text_entry_rect.getWidth(), text_entry_rect.getHeight(), TRUE); } } void LLComboBox::draw() { mButton->setEnabled(getEnabled() /*&& !mList->isEmpty()*/); // Draw children normally LLUICtrl::draw(); } BOOL LLComboBox::setCurrentByIndex( S32 index ) { BOOL found = mList->selectNthItem( index ); if (found) { setLabel(mList->getSelectedItemLabel()); } return found; } S32 LLComboBox::getCurrentIndex() const { LLScrollListItem* item = mList->getFirstSelected(); if( item ) { return mList->getItemIndex( item ); } return -1; } void LLComboBox::createLineEditor(const LLComboBox::Params& p) { static LLUICachedControl drop_shadow_button ("DropShadowButton", 0); LLRect rect = getLocalRect(); if (mAllowTextEntry) { S32 shadow_size = drop_shadow_button; mButton->setRect(LLRect( getRect().getWidth() - llmax(8,mArrowImage->getWidth()) - 2 * shadow_size, rect.mTop, rect.mRight, rect.mBottom)); mButton->setTabStop(FALSE); mButton->setHAlign(LLFontGL::HCENTER); LLRect text_entry_rect(0, getRect().getHeight(), getRect().getWidth(), 0); text_entry_rect.mRight -= llmax(8,mArrowImage->getWidth()) + 2 * drop_shadow_button; // clear label on button std::string cur_label = mButton->getLabelSelected(); LLLineEditor::Params params = p.combo_editor; params.rect(text_entry_rect); params.default_text(LLStringUtil::null); params.max_length_bytes(mMaxChars); params.commit_callback.function(boost::bind(&LLComboBox::onTextCommit, this, _2)); params.keystroke_callback(boost::bind(&LLComboBox::onTextEntry, this, _1)); params.focus_lost_callback(NULL); params.handle_edit_keys_directly(true); params.commit_on_focus_lost(false); params.follows.flags(FOLLOWS_ALL); mTextEntry = LLUICtrlFactory::create (params); mTextEntry->setText(cur_label); mTextEntry->setIgnoreTab(TRUE); addChild(mTextEntry); // clear label on button setLabel(LLStringUtil::null); mButton->setFollows(FOLLOWS_BOTTOM | FOLLOWS_TOP | FOLLOWS_RIGHT); } else { mButton->setRect(rect); mButton->setTabStop(TRUE); mButton->setHAlign(LLFontGL::LEFT); if (mTextEntry) { mTextEntry->setVisible(FALSE); } mButton->setFollowsAll(); } } void* LLComboBox::getCurrentUserdata() { LLScrollListItem* item = mList->getFirstSelected(); if( item ) { return item->getUserdata(); } return NULL; } void LLComboBox::showList() { // Make sure we don't go off top of screen. LLCoordWindow window_size; getWindow()->getSize(&window_size); //HACK: shouldn't have to know about scale here mList->fitContents( 192, llfloor((F32)window_size.mY / LLUI::sGLScaleFactor.mV[VY]) - 50 ); // Make sure that we can see the whole list LLRect root_view_local; LLView* root_view = getRootView(); root_view->localRectToOtherView(root_view->getLocalRect(), &root_view_local, this); LLRect rect = mList->getRect(); S32 min_width = getRect().getWidth(); S32 max_width = llmax(min_width, MAX_COMBO_WIDTH); // make sure we have up to date content width metrics mList->calcColumnWidths(); S32 list_width = llclamp(mList->getMaxContentWidth(), min_width, max_width); if (mListPosition == BELOW) { if (rect.getHeight() <= -root_view_local.mBottom) { // Move rect so it hangs off the bottom of this view rect.setLeftTopAndSize(0, 0, list_width, rect.getHeight() ); } else { // stack on top or bottom, depending on which has more room if (-root_view_local.mBottom > root_view_local.mTop - getRect().getHeight()) { // Move rect so it hangs off the bottom of this view rect.setLeftTopAndSize(0, 0, list_width, llmin(-root_view_local.mBottom, rect.getHeight())); } else { // move rect so it stacks on top of this view (clipped to size of screen) rect.setOriginAndSize(0, getRect().getHeight(), list_width, llmin(root_view_local.mTop - getRect().getHeight(), rect.getHeight())); } } } else // ABOVE { if (rect.getHeight() <= root_view_local.mTop - getRect().getHeight()) { // move rect so it stacks on top of this view (clipped to size of screen) rect.setOriginAndSize(0, getRect().getHeight(), list_width, llmin(root_view_local.mTop - getRect().getHeight(), rect.getHeight())); } else { // stack on top or bottom, depending on which has more room if (-root_view_local.mBottom > root_view_local.mTop - getRect().getHeight()) { // Move rect so it hangs off the bottom of this view rect.setLeftTopAndSize(0, 0, list_width, llmin(-root_view_local.mBottom, rect.getHeight())); } else { // move rect so it stacks on top of this view (clipped to size of screen) rect.setOriginAndSize(0, getRect().getHeight(), list_width, llmin(root_view_local.mTop - getRect().getHeight(), rect.getHeight())); } } } mList->setOrigin(rect.mLeft, rect.mBottom); mList->reshape(rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight()); mList->translateIntoRect(root_view_local, FALSE); // Make sure we didn't go off bottom of screen S32 x, y; mList->localPointToScreen(0, 0, &x, &y); if (y < 0) { mList->translate(0, -y); } // NB: this call will trigger the focuslost callback which will hide the list, so do it first // before finally showing the list mList->setFocus(TRUE); // register ourselves as a "top" control // effectively putting us into a special draw layer // and not affecting the bounding rectangle calculation gFocusMgr.setTopCtrl(this); // Show the list and push the button down mButton->setToggleState(TRUE); mList->setVisible(TRUE); setUseBoundingRect(TRUE); } void LLComboBox::hideList() { //*HACK: store the original value explicitly somewhere, not just in label std::string orig_selection = mAllowTextEntry ? mTextEntry->getText() : mButton->getLabelSelected(); // assert selection in list mList->selectItemByLabel(orig_selection, FALSE); mButton->setToggleState(FALSE); mList->setVisible(FALSE); mList->mouseOverHighlightNthItem(-1); setUseBoundingRect(FALSE); if( gFocusMgr.getTopCtrl() == this ) { gFocusMgr.setTopCtrl(NULL); } } void LLComboBox::onButtonDown() { if (!mList->getVisible()) { // this might change selection, so do it first prearrangeList(); // highlight the last selected item from the original selection before potentially selecting a new item // as visual cue to original value of combo box LLScrollListItem* last_selected_item = mList->getLastSelectedItem(); if (last_selected_item) { mList->mouseOverHighlightNthItem(mList->getItemIndex(last_selected_item)); } if (mList->getItemCount() != 0) { showList(); } setFocus( TRUE ); // pass mouse capture on to list if button is depressed if (mButton->hasMouseCapture()) { gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture(mList); } } else { hideList(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // static functions //------------------------------------------------------------------ void LLComboBox::onItemSelected(const LLSD& data) { const std::string name = mList->getSelectedItemLabel(); S32 cur_id = getCurrentIndex(); if (cur_id != -1) { setLabel(name); if (mAllowTextEntry) { gFocusMgr.setKeyboardFocus(mTextEntry); mTextEntry->selectAll(); } } // hiding the list reasserts the old value stored in the text editor/dropdown button hideList(); // commit does the reverse, asserting the value in the list onCommit(); // call the callback if it exists if(mSelectionCallback) { mSelectionCallback(this, data); } } BOOL LLComboBox::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, std::string& msg, LLRect* sticky_rect_screen) { std::string tool_tip; if(LLUICtrl::handleToolTip(x, y, msg, sticky_rect_screen)) { return TRUE; } if (LLUI::sShowXUINames) { tool_tip = getShowNamesToolTip(); } else { tool_tip = getToolTip(); if (tool_tip.empty()) { tool_tip = getSelectedItemLabel(); } } if( !tool_tip.empty() ) { msg = tool_tip; // Convert rect local to screen coordinates localPointToScreen( 0, 0, &(sticky_rect_screen->mLeft), &(sticky_rect_screen->mBottom) ); localPointToScreen( getRect().getWidth(), getRect().getHeight(), &(sticky_rect_screen->mRight), &(sticky_rect_screen->mTop) ); } return TRUE; } BOOL LLComboBox::handleKeyHere(KEY key, MASK mask) { BOOL result = FALSE; if (hasFocus()) { if (mList->getVisible() && key == KEY_ESCAPE && mask == MASK_NONE) { hideList(); return TRUE; } //give list a chance to pop up and handle key LLScrollListItem* last_selected_item = mList->getLastSelectedItem(); if (last_selected_item) { // highlight the original selection before potentially selecting a new item mList->mouseOverHighlightNthItem(mList->getItemIndex(last_selected_item)); } result = mList->handleKeyHere(key, mask); // will only see return key if it is originating from line editor // since the dropdown button eats the key if (key == KEY_RETURN) { // don't show list and don't eat key input when committing // free-form text entry with RETURN since user already knows // what they are trying to select return FALSE; } // if selection has changed, pop open list else if (mList->getLastSelectedItem() != last_selected_item) { showList(); } } return result; } BOOL LLComboBox::handleUnicodeCharHere(llwchar uni_char) { BOOL result = FALSE; if (gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(this)) { // space bar just shows the list if (' ' != uni_char ) { LLScrollListItem* last_selected_item = mList->getLastSelectedItem(); if (last_selected_item) { // highlight the original selection before potentially selecting a new item mList->mouseOverHighlightNthItem(mList->getItemIndex(last_selected_item)); } result = mList->handleUnicodeCharHere(uni_char); if (mList->getLastSelectedItem() != last_selected_item) { showList(); } } } return result; } void LLComboBox::setTextEntry(const LLStringExplicit& text) { if (mTextEntry) { mTextEntry->setText(text); mHasAutocompletedText = FALSE; updateSelection(); } } void LLComboBox::onTextEntry(LLLineEditor* line_editor) { if (mTextEntryCallback != NULL) { (mTextEntryCallback)(line_editor, LLSD()); } KEY key = gKeyboard->currentKey(); if (key == KEY_BACKSPACE || key == KEY_DELETE) { if (mList->selectItemByLabel(line_editor->getText(), FALSE)) { line_editor->setTentative(FALSE); } else { line_editor->setTentative(mTextEntryTentative); mList->deselectAllItems(); } return; } if (key == KEY_LEFT || key == KEY_RIGHT) { return; } if (key == KEY_DOWN) { setCurrentByIndex(llmin(getItemCount() - 1, getCurrentIndex() + 1)); if (!mList->getVisible()) { prearrangeList(); if (mList->getItemCount() != 0) { showList(); } } line_editor->selectAll(); line_editor->setTentative(FALSE); } else if (key == KEY_UP) { setCurrentByIndex(llmax(0, getCurrentIndex() - 1)); if (!mList->getVisible()) { prearrangeList(); if (mList->getItemCount() != 0) { showList(); } } line_editor->selectAll(); line_editor->setTentative(FALSE); } else { // RN: presumably text entry updateSelection(); } } void LLComboBox::updateSelection() { LLWString left_wstring = mTextEntry->getWText().substr(0, mTextEntry->getCursor()); // user-entered portion of string, based on assumption that any selected // text was a result of auto-completion LLWString user_wstring = mHasAutocompletedText ? left_wstring : mTextEntry->getWText(); std::string full_string = mTextEntry->getText(); // go ahead and arrange drop down list on first typed character, even // though we aren't showing it... some code relies on prearrange // callback to populate content if( mTextEntry->getWText().size() == 1 ) { prearrangeList(mTextEntry->getText()); } if (mList->selectItemByLabel(full_string, FALSE)) { mTextEntry->setTentative(FALSE); } else if (mList->selectItemByPrefix(left_wstring, FALSE)) { LLWString selected_item = utf8str_to_wstring(mList->getSelectedItemLabel()); LLWString wtext = left_wstring + selected_item.substr(left_wstring.size(), selected_item.size()); mTextEntry->setText(wstring_to_utf8str(wtext)); mTextEntry->setSelection(left_wstring.size(), mTextEntry->getWText().size()); mTextEntry->endSelection(); mTextEntry->setTentative(FALSE); mHasAutocompletedText = TRUE; } else // no matching items found { mList->deselectAllItems(); mTextEntry->setText(wstring_to_utf8str(user_wstring)); // removes text added by autocompletion mTextEntry->setTentative(mTextEntryTentative); mHasAutocompletedText = FALSE; } } void LLComboBox::onTextCommit(const LLSD& data) { std::string text = mTextEntry->getText(); setSimple(text); onCommit(); mTextEntry->selectAll(); } void LLComboBox::setFocus(BOOL b) { LLUICtrl::setFocus(b); if (b) { mList->clearSearchString(); if (mList->getVisible()) { mList->setFocus(TRUE); } } } void LLComboBox::prearrangeList(std::string filter) { if (mPrearrangeCallback) { mPrearrangeCallback(this, LLSD(filter)); } } //============================================================================ // LLCtrlListInterface functions S32 LLComboBox::getItemCount() const { return mList->getItemCount(); } void LLComboBox::addColumn(const LLSD& column, EAddPosition pos) { mList->clearColumns(); mList->addColumn(column, pos); } void LLComboBox::clearColumns() { mList->clearColumns(); } void LLComboBox::setColumnLabel(const std::string& column, const std::string& label) { mList->setColumnLabel(column, label); } LLScrollListItem* LLComboBox::addElement(const LLSD& value, EAddPosition pos, void* userdata) { return mList->addElement(value, pos, userdata); } LLScrollListItem* LLComboBox::addSimpleElement(const std::string& value, EAddPosition pos, const LLSD& id) { return mList->addSimpleElement(value, pos, id); } void LLComboBox::clearRows() { mList->clearRows(); } void LLComboBox::sortByColumn(const std::string& name, BOOL ascending) { mList->sortByColumn(name, ascending); } //============================================================================ //LLCtrlSelectionInterface functions BOOL LLComboBox::setCurrentByID(const LLUUID& id) { BOOL found = mList->selectByID( id ); if (found) { setLabel(mList->getSelectedItemLabel()); } return found; } LLUUID LLComboBox::getCurrentID() const { return mList->getStringUUIDSelectedItem(); } BOOL LLComboBox::setSelectedByValue(const LLSD& value, BOOL selected) { BOOL found = mList->setSelectedByValue(value, selected); if (found) { setLabel(mList->getSelectedItemLabel()); } return found; } LLSD LLComboBox::getSelectedValue() { return mList->getSelectedValue(); } BOOL LLComboBox::isSelected(const LLSD& value) const { return mList->isSelected(value); } BOOL LLComboBox::operateOnSelection(EOperation op) { if (op == OP_DELETE) { mList->deleteSelectedItems(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL LLComboBox::operateOnAll(EOperation op) { if (op == OP_DELETE) { clearRows(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL LLComboBox::selectItemRange( S32 first, S32 last ) { return mList->selectItemRange(first, last); }