/** * @file llrender.h * @brief LLRender definition * * This class acts as a wrapper for OpenGL calls. * The goal of this class is to minimize the number of api calls due to legacy rendering * code, to define an interface for a multiple rendering API abstraction of the UI * rendering, and to abstract out direct rendering calls in a way that is cleaner and easier to maintain. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLGLRENDER_H #define LL_LLGLRENDER_H //#include "linden_common.h" #include "v2math.h" #include "v3math.h" #include "v4coloru.h" #include "llstrider.h" #include "llpointer.h" #include "llglheaders.h" class LLVertexBuffer; class LLCubeMap; class LLImageGL; class LLRenderTarget; class LLTexture ; class LLTexUnit { friend class LLRender; public: typedef enum { TT_TEXTURE = 0, // Standard 2D Texture TT_RECT_TEXTURE, // Non power of 2 texture TT_CUBE_MAP, // 6-sided cube map texture TT_NONE // No texture type is currently enabled } eTextureType; typedef enum { TAM_WRAP = 0, // Standard 2D Texture TAM_MIRROR, // Non power of 2 texture TAM_CLAMP // No texture type is currently enabled } eTextureAddressMode; typedef enum { // Note: If mipmapping or anisotropic are not enabled or supported it should fall back gracefully TFO_POINT = 0, // Equal to: min=point, mag=point, mip=none. TFO_BILINEAR, // Equal to: min=linear, mag=linear, mip=point. TFO_TRILINEAR, // Equal to: min=linear, mag=linear, mip=linear. TFO_ANISOTROPIC // Equal to: min=anisotropic, max=anisotropic, mip=linear. } eTextureFilterOptions; typedef enum { TB_REPLACE = 0, TB_ADD, TB_MULT, TB_MULT_X2, TB_ALPHA_BLEND, TB_COMBINE // Doesn't need to be set directly, setTexture___Blend() set TB_COMBINE automatically } eTextureBlendType; typedef enum { TBO_REPLACE = 0, // Use Source 1 TBO_MULT, // Multiply: ( Source1 * Source2 ) TBO_MULT_X2, // Multiply then scale by 2: ( 2.0 * ( Source1 * Source2 ) ) TBO_MULT_X4, // Multiply then scale by 4: ( 4.0 * ( Source1 * Source2 ) ) TBO_ADD, // Add: ( Source1 + Source2 ) TBO_ADD_SIGNED, // Add then subtract 0.5: ( ( Source1 + Source2 ) - 0.5 ) TBO_SUBTRACT, // Subtract Source2 from Source1: ( Source1 - Source2 ) TBO_LERP_VERT_ALPHA, // Interpolate based on Vertex Alpha (VA): ( Source1 * VA + Source2 * (1-VA) ) TBO_LERP_TEX_ALPHA, // Interpolate based on Texture Alpha (TA): ( Source1 * TA + Source2 * (1-TA) ) TBO_LERP_PREV_ALPHA, // Interpolate based on Previous Alpha (PA): ( Source1 * PA + Source2 * (1-PA) ) TBO_LERP_CONST_ALPHA, // Interpolate based on Const Alpha (CA): ( Source1 * CA + Source2 * (1-CA) ) TBO_LERP_VERT_COLOR // Interpolate based on Vertex Col (VC): ( Source1 * VC + Source2 * (1-VC) ) // *Note* TBO_LERP_VERTEX_COLOR only works with setTextureColorBlend(), // and falls back to TBO_LERP_VERTEX_ALPHA for setTextureAlphaBlend(). } eTextureBlendOp; typedef enum { TBS_PREV_COLOR = 0, // Color from the previous texture stage TBS_PREV_ALPHA, TBS_ONE_MINUS_PREV_COLOR, TBS_ONE_MINUS_PREV_ALPHA, TBS_TEX_COLOR, // Color from the texture bound to this stage TBS_TEX_ALPHA, TBS_ONE_MINUS_TEX_COLOR, TBS_ONE_MINUS_TEX_ALPHA, TBS_VERT_COLOR, // The vertex color currently set TBS_VERT_ALPHA, TBS_ONE_MINUS_VERT_COLOR, TBS_ONE_MINUS_VERT_ALPHA, TBS_CONST_COLOR, // The constant color value currently set TBS_CONST_ALPHA, TBS_ONE_MINUS_CONST_COLOR, TBS_ONE_MINUS_CONST_ALPHA } eTextureBlendSrc; LLTexUnit(S32 index); // Refreshes renderer state of the texture unit to the cached values // Needed when the render context has changed and invalidated the current state void refreshState(void); // returns the index of this texture unit S32 getIndex(void) const { return mIndex; } // Sets this tex unit to be the currently active one void activate(void); // Enables this texture unit for the given texture type // (automatically disables any previously enabled texture type) void enable(eTextureType type); // Disables the current texture unit void disable(void); // Binds the LLImageGL to this texture unit // (automatically enables the unit for the LLImageGL's texture type) bool bind(LLImageGL* texture, bool forceBind = false); bool bind(LLTexture* texture, bool forceBind = false); // Binds a cubemap to this texture unit // (automatically enables the texture unit for cubemaps) bool bind(LLCubeMap* cubeMap); // Binds a render target to this texture unit // (automatically enables the texture unit for the RT's texture type) bool bind(LLRenderTarget * renderTarget, bool bindDepth = false); // Manually binds a texture to the texture unit // (automatically enables the tex unit for the given texture type) bool bindManual(eTextureType type, U32 texture, bool hasMips = false); // Unbinds the currently bound texture of the given type // (only if there's a texture of the given type currently bound) void unbind(eTextureType type); // Sets the addressing mode used to sample the texture // Warning: this stays set for the bound texture forever, // make sure you want to permanently change the address mode for the bound texture. void setTextureAddressMode(eTextureAddressMode mode); // Sets the filtering options used to sample the texture // Warning: this stays set for the bound texture forever, // make sure you want to permanently change the filtering for the bound texture. void setTextureFilteringOption(LLTexUnit::eTextureFilterOptions option); void setTextureBlendType(eTextureBlendType type); inline void setTextureColorBlend(eTextureBlendOp op, eTextureBlendSrc src1, eTextureBlendSrc src2 = TBS_PREV_COLOR) { setTextureCombiner(op, src1, src2, false); } // NOTE: If *_COLOR enums are passed to src1 or src2, the corresponding *_ALPHA enum will be used instead. inline void setTextureAlphaBlend(eTextureBlendOp op, eTextureBlendSrc src1, eTextureBlendSrc src2 = TBS_PREV_ALPHA) { setTextureCombiner(op, src1, src2, true); } static U32 getInternalType(eTextureType type); U32 getCurrTexture(void) { return mCurrTexture; } eTextureType getCurrType(void) { return mCurrTexType; } void setHasMipMaps(bool hasMips) { mHasMipMaps = hasMips; } protected: S32 mIndex; U32 mCurrTexture; eTextureType mCurrTexType; eTextureBlendType mCurrBlendType; eTextureBlendOp mCurrColorOp; eTextureBlendSrc mCurrColorSrc1; eTextureBlendSrc mCurrColorSrc2; eTextureBlendOp mCurrAlphaOp; eTextureBlendSrc mCurrAlphaSrc1; eTextureBlendSrc mCurrAlphaSrc2; S32 mCurrColorScale; S32 mCurrAlphaScale; bool mHasMipMaps; void debugTextureUnit(void); void setColorScale(S32 scale); void setAlphaScale(S32 scale); GLint getTextureSource(eTextureBlendSrc src); GLint getTextureSourceType(eTextureBlendSrc src, bool isAlpha = false); void setTextureCombiner(eTextureBlendOp op, eTextureBlendSrc src1, eTextureBlendSrc src2, bool isAlpha = false); }; class LLRender { friend class LLTexUnit; public: typedef enum { TRIANGLES = 0, TRIANGLE_STRIP, TRIANGLE_FAN, POINTS, LINES, LINE_STRIP, QUADS, LINE_LOOP, NUM_MODES } eGeomModes; typedef enum { CF_NEVER = 0, CF_ALWAYS, CF_LESS, CF_LESS_EQUAL, CF_EQUAL, CF_NOT_EQUAL, CF_GREATER_EQUAL, CF_GREATER, CF_DEFAULT } eCompareFunc; typedef enum { BT_ALPHA = 0, BT_ADD, BT_ADD_WITH_ALPHA, // Additive blend modulated by the fragment's alpha. BT_MULT, BT_MULT_ALPHA, BT_MULT_X2, BT_REPLACE } eBlendType; typedef enum { BF_ONE = 0, BF_ZERO, BF_DEST_COLOR, BF_SOURCE_COLOR, BF_ONE_MINUS_DEST_COLOR, BF_ONE_MINUS_SOURCE_COLOR, BF_DEST_ALPHA, BF_SOURCE_ALPHA, BF_ONE_MINUS_DEST_ALPHA, BF_ONE_MINUS_SOURCE_ALPHA } eBlendFactor; LLRender(); ~LLRender(); void shutdown(); // Refreshes renderer state to the cached values // Needed when the render context has changed and invalidated the current state void refreshState(void); void translatef(const GLfloat& x, const GLfloat& y, const GLfloat& z); void scalef(const GLfloat& x, const GLfloat& y, const GLfloat& z); void pushMatrix(); void popMatrix(); void flush(); void begin(const GLuint& mode); void end(); void vertex2i(const GLint& x, const GLint& y); void vertex2f(const GLfloat& x, const GLfloat& y); void vertex3f(const GLfloat& x, const GLfloat& y, const GLfloat& z); void vertex2fv(const GLfloat* v); void vertex3fv(const GLfloat* v); void texCoord2i(const GLint& x, const GLint& y); void texCoord2f(const GLfloat& x, const GLfloat& y); void texCoord2fv(const GLfloat* tc); void color4ub(const GLubyte& r, const GLubyte& g, const GLubyte& b, const GLubyte& a); void color4f(const GLfloat& r, const GLfloat& g, const GLfloat& b, const GLfloat& a); void color4fv(const GLfloat* c); void color3f(const GLfloat& r, const GLfloat& g, const GLfloat& b); void color3fv(const GLfloat* c); void color4ubv(const GLubyte* c); void setColorMask(bool writeColor, bool writeAlpha); void setColorMask(bool writeColorR, bool writeColorG, bool writeColorB, bool writeAlpha); void setSceneBlendType(eBlendType type); void setAlphaRejectSettings(eCompareFunc func, F32 value = 0.01f); void blendFunc(eBlendFactor sfactor, eBlendFactor dfactor); LLTexUnit* getTexUnit(U32 index); U32 getCurrentTexUnitIndex(void) const { return mCurrTextureUnitIndex; } bool verifyTexUnitActive(U32 unitToVerify); void debugTexUnits(void); void clearErrors(); struct Vertex { GLfloat v[3]; GLubyte c[4]; GLfloat uv[2]; }; public: private: bool mDirty; U32 mCount; U32 mMode; U32 mCurrTextureUnitIndex; bool mCurrColorMask[4]; eCompareFunc mCurrAlphaFunc; F32 mCurrAlphaFuncVal; LLPointer mBuffer; LLStrider mVerticesp; LLStrider mTexcoordsp; LLStrider mColorsp; std::vector mTexUnits; LLTexUnit* mDummyTexUnit; F32 mMaxAnisotropy; }; extern F64 gGLModelView[16]; extern F64 gGLLastModelView[16]; extern F64 gGLLastProjection[16]; extern F64 gGLProjection[16]; extern S32 gGLViewport[4]; extern LLRender gGL; #endif