/** * @file llrender.cpp * @brief LLRender implementation * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llrender.h" #include "llvertexbuffer.h" #include "llcubemap.h" #include "llimagegl.h" #include "llrendertarget.h" #include "lltexture.h" LLRender gGL; // Handy copies of last good GL matrices F64 gGLModelView[16]; F64 gGLLastModelView[16]; F64 gGLLastProjection[16]; F64 gGLProjection[16]; S32 gGLViewport[4]; U32 LLRender::sUICalls = 0; U32 LLRender::sUIVerts = 0; static const U32 LL_NUM_TEXTURE_LAYERS = 16; static GLenum sGLTextureType[] = { GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB }; static GLint sGLAddressMode[] = { GL_REPEAT, GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE }; static GLenum sGLCompareFunc[] = { GL_NEVER, GL_ALWAYS, GL_LESS, GL_LEQUAL, GL_EQUAL, GL_NOTEQUAL, GL_GEQUAL, GL_GREATER }; const U32 immediate_mask = LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_COLOR | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0; static GLenum sGLBlendFactor[] = { GL_ONE, GL_ZERO, GL_DST_COLOR, GL_SRC_COLOR, GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, GL_DST_ALPHA, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ZERO // 'BF_UNDEF' }; LLTexUnit::LLTexUnit(S32 index) : mCurrTexType(TT_NONE), mCurrBlendType(TB_MULT), mCurrColorOp(TBO_MULT), mCurrAlphaOp(TBO_MULT), mCurrColorSrc1(TBS_TEX_COLOR), mCurrColorSrc2(TBS_PREV_COLOR), mCurrAlphaSrc1(TBS_TEX_ALPHA), mCurrAlphaSrc2(TBS_PREV_ALPHA), mCurrColorScale(1), mCurrAlphaScale(1), mCurrTexture(0), mHasMipMaps(false) { llassert_always(index < (S32)LL_NUM_TEXTURE_LAYERS); mIndex = index; } //static U32 LLTexUnit::getInternalType(eTextureType type) { return sGLTextureType[type]; } void LLTexUnit::refreshState(void) { // We set dirty to true so that the tex unit knows to ignore caching // and we reset the cached tex unit state gGL.flush(); glActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + mIndex); if (mCurrTexType != TT_NONE) { glEnable(sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType]); glBindTexture(sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType], mCurrTexture); } else { glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); } if (mCurrBlendType != TB_COMBINE) { setTextureBlendType(mCurrBlendType); } else { setTextureCombiner(mCurrColorOp, mCurrColorSrc1, mCurrColorSrc2, false); setTextureCombiner(mCurrAlphaOp, mCurrAlphaSrc1, mCurrAlphaSrc2, true); } } void LLTexUnit::activate(void) { if (mIndex < 0) return; if ((S32)gGL.mCurrTextureUnitIndex != mIndex || gGL.mDirty) { gGL.flush(); glActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + mIndex); gGL.mCurrTextureUnitIndex = mIndex; } } void LLTexUnit::enable(eTextureType type) { if (mIndex < 0) return; if ( (mCurrTexType != type || gGL.mDirty) && (type != TT_NONE) ) { activate(); if (mCurrTexType != TT_NONE && !gGL.mDirty) { disable(); // Force a disable of a previous texture type if it's enabled. } mCurrTexType = type; gGL.flush(); glEnable(sGLTextureType[type]); } } void LLTexUnit::disable(void) { if (mIndex < 0) return; if (mCurrTexType != TT_NONE) { activate(); unbind(mCurrTexType); gGL.flush(); glDisable(sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType]); mCurrTexType = TT_NONE; } } bool LLTexUnit::bind(LLTexture* texture, bool for_rendering, bool forceBind) { stop_glerror(); if (mIndex < 0) return false; gGL.flush(); LLImageGL* gl_tex = NULL ; if (texture == NULL || !(gl_tex = texture->getGLTexture())) { llwarns << "NULL LLTexUnit::bind texture" << llendl; return false; } if (!gl_tex->getTexName()) //if texture does not exist { //if deleted, will re-generate it immediately texture->forceImmediateUpdate() ; gl_tex->forceUpdateBindStats() ; return texture->bindDefaultImage(mIndex); } //in audit, replace the selected texture by the default one. if(gAuditTexture && for_rendering && LLImageGL::sCurTexPickSize > 0) { if(texture->getWidth() * texture->getHeight() == LLImageGL::sCurTexPickSize) { gl_tex->updateBindStats(gl_tex->mTextureMemory); return bind(LLImageGL::sHighlightTexturep.get()); } } if ((mCurrTexture != gl_tex->getTexName()) || forceBind) { activate(); enable(gl_tex->getTarget()); mCurrTexture = gl_tex->getTexName(); glBindTexture(sGLTextureType[gl_tex->getTarget()], mCurrTexture); if(gl_tex->updateBindStats(gl_tex->mTextureMemory)) { texture->setActive() ; texture->updateBindStatsForTester() ; } mHasMipMaps = gl_tex->mHasMipMaps; if (gl_tex->mTexOptionsDirty) { gl_tex->mTexOptionsDirty = false; setTextureAddressMode(gl_tex->mAddressMode); setTextureFilteringOption(gl_tex->mFilterOption); } } return true; } bool LLTexUnit::bind(LLImageGL* texture, bool for_rendering, bool forceBind) { stop_glerror(); if (mIndex < 0) return false; if(!texture) { llwarns << "NULL LLTexUnit::bind texture" << llendl; return false; } if(!texture->getTexName()) { if(LLImageGL::sDefaultGLTexture && LLImageGL::sDefaultGLTexture->getTexName()) { return bind(LLImageGL::sDefaultGLTexture) ; } return false ; } if ((mCurrTexture != texture->getTexName()) || forceBind) { gGL.flush(); activate(); enable(texture->getTarget()); mCurrTexture = texture->getTexName(); glBindTexture(sGLTextureType[texture->getTarget()], mCurrTexture); texture->updateBindStats(texture->mTextureMemory); mHasMipMaps = texture->mHasMipMaps; if (texture->mTexOptionsDirty) { texture->mTexOptionsDirty = false; setTextureAddressMode(texture->mAddressMode); setTextureFilteringOption(texture->mFilterOption); } } return true; } bool LLTexUnit::bind(LLCubeMap* cubeMap) { if (mIndex < 0) return false; gGL.flush(); if (cubeMap == NULL) { llwarns << "NULL LLTexUnit::bind cubemap" << llendl; return false; } if (mCurrTexture != cubeMap->mImages[0]->getTexName()) { if (gGLManager.mHasCubeMap && LLCubeMap::sUseCubeMaps) { activate(); enable(LLTexUnit::TT_CUBE_MAP); mCurrTexture = cubeMap->mImages[0]->getTexName(); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, mCurrTexture); mHasMipMaps = cubeMap->mImages[0]->mHasMipMaps; cubeMap->mImages[0]->updateBindStats(cubeMap->mImages[0]->mTextureMemory); if (cubeMap->mImages[0]->mTexOptionsDirty) { cubeMap->mImages[0]->mTexOptionsDirty = false; setTextureAddressMode(cubeMap->mImages[0]->mAddressMode); setTextureFilteringOption(cubeMap->mImages[0]->mFilterOption); } return true; } else { llwarns << "Using cube map without extension!" << llendl; return false; } } return true; } // LLRenderTarget is unavailible on the mapserver since it uses FBOs. #if !LL_MESA_HEADLESS bool LLTexUnit::bind(LLRenderTarget* renderTarget, bool bindDepth) { if (mIndex < 0) return false; gGL.flush(); if (bindDepth) { if (renderTarget->hasStencil()) { llerrs << "Cannot bind a render buffer for sampling. Allocate render target without a stencil buffer if sampling of depth buffer is required." << llendl; } bindManual(renderTarget->getUsage(), renderTarget->getDepth()); } else { bindManual(renderTarget->getUsage(), renderTarget->getTexture()); } return true; } #endif // LL_MESA_HEADLESS bool LLTexUnit::bindManual(eTextureType type, U32 texture, bool hasMips) { if (mIndex < 0) { return false; } if(mCurrTexture != texture) { gGL.flush(); activate(); enable(type); mCurrTexture = texture; glBindTexture(sGLTextureType[type], texture); mHasMipMaps = hasMips; } return true; } void LLTexUnit::unbind(eTextureType type) { stop_glerror(); if (mIndex < 0) return; // Disabled caching of binding state. if (mCurrTexType == type) { gGL.flush(); activate(); mCurrTexture = 0; glBindTexture(sGLTextureType[type], 0); } } void LLTexUnit::setTextureAddressMode(eTextureAddressMode mode) { if (mIndex < 0 || mCurrTexture == 0) return; gGL.flush(); activate(); glTexParameteri (sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType], GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, sGLAddressMode[mode]); glTexParameteri (sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType], GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, sGLAddressMode[mode]); if (mCurrTexType == TT_CUBE_MAP) { glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, sGLAddressMode[mode]); } } void LLTexUnit::setTextureFilteringOption(LLTexUnit::eTextureFilterOptions option) { if (mIndex < 0 || mCurrTexture == 0) return; gGL.flush(); if (option == TFO_POINT) { glTexParameteri(sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType], GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); } else { glTexParameteri(sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType], GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); } if (option >= TFO_TRILINEAR && mHasMipMaps) { glTexParameteri(sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType], GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR); } else if (option >= TFO_BILINEAR) { glTexParameteri(sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType], GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); } else { glTexParameteri(sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType], GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); } if (gGLManager.mHasAnisotropic) { if (LLImageGL::sGlobalUseAnisotropic && option == TFO_ANISOTROPIC) { if (gGL.mMaxAnisotropy < 1.f) { glGetFloatv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, &gGL.mMaxAnisotropy); } glTexParameterf(sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType], GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, gGL.mMaxAnisotropy); } else { glTexParameterf(sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType], GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, 1.f); } } } void LLTexUnit::setTextureBlendType(eTextureBlendType type) { if (mIndex < 0) return; // Do nothing if it's already correctly set. if (mCurrBlendType == type && !gGL.mDirty) { return; } gGL.flush(); activate(); mCurrBlendType = type; S32 scale_amount = 1; switch (type) { case TB_REPLACE: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_REPLACE); break; case TB_ADD: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_ADD); break; case TB_MULT: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); break; case TB_MULT_X2: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); scale_amount = 2; break; case TB_ALPHA_BLEND: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_DECAL); break; case TB_COMBINE: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_COMBINE_ARB); break; default: llerrs << "Unknown Texture Blend Type: " << type << llendl; break; } setColorScale(scale_amount); setAlphaScale(1); } GLint LLTexUnit::getTextureSource(eTextureBlendSrc src) { switch(src) { // All four cases should return the same value. case TBS_PREV_COLOR: case TBS_PREV_ALPHA: case TBS_ONE_MINUS_PREV_COLOR: case TBS_ONE_MINUS_PREV_ALPHA: return GL_PREVIOUS_ARB; // All four cases should return the same value. case TBS_TEX_COLOR: case TBS_TEX_ALPHA: case TBS_ONE_MINUS_TEX_COLOR: case TBS_ONE_MINUS_TEX_ALPHA: return GL_TEXTURE; // All four cases should return the same value. case TBS_VERT_COLOR: case TBS_VERT_ALPHA: case TBS_ONE_MINUS_VERT_COLOR: case TBS_ONE_MINUS_VERT_ALPHA: return GL_PRIMARY_COLOR_ARB; // All four cases should return the same value. case TBS_CONST_COLOR: case TBS_CONST_ALPHA: case TBS_ONE_MINUS_CONST_COLOR: case TBS_ONE_MINUS_CONST_ALPHA: return GL_CONSTANT_ARB; default: llwarns << "Unknown eTextureBlendSrc: " << src << ". Using Vertex Color instead." << llendl; return GL_PRIMARY_COLOR_ARB; } } GLint LLTexUnit::getTextureSourceType(eTextureBlendSrc src, bool isAlpha) { switch(src) { // All four cases should return the same value. case TBS_PREV_COLOR: case TBS_TEX_COLOR: case TBS_VERT_COLOR: case TBS_CONST_COLOR: return (isAlpha) ? GL_SRC_ALPHA: GL_SRC_COLOR; // All four cases should return the same value. case TBS_PREV_ALPHA: case TBS_TEX_ALPHA: case TBS_VERT_ALPHA: case TBS_CONST_ALPHA: return GL_SRC_ALPHA; // All four cases should return the same value. case TBS_ONE_MINUS_PREV_COLOR: case TBS_ONE_MINUS_TEX_COLOR: case TBS_ONE_MINUS_VERT_COLOR: case TBS_ONE_MINUS_CONST_COLOR: return (isAlpha) ? GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA : GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR; // All four cases should return the same value. case TBS_ONE_MINUS_PREV_ALPHA: case TBS_ONE_MINUS_TEX_ALPHA: case TBS_ONE_MINUS_VERT_ALPHA: case TBS_ONE_MINUS_CONST_ALPHA: return GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; default: llwarns << "Unknown eTextureBlendSrc: " << src << ". Using Source Color or Alpha instead." << llendl; return (isAlpha) ? GL_SRC_ALPHA: GL_SRC_COLOR; } } void LLTexUnit::setTextureCombiner(eTextureBlendOp op, eTextureBlendSrc src1, eTextureBlendSrc src2, bool isAlpha) { if (mIndex < 0) return; activate(); if (mCurrBlendType != TB_COMBINE || gGL.mDirty) { mCurrBlendType = TB_COMBINE; gGL.flush(); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_COMBINE_ARB); } // We want an early out, because this function does a LOT of stuff. if ( ( (isAlpha && (mCurrAlphaOp == op) && (mCurrAlphaSrc1 == src1) && (mCurrAlphaSrc2 == src2)) || (!isAlpha && (mCurrColorOp == op) && (mCurrColorSrc1 == src1) && (mCurrColorSrc2 == src2)) ) && !gGL.mDirty) { return; } gGL.flush(); // Get the gl source enums according to the eTextureBlendSrc sources passed in GLint source1 = getTextureSource(src1); GLint source2 = getTextureSource(src2); // Get the gl operand enums according to the eTextureBlendSrc sources passed in GLint operand1 = getTextureSourceType(src1, isAlpha); GLint operand2 = getTextureSourceType(src2, isAlpha); // Default the scale amount to 1 S32 scale_amount = 1; GLenum comb_enum, src0_enum, src1_enum, src2_enum, operand0_enum, operand1_enum, operand2_enum; if (isAlpha) { // Set enums to ALPHA ones comb_enum = GL_COMBINE_ALPHA_ARB; src0_enum = GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA_ARB; src1_enum = GL_SOURCE1_ALPHA_ARB; src2_enum = GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA_ARB; operand0_enum = GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA_ARB; operand1_enum = GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA_ARB; operand2_enum = GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA_ARB; // cache current combiner mCurrAlphaOp = op; mCurrAlphaSrc1 = src1; mCurrAlphaSrc2 = src2; } else { // Set enums to RGB ones comb_enum = GL_COMBINE_RGB_ARB; src0_enum = GL_SOURCE0_RGB_ARB; src1_enum = GL_SOURCE1_RGB_ARB; src2_enum = GL_SOURCE2_RGB_ARB; operand0_enum = GL_OPERAND0_RGB_ARB; operand1_enum = GL_OPERAND1_RGB_ARB; operand2_enum = GL_OPERAND2_RGB_ARB; // cache current combiner mCurrColorOp = op; mCurrColorSrc1 = src1; mCurrColorSrc2 = src2; } switch(op) { case TBO_REPLACE: // Slightly special syntax (no second sources), just set all and return. glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, comb_enum, GL_REPLACE); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, src0_enum, source1); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, operand0_enum, operand1); (isAlpha) ? setAlphaScale(1) : setColorScale(1); return; case TBO_MULT: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, comb_enum, GL_MODULATE); break; case TBO_MULT_X2: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, comb_enum, GL_MODULATE); scale_amount = 2; break; case TBO_MULT_X4: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, comb_enum, GL_MODULATE); scale_amount = 4; break; case TBO_ADD: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, comb_enum, GL_ADD); break; case TBO_ADD_SIGNED: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, comb_enum, GL_ADD_SIGNED_ARB); break; case TBO_SUBTRACT: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, comb_enum, GL_SUBTRACT_ARB); break; case TBO_LERP_VERT_ALPHA: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, comb_enum, GL_INTERPOLATE); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, src2_enum, GL_PRIMARY_COLOR_ARB); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, operand2_enum, GL_SRC_ALPHA); break; case TBO_LERP_TEX_ALPHA: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, comb_enum, GL_INTERPOLATE); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, src2_enum, GL_TEXTURE); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, operand2_enum, GL_SRC_ALPHA); break; case TBO_LERP_PREV_ALPHA: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, comb_enum, GL_INTERPOLATE); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, src2_enum, GL_PREVIOUS_ARB); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, operand2_enum, GL_SRC_ALPHA); break; case TBO_LERP_CONST_ALPHA: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, comb_enum, GL_INTERPOLATE); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, src2_enum, GL_CONSTANT_ARB); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, operand2_enum, GL_SRC_ALPHA); break; case TBO_LERP_VERT_COLOR: glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, comb_enum, GL_INTERPOLATE); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, src2_enum, GL_PRIMARY_COLOR_ARB); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, operand2_enum, (isAlpha) ? GL_SRC_ALPHA : GL_SRC_COLOR); break; default: llwarns << "Unknown eTextureBlendOp: " << op << ". Setting op to replace." << llendl; // Slightly special syntax (no second sources), just set all and return. glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, comb_enum, GL_REPLACE); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, src0_enum, source1); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, operand0_enum, operand1); (isAlpha) ? setAlphaScale(1) : setColorScale(1); return; } // Set sources, operands, and scale accordingly glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, src0_enum, source1); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, operand0_enum, operand1); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, src1_enum, source2); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, operand1_enum, operand2); (isAlpha) ? setAlphaScale(scale_amount) : setColorScale(scale_amount); } void LLTexUnit::setColorScale(S32 scale) { if (mCurrColorScale != scale || gGL.mDirty) { mCurrColorScale = scale; gGL.flush(); glTexEnvi( GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_RGB_SCALE, scale ); } } void LLTexUnit::setAlphaScale(S32 scale) { if (mCurrAlphaScale != scale || gGL.mDirty) { mCurrAlphaScale = scale; gGL.flush(); glTexEnvi( GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_ALPHA_SCALE, scale ); } } // Useful for debugging that you've manually assigned a texture operation to the correct // texture unit based on the currently set active texture in opengl. void LLTexUnit::debugTextureUnit(void) { if (mIndex < 0) return; GLint activeTexture; glGetIntegerv(GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE_ARB, &activeTexture); if ((GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + mIndex) != activeTexture) { U32 set_unit = (activeTexture - GL_TEXTURE0_ARB); llwarns << "Incorrect Texture Unit! Expected: " << set_unit << " Actual: " << mIndex << llendl; } } LLRender::LLRender() : mDirty(false), mCount(0), mMode(LLRender::TRIANGLES), mCurrTextureUnitIndex(0), mMaxAnisotropy(0.f) { mBuffer = new LLVertexBuffer(immediate_mask, 0); mBuffer->allocateBuffer(4096, 0, TRUE); mBuffer->getVertexStrider(mVerticesp); mBuffer->getTexCoord0Strider(mTexcoordsp); mBuffer->getColorStrider(mColorsp); mTexUnits.reserve(LL_NUM_TEXTURE_LAYERS); for (U32 i = 0; i < LL_NUM_TEXTURE_LAYERS; i++) { mTexUnits.push_back(new LLTexUnit(i)); } mDummyTexUnit = new LLTexUnit(-1); for (U32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) { mCurrColorMask[i] = true; } mCurrAlphaFunc = CF_DEFAULT; mCurrAlphaFuncVal = 0.01f; mCurrBlendColorSFactor = BF_UNDEF; mCurrBlendAlphaSFactor = BF_UNDEF; mCurrBlendColorDFactor = BF_UNDEF; mCurrBlendAlphaDFactor = BF_UNDEF; } LLRender::~LLRender() { shutdown(); } void LLRender::shutdown() { for (U32 i = 0; i < mTexUnits.size(); i++) { delete mTexUnits[i]; } mTexUnits.clear(); delete mDummyTexUnit; mDummyTexUnit = NULL; } void LLRender::refreshState(void) { mDirty = true; U32 active_unit = mCurrTextureUnitIndex; for (U32 i = 0; i < mTexUnits.size(); i++) { mTexUnits[i]->refreshState(); } mTexUnits[active_unit]->activate(); setColorMask(mCurrColorMask[0], mCurrColorMask[1], mCurrColorMask[2], mCurrColorMask[3]); setAlphaRejectSettings(mCurrAlphaFunc, mCurrAlphaFuncVal); mDirty = false; } void LLRender::translatef(const GLfloat& x, const GLfloat& y, const GLfloat& z) { flush(); glTranslatef(x,y,z); } void LLRender::scalef(const GLfloat& x, const GLfloat& y, const GLfloat& z) { flush(); glScalef(x,y,z); } void LLRender::pushMatrix() { flush(); glPushMatrix(); } void LLRender::popMatrix() { flush(); glPopMatrix(); } void LLRender::translateUI(F32 x, F32 y, F32 z) { if (mUIOffset.empty()) { llerrs << "Need to push a UI translation frame before offsetting" << llendl; } mUIOffset.back().mV[0] += x; mUIOffset.back().mV[1] += y; mUIOffset.back().mV[2] += z; } void LLRender::scaleUI(F32 x, F32 y, F32 z) { if (mUIScale.empty()) { llerrs << "Need to push a UI transformation frame before scaling." << llendl; } mUIScale.back().scaleVec(LLVector3(x,y,z)); } void LLRender::pushUIMatrix() { if (mUIOffset.empty()) { mUIOffset.push_back(LLVector3(0,0,0)); } else { mUIOffset.push_back(mUIOffset.back()); } if (mUIScale.empty()) { mUIScale.push_back(LLVector3(1,1,1)); } else { mUIScale.push_back(mUIScale.back()); } } void LLRender::popUIMatrix() { if (mUIOffset.empty()) { llerrs << "UI offset stack blown." << llendl; } mUIOffset.pop_back(); mUIScale.pop_back(); } LLVector3 LLRender::getUITranslation() { if (mUIOffset.empty()) { llerrs << "UI offset stack empty." << llendl; } return mUIOffset.back(); } LLVector3 LLRender::getUIScale() { if (mUIScale.empty()) { llerrs << "UI scale stack empty." << llendl; } return mUIScale.back(); } void LLRender::loadUIIdentity() { if (mUIOffset.empty()) { llerrs << "Need to push UI translation frame before clearing offset." << llendl; } mUIOffset.back().setVec(0,0,0); mUIScale.back().setVec(1,1,1); } void LLRender::setColorMask(bool writeColor, bool writeAlpha) { setColorMask(writeColor, writeColor, writeColor, writeAlpha); } void LLRender::setColorMask(bool writeColorR, bool writeColorG, bool writeColorB, bool writeAlpha) { flush(); mCurrColorMask[0] = writeColorR; mCurrColorMask[1] = writeColorG; mCurrColorMask[2] = writeColorB; mCurrColorMask[3] = writeAlpha; glColorMask(writeColorR ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE, writeColorG ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE, writeColorB ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE, writeAlpha ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE); } void LLRender::setSceneBlendType(eBlendType type) { switch (type) { case BT_ALPHA: blendFunc(BF_SOURCE_ALPHA, BF_ONE_MINUS_SOURCE_ALPHA); break; case BT_ADD: blendFunc(BF_ONE, BF_ONE); break; case BT_ADD_WITH_ALPHA: blendFunc(BF_SOURCE_ALPHA, BF_ONE); break; case BT_MULT: blendFunc(BF_DEST_COLOR, BF_ZERO); break; case BT_MULT_ALPHA: blendFunc(BF_DEST_ALPHA, BF_ZERO); break; case BT_MULT_X2: blendFunc(BF_DEST_COLOR, BF_SOURCE_COLOR); break; case BT_REPLACE: blendFunc(BF_ONE, BF_ZERO); break; default: llerrs << "Unknown Scene Blend Type: " << type << llendl; break; } } void LLRender::setAlphaRejectSettings(eCompareFunc func, F32 value) { flush(); mCurrAlphaFunc = func; mCurrAlphaFuncVal = value; if (func == CF_DEFAULT) { glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.01f); } else { glAlphaFunc(sGLCompareFunc[func], value); } } void LLRender::blendFunc(eBlendFactor sfactor, eBlendFactor dfactor) { llassert(sfactor < BF_UNDEF); llassert(dfactor < BF_UNDEF); if (mCurrBlendColorSFactor != sfactor || mCurrBlendColorDFactor != dfactor || mCurrBlendAlphaSFactor != sfactor || mCurrBlendAlphaDFactor != dfactor) { mCurrBlendColorSFactor = sfactor; mCurrBlendAlphaSFactor = sfactor; mCurrBlendColorDFactor = dfactor; mCurrBlendAlphaDFactor = dfactor; flush(); glBlendFunc(sGLBlendFactor[sfactor], sGLBlendFactor[dfactor]); } } void LLRender::blendFunc(eBlendFactor color_sfactor, eBlendFactor color_dfactor, eBlendFactor alpha_sfactor, eBlendFactor alpha_dfactor) { llassert(color_sfactor < BF_UNDEF); llassert(color_dfactor < BF_UNDEF); llassert(alpha_sfactor < BF_UNDEF); llassert(alpha_dfactor < BF_UNDEF); if (!gGLManager.mHasBlendFuncSeparate) { LL_WARNS_ONCE("render") << "no glBlendFuncSeparateEXT(), using color-only blend func" << llendl; blendFunc(color_sfactor, color_dfactor); return; } if (mCurrBlendColorSFactor != color_sfactor || mCurrBlendColorDFactor != color_dfactor || mCurrBlendAlphaSFactor != alpha_sfactor || mCurrBlendAlphaDFactor != alpha_dfactor) { mCurrBlendColorSFactor = color_sfactor; mCurrBlendAlphaSFactor = alpha_sfactor; mCurrBlendColorDFactor = color_dfactor; mCurrBlendAlphaDFactor = alpha_dfactor; flush(); glBlendFuncSeparateEXT(sGLBlendFactor[color_sfactor], sGLBlendFactor[color_dfactor], sGLBlendFactor[alpha_sfactor], sGLBlendFactor[alpha_dfactor]); } } LLTexUnit* LLRender::getTexUnit(U32 index) { if (index < mTexUnits.size()) { return mTexUnits[index]; } else { lldebugs << "Non-existing texture unit layer requested: " << index << llendl; return mDummyTexUnit; } } bool LLRender::verifyTexUnitActive(U32 unitToVerify) { if (mCurrTextureUnitIndex == unitToVerify) { return true; } else { llwarns << "TexUnit currently active: " << mCurrTextureUnitIndex << " (expecting " << unitToVerify << ")" << llendl; return false; } } void LLRender::clearErrors() { while (glGetError()) { //loop until no more error flags left } } void LLRender::begin(const GLuint& mode) { if (mode != mMode) { if (mMode == LLRender::QUADS || mMode == LLRender::LINES || mMode == LLRender::TRIANGLES || mMode == LLRender::POINTS) { flush(); } else if (mCount != 0) { llerrs << "gGL.begin() called redundantly." << llendl; } mMode = mode; } } void LLRender::end() { if (mCount == 0) { return; //IMM_ERRS << "GL begin and end called with no vertices specified." << llendl; } if ((mMode != LLRender::QUADS && mMode != LLRender::LINES && mMode != LLRender::TRIANGLES && mMode != LLRender::POINTS) || mCount > 2048) { flush(); } } void LLRender::flush() { if (mCount > 0) { #if 0 if (!glIsEnabled(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY)) { llerrs << "foo 1" << llendl; } if (!glIsEnabled(GL_COLOR_ARRAY)) { llerrs << "foo 2" << llendl; } if (!glIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY)) { llerrs << "foo 3" << llendl; } if (glIsEnabled(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY)) { llerrs << "foo 7" << llendl; } GLvoid* pointer; glGetPointerv(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER, &pointer); if (pointer != &(mBuffer[0].v)) { llerrs << "foo 4" << llendl; } glGetPointerv(GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER, &pointer); if (pointer != &(mBuffer[0].c)) { llerrs << "foo 5" << llendl; } glGetPointerv(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER, &pointer); if (pointer != &(mBuffer[0].uv)) { llerrs << "foo 6" << llendl; } #endif if (!mUIOffset.empty()) { sUICalls++; sUIVerts += mCount; } if (gDebugGL) { if (mMode == LLRender::QUADS) { if (mCount%4 != 0) { llerrs << "Incomplete quad rendered." << llendl; } } if (mMode == LLRender::TRIANGLES) { if (mCount%3 != 0) { llerrs << "Incomplete triangle rendered." << llendl; } } if (mMode == LLRender::LINES) { if (mCount%2 != 0) { llerrs << "Incomplete line rendered." << llendl; } } } mBuffer->setBuffer(immediate_mask); mBuffer->drawArrays(mMode, 0, mCount); mVerticesp[0] = mVerticesp[mCount]; mTexcoordsp[0] = mTexcoordsp[mCount]; mColorsp[0] = mColorsp[mCount]; mCount = 0; } } void LLRender::vertex3f(const GLfloat& x, const GLfloat& y, const GLfloat& z) { //the range of mVerticesp, mColorsp and mTexcoordsp is [0, 4095] if (mCount > 4094) { // llwarns << "GL immediate mode overflow. Some geometry not drawn." << llendl; return; } if (mUIOffset.empty()) { mVerticesp[mCount] = LLVector3(x,y,z); } else { LLVector3 vert = (LLVector3(x,y,z)+mUIOffset.back()).scaledVec(mUIScale.back()); mVerticesp[mCount] = vert; } mCount++; mVerticesp[mCount] = mVerticesp[mCount-1]; mColorsp[mCount] = mColorsp[mCount-1]; mTexcoordsp[mCount] = mTexcoordsp[mCount-1]; } void LLRender::vertexBatchPreTransformed(LLVector3* verts, S32 vert_count) { if (mCount + vert_count > 4094) { // llwarns << "GL immediate mode overflow. Some geometry not drawn." << llendl; return; } for (S32 i = 0; i < vert_count; i++) { mVerticesp[mCount] = verts[i]; mCount++; mTexcoordsp[mCount] = mTexcoordsp[mCount-1]; mColorsp[mCount] = mColorsp[mCount-1]; } mVerticesp[mCount] = mVerticesp[mCount-1]; } void LLRender::vertexBatchPreTransformed(LLVector3* verts, LLVector2* uvs, S32 vert_count) { if (mCount + vert_count > 4094) { // llwarns << "GL immediate mode overflow. Some geometry not drawn." << llendl; return; } for (S32 i = 0; i < vert_count; i++) { mVerticesp[mCount] = verts[i]; mTexcoordsp[mCount] = uvs[i]; mCount++; mColorsp[mCount] = mColorsp[mCount-1]; } mVerticesp[mCount] = mVerticesp[mCount-1]; mTexcoordsp[mCount] = mTexcoordsp[mCount-1]; } void LLRender::vertexBatchPreTransformed(LLVector3* verts, LLVector2* uvs, LLColor4U* colors, S32 vert_count) { if (mCount + vert_count > 4094) { // llwarns << "GL immediate mode overflow. Some geometry not drawn." << llendl; return; } for (S32 i = 0; i < vert_count; i++) { mVerticesp[mCount] = verts[i]; mTexcoordsp[mCount] = uvs[i]; mColorsp[mCount] = colors[i]; mCount++; } mVerticesp[mCount] = mVerticesp[mCount-1]; mTexcoordsp[mCount] = mTexcoordsp[mCount-1]; mColorsp[mCount] = mColorsp[mCount-1]; } void LLRender::vertex2i(const GLint& x, const GLint& y) { vertex3f((GLfloat) x, (GLfloat) y, 0); } void LLRender::vertex2f(const GLfloat& x, const GLfloat& y) { vertex3f(x,y,0); } void LLRender::vertex2fv(const GLfloat* v) { vertex3f(v[0], v[1], 0); } void LLRender::vertex3fv(const GLfloat* v) { vertex3f(v[0], v[1], v[2]); } void LLRender::texCoord2f(const GLfloat& x, const GLfloat& y) { mTexcoordsp[mCount] = LLVector2(x,y); } void LLRender::texCoord2i(const GLint& x, const GLint& y) { texCoord2f((GLfloat) x, (GLfloat) y); } void LLRender::texCoord2fv(const GLfloat* tc) { texCoord2f(tc[0], tc[1]); } void LLRender::color4ub(const GLubyte& r, const GLubyte& g, const GLubyte& b, const GLubyte& a) { mColorsp[mCount] = LLColor4U(r,g,b,a); } void LLRender::color4ubv(const GLubyte* c) { color4ub(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]); } void LLRender::color4f(const GLfloat& r, const GLfloat& g, const GLfloat& b, const GLfloat& a) { color4ub((GLubyte) (llclamp(r, 0.f, 1.f)*255), (GLubyte) (llclamp(g, 0.f, 1.f)*255), (GLubyte) (llclamp(b, 0.f, 1.f)*255), (GLubyte) (llclamp(a, 0.f, 1.f)*255)); } void LLRender::color4fv(const GLfloat* c) { color4f(c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3]); } void LLRender::color3f(const GLfloat& r, const GLfloat& g, const GLfloat& b) { color4f(r,g,b,1); } void LLRender::color3fv(const GLfloat* c) { color4f(c[0],c[1],c[2],1); } void LLRender::debugTexUnits(void) { LL_INFOS("TextureUnit") << "Active TexUnit: " << mCurrTextureUnitIndex << LL_ENDL; std::string active_enabled = "false"; for (U32 i = 0; i < mTexUnits.size(); i++) { if (getTexUnit(i)->mCurrTexType != LLTexUnit::TT_NONE) { if (i == mCurrTextureUnitIndex) active_enabled = "true"; LL_INFOS("TextureUnit") << "TexUnit: " << i << " Enabled" << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS("TextureUnit") << "Enabled As: " ; switch (getTexUnit(i)->mCurrTexType) { case LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE: LL_CONT << "Texture 2D"; break; case LLTexUnit::TT_RECT_TEXTURE: LL_CONT << "Texture Rectangle"; break; case LLTexUnit::TT_CUBE_MAP: LL_CONT << "Cube Map"; break; default: LL_CONT << "ARGH!!! NONE!"; break; } LL_CONT << ", Texture Bound: " << getTexUnit(i)->mCurrTexture << LL_ENDL; } } LL_INFOS("TextureUnit") << "Active TexUnit Enabled : " << active_enabled << LL_ENDL; }