/** * @file llglviewertexture.h * @brief Object for managing opengl textures * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2012&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_GL_TEXTURE_H #define LL_GL_TEXTURE_H #include "lltexture.h" #include "llgl.h" class LLImageRaw; // //this the parent for the class LLViewerTexture //through the following virtual functions, the class LLViewerTexture can be reached from /llrender. // class LLGLTexture : public LLTexture { public: enum { MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT = 1024, INVALID_DISCARD_LEVEL = 0x7fff }; enum EBoostLevel { BOOST_NONE = 0, BOOST_AVATAR_BAKED , BOOST_AVATAR , BOOST_CLOUDS , BOOST_SCULPTED , BOOST_HIGH = 10, BOOST_BUMP , BOOST_TERRAIN , // has to be high priority for minimap / low detail BOOST_SELECTED , BOOST_AVATAR_BAKED_SELF , BOOST_AVATAR_SELF , // needed for baking avatar BOOST_SUPER_HIGH , //textures higher than this need to be downloaded at the required resolution without delay. BOOST_HUD , BOOST_ICON , BOOST_UI , BOOST_PREVIEW , BOOST_MAP , BOOST_MAP_VISIBLE , BOOST_MAX_LEVEL, //other texture Categories LOCAL = BOOST_MAX_LEVEL, AVATAR_SCRATCH_TEX, DYNAMIC_TEX, MEDIA, ATLAS, OTHER, MAX_GL_IMAGE_CATEGORY }; typedef enum { DELETED = 0, //removed from memory DELETION_CANDIDATE, //ready to be removed from memory INACTIVE, //not be used for the last certain period (i.e., 30 seconds). ACTIVE, //just being used, can become inactive if not being used for a certain time (10 seconds). NO_DELETE = 99 //stay in memory, can not be removed. } LLGLTextureState; static S32 getTotalNumOfCategories() ; static S32 getIndexFromCategory(S32 category) ; static S32 getCategoryFromIndex(S32 index) ; protected: virtual ~LLGLTexture(); LOG_CLASS(LLGLTexture); public: LLGLTexture(BOOL usemipmaps = TRUE); LLGLTexture(const LLImageRaw* raw, BOOL usemipmaps) ; LLGLTexture(const U32 width, const U32 height, const U8 components, BOOL usemipmaps) ; virtual void dump(); // debug info to LL_INFOS() virtual const LLUUID& getID() const = 0; void setBoostLevel(S32 level); S32 getBoostLevel() { return mBoostLevel; } S32 getFullWidth() const { return mFullWidth; } S32 getFullHeight() const { return mFullHeight; } void generateGLTexture() ; void destroyGLTexture() ; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //functions to access LLImageGL //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*virtual*/S32 getWidth(S32 discard_level = -1) const; /*virtual*/S32 getHeight(S32 discard_level = -1) const; BOOL hasGLTexture() const ; LLGLuint getTexName() const ; BOOL createGLTexture() ; BOOL createGLTexture(S32 discard_level, const LLImageRaw* imageraw, S32 usename = 0, BOOL to_create = TRUE, S32 category = LLGLTexture::OTHER); void setFilteringOption(LLTexUnit::eTextureFilterOptions option); void setExplicitFormat(LLGLint internal_format, LLGLenum primary_format, LLGLenum type_format = 0, BOOL swap_bytes = FALSE); void setAddressMode(LLTexUnit::eTextureAddressMode mode); BOOL setSubImage(const LLImageRaw* imageraw, S32 x_pos, S32 y_pos, S32 width, S32 height); BOOL setSubImage(const U8* datap, S32 data_width, S32 data_height, S32 x_pos, S32 y_pos, S32 width, S32 height); void setGLTextureCreated (bool initialized); void setCategory(S32 category) ; LLTexUnit::eTextureAddressMode getAddressMode(void) const ; S32 getMaxDiscardLevel() const; S32 getDiscardLevel() const; S8 getComponents() const; BOOL getBoundRecently() const; S32 getTextureMemory() const ; LLGLenum getPrimaryFormat() const; BOOL getIsAlphaMask() const ; LLTexUnit::eTextureType getTarget(void) const ; BOOL getMask(const LLVector2 &tc); F32 getTimePassedSinceLastBound(); BOOL getMissed() const ; BOOL isJustBound()const ; void forceUpdateBindStats(void) const; U32 getTexelsInAtlas() const ; U32 getTexelsInGLTexture() const ; BOOL isGLTextureCreated() const ; S32 getDiscardLevelInAtlas() const ; LLGLTextureState getTextureState() const { return mTextureState; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //end of functions to access LLImageGL //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------- /*virtual*/ void setActive() ; void forceActive() ; void setNoDelete() ; void dontDiscard() { mDontDiscard = 1; mTextureState = NO_DELETE; } BOOL getDontDiscard() const { return mDontDiscard; } //----------------- private: void cleanup(); void init(); protected: void setTexelsPerImage(); //note: do not make this function public. /*virtual*/ LLImageGL* getGLTexture() const ; protected: S32 mBoostLevel; // enum describing priority level S32 mFullWidth; S32 mFullHeight; BOOL mUseMipMaps; S8 mComponents; F32 mTexelsPerImage; // Texels per image. mutable S8 mNeedsGLTexture; //GL texture LLPointer mGLTexturep ; S8 mDontDiscard; // Keep full res version of this image (for UI, etc) protected: LLGLTextureState mTextureState ; }; #endif // LL_GL_TEXTURE_H