/** * @file llglslshader.h * @brief GLSL shader wrappers * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLGLSLSHADER_H #define LL_LLGLSLSHADER_H #include "llgl.h" #include "llrender.h" #include "llstaticstringtable.h" #include class LLShaderFeatures { public: S32 mIndexedTextureChannels = 0; bool calculatesLighting = false; bool calculatesAtmospherics = false; bool hasLighting = false; // implies no transport (it's possible to have neither though) bool isAlphaLighting = false; // indicates lighting shaders need not be linked in (lighting performed directly in alpha shader to match deferred lighting functions) bool isSpecular = false; bool hasWaterFog = false; // implies no gamma bool hasTransport = false; // implies no lighting (it's possible to have neither though) bool hasSkinning = false; bool hasObjectSkinning = false; bool hasAtmospherics = false; bool hasGamma = false; bool hasShadows = false; bool hasAmbientOcclusion = false; bool hasSrgb = false; bool encodesNormal = false; // include: shaders\class1\environment\encodeNormF.glsl bool isDeferred = false; bool hasScreenSpaceReflections = false; bool disableTextureIndex = false; bool hasAlphaMask = false; bool hasReflectionProbes = false; bool attachNothing = false; }; // ============= Structure for caching shader uniforms =============== class LLGLSLShader; class LLShaderUniforms { public: template struct UniformSetting { S32 mUniform; T mValue; }; typedef UniformSetting IntSetting; typedef UniformSetting FloatSetting; typedef UniformSetting VectorSetting; typedef UniformSetting Vector3Setting; void clear() { mIntegers.resize(0); mFloats.resize(0); mVectors.resize(0); mVector3s.resize(0); } void uniform1i(S32 index, S32 value) { mIntegers.push_back({ index, value }); } void uniform1f(S32 index, F32 value) { mFloats.push_back({ index, value }); } void uniform4fv(S32 index, const LLVector4& value) { mVectors.push_back({ index, value }); } void uniform4fv(S32 index, const F32* value) { mVectors.push_back({ index, LLVector4(value) }); } void uniform3fv(S32 index, const LLVector3& value) { mVector3s.push_back({ index, value }); } void uniform3fv(S32 index, const F32* value) { mVector3s.push_back({ index, LLVector3(value) }); } void apply(LLGLSLShader* shader); std::vector mIntegers; std::vector mFloats; std::vector mVectors; std::vector mVector3s; }; class LLGLSLShader { public: // NOTE: Keep gShaderConsts and LLGLSLShader::ShaderConsts_e in sync! enum eShaderConsts { SHADER_CONST_CLOUD_MOON_DEPTH , SHADER_CONST_STAR_DEPTH , NUM_SHADER_CONSTS }; // enum primarily used to control application sky settings uniforms typedef enum { SG_DEFAULT = 0, // not sky or water specific SG_SKY, // SG_WATER, SG_ANY, SG_COUNT } eGroup; static std::set sInstances; static bool sProfileEnabled; LLGLSLShader(); ~LLGLSLShader(); static GLuint sCurBoundShader; static LLGLSLShader* sCurBoundShaderPtr; static S32 sIndexedTextureChannels; static void initProfile(); static void finishProfile(bool emit_report = true); static void startProfile(); static void stopProfile(); void unload(); void clearStats(); void dumpStats(); // place query objects for profiling if profiling is enabled // if for_runtime is true, will place timer query only whether or not profiling is enabled void placeProfileQuery(bool for_runtime = false); // Readback query objects if profiling is enabled // If for_runtime is true, will readback timer query iff query is available // Will return false if a query is pending (try again later) // If force_read is true, will force an immediate readback (severe performance penalty) bool readProfileQuery(bool for_runtime = false, bool force_read = false); BOOL createShader(std::vector* attributes, std::vector* uniforms, U32 varying_count = 0, const char** varyings = NULL); BOOL attachFragmentObject(std::string object); BOOL attachVertexObject(std::string object); void attachObject(GLuint object); void attachObjects(GLuint* objects = NULL, S32 count = 0); BOOL mapAttributes(const std::vector* attributes); BOOL mapUniforms(const std::vector*); void mapUniform(GLint index, const std::vector*); void uniform1i(U32 index, GLint i); void uniform1f(U32 index, GLfloat v); void fastUniform1f(U32 index, GLfloat v); void uniform2f(U32 index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y); void uniform3f(U32 index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); void uniform4f(U32 index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); void uniform1iv(U32 index, U32 count, const GLint* i); void uniform4iv(U32 index, U32 count, const GLint* i); void uniform1fv(U32 index, U32 count, const GLfloat* v); void uniform2fv(U32 index, U32 count, const GLfloat* v); void uniform3fv(U32 index, U32 count, const GLfloat* v); void uniform4fv(U32 index, U32 count, const GLfloat* v); void uniform2i(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, GLint i, GLint j); void uniformMatrix2fv(U32 index, U32 count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* v); void uniformMatrix3fv(U32 index, U32 count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* v); void uniformMatrix3x4fv(U32 index, U32 count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* v); void uniformMatrix4fv(U32 index, U32 count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* v); void uniform1i(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, GLint i); void uniform1iv(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, U32 count, const GLint* v); void uniform4iv(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, U32 count, const GLint* v); void uniform1f(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, GLfloat v); void uniform2f(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, GLfloat x, GLfloat y); void uniform3f(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); void uniform1fv(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, U32 count, const GLfloat* v); void uniform2fv(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, U32 count, const GLfloat* v); void uniform3fv(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, U32 count, const GLfloat* v); void uniform4fv(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, U32 count, const GLfloat* v); void uniformMatrix4fv(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, U32 count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* v); void setMinimumAlpha(F32 minimum); void vertexAttrib4f(U32 index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); void vertexAttrib4fv(U32 index, GLfloat* v); //GLint getUniformLocation(const std::string& uniform); GLint getUniformLocation(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform); GLint getUniformLocation(U32 index); GLint getAttribLocation(U32 attrib); GLint mapUniformTextureChannel(GLint location, GLenum type, GLint size); void clearPermutations(); void addPermutation(std::string name, std::string value); void removePermutation(std::string name); void addConstant(const LLGLSLShader::eShaderConsts shader_const); //enable/disable texture channel for specified uniform //if given texture uniform is active in the shader, //the corresponding channel will be active upon return //returns channel texture is enabled in from [0-MAX) S32 enableTexture(S32 uniform, LLTexUnit::eTextureType mode = LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE, LLTexUnit::eTextureColorSpace space = LLTexUnit::TCS_LINEAR); S32 disableTexture(S32 uniform, LLTexUnit::eTextureType mode = LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE, LLTexUnit::eTextureColorSpace space = LLTexUnit::TCS_LINEAR); // get the texture channel of the given uniform, or -1 if uniform is not used as a texture S32 getTextureChannel(S32 uniform) const; // bindTexture returns the texture unit we've bound the texture to. // You can reuse the return value to unbind a texture when required. S32 bindTexture(const std::string& uniform, LLTexture* texture, LLTexUnit::eTextureType mode = LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE, LLTexUnit::eTextureColorSpace space = LLTexUnit::TCS_LINEAR); S32 bindTexture(S32 uniform, LLTexture* texture, LLTexUnit::eTextureType mode = LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE, LLTexUnit::eTextureColorSpace space = LLTexUnit::TCS_LINEAR); S32 bindTexture(const std::string& uniform, LLRenderTarget* texture, bool depth = false, LLTexUnit::eTextureFilterOptions mode = LLTexUnit::TFO_BILINEAR); S32 bindTexture(S32 uniform, LLRenderTarget* texture, bool depth = false, LLTexUnit::eTextureFilterOptions mode = LLTexUnit::TFO_BILINEAR, U32 index = 0); S32 unbindTexture(const std::string& uniform, LLTexUnit::eTextureType mode = LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); S32 unbindTexture(S32 uniform, LLTexUnit::eTextureType mode = LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); BOOL link(BOOL suppress_errors = FALSE); void bind(); //helper to conditionally bind mRiggedVariant instead of this void bind(bool rigged); bool isComplete() const { return mProgramObject != 0; } LLUUID hash(); // Unbinds any previously bound shader by explicitly binding no shader. static void unbind(); U32 mMatHash[LLRender::NUM_MATRIX_MODES]; U32 mLightHash; GLuint mProgramObject; #if LL_RELEASE_WITH_DEBUG_INFO struct attr_name { GLint loc; const char* name; void operator = (GLint _loc) { loc = _loc; } operator GLint () { return loc; } }; std::vector mAttribute; //lookup table of attribute enum to attribute channel #else std::vector mAttribute; //lookup table of attribute enum to attribute channel #endif U32 mAttributeMask; //mask of which reserved attributes are set (lines up with LLVertexBuffer::getTypeMask()) std::vector mUniform; //lookup table of uniform enum to uniform location LLStaticStringTable mUniformMap; //lookup map of uniform name to uniform location typedef std::unordered_map uniform_value_map_t; uniform_value_map_t mValue; //lookup map of uniform location to last known value std::vector mTexture; S32 mTotalUniformSize; S32 mActiveTextureChannels; S32 mShaderLevel; S32 mShaderGroup; // see LLGLSLShader::eGroup BOOL mUniformsDirty; LLShaderFeatures mFeatures; std::vector< std::pair< std::string, GLenum > > mShaderFiles; std::string mName; typedef std::map defines_map_t; //NOTE: this must be an ordered map to maintain hash consistency defines_map_t mDefines; static defines_map_t sGlobalDefines; LLUUID mShaderHash; bool mUsingBinaryProgram = false; //statistics for profiling shader performance bool mProfilePending = false; U32 mTimerQuery; U32 mSamplesQuery; U32 mPrimitivesQuery; U64 mTimeElapsed; static U64 sTotalTimeElapsed; U32 mTrianglesDrawn; static U32 sTotalTrianglesDrawn; U64 mSamplesDrawn; static U64 sTotalSamplesDrawn; U32 mBinds; static U32 sTotalBinds; // this pointer should be set to whichever shader represents this shader's rigged variant LLGLSLShader* mRiggedVariant = nullptr; // hacky flag used for optimization in LLDrawPoolAlpha bool mCanBindFast = false; #ifdef LL_PROFILER_ENABLE_RENDER_DOC void setLabel(const char* label); #endif private: void unloadInternal(); }; //UI shader (declared here so llui_libtest will link properly) extern LLGLSLShader gUIProgram; //output vec4(color.rgb,color.a*tex0[tc0].a) extern LLGLSLShader gSolidColorProgram; //Alpha mask shader (declared here so llappearance can access properly) extern LLGLSLShader gAlphaMaskProgram; #ifdef LL_PROFILER_ENABLE_RENDER_DOC #define LL_SET_SHADER_LABEL(shader) shader.setLabel(#shader) #else #define LL_SET_SHADER_LABEL(shader, label) #endif #endif