 * @file llglslshader.cpp
 * @brief GLSL helper functions and state.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "linden_common.h"

#include "llglslshader.h"

#include "llshadermgr.h"
#include "llfile.h"
#include "llrender.h"
#include "llvertexbuffer.h"

#include "OpenGL/OpenGL.h"

#define UNIFORM_ERRS LL_ERRS("Shader")

// Lots of STL stuff in here, using namespace std to keep things more readable
using std::vector;
using std::pair;
using std::make_pair;
using std::string;

GLhandleARB LLGLSLShader::sCurBoundShader = 0;
LLGLSLShader* LLGLSLShader::sCurBoundShaderPtr = NULL;
S32 LLGLSLShader::sIndexedTextureChannels = 0;
bool LLGLSLShader::sNoFixedFunction = false;
bool LLGLSLShader::sProfileEnabled = false;
std::set<LLGLSLShader*> LLGLSLShader::sInstances;
U64 LLGLSLShader::sTotalTimeElapsed = 0;
U32 LLGLSLShader::sTotalTrianglesDrawn = 0;
U64 LLGLSLShader::sTotalSamplesDrawn = 0;
U32 LLGLSLShader::sTotalDrawCalls = 0;

//UI shader -- declared here so llui_libtest will link properly
LLGLSLShader    gUIProgram;
LLGLSLShader    gSolidColorProgram;

BOOL shouldChange(const LLVector4& v1, const LLVector4& v2)
    return v1 != v2;

    : atmosphericHelpers(false)
    , calculatesLighting(false)
    , calculatesAtmospherics(false)
    , hasLighting(false)
    , isAlphaLighting(false)
    , isShiny(false)
    , isFullbright(false)
    , isSpecular(false)
    , hasWaterFog(false)
    , hasTransport(false)
    , hasSkinning(false)
    , hasObjectSkinning(false)
    , hasAtmospherics(false)
    , hasGamma(false)
    , mIndexedTextureChannels(0)
    , disableTextureIndex(false)
    , hasAlphaMask(false)
    , attachNothing(false)

// LLGLSL Shader implementation

void LLGLSLShader::initProfile()
    sProfileEnabled = true;
    sTotalTimeElapsed = 0;
    sTotalTrianglesDrawn = 0;
    sTotalSamplesDrawn = 0;
    sTotalDrawCalls = 0;

    for (std::set<LLGLSLShader*>::iterator iter = sInstances.begin(); iter != sInstances.end(); ++iter)

struct LLGLSLShaderCompareTimeElapsed
        bool operator()(const LLGLSLShader* const& lhs, const LLGLSLShader* const& rhs)
            return lhs->mTimeElapsed < rhs->mTimeElapsed;

void LLGLSLShader::finishProfile(bool emit_report)
    sProfileEnabled = false;

    if (emit_report)
        std::vector<LLGLSLShader*> sorted;

        for (std::set<LLGLSLShader*>::iterator iter = sInstances.begin(); iter != sInstances.end(); ++iter)

        std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), LLGLSLShaderCompareTimeElapsed());

        for (std::vector<LLGLSLShader*>::iterator iter = sorted.begin(); iter != sorted.end(); ++iter)
    LL_INFOS() << "-----------------------------------" << LL_ENDL;
    LL_INFOS() << "Total rendering time: " << llformat("%.4f ms", sTotalTimeElapsed/1000000.f) << LL_ENDL;
    LL_INFOS() << "Total samples drawn: " << llformat("%.4f million", sTotalSamplesDrawn/1000000.f) << LL_ENDL;
    LL_INFOS() << "Total triangles drawn: " << llformat("%.3f million", sTotalTrianglesDrawn/1000000.f) << LL_ENDL;

void LLGLSLShader::clearStats()
    mTrianglesDrawn = 0;
    mTimeElapsed = 0;
    mSamplesDrawn = 0;
    mDrawCalls = 0;
    mTextureStateFetched = false;

void LLGLSLShader::dumpStats()
    if (mDrawCalls > 0)
        LL_INFOS() << "=============================================" << LL_ENDL;
        LL_INFOS() << mName << LL_ENDL;
        for (U32 i = 0; i < mShaderFiles.size(); ++i)
            LL_INFOS() << mShaderFiles[i].first << LL_ENDL;
        for (U32 i = 0; i < mTexture.size(); ++i)
            GLint idx = mTexture[i];
            if (idx >= 0)
                GLint uniform_idx = getUniformLocation(i);
                LL_INFOS() << mUniformNameMap[uniform_idx] << " - " << std::hex << mTextureMagFilter[i] << "/" << mTextureMinFilter[i] << std::dec << LL_ENDL;
        LL_INFOS() << "=============================================" << LL_ENDL;
        F32 ms = mTimeElapsed/1000000.f;
        F32 seconds = ms/1000.f;

        F32 pct_tris = (F32) mTrianglesDrawn/(F32)sTotalTrianglesDrawn*100.f;
        F32 tris_sec = (F32) (mTrianglesDrawn/1000000.0);
        tris_sec /= seconds;

        F32 pct_samples = (F32) ((F64)mSamplesDrawn/(F64)sTotalSamplesDrawn)*100.f;
        F32 samples_sec = (F32) mSamplesDrawn/1000000000.0;
        samples_sec /= seconds;

        F32 pct_calls = (F32) mDrawCalls/(F32)sTotalDrawCalls*100.f;
        U32 avg_batch = mTrianglesDrawn/mDrawCalls;

        LL_INFOS() << "Triangles Drawn: " << mTrianglesDrawn <<  " " << llformat("(%.2f pct of total, %.3f million/sec)", pct_tris, tris_sec ) << LL_ENDL;
        LL_INFOS() << "Draw Calls: " << mDrawCalls << " " << llformat("(%.2f pct of total, avg %d tris/call)", pct_calls, avg_batch) << LL_ENDL;
        LL_INFOS() << "SamplesDrawn: " << mSamplesDrawn << " " << llformat("(%.2f pct of total, %.3f billion/sec)", pct_samples, samples_sec) << LL_ENDL;
        LL_INFOS() << "Time Elapsed: " << mTimeElapsed << " " << llformat("(%.2f pct of total, %.5f ms)\n", (F32) ((F64)mTimeElapsed/(F64)sTotalTimeElapsed)*100.f, ms) << LL_ENDL;

void LLGLSLShader::startProfile()
    if (sProfileEnabled && sCurBoundShaderPtr)


void LLGLSLShader::stopProfile(U32 count, U32 mode)
    if (sProfileEnabled && sCurBoundShaderPtr)
        sCurBoundShaderPtr->readProfileQuery(count, mode);

void LLGLSLShader::placeProfileQuery()
    if (mTimerQuery == 0)
        glGenQueriesARB(1, &mSamplesQuery);
        glGenQueriesARB(1, &mTimerQuery);

    if (!mTextureStateFetched)
        mTextureStateFetched = true;

        U32 cur_active = gGL.getCurrentTexUnitIndex();

        for (U32 i = 0; i < mTexture.size(); ++i)
            GLint idx = mTexture[i];

            if (idx >= 0)

                U32 mag = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                U32 min = 0xFFFFFFFF;

                U32 type = LLTexUnit::getInternalType(gGL.getTexUnit(idx)->getCurrType());

                glGetTexParameteriv(type, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, (GLint*) &mag);
                glGetTexParameteriv(type, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, (GLint*) &min);

                mTextureMagFilter[i] = mag;
                mTextureMinFilter[i] = min;


    glBeginQueryARB(GL_SAMPLES_PASSED, mSamplesQuery);
    glBeginQueryARB(GL_TIME_ELAPSED, mTimerQuery);

void LLGLSLShader::readProfileQuery(U32 count, U32 mode)
    U64 time_elapsed = 0;
    glGetQueryObjectui64v(mTimerQuery, GL_QUERY_RESULT, &time_elapsed);

    U64 samples_passed = 0;
    glGetQueryObjectui64v(mSamplesQuery, GL_QUERY_RESULT, &samples_passed);

    sTotalTimeElapsed += time_elapsed;
    mTimeElapsed += time_elapsed;

    sTotalSamplesDrawn += samples_passed;
    mSamplesDrawn += samples_passed;

    U32 tri_count = 0;
    switch (mode)
        case LLRender::TRIANGLES: tri_count = count/3; break;
        case LLRender::TRIANGLE_FAN: tri_count = count-2; break;
        case LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP: tri_count = count-2; break;
        default: tri_count = count; break; //points lines etc just use primitive count

    mTrianglesDrawn += tri_count;
    sTotalTrianglesDrawn += tri_count;


    : mProgramObject(0), 



void LLGLSLShader::unload()


    if (mProgramObject)
        GLhandleARB obj[1024];
        GLsizei count;

        glGetAttachedObjectsARB(mProgramObject, 1024, &count, obj);
        for (GLsizei i = 0; i < count; i++)
            if (glIsProgramARB(obj[i]))


        mProgramObject = 0;
    if (mTimerQuery)
        glDeleteQueriesARB(1, &mTimerQuery);
        mTimerQuery = 0;
    if (mSamplesQuery)
        glDeleteQueriesARB(1, &mSamplesQuery);
        mSamplesQuery = 0;

    //hack to make apple not complain

BOOL LLGLSLShader::createShader(std::vector<LLStaticHashedString> * attributes,
                                std::vector<LLStaticHashedString> * uniforms,
                                U32 varying_count,
                                const char** varyings)

    //reloading, reset matrix hash values
    for (U32 i = 0; i < LLRender::NUM_MATRIX_MODES; ++i)
        mMatHash[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    mLightHash = 0xFFFFFFFF;

    BOOL success = TRUE;

    // Create program
    mProgramObject = glCreateProgramObjectARB();
    // work-around missing mix(vec3,vec3,bvec3)
    mDefines["OLD_SELECT"] = "1";
    //compile new source
    vector< pair<string,GLenum> >::iterator fileIter = mShaderFiles.begin();
    for ( ; fileIter != mShaderFiles.end(); fileIter++ )
        GLhandleARB shaderhandle = LLShaderMgr::instance()->loadShaderFile((*fileIter).first, mShaderLevel, (*fileIter).second, &mDefines, mFeatures.mIndexedTextureChannels);
        LL_DEBUGS("ShaderLoading") << "SHADER FILE: " << (*fileIter).first << " mShaderLevel=" << mShaderLevel << LL_ENDL;
        if (shaderhandle > 0)
            success = FALSE;

    // Attach existing objects
    if (!LLShaderMgr::instance()->attachShaderFeatures(this))
        return FALSE;

    if (gGLManager.mGLSLVersionMajor < 2 && gGLManager.mGLSLVersionMinor < 3)
    { //indexed texture rendering requires GLSL 1.3 or later
        //attachShaderFeatures may have set the number of indexed texture channels, so set to 1 again
        mFeatures.mIndexedTextureChannels = llmin(mFeatures.mIndexedTextureChannels, 1);

    if (varying_count > 0 && varyings)
        glTransformFeedbackVaryings(mProgramObject, varying_count, varyings, GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS);

    // Map attributes and uniforms
    if (success)
        success = mapAttributes(attributes);
    if (success)
        success = mapUniforms(uniforms);
    if( !success )
        LL_WARNS("ShaderLoading") << "Failed to link shader: " << mName << LL_ENDL;

        // Try again using a lower shader level;
        if (mShaderLevel > 0)
            LL_WARNS("ShaderLoading") << "Failed to link using shader level " << mShaderLevel << " trying again using shader level " << (mShaderLevel - 1) << LL_ENDL;
            return createShader(attributes,uniforms);
    else if (mFeatures.mIndexedTextureChannels > 0)
    { //override texture channels for indexed texture rendering
        S32 channel_count = mFeatures.mIndexedTextureChannels;

        for (S32 i = 0; i < channel_count; i++)
            LLStaticHashedString uniName(llformat("tex%d", i));
            uniform1i(uniName, i);

        S32 cur_tex = channel_count; //adjust any texture channels that might have been overwritten
        for (U32 i = 0; i < mTexture.size(); i++)
            if (mTexture[i] > -1 && mTexture[i] < channel_count)
                llassert(cur_tex < gGLManager.mNumTextureImageUnits);
                uniform1i(i, cur_tex);
                mTexture[i] = cur_tex++;

    return success;

BOOL LLGLSLShader::attachObject(std::string object)
    if (LLShaderMgr::instance()->mShaderObjects.count(object) > 0)
        glAttachObjectARB(mProgramObject, LLShaderMgr::instance()->mShaderObjects[object]);
        return TRUE;
        LL_WARNS("ShaderLoading") << "Attempting to attach shader object that hasn't been compiled: " << object << LL_ENDL;
        return FALSE;

void LLGLSLShader::attachObject(GLhandleARB object)
    if (object != 0)
        glAttachObjectARB(mProgramObject, object);
        LL_WARNS("ShaderLoading") << "Attempting to attach non existing shader object. " << LL_ENDL;

void LLGLSLShader::attachObjects(GLhandleARB* objects, S32 count)
    for (S32 i = 0; i < count; i++)

BOOL LLGLSLShader::mapAttributes(const std::vector<LLStaticHashedString> * attributes)
    //before linking, make sure reserved attributes always have consistent locations
    for (U32 i = 0; i < LLShaderMgr::instance()->mReservedAttribs.size(); i++)
        const char* name = LLShaderMgr::instance()->mReservedAttribs[i].c_str();
        glBindAttribLocationARB(mProgramObject, i, (const GLcharARB *) name);
    //link the program
    BOOL res = link();

    U32 numAttributes = (attributes == NULL) ? 0 : attributes->size();
    mAttribute.resize(LLShaderMgr::instance()->mReservedAttribs.size() + numAttributes, -1);
    if (res)
    { //read back channel locations

        mAttributeMask = 0;

        //read back reserved channels first
        for (U32 i = 0; i < LLShaderMgr::instance()->mReservedAttribs.size(); i++)
            const char* name = LLShaderMgr::instance()->mReservedAttribs[i].c_str();
            S32 index = glGetAttribLocationARB(mProgramObject, (const GLcharARB *)name);
            if (index != -1)
                mAttribute[i] = index;
                mAttributeMask |= 1 << i;
                LL_DEBUGS("ShaderLoading") << "Attribute " << name << " assigned to channel " << index << LL_ENDL;
        if (attributes != NULL)
            for (U32 i = 0; i < numAttributes; i++)
                const char* name = (*attributes)[i].String().c_str();
                S32 index = glGetAttribLocationARB(mProgramObject, name);
                if (index != -1)
                    mAttribute[LLShaderMgr::instance()->mReservedAttribs.size() + i] = index;
                    LL_DEBUGS("ShaderLoading") << "Attribute " << name << " assigned to channel " << index << LL_ENDL;

        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void LLGLSLShader::mapUniform(GLint index, const vector<LLStaticHashedString> * uniforms)
    if (index == -1)

    GLenum type;
    GLsizei length;
    GLint size = -1;
    char name[1024];        /* Flawfinder: ignore */
    name[0] = 0;

    glGetActiveUniformARB(mProgramObject, index, 1024, &length, &size, &type, (GLcharARB *)name);
    if (size > 0)
            case GL_FLOAT_VEC2: size *= 2; break;
            case GL_FLOAT_VEC3: size *= 3; break;
            case GL_FLOAT_VEC4: size *= 4; break;
            case GL_DOUBLE: size *= 2; break;
            case GL_DOUBLE_VEC2: size *= 2; break;
            case GL_DOUBLE_VEC3: size *= 6; break;
            case GL_DOUBLE_VEC4: size *= 8; break;
            case GL_INT_VEC2: size *= 2; break;
            case GL_INT_VEC3: size *= 3; break;
            case GL_INT_VEC4: size *= 4; break;
            case GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2: size *= 2; break;
            case GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3: size *= 3; break;
            case GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4: size *= 4; break;
            case GL_BOOL_VEC2: size *= 2; break;
            case GL_BOOL_VEC3: size *= 3; break;
            case GL_BOOL_VEC4: size *= 4; break;
            case GL_FLOAT_MAT2: size *= 4; break;
            case GL_FLOAT_MAT3: size *= 9; break;
            case GL_FLOAT_MAT4: size *= 16; break;
            case GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3: size *= 6; break;
            case GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4: size *= 8; break;
            case GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2: size *= 6; break;
            case GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4: size *= 12; break;
            case GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2: size *= 8; break;
            case GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3: size *= 12; break;
            case GL_DOUBLE_MAT2: size *= 8; break;
            case GL_DOUBLE_MAT3: size *= 18; break;
            case GL_DOUBLE_MAT4: size *= 32; break;
            case GL_DOUBLE_MAT2x3: size *= 12; break;
            case GL_DOUBLE_MAT2x4: size *= 16; break;
            case GL_DOUBLE_MAT3x2: size *= 12; break;
            case GL_DOUBLE_MAT3x4: size *= 24; break;
            case GL_DOUBLE_MAT4x2: size *= 16; break;
            case GL_DOUBLE_MAT4x3: size *= 24; break;
        mTotalUniformSize += size;

    S32 location = glGetUniformLocationARB(mProgramObject, name);
    if (location != -1)
        //chop off "[0]" so we can always access the first element
        //of an array by the array name
        char* is_array = strstr(name, "[0]");
        if (is_array)
            is_array[0] = 0;

        LLStaticHashedString hashedName(name);
        mUniformNameMap[location] = name;
        mUniformMap[hashedName] = location;

        LL_DEBUGS("ShaderLoading") << "Uniform " << name << " is at location " << location << LL_ENDL;
        //find the index of this uniform
        for (S32 i = 0; i < (S32) LLShaderMgr::instance()->mReservedUniforms.size(); i++)
            if ( (mUniform[i] == -1)
                && (LLShaderMgr::instance()->mReservedUniforms[i] == name))
                //found it
                mUniform[i] = location;
                mTexture[i] = mapUniformTextureChannel(location, type);

        if (uniforms != NULL)
            for (U32 i = 0; i < uniforms->size(); i++)
                if ( (mUniform[i+LLShaderMgr::instance()->mReservedUniforms.size()] == -1)
                    && ((*uniforms)[i].String() == name))
                    //found it
                    mUniform[i+LLShaderMgr::instance()->mReservedUniforms.size()] = location;
                    mTexture[i+LLShaderMgr::instance()->mReservedUniforms.size()] = mapUniformTextureChannel(location, type);

void LLGLSLShader::addPermutation(std::string name, std::string value)
    mDefines[name] = value;

void LLGLSLShader::removePermutation(std::string name)

GLint LLGLSLShader::mapUniformTextureChannel(GLint location, GLenum type)
    if ((type >= GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARB && type <= GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_SHADOW_ARB) ||
        type == GL_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE)
    {   //this here is a texture
        glUniform1iARB(location, mActiveTextureChannels);
        LL_DEBUGS("ShaderLoading") << "Assigned to texture channel " << mActiveTextureChannels << LL_ENDL;
        return mActiveTextureChannels++;
    return -1;

BOOL LLGLSLShader::mapUniforms(const vector<LLStaticHashedString> * uniforms)
    BOOL res = TRUE;
    mTotalUniformSize = 0;
    mActiveTextureChannels = 0;
    //initialize arrays
    U32 numUniforms = (uniforms == NULL) ? 0 : uniforms->size();
    mUniform.resize(numUniforms + LLShaderMgr::instance()->mReservedUniforms.size(), -1);
    mTexture.resize(numUniforms + LLShaderMgr::instance()->mReservedUniforms.size(), -1);

    //get the number of active uniforms
    GLint activeCount;
    glGetObjectParameterivARB(mProgramObject, GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS_ARB, &activeCount);

    for (S32 i = 0; i < activeCount; i++)
        mapUniform(i, uniforms);


    LL_DEBUGS("ShaderLoading") << "Total Uniform Size: " << mTotalUniformSize << LL_ENDL;
    return res;

BOOL LLGLSLShader::link(BOOL suppress_errors)
    BOOL success = LLShaderMgr::instance()->linkProgramObject(mProgramObject, suppress_errors);

    if (!suppress_errors)
        LLShaderMgr::instance()->dumpObjectLog(mProgramObject, !success, mName);

    return success;

void LLGLSLShader::bind()
    if (gGLManager.mHasShaderObjects)
        sCurBoundShader = mProgramObject;
        sCurBoundShaderPtr = this;
        if (mUniformsDirty)
            mUniformsDirty = FALSE;

void LLGLSLShader::unbind()
    if (gGLManager.mHasShaderObjects)
        if (gGLManager.mIsNVIDIA)
            for (U32 i = 0; i < mAttribute.size(); ++i)
                vertexAttrib4f(i, 0,0,0,1);
        sCurBoundShader = 0;
        sCurBoundShaderPtr = NULL;

void LLGLSLShader::bindNoShader(void)
    if (gGLManager.mHasShaderObjects)
        sCurBoundShader = 0;
        sCurBoundShaderPtr = NULL;

S32 LLGLSLShader::bindTexture(const std::string &uniform, LLTexture *texture, LLTexUnit::eTextureType mode)
    S32 channel = 0;
    channel = getUniformLocation(uniform);
    return bindTexture(channel, texture, mode);

S32 LLGLSLShader::bindTexture(S32 uniform, LLTexture *texture, LLTexUnit::eTextureType mode)
    if (uniform < 0 || uniform >= (S32)mTexture.size())
        UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform out of range: " << uniform << LL_ENDL;
        return -1;
    uniform = mTexture[uniform];
    if (uniform > -1)
        gGL.getTexUnit(uniform)->bind(texture, mode);
    return uniform;

S32 LLGLSLShader::unbindTexture(const std::string &uniform, LLTexUnit::eTextureType mode)
    S32 channel = 0;
    channel = getUniformLocation(uniform);
    return unbindTexture(channel);

S32 LLGLSLShader::unbindTexture(S32 uniform, LLTexUnit::eTextureType mode)
    if (uniform < 0 || uniform >= (S32)mTexture.size())
        UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform out of range: " << uniform << LL_ENDL;
        return -1;
    uniform = mTexture[uniform];
    if (uniform > -1)
    return uniform;

S32 LLGLSLShader::enableTexture(S32 uniform, LLTexUnit::eTextureType mode)
    if (uniform < 0 || uniform >= (S32)mTexture.size())
        UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform out of range: " << uniform << LL_ENDL;
        return -1;
    S32 index = mTexture[uniform];
    if (index != -1)
    return index;

S32 LLGLSLShader::disableTexture(S32 uniform, LLTexUnit::eTextureType mode)
    if (uniform < 0 || uniform >= (S32)mTexture.size())
        UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform out of range: " << uniform << LL_ENDL;
        return -1;
    S32 index = mTexture[uniform];
    if (index != -1 && gGL.getTexUnit(index)->getCurrType() != LLTexUnit::TT_NONE)
        if (gDebugGL && gGL.getTexUnit(index)->getCurrType() != mode)
            if (gDebugSession)
                gFailLog << "Texture channel " << index << " texture type corrupted." << std::endl;
                ll_fail("LLGLSLShader::disableTexture failed");
                LL_ERRS() << "Texture channel " << index << " texture type corrupted." << LL_ENDL;
    return index;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform1i(U32 index, GLint x)
    if (mProgramObject > 0)
        if (mUniform.size() <= index)
            UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform index out of bounds." << LL_ENDL;

        if (mUniform[index] >= 0)
            std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(mUniform[index]);
            if (iter == mValue.end() || iter->second.mV[0] != x)
                glUniform1iARB(mUniform[index], x);
                mValue[mUniform[index]] = LLVector4(x,0.f,0.f,0.f);

void LLGLSLShader::uniform1f(U32 index, GLfloat x)
    if (mProgramObject > 0)
        if (mUniform.size() <= index)
            UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform index out of bounds." << LL_ENDL;

        if (mUniform[index] >= 0)
            std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(mUniform[index]);
            if (iter == mValue.end() || iter->second.mV[0] != x)
                glUniform1fARB(mUniform[index], x);
                mValue[mUniform[index]] = LLVector4(x,0.f,0.f,0.f);

void LLGLSLShader::uniform2f(U32 index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y)
    if (mProgramObject > 0)
        if (mUniform.size() <= index)
            UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform index out of bounds." << LL_ENDL;

        if (mUniform[index] >= 0)
            std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(mUniform[index]);
            LLVector4 vec(x,y,0.f,0.f);
            if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec))
                glUniform2fARB(mUniform[index], x, y);
                mValue[mUniform[index]] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform3f(U32 index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
    if (mProgramObject > 0)
        if (mUniform.size() <= index)
            UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform index out of bounds." << LL_ENDL;

        if (mUniform[index] >= 0)
            std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(mUniform[index]);
            LLVector4 vec(x,y,z,0.f);
            if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec))
                glUniform3fARB(mUniform[index], x, y, z);
                mValue[mUniform[index]] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform4f(U32 index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)
    if (mProgramObject > 0)
        if (mUniform.size() <= index)
            UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform index out of bounds." << LL_ENDL;

        if (mUniform[index] >= 0)
            std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(mUniform[index]);
            LLVector4 vec(x,y,z,w);
            if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec))
                glUniform4fARB(mUniform[index], x, y, z, w);
                mValue[mUniform[index]] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform1iv(U32 index, U32 count, const GLint* v)
    if (mProgramObject > 0)
        if (mUniform.size() <= index)
            UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform index out of bounds." << LL_ENDL;

        if (mUniform[index] >= 0)
            std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(mUniform[index]);
            LLVector4 vec(v[0],0.f,0.f,0.f);
            if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec) || count != 1)
                glUniform1ivARB(mUniform[index], count, v);
                mValue[mUniform[index]] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform1fv(U32 index, U32 count, const GLfloat* v)
    if (mProgramObject > 0)
        if (mUniform.size() <= index)
            UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform index out of bounds." << LL_ENDL;

        if (mUniform[index] >= 0)
            std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(mUniform[index]);
            LLVector4 vec(v[0],0.f,0.f,0.f);
            if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec) || count != 1)
                glUniform1fvARB(mUniform[index], count, v);
                mValue[mUniform[index]] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform2fv(U32 index, U32 count, const GLfloat* v)
    if (mProgramObject > 0)
        if (mUniform.size() <= index)
            UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform index out of bounds." << LL_ENDL;

        if (mUniform[index] >= 0)
            std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(mUniform[index]);
            LLVector4 vec(v[0],v[1],0.f,0.f);
            if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec) || count != 1)
                glUniform2fvARB(mUniform[index], count, v);
                mValue[mUniform[index]] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform3fv(U32 index, U32 count, const GLfloat* v)
    if (mProgramObject > 0)
        if (mUniform.size() <= index)
            UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform index out of bounds." << LL_ENDL;

        if (mUniform[index] >= 0)
            std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(mUniform[index]);
            LLVector4 vec(v[0],v[1],v[2],0.f);
            if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec) || count != 1)
                glUniform3fvARB(mUniform[index], count, v);
                mValue[mUniform[index]] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform4fv(U32 index, U32 count, const GLfloat* v)
    if (mProgramObject > 0)
        if (mUniform.size() <= index)
            UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform index out of bounds." << LL_ENDL;

        if (mUniform[index] >= 0)
            std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(mUniform[index]);
            LLVector4 vec(v[0],v[1],v[2],v[3]);
            if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec) || count != 1)
                glUniform4fvARB(mUniform[index], count, v);
                mValue[mUniform[index]] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniformMatrix2fv(U32 index, U32 count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *v)
    if (mProgramObject > 0)
        if (mUniform.size() <= index)
            UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform index out of bounds." << LL_ENDL;

        if (mUniform[index] >= 0)
            glUniformMatrix2fvARB(mUniform[index], count, transpose, v);

void LLGLSLShader::uniformMatrix3fv(U32 index, U32 count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *v)
    if (mProgramObject > 0)
        if (mUniform.size() <= index)
            UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform index out of bounds." << LL_ENDL;

        if (mUniform[index] >= 0)
            glUniformMatrix3fvARB(mUniform[index], count, transpose, v);

void LLGLSLShader::uniformMatrix4fv(U32 index, U32 count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *v)
    if (mProgramObject > 0)
        if (mUniform.size() <= index)
            UNIFORM_ERRS << "Uniform index out of bounds." << LL_ENDL;

        if (mUniform[index] >= 0)
            glUniformMatrix4fvARB(mUniform[index], count, transpose, v);

GLint LLGLSLShader::getUniformLocation(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform)
    GLint ret = -1;
    if (mProgramObject > 0)
        LLStaticStringTable<GLint>::iterator iter = mUniformMap.find(uniform);
        if (iter != mUniformMap.end())
            if (gDebugGL)
                if (iter->second != glGetUniformLocationARB(mProgramObject, uniform.String().c_str()))
                    LL_ERRS() << "Uniform does not match." << LL_ENDL;
            ret = iter->second;

    return ret;

GLint LLGLSLShader::getUniformLocation(U32 index)
    GLint ret = -1;
    if (mProgramObject > 0)
        llassert(index < mUniform.size());
        return mUniform[index];

    return ret;

GLint LLGLSLShader::getAttribLocation(U32 attrib)
    if (attrib < mAttribute.size())
        return mAttribute[attrib];
        return -1;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform1i(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, GLint v)
    GLint location = getUniformLocation(uniform);
    if (location >= 0)
        std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(location);
        LLVector4 vec(v,0.f,0.f,0.f);
        if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec))
            glUniform1iARB(location, v);
            mValue[location] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform2i(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, GLint i, GLint j)
    GLint location = getUniformLocation(uniform);
    if (location >= 0)
        std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(location);
        LLVector4 vec(i,j,0.f,0.f);
        if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec))
            glUniform2iARB(location, i, j);
            mValue[location] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform1f(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, GLfloat v)
    GLint location = getUniformLocation(uniform);
    if (location >= 0)
        std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(location);
        LLVector4 vec(v,0.f,0.f,0.f);
        if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec))
            glUniform1fARB(location, v);
            mValue[location] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform2f(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, GLfloat x, GLfloat y)
    GLint location = getUniformLocation(uniform);
    if (location >= 0)
        std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(location);
        LLVector4 vec(x,y,0.f,0.f);
        if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec))
            glUniform2fARB(location, x,y);
            mValue[location] = vec;


void LLGLSLShader::uniform3f(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
    GLint location = getUniformLocation(uniform);
    if (location >= 0)
        std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(location);
        LLVector4 vec(x,y,z,0.f);
        if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec))
            glUniform3fARB(location, x,y,z);
            mValue[location] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform1fv(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, U32 count, const GLfloat* v)
    GLint location = getUniformLocation(uniform);

    if (location >= 0)
        std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(location);
        LLVector4 vec(v[0],0.f,0.f,0.f);
        if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec) || count != 1)
            glUniform1fvARB(location, count, v);
            mValue[location] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform2fv(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, U32 count, const GLfloat* v)
    GLint location = getUniformLocation(uniform);
    if (location >= 0)
        std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(location);
        LLVector4 vec(v[0],v[1],0.f,0.f);
        if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec) || count != 1)
            glUniform2fvARB(location, count, v);
            mValue[location] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform3fv(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, U32 count, const GLfloat* v)
    GLint location = getUniformLocation(uniform);
    if (location >= 0)
        std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(location);
        LLVector4 vec(v[0],v[1],v[2],0.f);
        if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec) || count != 1)
            glUniform3fvARB(location, count, v);
            mValue[location] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniform4fv(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, U32 count, const GLfloat* v)
    GLint location = getUniformLocation(uniform);

    if (location >= 0)
        LLVector4 vec(v);
        std::map<GLint, LLVector4>::iterator iter = mValue.find(location);
        if (iter == mValue.end() || shouldChange(iter->second,vec) || count != 1)
            glUniform4fvARB(location, count, v);
            mValue[location] = vec;

void LLGLSLShader::uniformMatrix4fv(const LLStaticHashedString& uniform, U32 count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* v)
    GLint location = getUniformLocation(uniform);
    if (location >= 0)
        glUniformMatrix4fvARB(location, count, transpose, v);

void LLGLSLShader::vertexAttrib4f(U32 index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)
    if (mAttribute[index] > 0)
        glVertexAttrib4fARB(mAttribute[index], x, y, z, w);

void LLGLSLShader::vertexAttrib4fv(U32 index, GLfloat* v)
    if (mAttribute[index] > 0)
        glVertexAttrib4fvARB(mAttribute[index], v);

void LLGLSLShader::setMinimumAlpha(F32 minimum)
    uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::MINIMUM_ALPHA, minimum);