/** * @file llgl.h * @brief LLGL definition * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLGL_H #define LL_LLGL_H // This file contains various stuff for handling gl extensions and other gl related stuff. #include #include #include #include "llerror.h" #include "v4color.h" #include "llstring.h" #include "stdtypes.h" #include "v4math.h" #include "llplane.h" #include "llgltypes.h" #include "llinstancetracker.h" #include "llglheaders.h" #include "glh/glh_linear.h" extern BOOL gDebugGL; extern BOOL gDebugSession; extern llofstream gFailLog; #define LL_GL_ERRS LL_ERRS("RenderState") void ll_init_fail_log(std::string filename); void ll_fail(std::string msg); void ll_close_fail_log(); class LLSD; // Manage GL extensions... class LLGLManager { public: LLGLManager(); bool initGL(); void shutdownGL(); void initWGL(); // Initializes stupid WGL extensions std::string getRawGLString(); // For sending to simulator BOOL mInited; BOOL mIsDisabled; // Extensions used by everyone BOOL mHasMultitexture; BOOL mHasATIMemInfo; BOOL mHasAMDAssociations; BOOL mHasNVXMemInfo; S32 mNumTextureUnits; BOOL mHasMipMapGeneration; BOOL mHasCompressedTextures; BOOL mHasFramebufferObject; S32 mMaxSamples; BOOL mHasBlendFuncSeparate; // ARB Extensions BOOL mHasVertexBufferObject; BOOL mHasVertexArrayObject; BOOL mHasSync; BOOL mHasMapBufferRange; BOOL mHasFlushBufferRange; BOOL mHasPBuffer; BOOL mHasShaderObjects; BOOL mHasVertexShader; BOOL mHasFragmentShader; S32 mNumTextureImageUnits; BOOL mHasOcclusionQuery; BOOL mHasTimerQuery; BOOL mHasOcclusionQuery2; BOOL mHasPointParameters; BOOL mHasDrawBuffers; BOOL mHasDepthClamp; BOOL mHasTextureRectangle; BOOL mHasTextureMultisample; BOOL mHasTransformFeedback; S32 mMaxSampleMaskWords; S32 mMaxColorTextureSamples; S32 mMaxDepthTextureSamples; S32 mMaxIntegerSamples; // Other extensions. BOOL mHasAnisotropic; BOOL mHasARBEnvCombine; BOOL mHasCubeMap; BOOL mHasDebugOutput; BOOL mHassRGBTexture; BOOL mHassRGBFramebuffer; // Vendor-specific extensions BOOL mIsATI; BOOL mIsNVIDIA; BOOL mIsIntel; BOOL mIsGF2or4MX; BOOL mIsGF3; BOOL mIsGFFX; BOOL mATIOffsetVerticalLines; BOOL mATIOldDriver; #if LL_DARWIN // Needed to distinguish problem cards on older Macs that break with Materials BOOL mIsMobileGF; #endif // Whether this version of GL is good enough for SL to use BOOL mHasRequirements; // Misc extensions BOOL mHasSeparateSpecularColor; //whether this GPU is in the debug list. BOOL mDebugGPU; S32 mDriverVersionMajor; S32 mDriverVersionMinor; S32 mDriverVersionRelease; F32 mGLVersion; // e.g = 1.4 S32 mGLSLVersionMajor; S32 mGLSLVersionMinor; std::string mDriverVersionVendorString; std::string mGLVersionString; S32 mVRAM; // VRAM in MB S32 mGLMaxVertexRange; S32 mGLMaxIndexRange; S32 mGLMaxTextureSize; void getPixelFormat(); // Get the best pixel format std::string getGLInfoString(); void printGLInfoString(); void getGLInfo(LLSD& info); // In ALL CAPS std::string mGLVendor; std::string mGLVendorShort; // In ALL CAPS std::string mGLRenderer; private: void initExtensions(); void initGLStates(); void initGLImages(); void setToDebugGPU(); }; extern LLGLManager gGLManager; class LLQuaternion; class LLMatrix4; void rotate_quat(LLQuaternion& rotation); void flush_glerror(); // Flush GL errors when we know we're handling them correctly. void log_glerror(); void assert_glerror(); void clear_glerror(); //#if LL_DEBUG # define stop_glerror() assert_glerror() # define llglassertok() assert_glerror() //#else //# define stop_glerror() //# define llglassertok() //#endif #define llglassertok_always() assert_glerror() //////////////////////// // // Note: U32's are GLEnum's... // // This is a class for GL state management /* GL STATE MANAGEMENT DESCRIPTION LLGLState and its two subclasses, LLGLEnable and LLGLDisable, manage the current enable/disable states of the GL to prevent redundant setting of state within a render path or the accidental corruption of what state the next path expects. Essentially, wherever you would call glEnable set a state and then subsequently reset it by calling glDisable (or vice versa), make an instance of LLGLEnable with the state you want to set, and assume it will be restored to its original state when that instance of LLGLEnable is destroyed. It is good practice to exploit stack frame controls for optimal setting/unsetting and readability of code. In llglstates.h, there are a collection of helper classes that define groups of enables/disables that can cause multiple states to be set with the creation of one instance. Sample usage: //disable lighting for rendering hud objects //INCORRECT USAGE LLGLEnable lighting(GL_LIGHTING); renderHUD(); LLGLDisable lighting(GL_LIGHTING); //CORRECT USAGE { LLGLEnable lighting(GL_LIGHTING); renderHUD(); } If a state is to be set on a conditional, the following mechanism is useful: { LLGLEnable lighting(light_hud ? GL_LIGHTING : 0); renderHUD(); } A LLGLState initialized with a parameter of 0 does nothing. LLGLState works by maintaining a map of the current GL states, and ignoring redundant enables/disables. If a redundant call is attempted, it becomes a noop, otherwise, it is set in the constructor and reset in the destructor. For debugging GL state corruption, running with debug enabled will trigger asserts if the existing GL state does not match the expected GL state. */ #include "boost/function.hpp" class LLGLState { public: static void initClass(); static void restoreGL(); static void resetTextureStates(); static void dumpStates(); static void checkStates(const std::string& msg = ""); static void checkTextureChannels(const std::string& msg = ""); static void checkClientArrays(const std::string& msg = "", U32 data_mask = 0); protected: static boost::unordered_map sStateMap; public: enum { CURRENT_STATE = -2 }; LLGLState(LLGLenum state, S32 enabled = CURRENT_STATE); ~LLGLState(); void setEnabled(S32 enabled); void enable() { setEnabled(TRUE); } void disable() { setEnabled(FALSE); } protected: LLGLenum mState; BOOL mWasEnabled; BOOL mIsEnabled; }; // New LLGLState class wrappers that don't depend on actual GL flags. class LLGLEnableBlending : public LLGLState { public: LLGLEnableBlending(bool enable); }; class LLGLEnableAlphaReject : public LLGLState { public: LLGLEnableAlphaReject(bool enable); }; // Enable with functor class LLGLEnableFunc : LLGLState { public: LLGLEnableFunc(LLGLenum state, bool enable, boost::function func) : LLGLState(state, enable) { if (enable) { func(); } } }; /// TODO: Being deprecated. class LLGLEnable : public LLGLState { public: LLGLEnable(LLGLenum state) : LLGLState(state, TRUE) {} }; /// TODO: Being deprecated. class LLGLDisable : public LLGLState { public: LLGLDisable(LLGLenum state) : LLGLState(state, FALSE) {} }; /* Store and modify projection matrix to create an oblique projection that clips to the specified plane. Oblique projections alter values in the depth buffer, so this class should not be used mid-renderpass. Restores projection matrix on destruction. GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX is active whenever program execution leaves this class. Does not stack. Caches inverse of projection matrix used in gGLObliqueProjectionInverse */ class LLGLUserClipPlane { public: LLGLUserClipPlane(const LLPlane& plane, const glh::matrix4f& modelview, const glh::matrix4f& projection, bool apply = true); ~LLGLUserClipPlane(); void setPlane(F32 a, F32 b, F32 c, F32 d); private: bool mApply; glh::matrix4f mProjection; glh::matrix4f mModelview; }; /* Modify and load projection matrix to push depth values to far clip plane. Restores projection matrix on destruction. GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX is active whenever program execution leaves this class. Does not stack. */ class LLGLSquashToFarClip { public: LLGLSquashToFarClip(glh::matrix4f projection, U32 layer = 0); ~LLGLSquashToFarClip(); }; /* Generic pooling scheme for things which use GL names (used for occlusion queries and vertex buffer objects). Prevents thrashing of GL name caches by avoiding calls to glGenFoo and glDeleteFoo. */ class LLGLNamePool : public LLInstanceTracker { public: typedef LLInstanceTracker tracker_t; struct NameEntry { GLuint name; BOOL used; }; struct CompareUsed { bool operator()(const NameEntry& lhs, const NameEntry& rhs) { return lhs.used < rhs.used; //FALSE entries first } }; typedef std::vector name_list_t; name_list_t mNameList; LLGLNamePool(); virtual ~LLGLNamePool(); void upkeep(); void cleanup(); GLuint allocate(); void release(GLuint name); static void upkeepPools(); static void cleanupPools(); protected: typedef std::vector pool_list_t; virtual GLuint allocateName() = 0; virtual void releaseName(GLuint name) = 0; }; /* Interface for objects that need periodic GL updates applied to them. Used to synchronize GL updates with GL thread. */ class LLGLUpdate { public: static std::list sGLQ; BOOL mInQ; LLGLUpdate() : mInQ(FALSE) { } virtual ~LLGLUpdate() { if (mInQ) { std::list::iterator iter = std::find(sGLQ.begin(), sGLQ.end(), this); if (iter != sGLQ.end()) { sGLQ.erase(iter); } } } virtual void updateGL() = 0; }; const U32 FENCE_WAIT_TIME_NANOSECONDS = 1000; //1 ms class LLGLFence { public: virtual ~LLGLFence() { } virtual void placeFence() = 0; virtual bool isCompleted() = 0; virtual void wait() = 0; }; class LLGLSyncFence : public LLGLFence { public: #ifdef GL_ARB_sync GLsync mSync; #endif LLGLSyncFence(); virtual ~LLGLSyncFence(); void placeFence(); bool isCompleted(); void wait(); }; extern LLMatrix4 gGLObliqueProjectionInverse; #include "llglstates.h" void init_glstates(); void parse_gl_version( S32* major, S32* minor, S32* release, std::string* vendor_specific, std::string* version_string ); extern BOOL gClothRipple; extern BOOL gHeadlessClient; extern BOOL gGLActive; // Deal with changing glext.h definitions for newer SDK versions, specifically // with MAC OSX 10.5 -> 10.6 #ifndef GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT #define GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT #endif #ifndef GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT #define GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT #endif #ifndef GL_FRAMEBUFFER #define GL_FRAMEBUFFER GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT #define GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT #define GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT #define GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT #define GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_EXT #define GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT_EXT #define GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT_EXT #define glGenFramebuffers glGenFramebuffersEXT #define glBindFramebuffer glBindFramebufferEXT #define glCheckFramebufferStatus glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT #define glBlitFramebuffer glBlitFramebufferEXT #define glDeleteFramebuffers glDeleteFramebuffersEXT #define glFramebufferRenderbuffer glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT #define glFramebufferTexture2D glFramebufferTexture2DEXT #endif #ifndef GL_RENDERBUFFER #define GL_RENDERBUFFER GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT #define glGenRenderbuffers glGenRenderbuffersEXT #define glBindRenderbuffer glBindRenderbufferEXT #define glRenderbufferStorage glRenderbufferStorageEXT #define glRenderbufferStorageMultisample glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT #define glDeleteRenderbuffers glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT #endif #ifndef GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT #define GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_EXT #endif #ifndef GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 #define GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT #endif #ifndef GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 #define GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT #endif #ifndef GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2 #define GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2 GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2_EXT #endif #ifndef GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3 #define GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3 GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3_EXT #endif #ifndef GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 #define GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_EXT #endif #endif // LL_LLGL_H