/** * @file llfontvertexbuffer.cpp * @brief Buffer storage for font rendering. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2024&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2024, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llfontvertexbuffer.h" #include "llvertexbuffer.h" bool LLFontVertexBuffer::sEnableBufferCollection = true; LLFontVertexBuffer::LLFontVertexBuffer() { } LLFontVertexBuffer::~LLFontVertexBuffer() { reset(); } void LLFontVertexBuffer::reset() { // Todo: some form of debug only frequecy check&assert to see if this is happening too often. // Regenerating this list is expensive mBufferList.clear(); } S32 LLFontVertexBuffer::render( const LLFontGL* fontp, const LLWString& text, S32 begin_offset, LLRect rect, const LLColor4& color, LLFontGL::HAlign halign, LLFontGL::VAlign valign, U8 style, LLFontGL::ShadowType shadow, S32 max_chars, S32 max_pixels, F32* right_x, bool use_ellipses, bool use_color) { LLRectf rect_float((F32)rect.mLeft, (F32)rect.mTop, (F32)rect.mRight, (F32)rect.mBottom); return render(fontp, text, begin_offset, rect_float, color, halign, valign, style, shadow, max_chars, right_x, use_ellipses, use_color); } S32 LLFontVertexBuffer::render( const LLFontGL* fontp, const LLWString& text, S32 begin_offset, LLRectf rect, const LLColor4& color, LLFontGL::HAlign halign, LLFontGL::VAlign valign, U8 style, LLFontGL::ShadowType shadow, S32 max_chars, F32* right_x, bool use_ellipses, bool use_color) { F32 x = rect.mLeft; F32 y = 0.f; switch (valign) { case LLFontGL::TOP: y = rect.mTop; break; case LLFontGL::VCENTER: y = rect.getCenterY(); break; case LLFontGL::BASELINE: case LLFontGL::BOTTOM: y = rect.mBottom; break; default: y = rect.mBottom; break; } return render(fontp, text, begin_offset, x, y, color, halign, valign, style, shadow, max_chars, (S32)rect.getWidth(), right_x, use_ellipses, use_color); } S32 LLFontVertexBuffer::render( const LLFontGL* fontp, const LLWString& text, S32 begin_offset, F32 x, F32 y, const LLColor4& color, LLFontGL::HAlign halign, LLFontGL::VAlign valign, U8 style, LLFontGL::ShadowType shadow, S32 max_chars , S32 max_pixels, F32* right_x, bool use_ellipses, bool use_color ) { if (!LLFontGL::sDisplayFont) //do not display texts { return static_cast(text.length()); } if (!sEnableBufferCollection) { // For debug purposes and performance testing return fontp->render(text, begin_offset, x, y, color, halign, valign, style, shadow, max_chars, max_pixels, right_x, use_ellipses, use_color); } if (mBufferList.empty()) { genBuffers(fontp, text, begin_offset, x, y, color, halign, valign, style, shadow, max_chars, max_pixels, right_x, use_ellipses, use_color); } else if (mLastX != x || mLastY != y || mLastFont != fontp || mLastColor != color // alphas change often || mLastHalign != halign || mLastValign != valign || mLastOffset != begin_offset || mLastMaxChars != max_chars || mLastMaxPixels != max_pixels || mLastStyle != style || mLastShadow != shadow // ex: buttons change shadow state || mLastScaleX != LLFontGL::sScaleX || mLastScaleY != LLFontGL::sScaleY || mLastVertDPI != LLFontGL::sVertDPI || mLastHorizDPI != LLFontGL::sHorizDPI || mLastOrigin != LLFontGL::sCurOrigin || mLastResGeneration != LLFontGL::sResolutionGeneration || mLastFontGlyphCount != fontp->getKnownGlyphCount()) { genBuffers(fontp, text, begin_offset, x, y, color, halign, valign, style, shadow, max_chars, max_pixels, right_x, use_ellipses, use_color); } else { renderBuffers(); if (right_x) { *right_x = mLastRightX; } } return mChars; } void LLFontVertexBuffer::genBuffers( const LLFontGL* fontp, const LLWString& text, S32 begin_offset, F32 x, F32 y, const LLColor4& color, LLFontGL::HAlign halign, LLFontGL::VAlign valign, U8 style, LLFontGL::ShadowType shadow, S32 max_chars, S32 max_pixels, F32* right_x, bool use_ellipses, bool use_color) { // todo: add a debug build assert if this triggers too often for to long? mBufferList.clear(); gGL.beginList(&mBufferList); mChars = fontp->render(text, begin_offset, x, y, color, halign, valign, style, shadow, max_chars, max_pixels, right_x, use_ellipses, use_color); gGL.endList(); mLastFont = fontp; mLastOffset = begin_offset; mLastMaxChars = max_chars; mLastMaxPixels = max_pixels; mLastX = x; mLastY = y; mLastColor = color; mLastHalign = halign; mLastValign = valign; mLastStyle = style; mLastShadow = shadow; mLastScaleX = LLFontGL::sScaleX; mLastScaleY = LLFontGL::sScaleY; mLastVertDPI = LLFontGL::sVertDPI; mLastHorizDPI = LLFontGL::sHorizDPI; mLastOrigin = LLFontGL::sCurOrigin; mLastResGeneration = LLFontGL::sResolutionGeneration; mLastFontGlyphCount = fontp->getKnownGlyphCount(); if (right_x) { mLastRightX = *right_x; } } void LLFontVertexBuffer::renderBuffers() { gGL.flush(); // deliberately empty pending verts gGL.getTexUnit(0)->enable(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); gGL.pushUIMatrix(); gGL.loadUIIdentity(); // Depth translation, so that floating text appears 'in-world' // and is correctly occluded. gGL.translatef(0.f, 0.f, LLFontGL::sCurDepth); gGL.setSceneBlendType(LLRender::BT_ALPHA); // Note: ellipses should technically be covered by push/load/translate of their own // but it's more complexity, values do not change, skipping doesn't appear to break // anything, so we can skip that until it proves to cause issues. for (LLVertexBufferData& buffer : mBufferList) { buffer.draw(); } gGL.popUIMatrix(); }