/** * @file llfontgl.cpp * @brief Wrapper around FreeType * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llfontgl.h" // Linden library includes #include "llfontfreetype.h" #include "llfontbitmapcache.h" #include "llfontregistry.h" #include "llgl.h" #include "llimagegl.h" #include "llrender.h" #include "llstl.h" #include "v4color.h" #include "lltexture.h" #include "lldir.h" // Third party library includes #include const S32 BOLD_OFFSET = 1; // static class members F32 LLFontGL::sVertDPI = 96.f; F32 LLFontGL::sHorizDPI = 96.f; F32 LLFontGL::sScaleX = 1.f; F32 LLFontGL::sScaleY = 1.f; BOOL LLFontGL::sDisplayFont = TRUE ; std::string LLFontGL::sAppDir; LLColor4 LLFontGL::sShadowColor(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); LLFontRegistry* LLFontGL::sFontRegistry = NULL; LLCoordFont LLFontGL::sCurOrigin; std::vector LLFontGL::sOriginStack; const F32 EXT_X_BEARING = 1.f; const F32 EXT_Y_BEARING = 0.f; const F32 EXT_KERNING = 1.f; const F32 PIXEL_BORDER_THRESHOLD = 0.0001f; const F32 PIXEL_CORRECTION_DISTANCE = 0.01f; const F32 PAD_UVY = 0.5f; // half of vertical padding between glyphs in the glyph texture const F32 DROP_SHADOW_SOFT_STRENGTH = 0.3f; static F32 llfont_round_x(F32 x) { //return llfloor((x-LLFontGL::sCurOrigin.mX)/LLFontGL::sScaleX+0.5f)*LLFontGL::sScaleX+LLFontGL::sCurOrigin.mX; //return llfloor(x/LLFontGL::sScaleX+0.5f)*LLFontGL::sScaleY; return x; } static F32 llfont_round_y(F32 y) { //return llfloor((y-LLFontGL::sCurOrigin.mY)/LLFontGL::sScaleY+0.5f)*LLFontGL::sScaleY+LLFontGL::sCurOrigin.mY; //return llfloor(y+0.5f); return y; } LLFontGL::LLFontGL() { } LLFontGL::~LLFontGL() { } void LLFontGL::reset() { mFontFreetype->reset(sVertDPI, sHorizDPI); } void LLFontGL::destroyGL() { mFontFreetype->destroyGL(); } BOOL LLFontGL::loadFace(const std::string& filename, F32 point_size, F32 vert_dpi, F32 horz_dpi, S32 components, BOOL is_fallback) { if(mFontFreetype == reinterpret_cast(NULL)) { mFontFreetype = new LLFontFreetype; } return mFontFreetype->loadFace(filename, point_size, vert_dpi, horz_dpi, components, is_fallback); } static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_RENDER_FONTS("Fonts"); S32 LLFontGL::render(const LLWString &wstr, S32 begin_offset, F32 x, F32 y, const LLColor4 &color, HAlign halign, VAlign valign, U8 style, ShadowType shadow, S32 max_chars, S32 max_pixels, F32* right_x, BOOL use_ellipses) const { if(!sDisplayFont) //do not display texts { return wstr.length() ; } if (wstr.empty()) { return 0; } gGL.getTexUnit(0)->enable(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); S32 scaled_max_pixels = max_pixels == S32_MAX ? S32_MAX : llceil((F32)max_pixels * sScaleX); // determine which style flags need to be added programmatically by striping off the // style bits that are drawn by the underlying Freetype font U8 style_to_add = (style | mFontDescriptor.getStyle()) & ~mFontFreetype->getStyle(); F32 drop_shadow_strength = 0.f; if (shadow != NO_SHADOW) { F32 luminance; color.calcHSL(NULL, NULL, &luminance); drop_shadow_strength = clamp_rescale(luminance, 0.35f, 0.6f, 0.f, 1.f); if (luminance < 0.35f) { shadow = NO_SHADOW; } } gGL.pushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); gGL.translatef(floorf(sCurOrigin.mX*sScaleX), floorf(sCurOrigin.mY*sScaleY), sCurOrigin.mZ); // this code snaps the text origin to a pixel grid to start with F32 pixel_offset_x = llround((F32)sCurOrigin.mX) - (sCurOrigin.mX); F32 pixel_offset_y = llround((F32)sCurOrigin.mY) - (sCurOrigin.mY); gGL.translatef(-pixel_offset_x, -pixel_offset_y, 0.f); LLFastTimer t(FTM_RENDER_FONTS); gGL.color4fv( color.mV ); S32 chars_drawn = 0; S32 i; S32 length; if (-1 == max_chars) { length = (S32)wstr.length() - begin_offset; } else { length = llmin((S32)wstr.length() - begin_offset, max_chars ); } F32 cur_x, cur_y, cur_render_x, cur_render_y; // Not guaranteed to be set correctly gGL.setSceneBlendType(LLRender::BT_ALPHA); cur_x = ((F32)x * sScaleX); cur_y = ((F32)y * sScaleY); // Offset y by vertical alignment. switch (valign) { case TOP: cur_y -= mFontFreetype->getAscenderHeight(); break; case BOTTOM: cur_y += mFontFreetype->getDescenderHeight(); break; case VCENTER: cur_y -= ((mFontFreetype->getAscenderHeight() - mFontFreetype->getDescenderHeight())/2.f); break; case BASELINE: // Baseline, do nothing. break; default: break; } switch (halign) { case LEFT: break; case RIGHT: cur_x -= llmin(scaled_max_pixels, llround(getWidthF32(wstr.c_str(), begin_offset, length) * sScaleX)); break; case HCENTER: cur_x -= llmin(scaled_max_pixels, llround(getWidthF32(wstr.c_str(), begin_offset, length) * sScaleX)) / 2; break; default: break; } cur_render_y = cur_y; cur_render_x = cur_x; F32 start_x = cur_x; const LLFontBitmapCache* font_bitmap_cache = mFontFreetype->getFontBitmapCache(); F32 inv_width = 1.f / font_bitmap_cache->getBitmapWidth(); F32 inv_height = 1.f / font_bitmap_cache->getBitmapHeight(); const S32 LAST_CHARACTER = LLFontFreetype::LAST_CHAR_FULL; BOOL draw_ellipses = FALSE; if (use_ellipses) { // check for too long of a string if (getWidthF32(wstr.c_str(), begin_offset, max_chars) * sScaleX > scaled_max_pixels) { // use four dots for ellipsis width to generate padding const LLWString dots(utf8str_to_wstring(std::string("...."))); scaled_max_pixels = llmax(0, scaled_max_pixels - llround(getWidthF32(dots.c_str()))); draw_ellipses = TRUE; } } // Remember last-used texture to avoid unnecesssary bind calls. LLImageGL *last_bound_texture = NULL; for (i = begin_offset; i < begin_offset + length; i++) { llwchar wch = wstr[i]; const LLFontGlyphInfo* fgi= mFontFreetype->getGlyphInfo(wch); if (!fgi) { llerrs << "Missing Glyph Info" << llendl; break; } // Per-glyph bitmap texture. LLImageGL *image_gl = mFontFreetype->getFontBitmapCache()->getImageGL(fgi->mBitmapNum); if (last_bound_texture != image_gl) { gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(image_gl); last_bound_texture = image_gl; } if ((start_x + scaled_max_pixels) < (cur_x + fgi->mXBearing + fgi->mWidth)) { // Not enough room for this character. break; } // Draw the text at the appropriate location //Specify vertices and texture coordinates LLRectf uv_rect((fgi->mXBitmapOffset) * inv_width, (fgi->mYBitmapOffset + fgi->mHeight + PAD_UVY) * inv_height, (fgi->mXBitmapOffset + fgi->mWidth) * inv_width, (fgi->mYBitmapOffset - PAD_UVY) * inv_height); // snap glyph origin to whole screen pixel LLRectf screen_rect(llround(cur_render_x + (F32)fgi->mXBearing), llround(cur_render_y + (F32)fgi->mYBearing), llround(cur_render_x + (F32)fgi->mXBearing) + (F32)fgi->mWidth, llround(cur_render_y + (F32)fgi->mYBearing) - (F32)fgi->mHeight); drawGlyph(screen_rect, uv_rect, color, style_to_add, shadow, drop_shadow_strength); chars_drawn++; cur_x += fgi->mXAdvance; cur_y += fgi->mYAdvance; llwchar next_char = wstr[i+1]; if (next_char && (next_char < LAST_CHARACTER)) { // Kern this puppy. cur_x += mFontFreetype->getXKerning(wch, next_char); } // Round after kerning. // Must do this to cur_x, not just to cur_render_x, otherwise you // will squish sub-pixel kerned characters too close together. // For example, "CCCCC" looks bad. cur_x = (F32)llfloor(cur_x + 0.5f); //cur_y = (F32)llfloor(cur_y + 0.5f); cur_render_x = cur_x; cur_render_y = cur_y; } if (right_x) { *right_x = cur_x / sScaleX; } if (style_to_add & UNDERLINE) { F32 descender = mFontFreetype->getDescenderHeight(); gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); gGL.begin(LLRender::LINES); gGL.vertex2f(start_x, cur_y - (descender)); gGL.vertex2f(cur_x, cur_y - (descender)); gGL.end(); } if (draw_ellipses) { // recursively render ellipses at end of string // we've already reserved enough room gGL.pushMatrix(); //glLoadIdentity(); //gGL.translatef(sCurOrigin.mX, sCurOrigin.mY, 0.0f); //glScalef(sScaleX, sScaleY, 1.f); renderUTF8(std::string("..."), 0, cur_x / sScaleX, (F32)y, color, LEFT, valign, style_to_add, shadow, S32_MAX, max_pixels, right_x, FALSE); gGL.popMatrix(); } gGL.popMatrix(); return chars_drawn; } S32 LLFontGL::render(const LLWString &text, S32 begin_offset, F32 x, F32 y, const LLColor4 &color) const { return render(text, begin_offset, x, y, color, LEFT, BASELINE, NORMAL, NO_SHADOW, S32_MAX, S32_MAX, NULL, FALSE); } S32 LLFontGL::renderUTF8(const std::string &text, S32 begin_offset, F32 x, F32 y, const LLColor4 &color, HAlign halign, VAlign valign, U8 style, ShadowType shadow, S32 max_chars, S32 max_pixels, F32* right_x, BOOL use_ellipses) const { return render(utf8str_to_wstring(text), begin_offset, x, y, color, halign, valign, style, shadow, max_chars, max_pixels, right_x, use_ellipses); } S32 LLFontGL::renderUTF8(const std::string &text, S32 begin_offset, S32 x, S32 y, const LLColor4 &color) const { return renderUTF8(text, begin_offset, (F32)x, (F32)y, color, LEFT, BASELINE, NORMAL, NO_SHADOW, S32_MAX, S32_MAX, NULL, FALSE); } S32 LLFontGL::renderUTF8(const std::string &text, S32 begin_offset, S32 x, S32 y, const LLColor4 &color, HAlign halign, VAlign valign, U8 style, ShadowType shadow) const { return renderUTF8(text, begin_offset, (F32)x, (F32)y, color, halign, valign, style, shadow, S32_MAX, S32_MAX, NULL, FALSE); } // font metrics - override for LLFontFreetype that returns units of virtual pixels F32 LLFontGL::getLineHeight() const { return (F32)llround(mFontFreetype->getLineHeight() / sScaleY); } F32 LLFontGL::getAscenderHeight() const { return (F32)llround(mFontFreetype->getAscenderHeight() / sScaleY); } F32 LLFontGL::getDescenderHeight() const { return (F32)llround(mFontFreetype->getDescenderHeight() / sScaleY); } S32 LLFontGL::getWidth(const std::string& utf8text) const { LLWString wtext = utf8str_to_wstring(utf8text); return getWidth(wtext.c_str(), 0, S32_MAX); } S32 LLFontGL::getWidth(const llwchar* wchars) const { return getWidth(wchars, 0, S32_MAX); } S32 LLFontGL::getWidth(const std::string& utf8text, S32 begin_offset, S32 max_chars) const { LLWString wtext = utf8str_to_wstring(utf8text); return getWidth(wtext.c_str(), begin_offset, max_chars); } S32 LLFontGL::getWidth(const llwchar* wchars, S32 begin_offset, S32 max_chars) const { F32 width = getWidthF32(wchars, begin_offset, max_chars); return llround(width); } F32 LLFontGL::getWidthF32(const std::string& utf8text) const { LLWString wtext = utf8str_to_wstring(utf8text); return getWidthF32(wtext.c_str(), 0, S32_MAX); } F32 LLFontGL::getWidthF32(const llwchar* wchars) const { return getWidthF32(wchars, 0, S32_MAX); } F32 LLFontGL::getWidthF32(const std::string& utf8text, S32 begin_offset, S32 max_chars ) const { LLWString wtext = utf8str_to_wstring(utf8text); return getWidthF32(wtext.c_str(), begin_offset, max_chars); } F32 LLFontGL::getWidthF32(const llwchar* wchars, S32 begin_offset, S32 max_chars) const { const S32 LAST_CHARACTER = LLFontFreetype::LAST_CHAR_FULL; F32 cur_x = 0; const S32 max_index = begin_offset + max_chars; F32 width_padding = 0.f; for (S32 i = begin_offset; i < max_index && wchars[i] != 0; i++) { llwchar wch = wchars[i]; const LLFontGlyphInfo* fgi= mFontFreetype->getGlyphInfo(wch); F32 advance = mFontFreetype->getXAdvance(wch); // for the last character we want to measure the greater of its width and xadvance values // so keep track of the difference between these values for the each character we measure // so we can fix things up at the end width_padding = llmax(0.f, (F32)fgi->mWidth - advance); cur_x += advance; llwchar next_char = wchars[i+1]; if (((i + 1) < begin_offset + max_chars) && next_char && (next_char < LAST_CHARACTER)) { // Kern this puppy. cur_x += mFontFreetype->getXKerning(wch, next_char); } // Round after kerning. cur_x = (F32)llfloor(cur_x + 0.5f); } // add in extra pixels for last character's width past its xadvance cur_x += width_padding; return cur_x / sScaleX; } // Returns the max number of complete characters from text (up to max_chars) that can be drawn in max_pixels S32 LLFontGL::maxDrawableChars(const llwchar* wchars, F32 max_pixels, S32 max_chars, BOOL end_on_word_boundary) const { if (!wchars || !wchars[0] || max_chars == 0) { return 0; } llassert(max_pixels >= 0.f); llassert(max_chars >= 0); BOOL clip = FALSE; F32 cur_x = 0; F32 drawn_x = 0; S32 start_of_last_word = 0; BOOL in_word = FALSE; // avoid S32 overflow when max_pixels == S32_MAX by staying in floating point F32 scaled_max_pixels = ceil(max_pixels * sScaleX); S32 i; for (i=0; (i < max_chars); i++) { llwchar wch = wchars[i]; if(wch == 0) { // Null terminator. We're done. break; } if (in_word) { if (iswspace(wch)) { if(wch !=(0x00A0)) { in_word = FALSE; } } if (iswindividual(wch)) { if (iswpunct(wchars[i+1])) { in_word=TRUE; } else { in_word=FALSE; start_of_last_word = i; } } } else { start_of_last_word = i; if (!iswspace(wch)||!iswindividual(wch)) { in_word = TRUE; } } cur_x += mFontFreetype->getXAdvance(wch); if (scaled_max_pixels < cur_x) { clip = TRUE; break; } if (((i+1) < max_chars) && wchars[i+1]) { // Kern this puppy. cur_x += mFontFreetype->getXKerning(wch, wchars[i+1]); } // Round after kerning. cur_x = (F32)llfloor(cur_x + 0.5f); drawn_x = cur_x; } if( clip && end_on_word_boundary && (start_of_last_word != 0) ) { i = start_of_last_word; } return i; } S32 LLFontGL::firstDrawableChar(const llwchar* wchars, F32 max_pixels, S32 text_len, S32 start_pos, S32 max_chars) const { if (!wchars || !wchars[0] || max_chars == 0) { return 0; } F32 total_width = 0.0; S32 drawable_chars = 0; F32 scaled_max_pixels = max_pixels * sScaleX; S32 start = llmin(start_pos, text_len - 1); for (S32 i = start; i >= 0; i--) { llwchar wch = wchars[i]; F32 char_width = mFontFreetype->getXAdvance(wch); if( scaled_max_pixels < (total_width + char_width) ) { break; } total_width += char_width; drawable_chars++; if( max_chars >= 0 && drawable_chars >= max_chars ) { break; } if ( i > 0 ) { // kerning total_width += mFontFreetype->getXKerning(wchars[i-1], wch); } // Round after kerning. total_width = llround(total_width); } return start_pos - drawable_chars; } S32 LLFontGL::charFromPixelOffset(const llwchar* wchars, S32 begin_offset, F32 target_x, F32 max_pixels, S32 max_chars, BOOL round) const { if (!wchars || !wchars[0] || max_chars == 0) { return 0; } F32 cur_x = 0; target_x *= sScaleX; // max_chars is S32_MAX by default, so make sure we don't get overflow const S32 max_index = begin_offset + llmin(S32_MAX - begin_offset, max_chars); F32 scaled_max_pixels = max_pixels * sScaleX; S32 pos; for (pos = begin_offset; pos < max_index; pos++) { llwchar wch = wchars[pos]; if (!wch) { break; // done } F32 char_width = mFontFreetype->getXAdvance(wch); if (round) { // Note: if the mouse is on the left half of the character, the pick is to the character's left // If it's on the right half, the pick is to the right. if (target_x < cur_x + char_width*0.5f) { break; } } else if (target_x < cur_x + char_width) { break; } if (scaled_max_pixels < cur_x + char_width) { break; } cur_x += char_width; if (((pos + 1) < max_index) && (wchars[(pos + 1)])) { llwchar next_char = wchars[pos + 1]; // Kern this puppy. cur_x += mFontFreetype->getXKerning(wch, next_char); } // Round after kerning. cur_x = (F32)llfloor(cur_x + 0.5f); } return llmin(max_chars, pos - begin_offset); } const LLFontDescriptor& LLFontGL::getFontDesc() const { return mFontDescriptor; } // static void LLFontGL::initClass(F32 screen_dpi, F32 x_scale, F32 y_scale, const std::string& app_dir, const std::vector& xui_paths, bool create_gl_textures) { sVertDPI = (F32)llfloor(screen_dpi * y_scale); sHorizDPI = (F32)llfloor(screen_dpi * x_scale); sScaleX = x_scale; sScaleY = y_scale; sAppDir = app_dir; // Font registry init if (!sFontRegistry) { sFontRegistry = new LLFontRegistry(xui_paths, create_gl_textures); sFontRegistry->parseFontInfo("fonts.xml"); } else { sFontRegistry->reset(); } } // Force standard fonts to get generated up front. // This is primarily for error detection purposes. // Don't do this during initClass because it can be slow and we want to get // the viewer window on screen first. JC // static bool LLFontGL::loadDefaultFonts() { bool succ = true; succ &= (NULL != getFontSansSerifSmall()); succ &= (NULL != getFontSansSerif()); succ &= (NULL != getFontSansSerifBig()); succ &= (NULL != getFontSansSerifHuge()); succ &= (NULL != getFontSansSerifBold()); succ &= (NULL != getFontMonospace()); succ &= (NULL != getFontExtChar()); return succ; } // static void LLFontGL::destroyDefaultFonts() { // Remove the actual fonts. delete sFontRegistry; sFontRegistry = NULL; } //static void LLFontGL::destroyAllGL() { if (sFontRegistry) { sFontRegistry->destroyGL(); } } // static U8 LLFontGL::getStyleFromString(const std::string &style) { S32 ret = 0; if (style.find("NORMAL") != style.npos) { ret |= NORMAL; } if (style.find("BOLD") != style.npos) { ret |= BOLD; } if (style.find("ITALIC") != style.npos) { ret |= ITALIC; } if (style.find("UNDERLINE") != style.npos) { ret |= UNDERLINE; } return ret; } // static std::string LLFontGL::nameFromFont(const LLFontGL* fontp) { return fontp->mFontDescriptor.getName(); } // static std::string LLFontGL::nameFromHAlign(LLFontGL::HAlign align) { if (align == LEFT) return std::string("left"); else if (align == RIGHT) return std::string("right"); else if (align == HCENTER) return std::string("center"); else return std::string(); } // static LLFontGL::HAlign LLFontGL::hAlignFromName(const std::string& name) { LLFontGL::HAlign gl_hfont_align = LLFontGL::LEFT; if (name == "left") { gl_hfont_align = LLFontGL::LEFT; } else if (name == "right") { gl_hfont_align = LLFontGL::RIGHT; } else if (name == "center") { gl_hfont_align = LLFontGL::HCENTER; } //else leave left return gl_hfont_align; } // static std::string LLFontGL::nameFromVAlign(LLFontGL::VAlign align) { if (align == TOP) return std::string("top"); else if (align == VCENTER) return std::string("center"); else if (align == BASELINE) return std::string("baseline"); else if (align == BOTTOM) return std::string("bottom"); else return std::string(); } // static LLFontGL::VAlign LLFontGL::vAlignFromName(const std::string& name) { LLFontGL::VAlign gl_vfont_align = LLFontGL::BASELINE; if (name == "top") { gl_vfont_align = LLFontGL::TOP; } else if (name == "center") { gl_vfont_align = LLFontGL::VCENTER; } else if (name == "baseline") { gl_vfont_align = LLFontGL::BASELINE; } else if (name == "bottom") { gl_vfont_align = LLFontGL::BOTTOM; } //else leave baseline return gl_vfont_align; } //static LLFontGL* LLFontGL::getFontMonospace() { return getFont(LLFontDescriptor("Monospace","Monospace",0)); } //static LLFontGL* LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifSmall() { return getFont(LLFontDescriptor("SansSerif","Small",0)); } //static LLFontGL* LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif() { return getFont(LLFontDescriptor("SansSerif","Medium",0)); } //static LLFontGL* LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifBig() { return getFont(LLFontDescriptor("SansSerif","Large",0)); } //static LLFontGL* LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifHuge() { return getFont(LLFontDescriptor("SansSerif","Huge",0)); } //static LLFontGL* LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifBold() { return getFont(LLFontDescriptor("SansSerif","Medium",BOLD)); } //static LLFontGL* LLFontGL::getFontExtChar() { return getFontSansSerif(); } //static LLFontGL* LLFontGL::getFont(const LLFontDescriptor& desc) { return sFontRegistry->getFont(desc); } //static LLFontGL* LLFontGL::getFontByName(const std::string& name) { // check for most common fonts first if (name == "SANSSERIF") { return getFontSansSerif(); } else if (name == "SANSSERIF_SMALL") { return getFontSansSerifSmall(); } else if (name == "SANSSERIF_BIG") { return getFontSansSerifBig(); } else if (name == "SMALL" || name == "OCRA") { // *BUG: Should this be "MONOSPACE"? Do we use "OCRA" anymore? // Does "SMALL" mean "SERIF"? return getFontMonospace(); } else { return NULL; } } // static std::string LLFontGL::getFontPathSystem() { std::string system_path; // Try to figure out where the system's font files are stored. char *system_root = NULL; #if LL_WINDOWS system_root = getenv("SystemRoot"); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ if (!system_root) { llwarns << "SystemRoot not found, attempting to load fonts from default path." << llendl; } #endif if (system_root) { system_path = llformat("%s/fonts/", system_root); } else { #if LL_WINDOWS // HACK for windows 98/Me system_path = "/WINDOWS/FONTS/"; #elif LL_DARWIN // HACK for Mac OS X system_path = "/System/Library/Fonts/"; #endif } return system_path; } // static std::string LLFontGL::getFontPathLocal() { std::string local_path; // Backup files if we can't load from system fonts directory. // We could store this in an end-user writable directory to allow // end users to switch fonts. if (LLFontGL::sAppDir.length()) { // use specified application dir to look for fonts local_path = LLFontGL::sAppDir + "/fonts/"; } else { // assume working directory is executable directory local_path = "./fonts/"; } return local_path; } LLFontGL::LLFontGL(const LLFontGL &source) { llerrs << "Not implemented!" << llendl; } LLFontGL &LLFontGL::operator=(const LLFontGL &source) { llerrs << "Not implemented" << llendl; return *this; } void LLFontGL::renderQuad(const LLRectf& screen_rect, const LLRectf& uv_rect, F32 slant_amt) const { gGL.texCoord2f(uv_rect.mRight, uv_rect.mTop); gGL.vertex2f(llfont_round_x(screen_rect.mRight), llfont_round_y(screen_rect.mTop)); gGL.texCoord2f(uv_rect.mLeft, uv_rect.mTop); gGL.vertex2f(llfont_round_x(screen_rect.mLeft), llfont_round_y(screen_rect.mTop)); gGL.texCoord2f(uv_rect.mLeft, uv_rect.mBottom); gGL.vertex2f(llfont_round_x(screen_rect.mLeft + slant_amt), llfont_round_y(screen_rect.mBottom)); gGL.texCoord2f(uv_rect.mRight, uv_rect.mBottom); gGL.vertex2f(llfont_round_x(screen_rect.mRight + slant_amt), llfont_round_y(screen_rect.mBottom)); } void LLFontGL::drawGlyph(const LLRectf& screen_rect, const LLRectf& uv_rect, const LLColor4& color, U8 style, ShadowType shadow, F32 drop_shadow_strength) const { F32 slant_offset; slant_offset = ((style & ITALIC) ? ( -mFontFreetype->getAscenderHeight() * 0.2f) : 0.f); gGL.begin(LLRender::QUADS); { //FIXME: bold and drop shadow are mutually exclusive only for convenience //Allow both when we need them. if (style & BOLD) { gGL.color4fv(color.mV); for (S32 pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) { LLRectf screen_rect_offset = screen_rect; screen_rect_offset.translate((F32)(pass * BOLD_OFFSET), 0.f); renderQuad(screen_rect_offset, uv_rect, slant_offset); } } else if (shadow == DROP_SHADOW_SOFT) { LLColor4 shadow_color = LLFontGL::sShadowColor; shadow_color.mV[VALPHA] = color.mV[VALPHA] * drop_shadow_strength * DROP_SHADOW_SOFT_STRENGTH; gGL.color4fv(shadow_color.mV); for (S32 pass = 0; pass < 5; pass++) { LLRectf screen_rect_offset = screen_rect; switch(pass) { case 0: screen_rect_offset.translate(-1.f, -1.f); break; case 1: screen_rect_offset.translate(1.f, -1.f); break; case 2: screen_rect_offset.translate(1.f, 1.f); break; case 3: screen_rect_offset.translate(-1.f, 1.f); break; case 4: screen_rect_offset.translate(0, -2.f); break; } renderQuad(screen_rect_offset, uv_rect, slant_offset); } gGL.color4fv(color.mV); renderQuad(screen_rect, uv_rect, slant_offset); } else if (shadow == DROP_SHADOW) { LLColor4 shadow_color = LLFontGL::sShadowColor; shadow_color.mV[VALPHA] = color.mV[VALPHA] * drop_shadow_strength; gGL.color4fv(shadow_color.mV); LLRectf screen_rect_shadow = screen_rect; screen_rect_shadow.translate(1.f, -1.f); renderQuad(screen_rect_shadow, uv_rect, slant_offset); gGL.color4fv(color.mV); renderQuad(screen_rect, uv_rect, slant_offset); } else // normal rendering { gGL.color4fv(color.mV); renderQuad(screen_rect, uv_rect, slant_offset); } } gGL.end(); }