/** * @file llfontbitmapcache.cpp * @brief Storage for previously rendered glyphs. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llgl.h" #include "llfontbitmapcache.h" LLFontBitmapCache::LLFontBitmapCache() { } LLFontBitmapCache::~LLFontBitmapCache() { } void LLFontBitmapCache::init(S32 max_char_width, S32 max_char_height) { reset(); mMaxCharWidth = max_char_width; mMaxCharHeight = max_char_height; S32 image_width = mMaxCharWidth * 20; S32 pow_iw = 2; while (pow_iw < image_width) { pow_iw <<= 1; } image_width = pow_iw; image_width = llmin(512, image_width); // Don't make bigger than 512x512, ever. mBitmapWidth = image_width; mBitmapHeight = image_width; } LLImageRaw *LLFontBitmapCache::getImageRaw(EFontGlyphType bitmap_type, U32 bitmap_num) const { const U32 bitmap_idx = static_cast(bitmap_type); if (bitmap_type >= EFontGlyphType::Count || bitmap_num >= mImageRawVec[bitmap_idx].size()) return nullptr; return mImageRawVec[bitmap_idx][bitmap_num]; } LLImageGL *LLFontBitmapCache::getImageGL(EFontGlyphType bitmap_type, U32 bitmap_num) const { const U32 bitmap_idx = static_cast(bitmap_type); if (bitmap_type >= EFontGlyphType::Count || bitmap_num >= mImageGLVec[bitmap_idx].size()) return nullptr; return mImageGLVec[bitmap_idx][bitmap_num]; } BOOL LLFontBitmapCache::nextOpenPos(S32 width, S32& pos_x, S32& pos_y, EFontGlyphType bitmap_type, U32& bitmap_num) { if (bitmap_type >= EFontGlyphType::Count) { return FALSE; } const U32 bitmap_idx = static_cast(bitmap_type); if (mImageRawVec[bitmap_idx].empty() || (mCurrentOffsetX[bitmap_idx] + width + 1) > mBitmapWidth) { if ((mImageRawVec[bitmap_idx].empty()) || (mCurrentOffsetY[bitmap_idx] + 2*mMaxCharHeight + 2) > mBitmapHeight) { // We're out of space in the current image, or no image // has been allocated yet. Make a new one. S32 image_width = mMaxCharWidth * 20; S32 pow_iw = 2; while (pow_iw < image_width) { pow_iw *= 2; } image_width = pow_iw; image_width = llmin(512, image_width); // Don't make bigger than 512x512, ever. S32 image_height = image_width; mBitmapWidth = image_width; mBitmapHeight = image_height; S32 num_components = getNumComponents(bitmap_type); mImageRawVec[bitmap_idx].push_back(new LLImageRaw(mBitmapWidth, mBitmapHeight, num_components)); bitmap_num = mImageRawVec[bitmap_idx].size() - 1; LLImageRaw* image_raw = getImageRaw(bitmap_type, bitmap_num); if (EFontGlyphType::Grayscale == bitmap_type) { image_raw->clear(255, 0); } // Make corresponding GL image. mImageGLVec[bitmap_idx].push_back(new LLImageGL(image_raw, false)); LLImageGL* image_gl = getImageGL(bitmap_type, bitmap_num); // Start at beginning of the new image. mCurrentOffsetX[bitmap_idx] = 1; mCurrentOffsetY[bitmap_idx] = 1; // Attach corresponding GL texture. (*TODO: is this needed?) gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(image_gl); image_gl->setFilteringOption(LLTexUnit::TFO_POINT); // was setMipFilterNearest(TRUE, TRUE); } else { // Move to next row in current image. mCurrentOffsetX[bitmap_idx] = 1; mCurrentOffsetY[bitmap_idx] += mMaxCharHeight + 1; } } pos_x = mCurrentOffsetX[bitmap_idx]; pos_y = mCurrentOffsetY[bitmap_idx]; bitmap_num = getNumBitmaps(bitmap_type) - 1; mCurrentOffsetX[bitmap_idx] += width + 1; return TRUE; } void LLFontBitmapCache::destroyGL() { for (U32 idx = 0, cnt = static_cast(EFontGlyphType::Count); idx < cnt; idx++) { for (LLImageGL* image_gl : mImageGLVec[idx]) { image_gl->destroyGLTexture(); } } } void LLFontBitmapCache::reset() { for (U32 idx = 0, cnt = static_cast(EFontGlyphType::Count); idx < cnt; idx++) { mImageRawVec[idx].clear(); mImageGLVec[idx].clear(); mCurrentOffsetX[idx] = 1; mCurrentOffsetY[idx] = 1; } mBitmapWidth = 0; mBitmapHeight = 0; } //static U32 LLFontBitmapCache::getNumComponents(EFontGlyphType bitmap_type) { switch (bitmap_type) { case EFontGlyphType::Grayscale: return 2; case EFontGlyphType::Color: return 4; default: llassert(false); return 2; } }