 * @file lltreeparams.h
 * @brief Implementation of the LLTreeParams class
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


/* for information about formulas associated with each type
 * check the Weber + Penn paper

const U32 TREE_BLOCK_SIZE = 16;

const U8 MAX_NUM_LEVELS = 4;

class LLTreeParams
    virtual ~LLTreeParams();

    static F32 ShapeRatio(EShapeRatio shape, F32 ratio);


    // Variables with an asterick (*) cannot be modified without a re-instancing the
    // trunk/branches

    // Variables with an exclamation point (!) should probably not be modified outside and instead
    // be tied directly to the species

    // Variables with a tilde (~) should be tied to a range specified by the
    // species type but still slightly controllable by the user

    // GENERAL

    //! determines length/radius of branches on tree -- ie: general 'shape'
    EShapeRatio mShape;

    //! number of recursive branch levels...limit to MAX_NUM_LEVELS
    U8 mLevels;

    //~ percentage of trunk at bottom without branches
    F32 mBaseSize;

    //~ the general scale + variance of tree
    F32 mScale, mScaleV;

    // general scale of tree
    F32 mScale0, mScaleV0;

    // LOBING

    //*! number of peaks in the radial distance about the perimeter
    U8 mLobes;
        //  even numbers = obvius symmetry ... use odd numbers

    //*! magnitude of the variations as a fraction of the radius
    F32 mLobeDepth;

    // FLARE

    //*! causes exponential expansion near base of trunk
    F32 mFlare;
        //  scales radius base by min 1 to '1 + flare'

    //*! percentage of the height of the trunk to flair -- likely less than baseSize
    F32 mFlarePercentage;

    //*! number of cross sections to make for the flair
    U8 mFlareRes;

    // LEAVES

    //~ number of leaves to make
    U8 mLeaves;

    //! scale of the leaves
    F32 mLeafScaleX, mLeafScaleY;

    // quality/density of leaves
    F32 mLeafQuality;

    // several params don't have level 0 values


    //~ angle away from parent
    F32 mDownAngle[MAX_NUM_LEVELS - 1];
    F32 mDownAngleV[MAX_NUM_LEVELS - 1];

    //~ rotation around parent
    F32 mRotate[MAX_NUM_LEVELS - 1];
    F32 mRotateV[MAX_NUM_LEVELS - 1];

    //~ num branches to spawn
    U8 mBranches[MAX_NUM_LEVELS - 1];

    //~ fractional length of branch. 1 = same length as parent branch
    F32 mLength[MAX_NUM_LEVELS];
    F32 mLengthV[MAX_NUM_LEVELS];

    //!~ ratio and ratiopower determine radius/length
    F32 mRatio, mRatioPower;

    //*! taper of branches
    F32 mTaper[MAX_NUM_LEVELS];
            // 0 - non-tapering cylinder
            // 1 - taper to a point
            // 2 - taper to a spherical end
            // 3 - periodic tapering (concatenated spheres)

    U8 mBaseSplits;                     //! num segsplits at first curve cross section of trunk
    F32 mSegSplits[MAX_NUM_LEVELS];     //~ splits per cross section. 1 = 1 split per section
    F32 mSplitAngle[MAX_NUM_LEVELS];    //~ angle that splits go from parent (tempered by height)
    F32 mSplitAngleV[MAX_NUM_LEVELS];   //~ variance of the splits

    // CURVE
    F32 mCurve[MAX_NUM_LEVELS];     //* general, 1-axis, overall curve of branch
    F32 mCurveV[MAX_NUM_LEVELS];    //* curve variance at each cross section from general overall curve
    U8 mCurveRes[MAX_NUM_LEVELS];   //* number of cross sections for curve
    F32 mCurveBack[MAX_NUM_LEVELS]; //* curveback is amount branch curves back towards

    //  vertices per cross section
    U8 mVertices[MAX_NUM_LEVELS];

    // * no longer useful with pre-instanced branches
    // specifies upward tendency of branches.
    //F32 mAttractionUp;
        //  1 = each branch will slightly go upwards by the end of the branch
        //  >1 = branches tend to go upwards earlier in their length
    // pruning not implemented
    // Prune parameters
    //F32 mPruneRatio;
    //F32 mPruneWidth, mPruneWidthPeak;
    //F32 mPrunePowerLow, mPrunePowerHigh;

    // Below is the outline for network messages regarding trees.
    // The general idea is that a user would pick a general 'tree type' (the first variable)
    // and then several 'open ended' variables like 'branchiness' and 'leafiness'.
    // The effect that each of these general user variables would then affect the actual
    // tree parameters (like # branches, # segsplits) in different ways depending on
    // the tree type selected.  Essentially, each tree type should have a formula
    // that expands the 'leafiness' and 'branchiness' user variables into actual
    // values for the tree parameters.

    // These formulas aren't made yet and will certainly require some tuning.  The
    // estimates below for the # bits required seems like a good guesstimate.

    // VARIABLE         -   # bits (range)  -   VARIABLES AFFECTED
    // tree type        -   5 bits (32)     -
    // branches         -   6 bits (64)     -   numBranches
    // splits           -   6 bits (64)     -   segsplits
    // leafiness        -   3 bits (8)      -   numLeaves
    // branch spread    -   5 bits (32)     -   splitAngle(V), rotate(V)
    // angle            -   5 bits (32)     -   downAngle(V)
    // branch length    -   6 bits (64)     -   branchlength(V)
    // randomness       -   7 bits (128)    -   percentage for randomness of the (V)'s
    // basesize         -   5 bits (32)     -   basesize

    // total            -   48 bits

    //U8 mNetSpecies;

