/** * @file lltextureentry.h * @brief LLTextureEntry base class * * Copyright (c) 2001-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc. * $License$ */ #ifndef LL_LLTEXTUREENTRY_H #define LL_LLTEXTUREENTRY_H #include "lluuid.h" #include "v4color.h" #include "llsd.h" const S32 TEM_CHANGE_COLOR = 0x1; const S32 TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE = 0x2; const S32 TEM_INVALID = 0x4; const S32 TEM_BUMPMAP_COUNT = 32; // The Bump Shiny Fullbright values are bits in an eight bit field: // +----------+ // | SSFBBBBB | S = Shiny, F = Fullbright, B = Bumpmap // | 76543210 | // +----------+ const S32 TEM_BUMP_MASK = 0x1f; // 5 bits const S32 TEM_FULLBRIGHT_MASK = 0x01; // 1 bit const S32 TEM_SHINY_MASK = 0x03; // 2 bits const S32 TEM_BUMP_SHINY_MASK = (0xc0 | 0x1f); const S32 TEM_FULLBRIGHT_SHIFT = 5; const S32 TEM_SHINY_SHIFT = 6; // The Media Tex Gen values are bits in a bit field: // +----------+ // | .....TTM | M = Media Flags (web page), T = LLTextureEntry::eTexGen, . = unused // | 76543210 | // +----------+ const S32 TEM_MEDIA_MASK = 0x01; const S32 TEM_TEX_GEN_MASK = 0x06; const S32 TEM_TEX_GEN_SHIFT = 1; class LLTextureEntry { public: typedef enum e_texgen { TEX_GEN_DEFAULT = 0x00, TEX_GEN_PLANAR = 0x02, TEX_GEN_SPHERICAL = 0x04, TEX_GEN_CYLINDRICAL = 0x06 } eTexGen; LLTextureEntry(); LLTextureEntry(const LLUUID& tex_id); LLTextureEntry(const LLTextureEntry &rhs); LLTextureEntry &operator=(const LLTextureEntry &rhs); ~LLTextureEntry(); bool operator==(const LLTextureEntry &rhs) const; bool operator!=(const LLTextureEntry &rhs) const; LLSD asLLSD() const; operator LLSD() const { return asLLSD(); } bool fromLLSD(LLSD& sd); void init(const LLUUID& tex_id, F32 scale_s, F32 scale_t, F32 offset_s, F32 offset_t, F32 rotation, U8 bump); // These return a TEM_ flag from above to indicate if something changed. S32 setID (const LLUUID &tex_id); S32 setColor(const LLColor4 &color); S32 setColor(const LLColor3 &color); S32 setAlpha(const F32 alpha); S32 setScale(F32 s, F32 t); S32 setOffset(F32 s, F32 t); S32 setRotation(F32 theta); S32 setBumpmap(U8 bump); S32 setFullbright(U8 bump); S32 setShiny(U8 bump); S32 setBumpShiny(U8 bump); S32 setBumpShinyFullbright(U8 bump); S32 setMediaFlags(U8 media_flags); S32 setTexGen(U8 texGen); S32 setMediaTexGen(U8 media); S32 setGlow(F32 glow); const LLUUID &getID() const { return mID; } const LLColor4 &getColor() const { return mColor; } void getScale(F32 *s, F32 *t) const { *s = mScaleS; *t = mScaleT; } void getOffset(F32 *s, F32 *t) const { *s = mOffsetS; *t = mOffsetT; } F32 getRotation() const { return mRotation; } void getRotation(F32 *theta) const { *theta = mRotation; } U8 getBumpmap() const { return mBump & TEM_BUMP_MASK; } U8 getFullbright() const { return (mBump>>TEM_FULLBRIGHT_SHIFT) & TEM_FULLBRIGHT_MASK; } U8 getShiny() const { return (mBump>>TEM_SHINY_SHIFT) & TEM_SHINY_MASK; } U8 getBumpShiny() const { return mBump & TEM_BUMP_SHINY_MASK; } U8 getBumpShinyFullbright() const { return mBump; } U8 getMediaFlags() const { return mMediaFlags & TEM_MEDIA_MASK; } U8 getTexGen() const { return mMediaFlags & TEM_TEX_GEN_MASK; } U8 getMediaTexGen() const { return mMediaFlags; } F32 getGlow() const { return mGlow; } // Media flags enum { MF_NONE = 0x0, MF_WEB_PAGE = 0x1 }; public: F32 mScaleS; // S, T offset F32 mScaleT; // S, T offset F32 mOffsetS; // S, T offset F32 mOffsetT; // S, T offset F32 mRotation; // anti-clockwise rotation in rad about the bottom left corner static const LLTextureEntry null; protected: LLUUID mID; // Texture GUID LLColor4 mColor; U8 mBump; // Bump map, shiny, and fullbright U8 mMediaFlags; // replace with web page, movie, etc. F32 mGlow; }; #endif