/** * @file lltextureentry.cpp * @brief LLTextureEntry base class * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "lluuid.h" #include "llmediaentry.h" #include "lltextureentry.h" #include "llsdutil_math.h" #include "v4color.h" const U8 DEFAULT_BUMP_CODE = 0; // no bump or shininess const LLTextureEntry LLTextureEntry::null; // Some LLSD keys. Do not change these! #define OBJECT_ID_KEY_STR "object_id" #define TEXTURE_INDEX_KEY_STR "texture_index" #define OBJECT_MEDIA_VERSION_KEY_STR "object_media_version" #define OBJECT_MEDIA_DATA_KEY_STR "object_media_data" #define TEXTURE_MEDIA_DATA_KEY_STR "media_data" /*static*/ const char* LLTextureEntry::OBJECT_ID_KEY = OBJECT_ID_KEY_STR; /*static*/ const char* LLTextureEntry::OBJECT_MEDIA_DATA_KEY = OBJECT_MEDIA_DATA_KEY_STR; /*static*/ const char* LLTextureEntry::MEDIA_VERSION_KEY = OBJECT_MEDIA_VERSION_KEY_STR; /*static*/ const char* LLTextureEntry::TEXTURE_INDEX_KEY = TEXTURE_INDEX_KEY_STR; /*static*/ const char* LLTextureEntry::TEXTURE_MEDIA_DATA_KEY = TEXTURE_MEDIA_DATA_KEY_STR; static const std::string MEDIA_VERSION_STRING_PREFIX = "x-mv:"; // static LLTextureEntry* LLTextureEntry::newTextureEntry() { return new LLTextureEntry(); } //=============================================================== LLTextureEntry::LLTextureEntry() : mMediaEntry(NULL) { init(LLUUID::null,1.f,1.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,DEFAULT_BUMP_CODE); } LLTextureEntry::LLTextureEntry(const LLUUID& tex_id) : mMediaEntry(NULL) { init(tex_id,1.f,1.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,DEFAULT_BUMP_CODE); } LLTextureEntry::LLTextureEntry(const LLTextureEntry &rhs) : mMediaEntry(NULL) { mID = rhs.mID; mScaleS = rhs.mScaleS; mScaleT = rhs.mScaleT; mOffsetS = rhs.mOffsetS; mOffsetT = rhs.mOffsetT; mRotation = rhs.mRotation; mColor = rhs.mColor; mBump = rhs.mBump; mMediaFlags = rhs.mMediaFlags; mGlow = rhs.mGlow; if (rhs.mMediaEntry != NULL) { // Make a copy mMediaEntry = new LLMediaEntry(*rhs.mMediaEntry); } } LLTextureEntry &LLTextureEntry::operator=(const LLTextureEntry &rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { mID = rhs.mID; mScaleS = rhs.mScaleS; mScaleT = rhs.mScaleT; mOffsetS = rhs.mOffsetS; mOffsetT = rhs.mOffsetT; mRotation = rhs.mRotation; mColor = rhs.mColor; mBump = rhs.mBump; mMediaFlags = rhs.mMediaFlags; mGlow = rhs.mGlow; if (mMediaEntry != NULL) { delete mMediaEntry; } if (rhs.mMediaEntry != NULL) { // Make a copy mMediaEntry = new LLMediaEntry(*rhs.mMediaEntry); } else { mMediaEntry = NULL; } } return *this; } void LLTextureEntry::init(const LLUUID& tex_id, F32 scale_s, F32 scale_t, F32 offset_s, F32 offset_t, F32 rotation, U8 bump) { setID(tex_id); mScaleS = scale_s; mScaleT = scale_t; mOffsetS = offset_s; mOffsetT = offset_t; mRotation = rotation; mBump = bump; mMediaFlags = 0x0; mGlow = 0; setColor(LLColor4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f)); if (mMediaEntry != NULL) { delete mMediaEntry; } mMediaEntry = NULL; } LLTextureEntry::~LLTextureEntry() { if(mMediaEntry) { delete mMediaEntry; mMediaEntry = NULL; } } bool LLTextureEntry::operator!=(const LLTextureEntry &rhs) const { if (mID != rhs.mID) return(true); if (mScaleS != rhs.mScaleS) return(true); if (mScaleT != rhs.mScaleT) return(true); if (mOffsetS != rhs.mOffsetS) return(true); if (mOffsetT != rhs.mOffsetT) return(true); if (mRotation != rhs.mRotation) return(true); if (mColor != rhs.mColor) return (true); if (mBump != rhs.mBump) return (true); if (mMediaFlags != rhs.mMediaFlags) return (true); if (mGlow != rhs.mGlow) return (true); return(false); } bool LLTextureEntry::operator==(const LLTextureEntry &rhs) const { if (mID != rhs.mID) return(false); if (mScaleS != rhs.mScaleS) return(false); if (mScaleT != rhs.mScaleT) return(false); if (mOffsetS != rhs.mOffsetS) return(false); if (mOffsetT != rhs.mOffsetT) return(false); if (mRotation != rhs.mRotation) return(false); if (mColor != rhs.mColor) return (false); if (mBump != rhs.mBump) return (false); if (mMediaFlags != rhs.mMediaFlags) return false; if (mGlow != rhs.mGlow) return false; return(true); } LLSD LLTextureEntry::asLLSD() const { LLSD sd; asLLSD(sd); return sd; } void LLTextureEntry::asLLSD(LLSD& sd) const { sd["imageid"] = mID; sd["colors"] = ll_sd_from_color4(mColor); sd["scales"] = mScaleS; sd["scalet"] = mScaleT; sd["offsets"] = mOffsetS; sd["offsett"] = mOffsetT; sd["imagerot"] = mRotation; sd["bump"] = getBumpShiny(); sd["fullbright"] = getFullbright(); sd["media_flags"] = mMediaFlags; if (hasMedia()) { LLSD mediaData; if (NULL != getMediaData()) { getMediaData()->asLLSD(mediaData); } sd[TEXTURE_MEDIA_DATA_KEY] = mediaData; } sd["glow"] = mGlow; } bool LLTextureEntry::fromLLSD(const LLSD& sd) { const char *w, *x; w = "imageid"; if (sd.has(w)) { setID( sd[w] ); } else goto fail; w = "colors"; if (sd.has(w)) { setColor( ll_color4_from_sd(sd["colors"]) ); } else goto fail; w = "scales"; x = "scalet"; if (sd.has(w) && sd.has(x)) { setScale( (F32)sd[w].asReal(), (F32)sd[x].asReal() ); } else goto fail; w = "offsets"; x = "offsett"; if (sd.has(w) && sd.has(x)) { setOffset( (F32)sd[w].asReal(), (F32)sd[x].asReal() ); } else goto fail; w = "imagerot"; if (sd.has(w)) { setRotation( (F32)sd[w].asReal() ); } else goto fail; w = "bump"; if (sd.has(w)) { setBumpShiny( sd[w].asInteger() ); } else goto fail; w = "fullbright"; if (sd.has(w)) { setFullbright( sd[w].asInteger() ); } else goto fail; w = "media_flags"; if (sd.has(w)) { setMediaTexGen( sd[w].asInteger() ); } else goto fail; // If the "has media" flag doesn't match the fact that // media data exists, updateMediaData will "fix" it // by either clearing or setting the flag w = TEXTURE_MEDIA_DATA_KEY; if (hasMedia() != sd.has(w)) { llwarns << "LLTextureEntry::fromLLSD: media_flags (" << hasMedia() << ") does not match presence of media_data (" << sd.has(w) << "). Fixing." << llendl; } updateMediaData(sd[w]); w = "glow"; if (sd.has(w)) { setGlow((F32)sd[w].asReal() ); } return true; fail: return false; } // virtual // override this method for each derived class LLTextureEntry* LLTextureEntry::newBlank() const { return new LLTextureEntry(); } // virtual LLTextureEntry* LLTextureEntry::newCopy() const { return new LLTextureEntry(*this); } S32 LLTextureEntry::setID(const LLUUID &tex_id) { if (mID != tex_id) { mID = tex_id; return TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE; } return TEM_CHANGE_NONE; } S32 LLTextureEntry::setScale(F32 s, F32 t) { S32 retval = 0; if ( (mScaleS != s) ||(mScaleT != t)) { mScaleS = s; mScaleT = t; retval = TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE; } return retval; } S32 LLTextureEntry::setScaleS(F32 s) { S32 retval = TEM_CHANGE_NONE; if (mScaleS != s) { mScaleS = s; retval = TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE; } return retval; } S32 LLTextureEntry::setScaleT(F32 t) { S32 retval = TEM_CHANGE_NONE; if (mScaleT != t) { mScaleT = t; retval = TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE; } return retval; } S32 LLTextureEntry::setColor(const LLColor4 &color) { if (mColor != color) { mColor = color; return TEM_CHANGE_COLOR; } return TEM_CHANGE_NONE; } S32 LLTextureEntry::setColor(const LLColor3 &color) { if (mColor != color) { // This preserves alpha. mColor.setVec(color); return TEM_CHANGE_COLOR; } return TEM_CHANGE_NONE; } S32 LLTextureEntry::setAlpha(const F32 alpha) { if (mColor.mV[VW] != alpha) { mColor.mV[VW] = alpha; return TEM_CHANGE_COLOR; } return TEM_CHANGE_NONE; } S32 LLTextureEntry::setOffset(F32 s, F32 t) { S32 retval = 0; if ( (mOffsetS != s) ||(mOffsetT != t)) { mOffsetS = s; mOffsetT = t; retval = TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE; } return retval; } S32 LLTextureEntry::setOffsetS(F32 s) { S32 retval = 0; if (mOffsetS != s) { mOffsetS = s; retval = TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE; } return retval; } S32 LLTextureEntry::setOffsetT(F32 t) { S32 retval = 0; if (mOffsetT != t) { mOffsetT = t; retval = TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE; } return retval; } S32 LLTextureEntry::setRotation(F32 theta) { if (mRotation != theta && llfinite(theta)) { mRotation = theta; return TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE; } return TEM_CHANGE_NONE; } S32 LLTextureEntry::setBumpShinyFullbright(U8 bump) { if (mBump != bump) { mBump = bump; return TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE; } return TEM_CHANGE_NONE; } S32 LLTextureEntry::setMediaTexGen(U8 media) { if (mMediaFlags != media) { mMediaFlags = media; // Special code for media handling if( hasMedia() && mMediaEntry == NULL) { mMediaEntry = new LLMediaEntry; } else if ( ! hasMedia() && mMediaEntry != NULL) { delete mMediaEntry; mMediaEntry = NULL; } return TEM_CHANGE_MEDIA; } return TEM_CHANGE_NONE; } S32 LLTextureEntry::setBumpmap(U8 bump) { bump &= TEM_BUMP_MASK; if (getBumpmap() != bump) { mBump &= ~TEM_BUMP_MASK; mBump |= bump; return TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE; } return TEM_CHANGE_NONE; } S32 LLTextureEntry::setFullbright(U8 fullbright) { fullbright &= TEM_FULLBRIGHT_MASK; if (getFullbright() != fullbright) { mBump &= ~(TEM_FULLBRIGHT_MASK<fromLLSD(media_data); return true; } } void LLTextureEntry::clearMediaData() { mMediaFlags &= ~MF_HAS_MEDIA; if (mMediaEntry != NULL) { delete mMediaEntry; } mMediaEntry = NULL; } void LLTextureEntry::mergeIntoMediaData(const LLSD& media_fields) { mMediaFlags |= MF_HAS_MEDIA; if (mMediaEntry == NULL) { mMediaEntry = new LLMediaEntry; } // *NOTE: this will *merge* the data in media_fields // with the data in our media entry mMediaEntry->mergeFromLLSD(media_fields); } //static std::string LLTextureEntry::touchMediaVersionString(const std::string &in_version, const LLUUID &agent_id) { // XXX TODO: make media version string binary (base64-encoded?) // Media "URL" is a representation of a version and the last-touched agent // x-mv:nnnnn/agent-id // where "nnnnn" is version number // *NOTE: not the most efficient code in the world... U32 current_version = getVersionFromMediaVersionString(in_version) + 1; const size_t MAX_VERSION_LEN = 10; // 2^32 fits in 10 decimal digits char buf[MAX_VERSION_LEN+1]; snprintf(buf, (int)MAX_VERSION_LEN+1, "%0*u", (int)MAX_VERSION_LEN, current_version); // added int cast to fix warning/breakage on mac. return MEDIA_VERSION_STRING_PREFIX + buf + "/" + agent_id.asString(); } //static U32 LLTextureEntry::getVersionFromMediaVersionString(const std::string &version_string) { U32 version = 0; if (!version_string.empty()) { size_t found = version_string.find(MEDIA_VERSION_STRING_PREFIX); if (found != std::string::npos) { found = version_string.find_first_of("/", found); std::string v = version_string.substr(MEDIA_VERSION_STRING_PREFIX.length(), found); version = strtoul(v.c_str(),NULL,10); } } return version; } //static LLUUID LLTextureEntry::getAgentIDFromMediaVersionString(const std::string &version_string) { LLUUID id; if (!version_string.empty()) { size_t found = version_string.find(MEDIA_VERSION_STRING_PREFIX); if (found != std::string::npos) { found = version_string.find_first_of("/", found); if (found != std::string::npos) { std::string v = version_string.substr(found + 1); id.set(v); } } } return id; } //static bool LLTextureEntry::isMediaVersionString(const std::string &version_string) { return std::string::npos != version_string.find(MEDIA_VERSION_STRING_PREFIX); }