 * @file lltexturelist.cpp
 * @brief LLPrimTextureList (virtual) base class
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "linden_common.h"

#include "llprimtexturelist.h"
#include "llmaterialid.h"
#include "lltextureentry.h"

// static
//int (TMyClass::*pt2Member)(float, char, char) = NULL;                // C++
LLTextureEntry* (*LLPrimTextureList::sNewTextureEntryCallback)() = &(LLTextureEntry::newTextureEntry);

// static
void LLPrimTextureList::setNewTextureEntryCallback( LLTextureEntry* (*callback)() )
    if (callback)
        LLPrimTextureList::sNewTextureEntryCallback = callback;
        LLPrimTextureList::sNewTextureEntryCallback = &(LLTextureEntry::newTextureEntry);

// static
// call this to get a new texture entry
LLTextureEntry* LLPrimTextureList::newTextureEntry()
    return (*sNewTextureEntryCallback)();


// virtual

void LLPrimTextureList::clear()
    texture_list_t::iterator itr = mEntryList.begin();
    while (itr != mEntryList.end())
        delete (*itr);
        (*itr) = NULL;

// clears current entries
// copies contents of other_list
// this is somewhat expensive, so it must be called explicitly
void LLPrimTextureList::copy(const LLPrimTextureList& other_list)
    // compare the sizes
    auto this_size = mEntryList.size();
    auto other_size = other_list.mEntryList.size();

    if (this_size > other_size)
        // remove the extra entries
        for (size_t index = this_size; index > other_size; --index)
            delete mEntryList[index-1];
        this_size = other_size;

    size_t index = 0;
    // copy for the entries that already exist
    for ( ; index < this_size; ++index)
        delete mEntryList[index];
        mEntryList[index] = other_list.getTexture(static_cast<U8>(index))->newCopy();

    // add new entires if needed
    for ( ; index < other_size; ++index)
        mEntryList.push_back( other_list.getTexture(static_cast<U8>(index))->newCopy());

// clears current copies
// takes contents of other_list
// clears other_list
void LLPrimTextureList::take(LLPrimTextureList& other_list)
    mEntryList = other_list.mEntryList;

// virtual
// copies LLTextureEntry 'te'
// returns TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE if successful, otherwise TEM_CHANGE_NONE
S32 LLPrimTextureList::copyTexture(const U8 index, const LLTextureEntry* te)
    if (size_t(index) >= mEntryList.size())
        auto current_size = mEntryList.size();
        LL_WARNS() << "ignore copy of index = " << S32(index) << " into texture entry list of size = " << current_size << LL_ENDL;
        return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

        // we're changing an existing entry
    delete (mEntryList[index]);
    mEntryList[index] = te->newCopy();

// virtual
// takes ownership of LLTextureEntry* 'te'
// returns TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE if successful, otherwise TEM_CHANGE_NONE
// IMPORTANT! -- if you use this function you must check the return value
S32 LLPrimTextureList::takeTexture(const U8 index, LLTextureEntry* te)
    if (S32(index) >= mEntryList.size())
        return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

    // we're changing an existing entry
    delete (mEntryList[index]);
    mEntryList[index] = te;

// returns pointer to texture at 'index' slot
LLTextureEntry* LLPrimTextureList::getTexture(const U8 index) const
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index];
    return NULL;

//S32 setTE(const U8 index, const LLTextureEntry& te) = 0;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setID(const U8 index, const LLUUID& id)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setID(id);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setColor(const U8 index, const LLColor3& color)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setColor(color);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setColor(const U8 index, const LLColor4& color)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setColor(color);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setAlpha(const U8 index, const F32 alpha)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setAlpha(alpha);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setScale(const U8 index, const F32 s, const F32 t)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setScale(s, t);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setScaleS(const U8 index, const F32 s)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setScaleS(s);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setScaleT(const U8 index, const F32 t)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setScaleT(t);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setOffset(const U8 index, const F32 s, const F32 t)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setOffset(s, t);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setOffsetS(const U8 index, const F32 s)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setOffsetS(s);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setOffsetT(const U8 index, const F32 t)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setOffsetT(t);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setRotation(const U8 index, const F32 r)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setRotation(r);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setBumpShinyFullbright(const U8 index, const U8 bump)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setBumpShinyFullbright(bump);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setMediaTexGen(const U8 index, const U8 media)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setMediaTexGen(media);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setBumpMap(const U8 index, const U8 bump)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setBumpmap(bump);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setBumpShiny(const U8 index, const U8 bump_shiny)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setBumpShiny(bump_shiny);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setTexGen(const U8 index, const U8 texgen)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setTexGen(texgen);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setShiny(const U8 index, const U8 shiny)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setShiny(shiny);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setFullbright(const U8 index, const U8 fullbright)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setFullbright(fullbright);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setMediaFlags(const U8 index, const U8 media_flags)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setMediaFlags(media_flags);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setGlow(const U8 index, const F32 glow)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setGlow(glow);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setMaterialID(const U8 index, const LLMaterialID& pMaterialID)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setMaterialID(pMaterialID);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

S32 LLPrimTextureList::setMaterialParams(const U8 index, const LLMaterialPtr pMaterialParams)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->setMaterialParams(pMaterialParams);
    return TEM_CHANGE_NONE;

LLMaterialPtr LLPrimTextureList::getMaterialParams(const U8 index)
    if (index < mEntryList.size())
        return mEntryList[index]->getMaterialParams();

    return LLMaterialPtr();

S32 LLPrimTextureList::size() const
    return static_cast<S32>(mEntryList.size());

// sets the size of the mEntryList container
void LLPrimTextureList::setSize(S32 new_size)
    if (new_size < 0)
        new_size = 0;

    auto current_size = mEntryList.size();

    if (new_size > current_size)
        for (size_t index = current_size; index < new_size; ++index)
            if (current_size > 0
                && mEntryList[current_size - 1])
                // copy the last valid entry for the new one
                mEntryList[index] = mEntryList[current_size - 1]->newCopy();
                // no valid enries to copy, so we new one up
                LLTextureEntry* new_entry = LLPrimTextureList::newTextureEntry();
                mEntryList[index] = new_entry;
    else if (new_size < current_size)
        for (size_t index = current_size-1; index >= new_size; --index)
            delete mEntryList[index];

void LLPrimTextureList::setAllIDs(const LLUUID& id)
    texture_list_t::iterator itr = mEntryList.begin();
    while (itr != mEntryList.end())