/** * @file llpluginprocessparent.cpp * @brief LLPluginProcessParent handles the parent side of the external-process plugin API. * * @cond * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ * @endcond */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llpluginprocessparent.h" #include "llpluginmessagepipe.h" #include "llpluginmessageclasses.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" #include "stringize.h" #include "llapr.h" //virtual LLPluginProcessParentOwner::~LLPluginProcessParentOwner() { } bool LLPluginProcessParent::sUseReadThread = false; apr_pollset_t *LLPluginProcessParent::sPollSet = NULL; bool LLPluginProcessParent::sPollsetNeedsRebuild = false; LLMutex *LLPluginProcessParent::sInstancesMutex; LLPluginProcessParent::mapInstances_t LLPluginProcessParent::sInstances; LLThread *LLPluginProcessParent::sReadThread = NULL; class LLPluginProcessParentPollThread: public LLThread { public: LLPluginProcessParentPollThread() : LLThread("LLPluginProcessParentPollThread", gAPRPoolp) { } protected: // Inherited from LLThread /*virtual*/ void run(void) { while(!isQuitting() && LLPluginProcessParent::getUseReadThread()) { LLPluginProcessParent::poll(0.1f); checkPause(); } // Final poll to clean up the pollset, etc. LLPluginProcessParent::poll(0.0f); } // Inherited from LLThread /*virtual*/ bool runCondition(void) { return(LLPluginProcessParent::canPollThreadRun()); } }; class LLPluginProcessCreationThread : public LLThread { public: LLPluginProcessCreationThread(LLPluginProcessParent *parent) : LLThread("LLPluginProcessCreationThread", gAPRPoolp), pParent(parent) { } protected: // Inherited from LLThread, should run once /*virtual*/ void run(void) { pParent->createPluginProcess(); } private: LLPluginProcessParent *pParent; }; LLPluginProcessParent::LLPluginProcessParent(LLPluginProcessParentOwner *owner): mIncomingQueueMutex(), pProcessCreationThread(NULL) { if(!sInstancesMutex) { sInstancesMutex = new LLMutex(); } mOwner = owner; mBoundPort = 0; mState = STATE_UNINITIALIZED; mSleepTime = 0.0; mCPUUsage = 0.0; mDisableTimeout = false; mDebug = false; mBlocked = false; mPolledInput = false; mPollFD.client_data = NULL; mPluginLaunchTimeout = 60.0f; mPluginLockupTimeout = 15.0f; // Don't start the timer here -- start it when we actually launch the plugin process. mHeartbeat.stop(); } LLPluginProcessParent::~LLPluginProcessParent() { LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "destructor" << LL_ENDL; if (pProcessCreationThread) { if (!pProcessCreationThread->isStopped()) { // Shouldn't happen at this stage LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Shutting down active pProcessCreationThread" << LL_ENDL; pProcessCreationThread->shutdown(); ms_sleep(20); } delete pProcessCreationThread; pProcessCreationThread = NULL; } // Destroy any remaining shared memory regions sharedMemoryRegionsType::iterator iter; while((iter = mSharedMemoryRegions.begin()) != mSharedMemoryRegions.end()) { // destroy the shared memory region iter->second->destroy(); delete iter->second; iter->second = NULL; // and remove it from our map mSharedMemoryRegions.erase(iter); } LLProcess::kill(mProcess); if (!LLApp::isQuitting()) { // If we are quitting, the network sockets will already have been destroyed. killSockets(); } } /*static*/ LLPluginProcessParent::ptr_t LLPluginProcessParent::create(LLPluginProcessParentOwner *owner) { ptr_t that(new LLPluginProcessParent(owner)); // Don't add to the global list until fully constructed. { LLMutexLock lock(sInstancesMutex); sInstances.insert(mapInstances_t::value_type(that.get(), that)); } return that; } /*static*/ void LLPluginProcessParent::shutdown() { LLMutexLock lock(sInstancesMutex); mapInstances_t::iterator it; for (it = sInstances.begin(); it != sInstances.end(); ++it) { EState state = (*it).second->mState; if (state != STATE_CLEANUP && state != STATE_EXITING && state != STATE_DONE && state != STATE_ERROR) { (*it).second->setState(STATE_GOODBYE); } if (state != STATE_DONE) { (*it).second->idle(); } } sInstances.clear(); } void LLPluginProcessParent::requestShutdown() { setState(STATE_GOODBYE); mOwner = NULL; if (LLApp::isQuitting()) { // if we're quitting, run the idle once more idle(); removeFromProcessing(); return; } static uint32_t count = 0; std::stringstream namestream; namestream << "LLPluginProcessParentListener" << ++count; //*HACK!*// // After requestShutdown has been called our previous owner will no longer call // our idle() method. Tie into the event loop here to do that until we are good // and finished. LL_DEBUGS("LLPluginProcessParent") << "listening on \"mainloop\"" << LL_ENDL; mPolling = LLEventPumps::instance().obtain("mainloop") .listen(namestream.str(), boost::bind(&LLPluginProcessParent::pollTick, this)); } bool LLPluginProcessParent::pollTick() { if (isDone()) { ptr_t that; { // this grabs a copy of the smart pointer to ourselves to ensure that we do not // get destroyed until after this method returns. LLMutexLock lock(sInstancesMutex); mapInstances_t::iterator it = sInstances.find(this); if (it != sInstances.end()) that = (*it).second; } removeFromProcessing(); return true; } idle(); return false; } void LLPluginProcessParent::removeFromProcessing() { // Remove from the global list before beginning destruction. { // Make sure to get the global mutex _first_ here, to avoid a possible deadlock against LLPluginProcessParent::poll() LLMutexLock lock(sInstancesMutex); { LLMutexLock lock2(&mIncomingQueueMutex); sInstances.erase(this); } } } bool LLPluginProcessParent::wantsPolling() const { return (mPollFD.client_data && (mState != STATE_DONE)); } void LLPluginProcessParent::killSockets(void) { { LLMutexLock lock(&mIncomingQueueMutex); killMessagePipe(); } mListenSocket.reset(); mSocket.reset(); } void LLPluginProcessParent::errorState(void) { if(mState < STATE_RUNNING) setState(STATE_LAUNCH_FAILURE); else setState(STATE_ERROR); } void LLPluginProcessParent::init(const std::string &launcher_filename, const std::string &plugin_dir, const std::string &plugin_filename, bool debug) { mProcessParams.executable = launcher_filename; mProcessParams.cwd = plugin_dir; mPluginFile = plugin_filename; mPluginDir = plugin_dir; mCPUUsage = 0.0f; mDebug = debug; setState(STATE_INITIALIZED); } bool LLPluginProcessParent::accept() { bool result = false; apr_status_t status = APR_EGENERAL; apr_socket_t *new_socket = NULL; status = apr_socket_accept( &new_socket, mListenSocket->getSocket(), gAPRPoolp); if(status == APR_SUCCESS) { // LL_INFOS() << "SUCCESS" << LL_ENDL; // Success. Create a message pipe on the new socket // we MUST create a new pool for the LLSocket, since it will take ownership of it and delete it in its destructor! apr_pool_t* new_pool = NULL; status = apr_pool_create(&new_pool, gAPRPoolp); mSocket = LLSocket::create(new_socket, new_pool); new LLPluginMessagePipe(this, mSocket); result = true; } else if(APR_STATUS_IS_EAGAIN(status)) { // LL_INFOS() << "EAGAIN" << LL_ENDL; // No incoming connections. This is not an error. status = APR_SUCCESS; } else { // LL_INFOS() << "Error:" << LL_ENDL; ll_apr_warn_status(status); // Some other error. errorState(); } return result; } bool LLPluginProcessParent::createPluginProcess() { if (!mProcess) { // Only argument to the launcher is the port number we're listening on mProcessParams.args.add(stringize(mBoundPort)); mProcess = LLProcess::create(mProcessParams); return mProcess != NULL; } return false; } void LLPluginProcessParent::clearProcessCreationThread() { if (pProcessCreationThread) { if (!pProcessCreationThread->isStopped()) { pProcessCreationThread->shutdown(); } else { delete pProcessCreationThread; pProcessCreationThread = NULL; } } } void LLPluginProcessParent::idle(void) { bool idle_again; do { // process queued messages // Inside main thread, it is preferable not to block it on mutex. bool locked = mIncomingQueueMutex.trylock(); while(locked && !mIncomingQueue.empty()) { LLPluginMessage message = mIncomingQueue.front(); mIncomingQueue.pop(); mIncomingQueueMutex.unlock(); receiveMessage(message); locked = mIncomingQueueMutex.trylock(); } if (locked) { mIncomingQueueMutex.unlock(); } // Give time to network processing if(mMessagePipe) { // Drain any queued outgoing messages mMessagePipe->pumpOutput(); // Only do input processing here if this instance isn't in a pollset. if(!mPolledInput) { mMessagePipe->pumpInput(); } } if(mState <= STATE_RUNNING) { if(APR_STATUS_IS_EOF(mSocketError)) { // Plugin socket was closed. This covers both normal plugin termination and plugin crashes. errorState(); } else if(mSocketError != APR_SUCCESS) { // The socket is in an error state -- the plugin is gone. LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Socket hit an error state (" << mSocketError << ")" << LL_ENDL; errorState(); } } // If a state needs to go directly to another state (as a performance enhancement), it can set idle_again to true after calling setState(). // USE THIS CAREFULLY, since it can starve other code. Specifically make sure there's no way to get into a closed cycle and never return. // When in doubt, don't do it. idle_again = false; switch(mState) { case STATE_UNINITIALIZED: break; case STATE_INITIALIZED: { apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; apr_sockaddr_t* addr = NULL; mListenSocket = LLSocket::create(gAPRPoolp, LLSocket::STREAM_TCP); mBoundPort = 0; // This code is based on parts of LLSocket::create() in lliosocket.cpp. status = apr_sockaddr_info_get( &addr, "", APR_INET, 0, // port 0 = ephemeral ("find me a port") 0, gAPRPoolp); if(ll_apr_warn_status(status)) { killSockets(); errorState(); break; } // This allows us to reuse the address on quick down/up. This is unlikely to create problems. ll_apr_warn_status(apr_socket_opt_set(mListenSocket->getSocket(), APR_SO_REUSEADDR, 1)); status = apr_socket_bind(mListenSocket->getSocket(), addr); if(ll_apr_warn_status(status)) { killSockets(); errorState(); break; } // Get the actual port the socket was bound to { apr_sockaddr_t* bound_addr = NULL; if(ll_apr_warn_status(apr_socket_addr_get(&bound_addr, APR_LOCAL, mListenSocket->getSocket()))) { killSockets(); errorState(); break; } mBoundPort = bound_addr->port; if(mBoundPort == 0) { LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Bound port number unknown, bailing out." << LL_ENDL; killSockets(); errorState(); break; } } LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "Bound tcp socket to port: " << addr->port << LL_ENDL; // Make the listen socket non-blocking status = apr_socket_opt_set(mListenSocket->getSocket(), APR_SO_NONBLOCK, 1); if(ll_apr_warn_status(status)) { killSockets(); errorState(); break; } apr_socket_timeout_set(mListenSocket->getSocket(), 0); if(ll_apr_warn_status(status)) { killSockets(); errorState(); break; } // If it's a stream based socket, we need to tell the OS // to keep a queue of incoming connections for ACCEPT. status = apr_socket_listen( mListenSocket->getSocket(), 10); // FIXME: Magic number for queue size if(ll_apr_warn_status(status)) { killSockets(); errorState(); break; } // If we got here, we're listening. setState(STATE_LISTENING); } break; case STATE_LISTENING: { // Launch the plugin process. if (mDebug && !pProcessCreationThread) { createPluginProcess(); if (!mProcess) { errorState(); } } else if (pProcessCreationThread == NULL) { // exe plugin process allocation can be hindered by a number // of factors, don't hold whole viewer because of it, use thread pProcessCreationThread = new LLPluginProcessCreationThread(this); pProcessCreationThread->start(); } else if (!mProcess && pProcessCreationThread->isStopped()) { delete pProcessCreationThread; pProcessCreationThread = NULL; errorState(); } if (mProcess) { if(mDebug) { #if LL_DARWIN // If we're set to debug, start up a gdb instance in a new terminal window and have it attach to the plugin process and continue. // The command we're constructing would look like this on the command line: // osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal"' -e 'set win to do script "gdb -pid 12345"' -e 'do script "continue" in win' -e 'end tell' LLProcess::Params params; params.executable = "/usr/bin/osascript"; params.args.add("-e"); params.args.add("tell application \"Terminal\""); params.args.add("-e"); params.args.add(STRINGIZE("set win to do script \"gdb -pid " << mProcess->getProcessID() << "\"")); params.args.add("-e"); params.args.add("do script \"continue\" in win"); params.args.add("-e"); params.args.add("end tell"); mDebugger = LLProcess::create(params); #endif } // This will allow us to time out if the process never starts. mHeartbeat.start(); mHeartbeat.setTimerExpirySec(mPluginLaunchTimeout); // pProcessCreationThread should have stopped by this point, // but check just in case it paused on statistics sync if (pProcessCreationThread && pProcessCreationThread->isStopped()) { delete pProcessCreationThread; pProcessCreationThread = NULL; } setState(STATE_LAUNCHED); } } break; case STATE_LAUNCHED: // waiting for the plugin to connect if(pluginLockedUpOrQuit()) { errorState(); } else { // Check for the incoming connection. if(accept()) { // Stop listening on the server port mListenSocket.reset(); setState(STATE_CONNECTED); } } break; case STATE_CONNECTED: // waiting for hello message from the plugin if(pluginLockedUpOrQuit()) { errorState(); } break; case STATE_HELLO: LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "received hello message" << LL_ENDL; // Send the message to load the plugin { LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_INTERNAL, "load_plugin"); message.setValue("file", mPluginFile); message.setValue("dir", mPluginDir); sendMessage(message); } setState(STATE_LOADING); break; case STATE_LOADING: // The load_plugin_response message will kick us from here into STATE_RUNNING if(pluginLockedUpOrQuit()) { errorState(); } break; case STATE_RUNNING: if(pluginLockedUpOrQuit()) { errorState(); } break; case STATE_GOODBYE: { LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_INTERNAL, "shutdown_plugin"); sendMessage(message); } setState(STATE_EXITING); break; case STATE_EXITING: if (! LLProcess::isRunning(mProcess)) { setState(STATE_CLEANUP); } else if(pluginLockedUp()) { LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "timeout in exiting state, bailing out" << LL_ENDL; errorState(); } break; case STATE_LAUNCH_FAILURE: if(mOwner != NULL) { mOwner->pluginLaunchFailed(); } setState(STATE_CLEANUP); break; case STATE_ERROR: if(mOwner != NULL) { mOwner->pluginDied(); } setState(STATE_CLEANUP); break; case STATE_CLEANUP: LLProcess::kill(mProcess); killSockets(); setState(STATE_DONE); dirtyPollSet(); clearProcessCreationThread(); break; case STATE_DONE: // just sit here. break; } } while (idle_again); } bool LLPluginProcessParent::isLoading(void) { bool result = false; if(mState <= STATE_LOADING) result = true; return result; } bool LLPluginProcessParent::isRunning(void) { bool result = false; if(mState == STATE_RUNNING) result = true; return result; } bool LLPluginProcessParent::isDone(void) { bool result = false; if(mState == STATE_DONE) result = true; return result; } void LLPluginProcessParent::setSleepTime(F64 sleep_time, bool force_send) { if(force_send || (sleep_time != mSleepTime)) { // Cache the time locally mSleepTime = sleep_time; if(canSendMessage()) { // and send to the plugin. LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_INTERNAL, "sleep_time"); message.setValueReal("time", mSleepTime); sendMessage(message); } else { // Too early to send -- the load_plugin_response message will trigger us to send mSleepTime later. } } } void LLPluginProcessParent::sendMessage(const LLPluginMessage &message) { if(message.hasValue("blocking_response")) { mBlocked = false; // reset the heartbeat timer, since there will have been no heartbeats while the plugin was blocked. mHeartbeat.setTimerExpirySec(mPluginLockupTimeout); } std::string buffer = message.generate(); LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "Sending: " << buffer << LL_ENDL; writeMessageRaw(buffer); // Try to send message immediately. if(mMessagePipe) { mMessagePipe->pumpOutput(); } } //virtual void LLPluginProcessParent::setMessagePipe(LLPluginMessagePipe *message_pipe) { bool update_pollset = false; if(mMessagePipe) { // Unsetting an existing message pipe -- remove from the pollset mPollFD.client_data = NULL; // pollset needs an update update_pollset = true; } if(message_pipe != NULL) { // Set up the apr_pollfd_t mPollFD.p = gAPRPoolp; mPollFD.desc_type = APR_POLL_SOCKET; mPollFD.reqevents = APR_POLLIN|APR_POLLERR|APR_POLLHUP; mPollFD.rtnevents = 0; mPollFD.desc.s = mSocket->getSocket(); mPollFD.client_data = (void*)this; // pollset needs an update update_pollset = true; } mMessagePipe = message_pipe; if(update_pollset) { dirtyPollSet(); } } //static void LLPluginProcessParent::dirtyPollSet() { sPollsetNeedsRebuild = true; if(sReadThread) { LL_DEBUGS("PluginPoll") << "unpausing read thread " << LL_ENDL; sReadThread->unpause(); } } void LLPluginProcessParent::updatePollset() { if(!sInstancesMutex) { // No instances have been created yet. There's no work to do. return; } LLMutexLock lock(sInstancesMutex); if(sPollSet) { LL_DEBUGS("PluginPoll") << "destroying pollset " << sPollSet << LL_ENDL; // delete the existing pollset. apr_pollset_destroy(sPollSet); sPollSet = NULL; } mapInstances_t::iterator iter; int count = 0; // Count the number of instances that want to be in the pollset for(iter = sInstances.begin(); iter != sInstances.end(); iter++) { (*iter).second->mPolledInput = false; if ((*iter).second->wantsPolling()) { // This instance has a socket that needs to be polled. ++count; } } if(sUseReadThread && sReadThread && !sReadThread->isQuitting()) { if(!sPollSet && (count > 0)) { #ifdef APR_POLLSET_NOCOPY // The pollset doesn't exist yet. Create it now. apr_status_t status = apr_pollset_create(&sPollSet, count, gAPRPoolp, APR_POLLSET_NOCOPY); if(status != APR_SUCCESS) { #endif // APR_POLLSET_NOCOPY LL_WARNS("PluginPoll") << "Couldn't create pollset. Falling back to non-pollset mode." << LL_ENDL; sPollSet = NULL; #ifdef APR_POLLSET_NOCOPY } else { LL_DEBUGS("PluginPoll") << "created pollset " << sPollSet << LL_ENDL; // Pollset was created, add all instances to it. for(iter = sInstances.begin(); iter != sInstances.end(); iter++) { if ((*iter).second->wantsPolling()) { status = apr_pollset_add(sPollSet, &((*iter).second->mPollFD)); if(status == APR_SUCCESS) { (*iter).second->mPolledInput = true; } else { LL_WARNS("PluginPoll") << "apr_pollset_add failed with status " << status << LL_ENDL; } } } } #endif // APR_POLLSET_NOCOPY } } } void LLPluginProcessParent::setUseReadThread(bool use_read_thread) { if(sUseReadThread != use_read_thread) { sUseReadThread = use_read_thread; if(sUseReadThread) { if(!sReadThread) { // start up the read thread LL_INFOS("PluginPoll") << "creating read thread " << LL_ENDL; // make sure the pollset gets rebuilt. sPollsetNeedsRebuild = true; sReadThread = new LLPluginProcessParentPollThread; sReadThread->start(); } } else { if(sReadThread) { // shut down the read thread LL_INFOS("PluginPoll") << "destroying read thread " << LL_ENDL; delete sReadThread; sReadThread = NULL; } } } } void LLPluginProcessParent::poll(F64 timeout) { if(sPollsetNeedsRebuild || !sUseReadThread) { sPollsetNeedsRebuild = false; updatePollset(); } if(sPollSet) { apr_status_t status; apr_int32_t count; const apr_pollfd_t *descriptors; status = apr_pollset_poll(sPollSet, (apr_interval_time_t)(timeout * 1000000), &count, &descriptors); if(status == APR_SUCCESS) { // One or more of the descriptors signalled. Call them. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { void *thatId = descriptors[i].client_data; ptr_t that; mapInstances_t::iterator it; { LLMutexLock lock(sInstancesMutex); it = sInstances.find(thatId); if (it != sInstances.end()) that = (*it).second; } if (that) { that->mIncomingQueueMutex.lock(); that->servicePoll(); that->mIncomingQueueMutex.unlock(); } } } else if(APR_STATUS_IS_TIMEUP(status)) { // timed out with no incoming data. Just return. } else if(status == EBADF) { // This happens when one of the file descriptors in the pollset is destroyed, which happens whenever a plugin's socket is closed. // The pollset has been or will be recreated, so just return. LL_DEBUGS("PluginPoll") << "apr_pollset_poll returned EBADF" << LL_ENDL; } else if(status != APR_SUCCESS) { LL_WARNS("PluginPoll") << "apr_pollset_poll failed with status " << status << LL_ENDL; } } // Remove instances in the done state from the sInstances map. mapInstances_t::iterator itClean = sInstances.begin(); while (itClean != sInstances.end()) { if ((*itClean).second->isDone()) sInstances.erase(itClean++); else ++itClean; } } void LLPluginProcessParent::servicePoll() { bool result = true; // poll signalled on this object's socket. Try to process incoming messages. if(mMessagePipe) { result = mMessagePipe->pumpInput(0.0f); } if(!result) { // If we got a read error on input, remove this pipe from the pollset apr_pollset_remove(sPollSet, &mPollFD); // and tell the code not to re-add it mPollFD.client_data = NULL; } } void LLPluginProcessParent::receiveMessageRaw(const std::string &message) { LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "Received: " << message << LL_ENDL; LLPluginMessage parsed; if(LLSDParser::PARSE_FAILURE != parsed.parse(message)) { if(parsed.hasValue("blocking_request")) { mBlocked = true; } if(mPolledInput) { // This is being called on the polling thread -- only do minimal processing/queueing. receiveMessageEarly(parsed); } else { // This is not being called on the polling thread -- do full message processing at this time. receiveMessage(parsed); } } } void LLPluginProcessParent::receiveMessageEarly(const LLPluginMessage &message) { // NOTE: this function will be called from the polling thread. It will be called with mIncomingQueueMutex _already locked_. bool handled = false; std::string message_class = message.getClass(); if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_INTERNAL) { // no internal messages need to be handled early. } else { // Call out to the owner and see if they to reply // TODO: Should this only happen when blocked? if(mOwner != NULL) { handled = mOwner->receivePluginMessageEarly(message); } } if(!handled) { // any message that wasn't handled early needs to be queued. mIncomingQueue.push(message); } } void LLPluginProcessParent::receiveMessage(const LLPluginMessage &message) { std::string message_class = message.getClass(); if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_INTERNAL) { // internal messages should be handled here std::string message_name = message.getName(); if(message_name == "hello") { if(mState == STATE_CONNECTED) { // Plugin host has launched. Tell it which plugin to load. setState(STATE_HELLO); } else { LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "received hello message in wrong state -- bailing out" << LL_ENDL; errorState(); } } else if(message_name == "load_plugin_response") { if(mState == STATE_LOADING) { // Plugin has been loaded. mPluginVersionString = message.getValue("plugin_version"); LL_INFOS("Plugin") << "plugin version string: " << mPluginVersionString << LL_ENDL; // Check which message classes/versions the plugin supports. // TODO: check against current versions // TODO: kill plugin on major mismatches? mMessageClassVersions = message.getValueLLSD("versions"); LLSD::map_iterator iter; for(iter = mMessageClassVersions.beginMap(); iter != mMessageClassVersions.endMap(); iter++) { LL_INFOS("Plugin") << "message class: " << iter->first << " -> version: " << iter->second.asString() << LL_ENDL; } // Send initial sleep time llassert_always(mSleepTime != 0.f); setSleepTime(mSleepTime, true); setState(STATE_RUNNING); } else { LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "received load_plugin_response message in wrong state -- bailing out" << LL_ENDL; errorState(); } } else if(message_name == "heartbeat") { // this resets our timer. mHeartbeat.setTimerExpirySec(mPluginLockupTimeout); mCPUUsage = message.getValueReal("cpu_usage"); LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "cpu usage reported as " << mCPUUsage << LL_ENDL; } else if(message_name == "shm_add_response") { // Nothing to do here. } else if(message_name == "shm_remove_response") { std::string name = message.getValue("name"); sharedMemoryRegionsType::iterator iter = mSharedMemoryRegions.find(name); if(iter != mSharedMemoryRegions.end()) { // destroy the shared memory region iter->second->destroy(); delete iter->second; iter->second = NULL; // and remove it from our map mSharedMemoryRegions.erase(iter); } } else { LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Unknown internal message from child: " << message_name << LL_ENDL; } } else { if(mOwner != NULL) { mOwner->receivePluginMessage(message); } } } std::string LLPluginProcessParent::addSharedMemory(size_t size) { std::string name; LLPluginSharedMemory *region = new LLPluginSharedMemory; // This is a new region if(region->create(size)) { name = region->getName(); mSharedMemoryRegions.insert(sharedMemoryRegionsType::value_type(name, region)); LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_INTERNAL, "shm_add"); message.setValue("name", name); message.setValueS32("size", (S32)size); sendMessage(message); } else { LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Couldn't create a shared memory segment!" << LL_ENDL; // Don't leak delete region; } return name; } void LLPluginProcessParent::removeSharedMemory(const std::string &name) { sharedMemoryRegionsType::iterator iter = mSharedMemoryRegions.find(name); if(iter != mSharedMemoryRegions.end()) { // This segment exists. Send the message to the child to unmap it. The response will cause the parent to unmap our end. LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_INTERNAL, "shm_remove"); message.setValue("name", name); sendMessage(message); } else { LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "Request to remove an unknown shared memory segment." << LL_ENDL; } } size_t LLPluginProcessParent::getSharedMemorySize(const std::string &name) { size_t result = 0; sharedMemoryRegionsType::iterator iter = mSharedMemoryRegions.find(name); if(iter != mSharedMemoryRegions.end()) { result = iter->second->getSize(); } return result; } void *LLPluginProcessParent::getSharedMemoryAddress(const std::string &name) { void *result = NULL; sharedMemoryRegionsType::iterator iter = mSharedMemoryRegions.find(name); if(iter != mSharedMemoryRegions.end()) { result = iter->second->getMappedAddress(); } return result; } std::string LLPluginProcessParent::getMessageClassVersion(const std::string &message_class) { std::string result; if(mMessageClassVersions.has(message_class)) { result = mMessageClassVersions[message_class].asString(); } return result; } std::string LLPluginProcessParent::getPluginVersion(void) { return mPluginVersionString; } void LLPluginProcessParent::setState(EState state) { LL_DEBUGS("Plugin") << "setting state to " << state << LL_ENDL; mState = state; }; bool LLPluginProcessParent::pluginLockedUpOrQuit() { bool result = false; if (! LLProcess::isRunning(mProcess)) { LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "child exited" << LL_ENDL; result = true; } else if(pluginLockedUp()) { LL_WARNS("Plugin") << "timeout" << LL_ENDL; result = true; } return result; } bool LLPluginProcessParent::pluginLockedUp() { if(mDisableTimeout || mDebug || mBlocked) { // Never time out a plugin process in these cases. return false; } // If the timer is running and has expired, the plugin has locked up. return (mHeartbeat.getStarted() && mHeartbeat.hasExpired()); }