/** * @file llhttpclient_test.cpp * @brief Testing the HTTP client classes. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2006&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ /** * * These classes test the HTTP client framework. * */ #include #include "linden_common.h" #include "lltut.h" #include "llhttpclient.h" #include "llformat.h" #include "llpipeutil.h" #include "llproxy.h" #include "llpumpio.h" #include "lliosocket.h" #include "stringize.h" #include "llcleanup.h" namespace tut { struct HTTPClientTestData { public: HTTPClientTestData(): PORT(getenv("PORT")), // Turning NULL PORT into empty string doesn't make things work; // that's just to keep this initializer from blowing up. We test // PORT separately in the constructor body. local_server(STRINGIZE("" << (PORT? PORT : "") << "/")) { ensure("Set environment variable PORT to local test server port", PORT); apr_pool_create(&mPool, NULL); LLCurl::initClass(false); mClientPump = new LLPumpIO(mPool); LLHTTPClient::setPump(*mClientPump); } ~HTTPClientTestData() { delete mClientPump; SUBSYSTEM_CLEANUP(LLProxy); apr_pool_destroy(mPool); } void runThePump(float timeout = 100.0f) { LLTimer timer; timer.setTimerExpirySec(timeout); while(!mSawCompleted && !mSawCompletedHeader && !timer.hasExpired()) { LLFrameTimer::updateFrameTime(); if (mClientPump) { mClientPump->pump(); mClientPump->callback(); } } } const char* const PORT; const std::string local_server; private: apr_pool_t* mPool; LLPumpIO* mClientPump; protected: void ensureStatusOK() { if (mSawError) { std::string msg = llformat("httpFailure() called when not expected, status %d", mStatus); fail(msg); } } void ensureStatusError() { if (!mSawError) { fail("httpFailure() wasn't called"); } } LLSD getResult() { return mResult; } LLSD getHeader() { return mHeader; } protected: bool mSawError; U32 mStatus; std::string mReason; bool mSawCompleted; bool mSawCompletedHeader; LLSD mResult; LLSD mHeader; bool mResultDeleted; class Result : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { protected: Result(HTTPClientTestData& client) : mClient(client) { } public: static Result* build(HTTPClientTestData& client) { return new Result(client); } ~Result() { mClient.mResultDeleted = true; } protected: virtual void httpFailure() { mClient.mSawError = true; mClient.mStatus = getStatus(); mClient.mReason = getReason(); } virtual void httpSuccess() { mClient.mResult = getContent(); } virtual void httpCompleted() { LLHTTPClient::Responder::httpCompleted(); mClient.mSawCompleted = true; mClient.mSawCompletedHeader = true; mClient.mHeader = getResponseHeaders(); } private: HTTPClientTestData& mClient; }; friend class Result; protected: LLHTTPClient::ResponderPtr newResult() { mSawError = false; mStatus = 0; mSawCompleted = false; mSawCompletedHeader = false; mResult.clear(); mHeader.clear(); mResultDeleted = false; return Result::build(*this); } }; typedef test_group HTTPClientTestGroup; typedef HTTPClientTestGroup::object HTTPClientTestObject; HTTPClientTestGroup httpClientTestGroup("http_client"); template<> template<> void HTTPClientTestObject::test<1>() { LLHTTPClient::get(local_server, newResult()); runThePump(); ensureStatusOK(); ensure("result object wasn't destroyed", mResultDeleted); } template<> template<> void HTTPClientTestObject::test<2>() { // Please nobody listen on this particular port... LLHTTPClient::get("", newResult()); runThePump(); ensureStatusError(); } template<> template<> void HTTPClientTestObject::test<3>() { LLSD sd; sd["list"][0]["one"] = 1; sd["list"][0]["two"] = 2; sd["list"][1]["three"] = 3; sd["list"][1]["four"] = 4; LLHTTPClient::post(local_server + "web/echo", sd, newResult()); runThePump(); ensureStatusOK(); ensure_equals("echoed result matches", getResult(), sd); } template<> template<> void HTTPClientTestObject::test<4>() { LLSD sd; sd["message"] = "This is my test message."; LLHTTPClient::put(local_server + "test/storage", sd, newResult()); runThePump(); ensureStatusOK(); LLHTTPClient::get(local_server + "test/storage", newResult()); runThePump(); ensureStatusOK(); ensure_equals("echoed result matches", getResult(), sd); } template<> template<> void HTTPClientTestObject::test<5>() { LLSD sd; sd["status"] = 543; sd["reason"] = "error for testing"; LLHTTPClient::post(local_server + "test/error", sd, newResult()); runThePump(); ensureStatusError(); ensure_contains("reason", mReason, sd["reason"]); } template<> template<> void HTTPClientTestObject::test<6>() { const F32 timeout = 1.0f; LLHTTPClient::get(local_server + "test/timeout", newResult(), LLSD(), timeout); runThePump(timeout * 5.0f); ensureStatusError(); ensure_equals("reason", mReason, "STATUS_EXPIRED"); } template<> template<> void HTTPClientTestObject::test<7>() { LLHTTPClient::get(local_server, newResult()); runThePump(); ensureStatusOK(); LLSD expected = getResult(); LLSD result; result = LLHTTPClient::blockingGet(local_server); LLSD body = result["body"]; ensure_equals("echoed result matches", body.size(), expected.size()); } template<> template<> void HTTPClientTestObject::test<8>() { // This is testing for the presence of the Header in the returned results // from an HTTP::get call. LLHTTPClient::get(local_server, newResult()); runThePump(); ensureStatusOK(); LLSD header = getHeader(); ensure("got a header", ! header.emptyMap().asBoolean()); } template<> template<> void HTTPClientTestObject::test<9>() { LLHTTPClient::head(local_server, newResult()); runThePump(); ensureStatusOK(); ensure("result object wasn't destroyed", mResultDeleted); } }