 * @file llxfer_file.cpp
 * @brief implementation of LLXfer_File class for a single xfer (file)
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "linden_common.h"

#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "llxfer_file.h"
#include "lluuid.h"
#include "llerror.h"
#include "llmath.h"
#include "llstring.h"
#include "lldir.h"

// size of chunks read from/written to disk
const U32 LL_MAX_XFER_FILE_BUFFER = 65536;

// local function to copy a file
S32 copy_file(const std::string& from, const std::string& to);


LLXfer_File::LLXfer_File (S32 chunk_size)
: LLXfer(chunk_size)
    init(LLStringUtil::null, false, chunk_size);

LLXfer_File::LLXfer_File (const std::string& local_filename, bool delete_local_on_completion, S32 chunk_size)
: LLXfer(chunk_size)
    init(local_filename, delete_local_on_completion, chunk_size);


LLXfer_File::~LLXfer_File ()


void LLXfer_File::init (const std::string& local_filename, bool delete_local_on_completion, S32 chunk_size)

    mFp = NULL;
    mRemotePath = LL_PATH_NONE;
    mDeleteLocalOnCompletion = false;
    mDeleteRemoteOnCompletion = false;

    if (!local_filename.empty())
        mLocalFilename =  local_filename.substr(0,LL_MAX_PATH-1);

        // You can only automatically delete .tmp file as a safeguard against nasty messages.
        std::string exten = mLocalFilename.substr(mLocalFilename.length()-4, 4);
        mDeleteLocalOnCompletion = (delete_local_on_completion && exten == ".tmp");


void LLXfer_File::cleanup ()
    if (mFp)
        mFp = NULL;

    LLFile::remove(mTempFilename, ENOENT);

    if (mDeleteLocalOnCompletion)
        LL_DEBUGS("Xfer") << "Removing file: " << mLocalFilename << LL_ENDL;
        LLFile::remove(mLocalFilename, ENOENT);
        LL_DEBUGS("Xfer") << "Keeping local file: " << mLocalFilename << LL_ENDL;



S32 LLXfer_File::initializeRequest(U64 xfer_id,
                   const std::string& local_filename,
                   const std::string& remote_filename,
                   ELLPath remote_path,
                   const LLHost& remote_host,
                   bool delete_remote_on_completion,
                   void (*callback)(void**,S32,LLExtStat),
                   void** user_data)
    S32 retval = 0;  // presume success

    mID = xfer_id;
    mLocalFilename = local_filename;
    mRemoteFilename = remote_filename;
    mRemotePath = remote_path;
    mRemoteHost = remote_host;
    mDeleteRemoteOnCompletion = delete_remote_on_completion;

    mTempFilename = gDirUtilp->getTempFilename();

    mCallback = callback;
    mCallbackDataHandle = user_data;
    mCallbackResult = LL_ERR_NOERR;

    LL_INFOS("Xfer") << "Requesting xfer from " << remote_host << " for file: " << mLocalFilename << LL_ENDL;

    if (mBuffer)
        mBuffer = NULL;

    mBuffer = new char[LL_MAX_XFER_FILE_BUFFER];
    mBufferLength = 0;

    mPacketNum = 0;

    mStatus = e_LL_XFER_PENDING;
    return retval;


S32 LLXfer_File::startDownload()
    S32 retval = 0;  // presume success
    mFp = LLFile::fopen(mTempFilename,"w+b");       /* Flawfinder : ignore */
    if (mFp)
        mFp = NULL;

        // tbd - is it premature to send this message if the queue is backed up?
        gMessageSystem->addU64Fast(_PREHASH_ID, mID);
        gMessageSystem->addStringFast(_PREHASH_Filename, mRemoteFilename);
        gMessageSystem->addU8("FilePath", (U8) mRemotePath);
        gMessageSystem->addBOOL("DeleteOnCompletion", mDeleteRemoteOnCompletion);
        gMessageSystem->addBOOL("UseBigPackets", mChunkSize == LL_XFER_LARGE_PAYLOAD);
        gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_VFileID, LLUUID::null);
        gMessageSystem->addS16Fast(_PREHASH_VFileType, -1);

        mStatus = e_LL_XFER_IN_PROGRESS;
        LL_WARNS("Xfer") << "Couldn't create file to be received!" << LL_ENDL;
        retval = -1;

    return (retval);


S32 LLXfer_File::startSend (U64 xfer_id, const LLHost &remote_host)
    S32 retval = LL_ERR_NOERR;  // presume success

    mRemoteHost = remote_host;
    mID = xfer_id;
    mPacketNum = -1;

//  cout << "Sending file: " << mLocalFilename << endl;

    delete [] mBuffer;
    mBuffer = new char[LL_MAX_XFER_FILE_BUFFER];

    mBufferLength = 0;
    mBufferStartOffset = 0;

    // We leave the file open, assuming we'll start reading and sending soon
    mFp = LLFile::fopen(mLocalFilename,"rb");       /* Flawfinder : ignore */
    if (mFp)

        S32 file_size = ftell(mFp);
        if (file_size <= 0)
            return LL_ERR_FILE_EMPTY;

        LL_INFOS("Xfer") << "Warning: " << mLocalFilename << " not found." << LL_ENDL;
        return (LL_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);

    mStatus = e_LL_XFER_PENDING;

    return (retval);

void LLXfer_File::closeFileHandle()
    if (mFp)
        mFp = NULL;


S32 LLXfer_File::reopenFileHandle()
    S32 retval = LL_ERR_NOERR;  // presume success

    if (mFp == NULL)
        mFp = LLFile::fopen(mLocalFilename,"rb");       /* Flawfinder : ignore */
        if (mFp == NULL)
            LL_INFOS("Xfer") << "Warning: " << mLocalFilename << " not found when re-opening file" << LL_ENDL;
            retval = LL_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;

    return retval;


S32 LLXfer_File::getMaxBufferSize ()


S32 LLXfer_File::suck(S32 start_position)
    S32 retval = 0;

    if (mFp)
        // grab a buffer from the right place in the file
        fseek (mFp,start_position,SEEK_SET);

        mBufferLength = (U32)fread(mBuffer,1,LL_MAX_XFER_FILE_BUFFER,mFp);
        mBufferStartOffset = start_position;

        if (feof(mFp))
            mBufferContainsEOF = true;
            mBufferContainsEOF = false;
        retval = -1;

    return (retval);


S32 LLXfer_File::flush()
    S32 retval = 0;
    if (mBufferLength)
        if (mFp)
            LL_ERRS("Xfer") << "Overwriting open file pointer!" << LL_ENDL;
        mFp = LLFile::fopen(mTempFilename,"a+b");       /* Flawfinder : ignore */

        if (mFp)
            S32 write_size = static_cast<S32>(fwrite(mBuffer,1,mBufferLength,mFp));
            if (write_size != mBufferLength)
                LL_WARNS("Xfer") << "Non-matching write size, requested " << mBufferLength
                    << " but wrote " << write_size
                    << LL_ENDL;

//          LL_INFOS("Xfer") << "******* wrote " << mBufferLength << " bytes of file xfer" << LL_ENDL;
            mFp = NULL;

            mBufferLength = 0;
            LL_WARNS("Xfer") << "LLXfer_File::flush() unable to open " << mTempFilename << " for writing!" << LL_ENDL;
            retval = LL_ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE;
    return (retval);


S32 LLXfer_File::processEOF()
    S32 retval = 0;
    mStatus = e_LL_XFER_COMPLETE;

    S32 flushval = flush();

    // If we have no other errors, our error becomes the error generated by
    // flush.
    if (!mCallbackResult)
        mCallbackResult = flushval;

    LLFile::remove(mLocalFilename, ENOENT);

    if (!mCallbackResult)
        if (LLFile::rename(mTempFilename,mLocalFilename))
            S32 error_number = errno;
            LL_INFOS("Xfer") << "Rename failure (" << error_number << ") - "
                    << mTempFilename << " to " << mLocalFilename << LL_ENDL;
            if(EXDEV == error_number)
                if(copy_file(mTempFilename, mLocalFilename) == 0)
                    LL_INFOS("Xfer") << "Rename across mounts; copying+unlinking the file instead." << LL_ENDL;
                    LL_WARNS("Xfer") << "Copy failure - " << mTempFilename << " to "
                            << mLocalFilename << LL_ENDL;
                //LLFILE* fp = LLFile::fopen(mTempFilename, "r");
                //LL_WARNS() << "File " << mTempFilename << " does "
                //      << (!fp ? "not" : "" ) << " exit." << LL_ENDL;
                //if(fp) fclose(fp);
                //fp = LLFile::fopen(mLocalFilename, "r");
                //LL_WARNS() << "File " << mLocalFilename << " does "
                //      << (!fp ? "not" : "" ) << " exit." << LL_ENDL;
                //if(fp) fclose(fp);
                LL_WARNS("Xfer") << "Rename fatally failed, can only handle EXDEV ("
                        << EXDEV << ")" << LL_ENDL;
            LL_WARNS("Xfer") << "Rename failure - " << mTempFilename << " to "
                    << mLocalFilename << LL_ENDL;

    if (mFp)
        mFp = NULL;

    retval = LLXfer::processEOF();



bool LLXfer_File::matchesLocalFilename(const std::string& filename)
    return (filename == mLocalFilename);


bool LLXfer_File::matchesRemoteFilename(const std::string& filename, ELLPath remote_path)
    return ((filename == mRemoteFilename) && (remote_path == mRemotePath));


std::string LLXfer_File::getFileName()
    return mLocalFilename;


// hacky - doesn't matter what this is
// as long as it's different from the other classes
U32 LLXfer_File::getXferTypeTag()
    return LLXfer::XFER_FILE;



// This is really close to, but not quite a general purpose copy
// function. It does not really spam enough information, but is useful
// for this cpp file, because this should never be called in a
// production environment.
S32 copy_file(const std::string& from, const std::string& to)
    S32 rv = 0;
    LLFILE* in = LLFile::fopen(from, "rb"); /*Flawfinder: ignore*/
    LLFILE* out = LLFile::fopen(to, "wb");  /*Flawfinder: ignore*/
    if(in && out)
        S32 read = 0;
        const S32 COPY_BUFFER_SIZE = 16384;
        U8 buffer[COPY_BUFFER_SIZE];
        while(((read = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), in)) > 0)
              && (fwrite(buffer, 1, read, out) == (U32)read));      /* Flawfinder : ignore */
        if(ferror(in) || ferror(out)) rv = -2;
        rv = -1;
    if(in) fclose(in);
    if(out) fclose(out);
    return rv;