/** * @file llxfer.cpp * @brief implementation of LLXfer class for a single xfer. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llxfer.h" #include "lluuid.h" #include "llerror.h" #include "llmath.h" #include "u64.h" //number of bytes sent in each message const U32 LL_XFER_CHUNK_SIZE = 1000; const U32 LLXfer::XFER_FILE = 1; const U32 LLXfer::XFER_VFILE = 2; const U32 LLXfer::XFER_MEM = 3; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLXfer::LLXfer (S32 chunk_size) { init(chunk_size); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLXfer::~LLXfer () { cleanup(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLXfer::init (S32 chunk_size) { mID = 0; mPacketNum = -1; // there's a preincrement before sending the zeroth packet mXferSize = 0; mStatus = e_LL_XFER_UNINITIALIZED; mWaitingForACK = FALSE; mCallback = NULL; mCallbackDataHandle = NULL; mCallbackResult = 0; mBufferContainsEOF = FALSE; mBuffer = NULL; mBufferLength = 0; mBufferStartOffset = 0; mRetries = 0; if (chunk_size < 1) { chunk_size = LL_XFER_CHUNK_SIZE; } mChunkSize = chunk_size; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLXfer::cleanup () { if (mBuffer) { delete[] mBuffer; mBuffer = NULL; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// S32 LLXfer::startSend (U64 xfer_id, const LLHost &remote_host) { LL_WARNS("Xfer") << "unexpected call to base class LLXfer::startSend for " << getFileName() << LL_ENDL; return (-1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLXfer::closeFileHandle() { LL_WARNS("Xfer") << "unexpected call to base class LLXfer::closeFileHandle for " << getFileName() << LL_ENDL; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// S32 LLXfer::reopenFileHandle() { LL_WARNS("Xfer") << "unexpected call to base class LLXfer::reopenFileHandle for " << getFileName() << LL_ENDL; return (-1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLXfer::setXferSize (S32 xfer_size) { mXferSize = xfer_size; // cout << "starting transfer of size: " << xfer_size << endl; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// S32 LLXfer::startDownload() { LL_WARNS("Xfer") << "undifferentiated LLXfer::startDownload for " << getFileName() << LL_ENDL; return (-1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// S32 LLXfer::receiveData (char *datap, S32 data_size) { S32 retval = 0; if (((S32) mBufferLength + data_size) > getMaxBufferSize()) { // Write existing data to disk if it's larger than the buffer size retval = flush(); } if (!retval) { if (datap != NULL) { // Append new data to mBuffer memcpy(&mBuffer[mBufferLength],datap,data_size); /*Flawfinder: ignore*/ mBufferLength += data_size; } else { LL_ERRS("Xfer") << "NULL data passed in receiveData" << LL_ENDL; } } return (retval); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// S32 LLXfer::flush() { // only files have somewhere to flush to // if we get called with a flush it means we've blown past our // allocated buffer size return (-1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// S32 LLXfer::suck(S32 start_position) { LL_WARNS("Xfer") << "Attempted to send a packet outside the buffer bounds in LLXfer::suck()" << LL_ENDL; return (-1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLXfer::sendPacket(S32 packet_num) { char fdata_buf[LL_XFER_LARGE_PAYLOAD+4]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */ S32 fdata_size = mChunkSize; BOOL last_packet = FALSE; S32 num_copy = 0; // if the desired packet is not in our current buffered excerpt from the file. . . if (((U32)packet_num*fdata_size < mBufferStartOffset) || ((U32)llmin((U32)mXferSize,(U32)((U32)(packet_num+1)*fdata_size)) > mBufferStartOffset + mBufferLength)) { if (suck(packet_num*fdata_size)) // returns non-zero on failure { abort(LL_ERR_EOF); return; } } S32 desired_read_position = 0; desired_read_position = packet_num * fdata_size - mBufferStartOffset; fdata_size = llmin((S32)mBufferLength-desired_read_position, mChunkSize); if (fdata_size < 0) { LL_WARNS("Xfer") << "negative data size in xfer send, aborting" << LL_ENDL; abort(LL_ERR_EOF); return; } if (((U32)(desired_read_position + fdata_size) >= (U32)mBufferLength) && (mBufferContainsEOF)) { last_packet = TRUE; } if (packet_num) { num_copy = llmin(fdata_size, (S32)sizeof(fdata_buf)); num_copy = llmin(num_copy, (S32)(mBufferLength - desired_read_position)); if (num_copy > 0) { memcpy(fdata_buf,&mBuffer[desired_read_position],num_copy); /*Flawfinder: ignore*/ } } else { // if we're the first packet, encode size as an additional S32 // at start of data. num_copy = llmin(fdata_size, (S32)(sizeof(fdata_buf)-sizeof(S32))); num_copy = llmin( num_copy, (S32)(mBufferLength - desired_read_position)); if (num_copy > 0) { memcpy( /*Flawfinder: ignore*/ fdata_buf + sizeof(S32), &mBuffer[desired_read_position], num_copy); } fdata_size += sizeof(S32); htolememcpy(fdata_buf,&mXferSize, MVT_S32, sizeof(S32)); } S32 encoded_packetnum = encodePacketNum(packet_num,last_packet); if (fdata_size) { // send the packet gMessageSystem->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_SendXferPacket); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_XferID); gMessageSystem->addU64Fast(_PREHASH_ID, mID); gMessageSystem->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_Packet, encoded_packetnum); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_DataPacket); gMessageSystem->addBinaryDataFast(_PREHASH_Data, &fdata_buf,fdata_size); S32 sent_something = gMessageSystem->sendMessage(mRemoteHost); if (sent_something == 0) { abort(LL_ERR_CIRCUIT_GONE); return; } ACKTimer.reset(); mWaitingForACK = TRUE; } if (last_packet) { mStatus = e_LL_XFER_COMPLETE; } else { mStatus = e_LL_XFER_IN_PROGRESS; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLXfer::sendNextPacket() { mRetries = 0; sendPacket(++mPacketNum); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLXfer::resendLastPacket() { mRetries++; sendPacket(mPacketNum); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// S32 LLXfer::processEOF() { S32 retval = 0; mStatus = e_LL_XFER_COMPLETE; if (LL_ERR_NOERR == mCallbackResult) { LL_INFOS("Xfer") << "xfer from " << mRemoteHost << " complete: " << getFileName() << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_INFOS("Xfer") << "xfer from " << mRemoteHost << " failed, code " << mCallbackResult << ": " << getFileName() << LL_ENDL; } if (mCallback) { mCallback(mCallbackDataHandle,mCallbackResult,LL_EXSTAT_NONE); } return(retval); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// S32 LLXfer::encodePacketNum(S32 packet_num, BOOL is_EOF) { if (is_EOF) { packet_num |= 0x80000000; } return packet_num; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLXfer::abort (S32 result_code) { mCallbackResult = result_code; LL_INFOS("Xfer") << "Aborting xfer from " << mRemoteHost << " named " << getFileName() << " - error: " << result_code << LL_ENDL; if (result_code != LL_ERR_CIRCUIT_GONE) { gMessageSystem->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_AbortXfer); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_XferID); gMessageSystem->addU64Fast(_PREHASH_ID, mID); gMessageSystem->addS32Fast(_PREHASH_Result, result_code); gMessageSystem->sendMessage(mRemoteHost); } mStatus = e_LL_XFER_ABORTED; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string LLXfer::getFileName() { return U64_to_str(mID); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// U32 LLXfer::getXferTypeTag() { return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// S32 LLXfer::getMaxBufferSize () { return(mXferSize); } std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, LLXfer &hh) { os << hh.getFileName() ; return os; }