/** * @file llsocks5.h * @brief Socks 5 implementation * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2011&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_SOCKS5_H #define LL_SOCKS5_H #include "llhost.h" #include "llmemory.h" #include "llsingleton.h" #include // Error codes returned from the StartProxy method #define SOCKS_OK 0 #define SOCKS_CONNECT_ERROR (-1) #define SOCKS_NOT_PERMITTED (-2) #define SOCKS_NOT_ACCEPTABLE (-3) #define SOCKS_AUTH_FAIL (-4) #define SOCKS_UDP_FWD_NOT_GRANTED (-5) #define SOCKS_HOST_CONNECT_FAILED (-6) #ifndef MAXHOSTNAMELEN #define MAXHOSTNAMELEN (255 + 1) /* socks5: 255, +1 for len. */ #endif #define SOCKS_VERSION 0x05 // we are using SOCKS 5 // SOCKS 5 address/hostname types #define ADDRESS_IPV4 0x01 #define ADDRESS_HOSTNAME 0x03 #define ADDRESS_IPV6 0x04 // Lets just use our own ipv4 struct rather than dragging in system // specific headers union ipv4_address_t { U8 octets[4]; U32 addr32; }; // SOCKS 5 control channel commands #define COMMAND_TCP_STREAM 0x01 #define COMMAND_TCP_BIND 0x02 #define COMMAND_UDP_ASSOCIATE 0x03 // SOCKS 5 command replies #define REPLY_REQUEST_GRANTED 0x00 #define REPLY_GENERAL_FAIL 0x01 #define REPLY_RULESET_FAIL 0x02 #define REPLY_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE 0x03 #define REPLY_HOST_UNREACHABLE 0x04 #define REPLY_CONNECTION_REFUSED 0x05 #define REPLY_TTL_EXPIRED 0x06 #define REPLY_PROTOCOL_ERROR 0x07 #define REPLY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x08 #define FIELD_RESERVED 0x00 // The standard SOCKS 5 request packet // Push current alignment to stack and set alignment to 1 byte boundary // This enabled us to use structs directly to set up and receive network packets // into the correct fields, without fear of boundary alignment causing issues #pragma pack(push,1) // SOCKS 5 command packet struct socks_command_request_t { U8 version; U8 command; U8 reserved; U8 atype; U32 address; U16 port; }; // Standard SOCKS 5 reply packet struct socks_command_response_t { U8 version; U8 reply; U8 reserved; U8 atype; U8 add_bytes[4]; U16 port; }; #define AUTH_NOT_ACCEPTABLE 0xFF // reply if preferred methods are not available #define AUTH_SUCCESS 0x00 // reply if authentication successful // SOCKS 5 authentication request, stating which methods the client supports struct socks_auth_request_t { U8 version; U8 num_methods; U8 methods; // We are only using a single method currently }; // SOCKS 5 authentication response packet, stating server preferred method struct socks_auth_response_t { U8 version; U8 method; }; // SOCKS 5 password reply packet struct authmethod_password_reply_t { U8 version; U8 status; }; // SOCKS 5 UDP packet header struct proxywrap_t { U16 rsv; U8 frag; U8 atype; U32 addr; U16 port; }; #pragma pack(pop) /* restore original alignment from stack */ // Currently selected http proxy type enum LLHttpProxyType { LLPROXY_SOCKS = 0, LLPROXY_HTTP = 1 }; // Auth types enum LLSocks5AuthType { METHOD_NOAUTH = 0x00, // Client supports no auth METHOD_GSSAPI = 0x01, // Client supports GSSAPI (Not currently supported) METHOD_PASSWORD = 0x02 // Client supports username/password }; class LLSocks: public LLSingleton { public: LLSocks(); // Start a connection to the SOCKS 5 proxy int startProxy(std::string host, U32 port); int startProxy(LLHost proxy, U32 messagePort); // Disconnect and clean up any connection to the SOCKS 5 proxy void stopProxy(); // Set up to use Password auth when connecting to the SOCKS proxy void setAuthPassword(std::string username, std::string password); // Set up to use No Auth when connecting to the SOCKS proxy void setAuthNone(); // get the currently selected auth method LLSocks5AuthType getSelectedAuthMethod() const { return mAuthMethodSelected; } // static check for enabled status for UDP packets static bool isEnabled() { return sUDPProxyEnabled; } // static check for enabled status for http packets static bool isHTTPProxyEnabled() { return sHTTPProxyEnabled; } // Proxy HTTP packets via httpHost, which can be a SOCKS 5 or a HTTP proxy // as specified in type void enableHTTPProxy(LLHost httpHost, LLHttpProxyType type); // Stop proxying HTTP packets void disableHTTPProxy() { sHTTPProxyEnabled = false; }; // Get the UDP proxy address and port LLHost getUDPProxy() const { return mUDPProxy; } // Get the SOCKS 5 TCP control channel address and port LLHost getTCPProxy() const { return mTCPProxy; } // Get the HTTP proxy address and port LLHost getHTTPProxy() const { return mHTTPProxy; } // Get the currently selected HTTP proxy type LLHttpProxyType getHTTPProxyType() const { return mProxyType; } // Get the username password in a curl compatible format std::string getProxyUserPwd() const { return (mSocksUsername + ":" + mSocksPassword); } private: // Open a communication channel to the SOCKS 5 proxy proxy, at port messagePort int proxyHandshake(LLHost proxy, U32 messagePort); // socket handle to proxy TCP control channel LLSocket::ptr_t mProxyControlChannel; // is the UDP proxy enabled? static bool sUDPProxyEnabled; // is the http proxy enabled? static bool sHTTPProxyEnabled; // currently selected http proxy type LLHttpProxyType mProxyType; // UDP proxy address and port LLHost mUDPProxy; // TCP Proxy control channel address and port LLHost mTCPProxy; // HTTP proxy address and port LLHost mHTTPProxy; // SOCKS 5 auth method selected LLSocks5AuthType mAuthMethodSelected; // SOCKS 5 username std::string mSocksUsername; // SOCKS 5 password std::string mSocksPassword; // APR pool for the socket apr_pool_t* mPool; }; #endif