/** * @file llmessagetemplate.h * @brief Declaration of the message template classes. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLMESSAGETEMPLATE_H #define LL_LLMESSAGETEMPLATE_H #include "lldarray.h" #include "message.h" // TODO: babbage: Remove... #include "llstat.h" #include "llstl.h" class LLMsgVarData { public: LLMsgVarData() : mName(NULL), mSize(-1), mDataSize(-1), mData(NULL), mType(MVT_U8) { } LLMsgVarData(const char *name, EMsgVariableType type) : mSize(-1), mDataSize(-1), mData(NULL), mType(type) { mName = (char *)name; } ~LLMsgVarData() { // copy constructor just copies the mData pointer, so only delete mData explicitly } void deleteData() { delete[] mData; mData = NULL; } void addData(const void *indata, S32 size, EMsgVariableType type, S32 data_size = -1); char *getName() const { return mName; } S32 getSize() const { return mSize; } void *getData() { return (void*)mData; } const void *getData() const { return (const void*)mData; } S32 getDataSize() const { return mDataSize; } EMsgVariableType getType() const { return mType; } protected: char *mName; S32 mSize; S32 mDataSize; U8 *mData; EMsgVariableType mType; }; class LLMsgBlkData { public: LLMsgBlkData(const char *name, S32 blocknum) : mOffset(-1), mBlockNumber(blocknum), mTotalSize(-1) { mName = (char *)name; } ~LLMsgBlkData() { for (msg_var_data_map_t::iterator iter = mMemberVarData.begin(); iter != mMemberVarData.end(); iter++) { iter->deleteData(); } } void addVariable(const char *name, EMsgVariableType type) { LLMsgVarData tmp(name,type); mMemberVarData[name] = tmp; } void addData(char *name, const void *data, S32 size, EMsgVariableType type, S32 data_size = -1) { LLMsgVarData* temp = &mMemberVarData[name]; // creates a new entry if one doesn't exist temp->addData(data, size, type, data_size); } S32 mOffset; S32 mBlockNumber; typedef LLDynamicArrayIndexed msg_var_data_map_t; msg_var_data_map_t mMemberVarData; char *mName; S32 mTotalSize; }; class LLMsgData { public: LLMsgData(const char *name) : mTotalSize(-1) { mName = (char *)name; } ~LLMsgData() { for_each(mMemberBlocks.begin(), mMemberBlocks.end(), DeletePairedPointer()); } void addBlock(LLMsgBlkData *blockp) { mMemberBlocks[blockp->mName] = blockp; } void addDataFast(char *blockname, char *varname, const void *data, S32 size, EMsgVariableType type, S32 data_size = -1); public: S32 mOffset; typedef std::map msg_blk_data_map_t; msg_blk_data_map_t mMemberBlocks; char *mName; S32 mTotalSize; }; // LLMessage* classes store the template of messages class LLMessageVariable { public: LLMessageVariable() : mName(NULL), mType(MVT_NULL), mSize(-1) { } LLMessageVariable(char *name) : mType(MVT_NULL), mSize(-1) { mName = name; } LLMessageVariable(const char *name, const EMsgVariableType type, const S32 size) : mType(type), mSize(size) { mName = LLMessageStringTable::getInstance()->getString(name); } ~LLMessageVariable() {} friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, LLMessageVariable &msg); EMsgVariableType getType() const { return mType; } S32 getSize() const { return mSize; } char *getName() const { return mName; } protected: char *mName; EMsgVariableType mType; S32 mSize; }; typedef enum e_message_block_type { MBT_NULL, MBT_SINGLE, MBT_MULTIPLE, MBT_VARIABLE, MBT_EOF } EMsgBlockType; class LLMessageBlock { public: LLMessageBlock(const char *name, EMsgBlockType type, S32 number = 1) : mType(type), mNumber(number), mTotalSize(0) { mName = LLMessageStringTable::getInstance()->getString(name); } ~LLMessageBlock() { for_each(mMemberVariables.begin(), mMemberVariables.end(), DeletePointer()); } void addVariable(char *name, const EMsgVariableType type, const S32 size) { LLMessageVariable** varp = &mMemberVariables[name]; if (*varp != NULL) { llerrs << name << " has already been used as a variable name!" << llendl; } *varp = new LLMessageVariable(name, type, size); if (((*varp)->getType() != MVT_VARIABLE) &&(mTotalSize != -1)) { mTotalSize += (*varp)->getSize(); } else { mTotalSize = -1; } } EMsgVariableType getVariableType(char *name) { return (mMemberVariables[name])->getType(); } S32 getVariableSize(char *name) { return (mMemberVariables[name])->getSize(); } const LLMessageVariable* getVariable(char* name) const { message_variable_map_t::const_iterator iter = mMemberVariables.find(name); return iter != mMemberVariables.end()? *iter : NULL; } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, LLMessageBlock &msg); typedef LLDynamicArrayIndexed message_variable_map_t; message_variable_map_t mMemberVariables; char *mName; EMsgBlockType mType; S32 mNumber; S32 mTotalSize; }; enum EMsgFrequency { MFT_NULL = 0, // value is size of message number in bytes MFT_HIGH = 1, MFT_MEDIUM = 2, MFT_LOW = 4 }; typedef enum e_message_trust { MT_TRUST, MT_NOTRUST } EMsgTrust; enum EMsgEncoding { ME_UNENCODED, ME_ZEROCODED }; enum EMsgDeprecation { MD_NOTDEPRECATED, MD_UDPDEPRECATED, MD_UDPBLACKLISTED, MD_DEPRECATED }; class LLMessageTemplate { public: LLMessageTemplate(const char *name, U32 message_number, EMsgFrequency freq) : //mMemberBlocks(), mName(NULL), mFrequency(freq), mTrust(MT_NOTRUST), mEncoding(ME_ZEROCODED), mDeprecation(MD_NOTDEPRECATED), mMessageNumber(message_number), mTotalSize(0), mReceiveCount(0), mReceiveBytes(0), mReceiveInvalid(0), mDecodeTimeThisFrame(0.f), mTotalDecoded(0), mTotalDecodeTime(0.f), mMaxDecodeTimePerMsg(0.f), mBanFromTrusted(false), mBanFromUntrusted(false), mHandlerFunc(NULL), mUserData(NULL) { mName = LLMessageStringTable::getInstance()->getString(name); } ~LLMessageTemplate() { for_each(mMemberBlocks.begin(), mMemberBlocks.end(), DeletePointer()); } void addBlock(LLMessageBlock *blockp) { LLMessageBlock** member_blockp = &mMemberBlocks[blockp->mName]; if (*member_blockp != NULL) { llerrs << "Block " << blockp->mName << "has already been used as a block name!" << llendl; } *member_blockp = blockp; if ( (mTotalSize != -1) &&(blockp->mTotalSize != -1) &&( (blockp->mType == MBT_SINGLE) ||(blockp->mType == MBT_MULTIPLE))) { mTotalSize += blockp->mNumber*blockp->mTotalSize; } else { mTotalSize = -1; } } LLMessageBlock *getBlock(char *name) { return mMemberBlocks[name]; } // Trusted messages can only be recieved on trusted circuits. void setTrust(EMsgTrust t) { mTrust = t; } EMsgTrust getTrust(void) const { return mTrust; } // controls for how the message should be encoded void setEncoding(EMsgEncoding e) { mEncoding = e; } EMsgEncoding getEncoding() const { return mEncoding; } void setDeprecation(EMsgDeprecation d) { mDeprecation = d; } EMsgDeprecation getDeprecation() const { return mDeprecation; } void setHandlerFunc(void (*handler_func)(LLMessageSystem *msgsystem, void **user_data), void **user_data) { mHandlerFunc = handler_func; mUserData = user_data; } BOOL callHandlerFunc(LLMessageSystem *msgsystem) const { if (mHandlerFunc) { LLPerfBlock msg_cb_time("msg_cb", mName); mHandlerFunc(msgsystem, mUserData); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool isUdpBanned() const { return mDeprecation == MD_UDPBLACKLISTED; } void banUdp(); bool isBanned(bool trustedSource) const { return trustedSource ? mBanFromTrusted : mBanFromUntrusted; } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, LLMessageTemplate &msg); const LLMessageBlock* getBlock(char* name) const { message_block_map_t::const_iterator iter = mMemberBlocks.find(name); return iter != mMemberBlocks.end()? *iter : NULL; } public: typedef LLDynamicArrayIndexed message_block_map_t; message_block_map_t mMemberBlocks; char *mName; EMsgFrequency mFrequency; EMsgTrust mTrust; EMsgEncoding mEncoding; EMsgDeprecation mDeprecation; U32 mMessageNumber; S32 mTotalSize; U32 mReceiveCount; // how many of this template have been received since last reset U32 mReceiveBytes; // How many bytes received U32 mReceiveInvalid; // How many "invalid" packets F32 mDecodeTimeThisFrame; // Total seconds spent decoding this frame U32 mTotalDecoded; // Total messages successfully decoded F32 mTotalDecodeTime; // Total time successfully decoding messages F32 mMaxDecodeTimePerMsg; bool mBanFromTrusted; bool mBanFromUntrusted; private: // message handler function (this is set by each application) void (*mHandlerFunc)(LLMessageSystem *msgsystem, void **user_data); void **mUserData; }; #endif // LL_LLMESSAGETEMPLATE_H