 * @file llcircuit.h
 * @brief Provides a method for tracking network circuit information
 * for the UDP message system
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include <map>
#include <vector>

#include "llerror.h"

#include "lltimer.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "llhost.h"
#include "llpacketack.h"
#include "lluuid.h"
#include "llthrottle.h"

// Constants
const F32 LL_AVERAGED_PING_ALPHA = 0.2f;  // relaxation constant on ping running average
const F32Milliseconds LL_AVERAGED_PING_MAX(2000);
const F32Milliseconds LL_AVERAGED_PING_MIN(100);    // increased to avoid retransmits when a process is slow

const U32Milliseconds INITIAL_PING_VALUE_MSEC(1000); // initial value for the ping delay, or for ping delay for an unknown circuit

const TPACKETID LL_MAX_OUT_PACKET_ID = 0x01000000;
const int LL_ERR_CIRCUIT_GONE   = -23017;
const int LL_ERR_TCP_TIMEOUT    = -23016;

// 0 - flags
// [1,4] - packetid
// 5 - data offset (after message name)
const U8 LL_PACKET_ID_SIZE = 6;

const F32 LL_COLLECT_ACK_TIME_MAX = 2.f;

// Prototypes and Predefines
class LLMessageSystem;
class LLEncodedDatagramService;
class LLSD;

// Classes

class LLCircuitData
    LLCircuitData(const LLHost &host, TPACKETID in_id,
                  const F32Seconds circuit_heartbeat_interval, const F32Seconds circuit_timeout);

    S32     resendUnackedPackets(const F64Seconds now);
    void    clearDuplicateList(TPACKETID oldest_id);

    void    dumpResendCountAndReset(); // Used for tracking how many resends are being done on a circuit.

    // Public because stupid message system callbacks uses it.
    void        pingTimerStart();
    void        pingTimerStop(const U8 ping_id);
    void            ackReliablePacket(TPACKETID packet_num);

    // remote computer information
    const LLUUID& getRemoteID() const { return mRemoteID; }
    const LLUUID& getRemoteSessionID() const { return mRemoteSessionID; }
    void setRemoteID(const LLUUID& id) { mRemoteID = id; }
    void setRemoteSessionID(const LLUUID& id) { mRemoteSessionID = id; }

    void        setTrusted(bool t);

    // The local end point ID is used when establishing a trusted circuit.
    // no matching set function for getLocalEndPointID()
    // mLocalEndPointID should only ever be setup in the LLCircuitData constructor
    const       LLUUID& getLocalEndPointID() const { return mLocalEndPointID; }

    U32Milliseconds getPingDelay() const;
    S32             getPingsInTransit() const           { return mPingsInTransit; }

    bool        isAlive() const;
    bool        isBlocked() const;
    bool        getAllowTimeout() const;
    F32Milliseconds getPingDelayAveraged();
    F32Milliseconds getPingInTransitTime();
    U32         getPacketsIn() const;
    S32Bytes    getBytesIn() const;
    S32Bytes    getBytesOut() const;
    U32         getPacketsOut() const;
    U32         getPacketsLost() const;
    TPACKETID   getPacketOutID() const;
    bool        getTrusted() const;
    F32         getAgeInSeconds() const;
    S32         getUnackedPacketCount() const   { return mUnackedPacketCount; }
    S32         getUnackedPacketBytes() const   { return mUnackedPacketBytes; }
    F64Seconds  getNextPingSendTime() const { return mNextPingSendTime; }
    U32         getLastPacketGap() const { return mLastPacketGap; }
    LLHost      getHost() const { return mHost; }
    F64Seconds  getLastPacketInTime() const     { return mLastPacketInTime; }

    LLThrottleGroup &getThrottleGroup()     {   return mThrottles; }

    class less
        bool operator()(const LLCircuitData* lhs, const LLCircuitData* rhs) const
            if (lhs->getNextPingSendTime() < rhs->getNextPingSendTime())
                return true;
            else if (lhs->getNextPingSendTime() > rhs->getNextPingSendTime())
                return false;
            else return lhs > rhs;

    // Debugging stuff (not necessary for operation)
    void                    checkPeriodTime();      // Reset per-period counters if necessary.
    friend std::ostream&    operator<<(std::ostream& s, LLCircuitData &circuit);
    void getInfo(LLSD& info) const;

    friend class LLCircuit;
    friend class LLMessageSystem;
    friend class LLEncodedDatagramService;
    friend void crash_on_spaceserver_timeout (const LLHost &host, void *); // HACK, so it has access to setAlive() so it can send a final shutdown message.
    TPACKETID       nextPacketOutID();
    void                setPacketInID(TPACKETID id);
    void                    checkPacketInID(TPACKETID id, bool receive_resent);
    void            setPingDelay(U32Milliseconds ping);
    bool            checkCircuitTimeout();  // Return false if the circuit is dead and should be cleaned up

    void            addBytesIn(S32Bytes bytes);
    void            addBytesOut(S32Bytes bytes);

    U8              nextPingID()            { mLastPingID++; return mLastPingID; }

    bool            updateWatchDogTimers(LLMessageSystem *msgsys);  // Return false if the circuit is dead and should be cleaned up

    void            addReliablePacket(S32 mSocket, U8 *buf_ptr, S32 buf_len, LLReliablePacketParams *params);
    bool            isDuplicateResend(TPACKETID packetnum);
    // Call this method when a reliable message comes in - this will
    // correctly place the packet in the correct list to be acked
    // later. RAack = requested ack
    bool collectRAck(TPACKETID packet_num);

    void            setTimeoutCallback(void (*callback_func)(const LLHost &host, void *user_data), void *user_data);

    void            setAlive(bool b_alive);
    void            setAllowTimeout(bool allow);

    // Identification for this circuit.
    LLHost mHost;
    LLUUID mRemoteID;
    LLUUID mRemoteSessionID;

    LLThrottleGroup mThrottles;

    TPACKETID       mWrapID;

    // Current packet IDs of incoming/outgoing packets
    // Used for packet sequencing/packet loss detection.
    TPACKETID       mPacketsOutID;
    TPACKETID       mPacketsInID;
    TPACKETID       mHighestPacketID;

    // Callback and data to run in the case of a circuit timeout.
    // Used primarily to try and reconnect to servers if they crash/die.
    void    (*mTimeoutCallback)(const LLHost &host, void *user_data);
    void    *mTimeoutUserData;

    bool    mTrusted;                   // Is this circuit trusted?
    bool    mbAllowTimeout;             // Machines can "pause" circuits, forcing them not to be dropped

    bool    mbAlive;                    // Indicates whether a circuit is "alive", i.e. responded to pings

    bool    mBlocked;                   // Blocked is true if the circuit is hosed, i.e. far behind on pings

    // Not sure what the difference between this and mLastPingSendTime is
    F64Seconds  mPingTime;                  // Time at which a ping was sent.

    F64Seconds  mLastPingSendTime;          // Time we last sent a ping
    F64Seconds  mLastPingReceivedTime;      // Time we last received a ping
    F64Seconds  mNextPingSendTime;          // Time to try and send the next ping
    S32         mPingsInTransit;            // Number of pings in transit
    U8          mLastPingID;                // ID of the last ping that we sent out

    // Used for determining the resend time for reliable resends.
    U32Milliseconds     mPingDelay;             // raw ping delay
    F32Milliseconds     mPingDelayAveraged;     // averaged ping delay (fast attack/slow decay)

    typedef std::map<TPACKETID, U64Microseconds> packet_time_map;

    packet_time_map                         mPotentialLostPackets;
    packet_time_map                         mRecentlyReceivedReliablePackets;
    std::vector<TPACKETID> mAcks;
    F32 mAckCreationTime; // first ack creation time

    typedef std::map<TPACKETID, LLReliablePacket *> reliable_map;
    typedef reliable_map::iterator                  reliable_iter;

    reliable_map                            mUnackedPackets;
    reliable_map                            mFinalRetryPackets;

    S32                                     mUnackedPacketCount;
    S32                                     mUnackedPacketBytes;

    F64Seconds                              mLastPacketInTime;      // Time of last packet arrival

    LLUUID                                  mLocalEndPointID;

    // These variables are being used for statistical and debugging purpose ONLY,
    // as far as I can tell.

    U32     mPacketsOut;
    U32     mPacketsIn;
    S32     mPacketsLost;
    S32Bytes    mBytesIn,

    F32Seconds  mLastPeriodLength;
    S32Bytes    mBytesInLastPeriod;
    S32Bytes    mBytesOutLastPeriod;
    S32Bytes    mBytesInThisPeriod;
    S32Bytes    mBytesOutThisPeriod;
    F32     mPeakBPSIn;             // bits per second, max of all period bps
    F32     mPeakBPSOut;            // bits per second, max of all period bps
    F64Seconds  mPeriodTime;
    LLTimer mExistenceTimer;        // initialized when circuit created, used to track bandwidth numbers

    S32     mCurrentResendCount;    // Number of resent packets since last spam
    U32     mLastPacketGap;         // Gap in sequence number of last packet.

    const F32Seconds mHeartbeatInterval;
    const F32Seconds mHeartbeatTimeout;

// Actually a singleton class -- the global messagesystem
// has a single LLCircuit member.
class LLCircuit
    LLCircuit(const F32Seconds circuit_heartbeat_interval, const F32Seconds circuit_timeout);

    LLCircuitData* findCircuit(const LLHost& host) const;
    bool isCircuitAlive(const LLHost& host) const;

    LLCircuitData   *addCircuitData(const LLHost &host, TPACKETID in_id);
    void            removeCircuitData(const LLHost &host);

    void            updateWatchDogTimers(LLMessageSystem *msgsys);
    void            resendUnackedPackets(S32& unacked_list_length, S32& unacked_list_size);

    // this method is called during the message system processAcks()
    // to send out any acks that did not get sent already.
    void sendAcks(F32 collect_time);

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, LLCircuit &circuit);
    void getInfo(LLSD& info) const;

    void            dumpResends();

    typedef std::map<LLHost, LLCircuitData*> circuit_data_map;

     * @brief This method gets an iterator range starting after key in
     * the circuit data map.
     * @param key The the host before first.
     * @param first[out] The first matching value after key. This
     * value will equal end if there are no entries.
     * @param end[out] The end of the iteration sequence.
    void getCircuitRange(
        const LLHost& key,
        circuit_data_map::iterator& first,
        circuit_data_map::iterator& end);

    // Lists that optimize how many circuits we need to traverse a frame
    // HACK - this should become protected eventually, but stupid !@$@# message system/circuit classes are jumbling things up.
    circuit_data_map mUnackedCircuitMap; // Map of circuits with unacked data
    circuit_data_map mSendAckMap; // Map of circuits which need to send acks
    circuit_data_map mCircuitData;

    typedef std::set<LLCircuitData *, LLCircuitData::less> ping_set_t; // Circuits sorted by next ping time

    ping_set_t mPingSet;

    // This variable points to the last circuit data we found to
    // optimize the many, many times we call findCircuit. This may be
    // set in otherwise const methods, so it is declared mutable.
    mutable LLCircuitData* mLastCircuit;

    const F32Seconds mHeartbeatInterval;
    const F32Seconds mHeartbeatTimeout;