/** * @file llares.cpp * @author Bryan O'Sullivan * @date 2007-08-15 * @brief Wrapper for asynchronous DNS lookups. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include <ares_dns.h> #include <ares_version.h> #include "apr_portable.h" #include "apr_network_io.h" #include "apr_poll.h" #include "llapr.h" #include "llares.h" #if defined(LL_WINDOWS) # define ns_c_in 1 # define NS_HFIXEDSZ 12 /* #/bytes of fixed data in header */ # define NS_QFIXEDSZ 4 /* #/bytes of fixed data in query */ # define NS_RRFIXEDSZ 10 /* #/bytes of fixed data in r record */ #else # include <arpa/nameser.h> #endif LLAres::HostResponder::~HostResponder() { } void LLAres::HostResponder::hostResult(const hostent *ent) { llinfos << "LLAres::HostResponder::hostResult not implemented" << llendl; } void LLAres::HostResponder::hostError(int code) { llinfos << "LLAres::HostResponder::hostError " << code << ": " << LLAres::strerror(code) << llendl; } LLAres::NameInfoResponder::~NameInfoResponder() { } void LLAres::NameInfoResponder::nameInfoResult(const char *node, const char *service) { llinfos << "LLAres::NameInfoResponder::nameInfoResult not implemented" << llendl; } void LLAres::NameInfoResponder::nameInfoError(int code) { llinfos << "LLAres::NameInfoResponder::nameInfoError " << code << ": " << LLAres::strerror(code) << llendl; } LLAres::QueryResponder::~QueryResponder() { } void LLAres::QueryResponder::queryResult(const char *buf, size_t len) { llinfos << "LLAres::QueryResponder::queryResult not implemented" << llendl; } void LLAres::QueryResponder::queryError(int code) { llinfos << "LLAres::QueryResponder::queryError " << code << ": " << LLAres::strerror(code) << llendl; } LLAres::LLAres() : chan_(NULL), mInitSuccess(false) { if (ares_init(&chan_) != ARES_SUCCESS) { llwarns << "Could not succesfully initialize ares!" << llendl; return; } mInitSuccess = true; } LLAres::~LLAres() { ares_destroy(chan_); } void LLAres::cancel() { ares_cancel(chan_); } static void host_callback_1_5(void *arg, int status, int timeouts, struct hostent *ent) { LLPointer<LLAres::HostResponder> *resp = (LLPointer<LLAres::HostResponder> *) arg; if (status == ARES_SUCCESS) { (*resp)->hostResult(ent); } else { (*resp)->hostError(status); } delete resp; } #if ARES_VERSION_MAJOR == 1 && ARES_VERSION_MINOR == 4 static void host_callback(void *arg, int status, struct hostent *ent) { host_callback_1_5(arg, status, 0, ent); } #else # define host_callback host_callback_1_5 #endif void LLAres::getHostByName(const char *name, HostResponder *resp, int family) { ares_gethostbyname(chan_, name, family, host_callback, new LLPointer<LLAres::HostResponder>(resp)); } void LLAres::getSrvRecords(const std::string &name, SrvResponder *resp) { search(name, RES_SRV, resp); } void LLAres::rewriteURI(const std::string &uri, UriRewriteResponder *resp) { llinfos << "Rewriting " << uri << llendl; resp->mUri = LLURI(uri); search("_" + resp->mUri.scheme() + "._tcp." + resp->mUri.hostName(), RES_SRV, resp); } LLQueryResponder::LLQueryResponder() : LLAres::QueryResponder(), mResult(ARES_ENODATA) { } int LLQueryResponder::parseRR(const char *buf, size_t len, const char *&pos, LLPointer<LLDnsRecord> &r) { std::string rrname; size_t enclen; int ret; // RR name. ret = LLAres::expandName(pos, buf, len, rrname, enclen); if (ret != ARES_SUCCESS) { return ret; } pos += enclen; if (pos + NS_RRFIXEDSZ > buf + len) { return ARES_EBADRESP; } int rrtype = DNS_RR_TYPE(pos); int rrclass = DNS_RR_CLASS(pos); int rrttl = DNS_RR_TTL(pos); int rrlen = DNS_RR_LEN(pos); if (rrclass != ns_c_in) { return ARES_EBADRESP; } pos += NS_RRFIXEDSZ; if (pos + rrlen > buf + len) { return ARES_EBADRESP; } switch (rrtype) { case RES_A: r = new LLARecord(rrname, rrttl); break; case RES_NS: r = new LLNsRecord(rrname, rrttl); break; case RES_CNAME: r = new LLCnameRecord(rrname, rrttl); break; case RES_PTR: r = new LLPtrRecord(rrname, rrttl); break; case RES_AAAA: r = new LLAaaaRecord(rrname, rrttl); break; case RES_SRV: r = new LLSrvRecord(rrname, rrttl); break; default: llinfos << "LLQueryResponder::parseRR got unknown RR type " << rrtype << llendl; return ARES_EBADRESP; } ret = r->parse(buf, len, pos, rrlen); if (ret == ARES_SUCCESS) { pos += rrlen; } else { r = NULL; } return ret; } int LLQueryResponder::parseSection(const char *buf, size_t len, size_t count, const char *&pos, dns_rrs_t &rrs) { int ret = ARES_SUCCESS; for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { LLPointer<LLDnsRecord> r; ret = parseRR(buf, len, pos, r); if (ret != ARES_SUCCESS) { break; } rrs.push_back(r); } return ret; } void LLQueryResponder::queryResult(const char *buf, size_t len) { const char *pos = buf; int qdcount = DNS_HEADER_QDCOUNT(pos); int ancount = DNS_HEADER_ANCOUNT(pos); int nscount = DNS_HEADER_NSCOUNT(pos); int arcount = DNS_HEADER_ARCOUNT(pos); int ret; if (qdcount == 0 || ancount + nscount + arcount == 0) { ret = ARES_ENODATA; goto bail; } pos += NS_HFIXEDSZ; for (int i = 0; i < qdcount; i++) { std::string ignore; size_t enclen; ret = LLAres::expandName(pos, buf, len, i == 0 ? mQuery : ignore, enclen); if (ret != ARES_SUCCESS) { goto bail; } pos += enclen; if (i == 0) { int t = DNS_QUESTION_TYPE(pos); switch (t) { case RES_A: case RES_NS: case RES_CNAME: case RES_PTR: case RES_AAAA: case RES_SRV: mType = (LLResType) t; break; default: llinfos << "Cannot grok query type " << t << llendl; ret = ARES_EBADQUERY; goto bail; } } pos += NS_QFIXEDSZ; if (pos > buf + len) { ret = ARES_EBADRESP; goto bail; } } ret = parseSection(buf, len, ancount, pos, mAnswers); if (ret != ARES_SUCCESS) { goto bail; } ret = parseSection(buf, len, nscount, pos, mAuthorities); if (ret != ARES_SUCCESS) { goto bail; } ret = parseSection(buf, len, arcount, pos, mAdditional); bail: mResult = ret; if (mResult == ARES_SUCCESS) { querySuccess(); } else { queryError(mResult); } } void LLQueryResponder::querySuccess() { llinfos << "LLQueryResponder::queryResult not implemented" << llendl; } void LLAres::SrvResponder::querySuccess() { if (mType == RES_SRV) { srvResult(mAnswers); } else { srvError(ARES_EBADRESP); } } void LLAres::SrvResponder::queryError(int code) { srvError(code); } void LLAres::SrvResponder::srvResult(const dns_rrs_t &ents) { llinfos << "LLAres::SrvResponder::srvResult not implemented" << llendl; for (size_t i = 0; i < ents.size(); i++) { const LLSrvRecord *s = (const LLSrvRecord *) ents[i].get(); llinfos << "[" << i << "] " << s->host() << ":" << s->port() << " priority " << s->priority() << " weight " << s->weight() << llendl; } } void LLAres::SrvResponder::srvError(int code) { llinfos << "LLAres::SrvResponder::srvError " << code << ": " << LLAres::strerror(code) << llendl; } static void nameinfo_callback_1_5(void *arg, int status, int timeouts, char *node, char *service) { LLPointer<LLAres::NameInfoResponder> *resp = (LLPointer<LLAres::NameInfoResponder> *) arg; if (status == ARES_SUCCESS) { (*resp)->nameInfoResult(node, service); } else { (*resp)->nameInfoError(status); } delete resp; } #if ARES_VERSION_MAJOR == 1 && ARES_VERSION_MINOR == 4 static void nameinfo_callback(void *arg, int status, char *node, char *service) { nameinfo_callback_1_5(arg, status, 0, node, service); } #else # define nameinfo_callback nameinfo_callback_1_5 #endif void LLAres::getNameInfo(const struct sockaddr &sa, socklen_t salen, int flags, NameInfoResponder *resp) { ares_getnameinfo(chan_, &sa, salen, flags, nameinfo_callback, new LLPointer<NameInfoResponder>(resp)); } static void search_callback_1_5(void *arg, int status, int timeouts, unsigned char *abuf, int alen) { LLPointer<LLAres::QueryResponder> *resp = (LLPointer<LLAres::QueryResponder> *) arg; if (status == ARES_SUCCESS) { (*resp)->queryResult((const char *) abuf, alen); } else { (*resp)->queryError(status); } delete resp; } #if ARES_VERSION_MAJOR == 1 && ARES_VERSION_MINOR == 4 static void search_callback(void *arg, int status, unsigned char *abuf, int alen) { search_callback_1_5(arg, status, 0, abuf, alen); } #else # define search_callback search_callback_1_5 #endif void LLAres::search(const std::string &query, LLResType type, QueryResponder *resp) { ares_search(chan_, query.c_str(), ns_c_in, type, search_callback, new LLPointer<QueryResponder>(resp)); } bool LLAres::process(U64 timeout) { if (!gAPRPoolp) { ll_init_apr(); } int socks[ARES_GETSOCK_MAXNUM]; apr_pollfd_t aprFds[ARES_GETSOCK_MAXNUM]; apr_int32_t nsds = 0; int nactive = 0; int bitmask; bitmask = ares_getsock(chan_, socks, ARES_GETSOCK_MAXNUM); if (bitmask == 0) { return nsds > 0; } apr_status_t status; LLAPRPool pool; status = pool.getStatus() ; ll_apr_assert_status(status); for (int i = 0; i < ARES_GETSOCK_MAXNUM; i++) { if (ARES_GETSOCK_READABLE(bitmask, i)) { aprFds[nactive].reqevents = APR_POLLIN | APR_POLLERR; } else if (ARES_GETSOCK_WRITABLE(bitmask, i)) { aprFds[nactive].reqevents = APR_POLLOUT | APR_POLLERR; } else { continue; } apr_socket_t *aprSock = NULL; status = apr_os_sock_put(&aprSock, (apr_os_sock_t *) &socks[i], pool.getAPRPool()); if (status != APR_SUCCESS) { ll_apr_warn_status(status); return nsds > 0; } aprFds[nactive].desc.s = aprSock; aprFds[nactive].desc_type = APR_POLL_SOCKET; aprFds[nactive].p = pool.getAPRPool(); aprFds[nactive].rtnevents = 0; aprFds[nactive].client_data = &socks[i]; nactive++; } if (nactive > 0) { status = apr_poll(aprFds, nactive, &nsds, timeout); if (status != APR_SUCCESS && status != APR_TIMEUP) { ll_apr_warn_status(status); } for (int i = 0; i < nactive; i++) { int evts = aprFds[i].rtnevents; int ifd = (evts & (APR_POLLIN | APR_POLLERR)) ? *((int *) aprFds[i].client_data) : ARES_SOCKET_BAD; int ofd = (evts & (APR_POLLOUT | APR_POLLERR)) ? *((int *) aprFds[i].client_data) : ARES_SOCKET_BAD; ares_process_fd(chan_, ifd, ofd); } } return nsds > 0; } bool LLAres::processAll() { bool anyProcessed = false, ret; do { timeval tv; ret = ares_timeout(chan_, NULL, &tv) != NULL; if (ret) { ret = process(tv.tv_sec * 1000000LL + tv.tv_usec); anyProcessed |= ret; } } while (ret); return anyProcessed; } int LLAres::expandName(const char *encoded, const char *abuf, size_t alen, std::string &s, size_t &enclen) { char *t; int ret; long e; ret = ares_expand_name((const unsigned char *) encoded, (const unsigned char *) abuf, alen, &t, &e); if (ret == ARES_SUCCESS) { s.assign(t); enclen = e; ares_free_string(t); } return ret; } const char *LLAres::strerror(int code) { return ares_strerror(code); } LLAres *gAres; LLAres *ll_init_ares() { if (gAres == NULL) { gAres = new LLAres(); } return gAres; } LLDnsRecord::LLDnsRecord(LLResType type, const std::string &name, unsigned ttl) : LLRefCount(), mType(type), mName(name), mTTL(ttl) { } LLHostRecord::LLHostRecord(LLResType type, const std::string &name, unsigned ttl) : LLDnsRecord(type, name, ttl) { } int LLHostRecord::parse(const char *buf, size_t len, const char *pos, size_t rrlen) { int ret; ret = LLAres::expandName(pos, buf, len, mHost); if (ret != ARES_SUCCESS) { goto bail; } ret = ARES_SUCCESS; bail: return ret; } LLCnameRecord::LLCnameRecord(const std::string &name, unsigned ttl) : LLHostRecord(RES_CNAME, name, ttl) { } LLPtrRecord::LLPtrRecord(const std::string &name, unsigned ttl) : LLHostRecord(RES_PTR, name, ttl) { } LLAddrRecord::LLAddrRecord(LLResType type, const std::string &name, unsigned ttl) : LLDnsRecord(type, name, ttl) { } LLARecord::LLARecord(const std::string &name, unsigned ttl) : LLAddrRecord(RES_A, name, ttl) { } int LLARecord::parse(const char *buf, size_t len, const char *pos, size_t rrlen) { int ret; if (rrlen != sizeof(mSA.sin.sin_addr.s_addr)) { ret = ARES_EBADRESP; goto bail; } memset(&mSA, 0, sizeof(mSA)); memcpy(&mSA.sin.sin_addr.s_addr, pos, rrlen); mSA.sin.sin_family = AF_INET6; mSize = sizeof(mSA.sin); ret = ARES_SUCCESS; bail: return ret; } LLAaaaRecord::LLAaaaRecord(const std::string &name, unsigned ttl) : LLAddrRecord(RES_AAAA, name, ttl) { } int LLAaaaRecord::parse(const char *buf, size_t len, const char *pos, size_t rrlen) { int ret; if (rrlen != sizeof(mSA.sin6.sin6_addr)) { ret = ARES_EBADRESP; goto bail; } memset(&mSA, 0, sizeof(mSA)); memcpy(&mSA.sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, pos, rrlen); mSA.sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; mSize = sizeof(mSA.sin6); ret = ARES_SUCCESS; bail: return ret; } LLSrvRecord::LLSrvRecord(const std::string &name, unsigned ttl) : LLHostRecord(RES_SRV, name, ttl) { } int LLSrvRecord::parse(const char *buf, size_t len, const char *pos, size_t rrlen) { int ret; if (rrlen < 6) { ret = ARES_EBADRESP; goto bail; } memcpy(&mPriority, pos, 2); memcpy(&mWeight, pos + 2, 2); memcpy(&mPort, pos + 4, 2); mPriority = ntohs(mPriority); mWeight = ntohs(mWeight); mPort = ntohs(mPort); ret = LLHostRecord::parse(buf, len, pos + 6, rrlen - 6); bail: return ret; } LLNsRecord::LLNsRecord(const std::string &name, unsigned ttl) : LLHostRecord(RES_NS, name, ttl) { } void LLAres::UriRewriteResponder::queryError(int code) { std::vector<std::string> uris; uris.push_back(mUri.asString()); rewriteResult(uris); } void LLAres::UriRewriteResponder::querySuccess() { std::vector<std::string> uris; if (mType != RES_SRV) { goto bail; } for (size_t i = 0; i < mAnswers.size(); i++) { const LLSrvRecord *r = (const LLSrvRecord *) mAnswers[i].get(); if (r->type() == RES_SRV) { // Check the domain in the response to ensure that it's // the same as the domain in the request, so that bad guys // can't forge responses that point to their own login // servers with their own certificates. // Hard-coding the domain to check here is a bit of a // hack. Hoist it to an outer caller if anyone ever needs // this functionality on other domains. static const std::string domain(".lindenlab.com"); const std::string &host = r->host(); std::string::size_type s = host.find(domain) + domain.length(); if (s != host.length() && s != host.length() - 1) { continue; } LLURI uri(mUri.scheme(), mUri.userName(), mUri.password(), r->host(), mUri.defaultPort() ? r->port() : mUri.hostPort(), mUri.escapedPath(), mUri.escapedQuery()); uris.push_back(uri.asString()); } } if (!uris.empty()) { goto done; } bail: uris.push_back(mUri.asString()); done: rewriteResult(uris); } void LLAres::UriRewriteResponder::rewriteResult( const std::vector<std::string> &uris) { llinfos << "LLAres::UriRewriteResponder::rewriteResult not implemented" << llendl; for (size_t i = 0; i < uris.size(); i++) { llinfos << "[" << i << "] " << uris[i] << llendl; } }