/** * @file v3dmath_test.cpp * @author Adroit * @date 2007-03 * @brief v3dmath test cases. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llsd.h" #include "../test/lltut.h" #include "../llquaternion.h" #include "../m3math.h" #include "../v4math.h" #include "../v3dmath.h" #include "../v3dmath.h" namespace tut { struct v3dmath_data { }; typedef test_group v3dmath_test; typedef v3dmath_test::object v3dmath_object; tut::v3dmath_test v3dmath_testcase("v3dmath"); template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<1>() { LLVector3d vec3D; ensure("1:LLVector3d:Fail to initialize ", ((0 == vec3D.mdV[VX]) && (0 == vec3D.mdV[VY]) && (0 == vec3D.mdV[VZ]))); F64 x = 2.32f, y = 1.212f, z = -.12f; LLVector3d vec3Da(x,y,z); ensure("2:LLVector3d:Fail to initialize ", ((2.32f == vec3Da.mdV[VX]) && (1.212f == vec3Da.mdV[VY]) && (-.12f == vec3Da.mdV[VZ]))); const F64 vec[3] = {1.2f ,3.2f, -4.2f}; LLVector3d vec3Db(vec); ensure("3:LLVector3d:Fail to initialize ", ((1.2f == vec3Db.mdV[VX]) && (3.2f == vec3Db.mdV[VY]) && (-4.2f == vec3Db.mdV[VZ]))); LLVector3 vec3((F32)x,(F32)y,(F32)z); LLVector3d vec3Dc(vec3); ensure_equals("4:LLVector3d Fail to initialize",vec3Da,vec3Dc); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<2>() { S32 a = -235; LLSD llsd(a); LLVector3d vec3d(llsd); LLSD sd = vec3d.getValue(); LLVector3d vec3da(sd); ensure("1:getValue:Fail ", (vec3d == vec3da)); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<3>() { F64 a = 232345521.411132; LLSD llsd(a); LLVector3d vec3d; vec3d.setValue(llsd); LLSD sd = vec3d.getValue(); LLVector3d vec3da(sd); ensure("1:setValue:Fail to initialize ", (vec3d == vec3da)); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<4>() { F64 a[3] = {222231.43222, 12345.2343, -434343.33222}; LLSD llsd; llsd[0] = a[0]; llsd[1] = a[1]; llsd[2] = a[2]; LLVector3d vec3D; vec3D = (LLVector3d)llsd; ensure("1:operator=:Fail to initialize ", ((llsd[0].asReal()== vec3D.mdV[VX]) && (llsd[1].asReal() == vec3D.mdV[VY]) && (llsd[2].asReal() == vec3D.mdV[VZ]))); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<5>() { F64 x = 2.32f, y = 1.212f, z = -.12f; LLVector3d vec3D(x,y,z); vec3D.clearVec(); ensure("1:clearVec:Fail to initialize ", ((0 == vec3D.mdV[VX]) && (0 == vec3D.mdV[VY]) && (0 == vec3D.mdV[VZ]))); vec3D.setVec(x,y,z); ensure("2:setVec:Fail to initialize ", ((x == vec3D.mdV[VX]) && (y == vec3D.mdV[VY]) && (z == vec3D.mdV[VZ]))); vec3D.zeroVec(); ensure("3:zeroVec:Fail to initialize ", ((0 == vec3D.mdV[VX]) && (0 == vec3D.mdV[VY]) && (0 == vec3D.mdV[VZ]))); vec3D.clearVec(); LLVector3 vec3((F32)x,(F32)y,(F32)z); vec3D.setVec(vec3); ensure("4:setVec:Fail to initialize ", ((x == vec3D.mdV[VX]) && (y == vec3D.mdV[VY]) && (z == vec3D.mdV[VZ]))); vec3D.clearVec(); const F64 vec[3] = {x,y,z}; vec3D.setVec(vec); ensure("5:setVec:Fail to initialize ", ((x == vec3D.mdV[VX]) && (y == vec3D.mdV[VY]) && (z == vec3D.mdV[VZ]))); LLVector3d vec3Da; vec3Da.setVec(vec3D); ensure_equals("6:setVec: Fail to initialize", vec3D, vec3Da); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<6>() { F64 x = -2.32, y = 1.212, z = -.12; LLVector3d vec3D(x,y,z); vec3D.abs(); ensure("1:abs:Fail ", ((-x == vec3D.mdV[VX]) && (y == vec3D.mdV[VY]) && (-z == vec3D.mdV[VZ]))); ensure("2:isNull():Fail ", (FALSE == vec3D.isNull())); vec3D.clearVec(); x =.00000001, y = .000001001, z = .000001001; vec3D.setVec(x,y,z); ensure("3:isNull():Fail ", (TRUE == vec3D.isNull())); ensure("4:isExactlyZero():Fail ", (FALSE == vec3D.isExactlyZero())); x =.0000000, y = .00000000, z = .00000000; vec3D.setVec(x,y,z); ensure("5:isExactlyZero():Fail ", (TRUE == vec3D.isExactlyZero())); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<7>() { F64 x = -2.32, y = 1.212, z = -.12; LLVector3d vec3D(x,y,z); ensure("1:operator [] failed",( x == vec3D[0])); ensure("2:operator [] failed",( y == vec3D[1])); ensure("3:operator [] failed",( z == vec3D[2])); vec3D.clearVec(); x = 23.23, y = -.2361, z = 3.25; vec3D.setVec(x,y,z); F64 &ref1 = vec3D[0]; ensure("4:operator [] failed",( ref1 == vec3D[0])); F64 &ref2 = vec3D[1]; ensure("5:operator [] failed",( ref2 == vec3D[1])); F64 &ref3 = vec3D[2]; ensure("6:operator [] failed",( ref3 == vec3D[2])); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<8>() { F32 x = 1.f, y = 2.f, z = -1.f; LLVector4 vec4(x,y,z); LLVector3d vec3D; vec3D = vec4; ensure("1:operator=:Fail to initialize ", ((vec4.mV[VX] == vec3D.mdV[VX]) && (vec4.mV[VY] == vec3D.mdV[VY]) && (vec4.mV[VZ] == vec3D.mdV[VZ]))); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<9>() { F64 x1 = 1.78787878, y1 = 232322.2121, z1 = -12121.121212; F64 x2 = 1.2, y2 = 2.5, z2 = 1.; LLVector3d vec3D(x1,y1,z1),vec3Da(x2,y2,z2),vec3Db; vec3Db = vec3Da+ vec3D; ensure("1:operator+:Fail to initialize ", ((x1+x2 == vec3Db.mdV[VX]) && (y1+y2 == vec3Db.mdV[VY]) && (z1+z2 == vec3Db.mdV[VZ]))); x1 = -2.45, y1 = 2.1, z1 = 3.0; vec3D.clearVec(); vec3Da.clearVec(); vec3D.setVec(x1,y1,z1); vec3Da += vec3D; ensure_equals("2:operator+=: Fail to initialize", vec3Da,vec3D); vec3Da += vec3D; ensure("3:operator+=:Fail to initialize ", ((2*x1 == vec3Da.mdV[VX]) && (2*y1 == vec3Da.mdV[VY]) && (2*z1 == vec3Da.mdV[VZ]))); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<10>() { F64 x1 = 1., y1 = 2., z1 = -1.1; F64 x2 = 1.2, y2 = 2.5, z2 = 1.; LLVector3d vec3D(x1,y1,z1),vec3Da(x2,y2,z2),vec3Db; vec3Db = vec3Da - vec3D; ensure("1:operator-:Fail to initialize ", ((x2-x1 == vec3Db.mdV[VX]) && (y2-y1 == vec3Db.mdV[VY]) && (z2-z1 == vec3Db.mdV[VZ]))); x1 = -2.45, y1 = 2.1, z1 = 3.0; vec3D.clearVec(); vec3Da.clearVec(); vec3D.setVec(x1,y1,z1); vec3Da -=vec3D; ensure("2:operator-=:Fail to initialize ", ((2.45 == vec3Da.mdV[VX]) && (-2.1 == vec3Da.mdV[VY]) && (-3.0 == vec3Da.mdV[VZ]))); vec3Da -= vec3D; ensure("3:operator-=:Fail to initialize ", ((-2*x1 == vec3Da.mdV[VX]) && (-2*y1 == vec3Da.mdV[VY]) && (-2*z1 == vec3Da.mdV[VZ]))); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<11>() { F64 x1 = 1., y1 = 2., z1 = -1.1; F64 x2 = 1.2, y2 = 2.5, z2 = 1.; LLVector3d vec3D(x1,y1,z1),vec3Da(x2,y2,z2); F64 res = vec3D * vec3Da; ensure_approximately_equals( "1:operator* failed", res, (x1*x2 + y1*y2 + z1*z2), 8); vec3Da.clearVec(); F64 mulVal = 4.2; vec3Da = vec3D * mulVal; ensure_approximately_equals( "2a:operator* failed", vec3Da.mdV[VX], x1*mulVal, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "2b:operator* failed", vec3Da.mdV[VY], y1*mulVal, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "2c:operator* failed", vec3Da.mdV[VZ], z1*mulVal, 8); vec3Da.clearVec(); vec3Da = mulVal * vec3D; ensure_approximately_equals( "3a:operator* failed", vec3Da.mdV[VX], x1*mulVal, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "3b:operator* failed", vec3Da.mdV[VY], y1*mulVal, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "3c:operator* failed", vec3Da.mdV[VZ], z1*mulVal, 8); vec3D *= mulVal; ensure_approximately_equals( "4a:operator*= failed", vec3D.mdV[VX], x1*mulVal, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "4b:operator*= failed", vec3D.mdV[VY], y1*mulVal, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "4c:operator*= failed", vec3D.mdV[VZ], z1*mulVal, 8); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<12>() { F64 x1 = 1., y1 = 2., z1 = -1.1; F64 x2 = 1.2, y2 = 2.5, z2 = 1.; F64 val1, val2, val3; LLVector3d vec3D(x1,y1,z1),vec3Da(x2,y2,z2), vec3Db; vec3Db = vec3D % vec3Da; val1 = y1*z2 - y2*z1; val2 = z1*x2 -z2*x1; val3 = x1*y2-x2*y1; ensure("1:operator% failed",(val1 == vec3Db.mdV[VX]) && (val2 == vec3Db.mdV[VY]) && (val3 == vec3Db.mdV[VZ])); vec3D %= vec3Da; ensure("2:operator%= failed", is_approx_equal(vec3D.mdV[VX],vec3Db.mdV[VX]) && is_approx_equal(vec3D.mdV[VY],vec3Db.mdV[VY]) && is_approx_equal(vec3D.mdV[VZ],vec3Db.mdV[VZ]) ); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<13>() { F64 x1 = 1., y1 = 2., z1 = -1.1,div = 4.2; F64 t = 1.f / div; LLVector3d vec3D(x1,y1,z1), vec3Da; vec3Da = vec3D/div; ensure_approximately_equals( "1a:operator/ failed", vec3Da.mdV[VX], x1*t, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "1b:operator/ failed", vec3Da.mdV[VY], y1*t, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "1c:operator/ failed", vec3Da.mdV[VZ], z1*t, 8); x1 = 1.23, y1 = 4., z1 = -2.32; vec3D.clearVec(); vec3Da.clearVec(); vec3D.setVec(x1,y1,z1); vec3Da = vec3D/div; ensure_approximately_equals( "2a:operator/ failed", vec3Da.mdV[VX], x1*t, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "2b:operator/ failed", vec3Da.mdV[VY], y1*t, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "2c:operator/ failed", vec3Da.mdV[VZ], z1*t, 8); vec3D /= div; ensure_approximately_equals( "3a:operator/= failed", vec3D.mdV[VX], x1*t, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "3b:operator/= failed", vec3D.mdV[VY], y1*t, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "3c:operator/= failed", vec3D.mdV[VZ], z1*t, 8); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<14>() { F64 x1 = 1., y1 = 2., z1 = -1.1; LLVector3d vec3D(x1,y1,z1), vec3Da; ensure("1:operator!= failed",(TRUE == (vec3D !=vec3Da))); vec3Da = vec3D; ensure("2:operator== failed",(vec3D ==vec3Da)); vec3D.clearVec(); vec3Da.clearVec(); x1 = .211, y1 = 21.111, z1 = 23.22; vec3D.setVec(x1,y1,z1); vec3Da.setVec(x1,y1,z1); ensure("3:operator== failed",(vec3D ==vec3Da)); ensure("4:operator!= failed",(FALSE == (vec3D !=vec3Da))); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<15>() { F64 x1 = 1., y1 = 2., z1 = -1.1; LLVector3d vec3D(x1,y1,z1), vec3Da; std::ostringstream stream1, stream2; stream1 << vec3D; vec3Da.setVec(x1,y1,z1); stream2 << vec3Da; ensure("1:operator << failed",(stream1.str() == stream2.str())); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<16>() { F64 x1 = 1.23, y1 = 2.0, z1 = 4.; std::string buf("1.23 2. 4"); LLVector3d vec3D, vec3Da(x1,y1,z1); LLVector3d::parseVector3d(buf, &vec3D); ensure_equals("1:parseVector3d: failed " , vec3D, vec3Da); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<17>() { F64 x1 = 1., y1 = 2., z1 = -1.1; LLVector3d vec3D(x1,y1,z1), vec3Da; vec3Da = -vec3D; ensure("1:operator- failed", (vec3D == - vec3Da)); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<18>() { F64 x = 1., y = 2., z = -1.1; LLVector3d vec3D(x,y,z); F64 res = (x*x + y*y + z*z) - vec3D.magVecSquared(); ensure("1:magVecSquared:Fail ", ((-F_APPROXIMATELY_ZERO <= res)&& (res <=F_APPROXIMATELY_ZERO))); res = fsqrtf(x*x + y*y + z*z) - vec3D.magVec(); ensure("2:magVec: Fail ", ((-F_APPROXIMATELY_ZERO <= res)&& (res <=F_APPROXIMATELY_ZERO))); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<19>() { F64 x = 1., y = 2., z = -1.1; LLVector3d vec3D(x,y,z); F64 mag = vec3D.normVec(); mag = 1.f/ mag; ensure_approximately_equals( "1a:normVec: Fail ", vec3D.mdV[VX], x * mag, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "1b:normVec: Fail ", vec3D.mdV[VY], y * mag, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "1c:normVec: Fail ", vec3D.mdV[VZ], z * mag, 8); x = 0.000000001, y = 0.000000001, z = 0.000000001; vec3D.clearVec(); vec3D.setVec(x,y,z); mag = vec3D.normVec(); ensure_approximately_equals( "2a:normVec: Fail ", vec3D.mdV[VX], x * mag, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "2b:normVec: Fail ", vec3D.mdV[VY], y * mag, 8); ensure_approximately_equals( "2c:normVec: Fail ", vec3D.mdV[VZ], z * mag, 8); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<20>() { F64 x1 = 1111.232222; F64 y1 = 2222222222.22; F64 z1 = 422222222222.0; std::string buf("1111.232222 2222222222.22 422222222222"); LLVector3d vec3Da, vec3Db(x1,y1,z1); LLVector3d::parseVector3d(buf, &vec3Da); ensure_equals("1:parseVector3 failed", vec3Da, vec3Db); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<21>() { F64 x1 = 1., y1 = 2., z1 = -1.1; F64 x2 = 1.2, y2 = 2.5, z2 = 1.; F64 val = 2.3f,val1,val2,val3; val1 = x1 + (x2 - x1)* val; val2 = y1 + (y2 - y1)* val; val3 = z1 + (z2 - z1)* val; LLVector3d vec3Da(x1,y1,z1),vec3Db(x2,y2,z2); LLVector3d vec3d = lerp(vec3Da,vec3Db,val); ensure("1:lerp failed", ((val1 ==vec3d.mdV[VX])&& (val2 ==vec3d.mdV[VY]) && (val3 ==vec3d.mdV[VZ]))); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<22>() { F64 x = 2.32, y = 1.212, z = -.12; F64 min = 0.0001, max = 3.0; LLVector3d vec3d(x,y,z); ensure("1:clamp:Fail ", (TRUE == (vec3d.clamp(min, max)))); x = 0.000001f, z = 5.3f; vec3d.setVec(x,y,z); ensure("2:clamp:Fail ", (TRUE == (vec3d.clamp(min, max)))); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<23>() { F64 x = 10., y = 20., z = -15.; F64 epsilon = .23425; LLVector3d vec3Da(x,y,z), vec3Db(x,y,z); ensure("1:are_parallel: Fail ", (TRUE == are_parallel(vec3Da,vec3Db,epsilon))); F64 x1 = -12., y1 = -20., z1 = -100.; vec3Db.clearVec(); vec3Db.setVec(x1,y1,z1); ensure("2:are_parallel: Fail ", (FALSE == are_parallel(vec3Da,vec3Db,epsilon))); } template<> template<> void v3dmath_object::test<24>() { #if LL_WINDOWS && _MSC_VER < 1400 skip("This fails on VS2003!"); #else F64 x = 10., y = 20., z = -15.; F64 angle1, angle2; LLVector3d vec3Da(x,y,z), vec3Db(x,y,z); angle1 = angle_between(vec3Da, vec3Db); ensure("1:angle_between: Fail ", (0 == angle1)); F64 x1 = -1., y1 = -20., z1 = -1.; vec3Da.clearVec(); vec3Da.setVec(x1,y1,z1); angle2 = angle_between(vec3Da, vec3Db); vec3Db.normVec(); vec3Da.normVec(); F64 angle = vec3Db*vec3Da; angle = acos(angle); ensure("2:angle_between: Fail ", (angle == angle2)); #endif } }