 * @file llviewerjointmesh.cpp
 * @brief LLV4* class header file - vector processor enabled math
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#ifndef LL_LLV4MATRIX3_H
#define LL_LLV4MATRIX3_H

#include "llv4math.h"
#include "llv4vector3.h"
#include "m3math.h"			// for operator LLMatrix3()

// LLV4Matrix3


class LLV4Matrix3
	union {
		F32		mMatrix[LLV4_NUM_AXIS][LLV4_NUM_AXIS];
		V4F32	mV[LLV4_NUM_AXIS];

	void				lerp(const LLV4Matrix3 &a, const LLV4Matrix3 &b, const F32 &w);
	void				multiply(const LLVector3 &a, LLVector3& out) const;
	void				multiply(const LLVector4 &a, LLV4Vector3& out) const;
	void				multiply(const LLVector3 &a, LLV4Vector3& out) const;

	const LLV4Matrix3&	transpose();
	const LLV4Matrix3&	operator=(const LLMatrix3& a);

	operator			LLMatrix3()	const { return (reinterpret_cast<const LLMatrix4*>(const_cast<const F32*>(&mMatrix[0][0])))->getMat3(); }

	friend LLVector3	operator*(const LLVector3& a, const LLV4Matrix3& b);


// LLV4Matrix3 - SSE


inline void LLV4Matrix3::lerp(const LLV4Matrix3 &a, const LLV4Matrix3 &b, const F32 &w)
	__m128 vw = _mm_set1_ps(w);
	mV[VX] = _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(b.mV[VX], a.mV[VX]), vw), a.mV[VX]); // ( b - a ) * w + a
	mV[VY] = _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(b.mV[VY], a.mV[VY]), vw), a.mV[VY]);
	mV[VZ] = _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(b.mV[VZ], a.mV[VZ]), vw), a.mV[VZ]);

inline void LLV4Matrix3::multiply(const LLVector3 &a, LLVector3& o) const
	LLV4Vector3 j;
	j.v = 				 	_mm_mul_ps(_mm_set1_ps(a.mV[VX]), mV[VX]); // ( ax * vx ) + ...
	j.v = _mm_add_ps(j.v  , _mm_mul_ps(_mm_set1_ps(a.mV[VY]), mV[VY]));
	j.v = _mm_add_ps(j.v  , _mm_mul_ps(_mm_set1_ps(a.mV[VZ]), mV[VZ]));

inline void LLV4Matrix3::multiply(const LLVector4 &a, LLV4Vector3& o) const
	o.v =					_mm_mul_ps(_mm_set1_ps(a.mV[VX]), mV[VX]); // ( ax * vx ) + ...
	o.v = _mm_add_ps(o.v  , _mm_mul_ps(_mm_set1_ps(a.mV[VY]), mV[VY]));
	o.v = _mm_add_ps(o.v  , _mm_mul_ps(_mm_set1_ps(a.mV[VZ]), mV[VZ]));

inline void LLV4Matrix3::multiply(const LLVector3 &a, LLV4Vector3& o) const
	o.v =					_mm_mul_ps(_mm_set1_ps(a.mV[VX]), mV[VX]); // ( ax * vx ) + ...
	o.v = _mm_add_ps(o.v  , _mm_mul_ps(_mm_set1_ps(a.mV[VY]), mV[VY]));
	o.v = _mm_add_ps(o.v  , _mm_mul_ps(_mm_set1_ps(a.mV[VZ]), mV[VZ]));

// LLV4Matrix3


inline void LLV4Matrix3::lerp(const LLV4Matrix3 &a, const LLV4Matrix3 &b, const F32 &w)
	mMatrix[VX][VX] = llv4lerp(a.mMatrix[VX][VX], b.mMatrix[VX][VX], w);
	mMatrix[VX][VY] = llv4lerp(a.mMatrix[VX][VY], b.mMatrix[VX][VY], w);
	mMatrix[VX][VZ] = llv4lerp(a.mMatrix[VX][VZ], b.mMatrix[VX][VZ], w);

	mMatrix[VY][VX] = llv4lerp(a.mMatrix[VY][VX], b.mMatrix[VY][VX], w);
	mMatrix[VY][VY] = llv4lerp(a.mMatrix[VY][VY], b.mMatrix[VY][VY], w);
	mMatrix[VY][VZ] = llv4lerp(a.mMatrix[VY][VZ], b.mMatrix[VY][VZ], w);

	mMatrix[VZ][VX] = llv4lerp(a.mMatrix[VZ][VX], b.mMatrix[VZ][VX], w);
	mMatrix[VZ][VY] = llv4lerp(a.mMatrix[VZ][VY], b.mMatrix[VZ][VY], w);
	mMatrix[VZ][VZ] = llv4lerp(a.mMatrix[VZ][VZ], b.mMatrix[VZ][VZ], w);

inline void LLV4Matrix3::multiply(const LLVector3 &a, LLVector3& o) const
	o.setVec(		a.mV[VX] * mMatrix[VX][VX] + 
					a.mV[VY] * mMatrix[VY][VX] + 
					a.mV[VZ] * mMatrix[VZ][VX],
					a.mV[VX] * mMatrix[VX][VY] + 
					a.mV[VY] * mMatrix[VY][VY] + 
					a.mV[VZ] * mMatrix[VZ][VY],
					a.mV[VX] * mMatrix[VX][VZ] + 
					a.mV[VY] * mMatrix[VY][VZ] + 
					a.mV[VZ] * mMatrix[VZ][VZ]);

inline void LLV4Matrix3::multiply(const LLVector4 &a, LLV4Vector3& o) const
	o.setVec(		a.mV[VX] * mMatrix[VX][VX] + 
					a.mV[VY] * mMatrix[VY][VX] + 
					a.mV[VZ] * mMatrix[VZ][VX],
					a.mV[VX] * mMatrix[VX][VY] + 
					a.mV[VY] * mMatrix[VY][VY] + 
					a.mV[VZ] * mMatrix[VZ][VY],
					a.mV[VX] * mMatrix[VX][VZ] + 
					a.mV[VY] * mMatrix[VY][VZ] + 
					a.mV[VZ] * mMatrix[VZ][VZ]);

inline void LLV4Matrix3::multiply(const LLVector3 &a, LLV4Vector3& o) const
	o.setVec(		a.mV[VX] * mMatrix[VX][VX] + 
					a.mV[VY] * mMatrix[VY][VX] + 
					a.mV[VZ] * mMatrix[VZ][VX],
					a.mV[VX] * mMatrix[VX][VY] + 
					a.mV[VY] * mMatrix[VY][VY] + 
					a.mV[VZ] * mMatrix[VZ][VY],
					a.mV[VX] * mMatrix[VX][VZ] + 
					a.mV[VY] * mMatrix[VY][VZ] + 
					a.mV[VZ] * mMatrix[VZ][VZ]);

// LLV4Matrix3


inline const LLV4Matrix3&	LLV4Matrix3::transpose()
	_MM_TRANSPOSE4_PS(mV[VX], mV[VY], mV[VZ], mV[VW]);
	return *this;
	F32 temp;
	temp = mMatrix[VX][VY]; mMatrix[VX][VY] = mMatrix[VY][VX]; mMatrix[VY][VX] = temp;
	temp = mMatrix[VX][VZ]; mMatrix[VX][VZ] = mMatrix[VZ][VX]; mMatrix[VZ][VX] = temp;
	temp = mMatrix[VY][VZ]; mMatrix[VY][VZ] = mMatrix[VZ][VY]; mMatrix[VZ][VY] = temp;
	return *this;

inline const LLV4Matrix3& LLV4Matrix3::operator=(const LLMatrix3& a)
	memcpy(mMatrix[VX], a.mMatrix[VX], sizeof(F32) * 3 );
	memcpy(mMatrix[VY], a.mMatrix[VY], sizeof(F32) * 3 );
	memcpy(mMatrix[VZ], a.mMatrix[VZ], sizeof(F32) * 3 );
	return *this;

inline LLVector3 operator*(const LLVector3& a, const LLV4Matrix3& b)
	return LLVector3(
				a.mV[VX] * b.mMatrix[VX][VX] + 
				a.mV[VY] * b.mMatrix[VY][VX] + 
				a.mV[VZ] * b.mMatrix[VZ][VX],
				a.mV[VX] * b.mMatrix[VX][VY] + 
				a.mV[VY] * b.mMatrix[VY][VY] + 
				a.mV[VZ] * b.mMatrix[VZ][VY],
				a.mV[VX] * b.mMatrix[VX][VZ] + 
				a.mV[VY] * b.mMatrix[VY][VZ] + 
				a.mV[VZ] * b.mMatrix[VZ][VZ] );
