/** * @file lloctree.h * @brief Octree declaration. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2005-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLOCTREE_H #define LL_LLOCTREE_H #include "lltreenode.h" #include "v3math.h" #include "llvector4a.h" #include #include #if LL_RELEASE_WITH_DEBUG_INFO || LL_DEBUG #define OCT_ERRS LL_ERRS("OctreeErrors") #else #define OCT_ERRS LL_WARNS("OctreeErrors") #endif #define LL_OCTREE_PARANOIA_CHECK 0 #if LL_DARWIN #define LL_OCTREE_MAX_CAPACITY 32 #else #define LL_OCTREE_MAX_CAPACITY 128 #endif template class LLOctreeNode; template class LLOctreeListener: public LLTreeListener { public: typedef LLTreeListener BaseType; typedef LLOctreeNode oct_node; virtual void handleChildAddition(const oct_node* parent, oct_node* child) = 0; virtual void handleChildRemoval(const oct_node* parent, const oct_node* child) = 0; }; template class LLOctreeTraveler { public: virtual void traverse(const LLOctreeNode* node); virtual void visit(const LLOctreeNode* branch) = 0; }; template class LLOctreeTravelerDepthFirst : public LLOctreeTraveler { public: virtual void traverse(const LLOctreeNode* node); }; template class LLOctreeNode : public LLTreeNode { public: typedef LLOctreeTraveler oct_traveler; typedef LLTreeTraveler tree_traveler; typedef typename std::set > element_list; typedef typename std::set >::iterator element_iter; typedef typename std::set >::const_iterator const_element_iter; typedef typename std::vector*>::iterator tree_listener_iter; typedef typename std::vector* > child_list; typedef LLTreeNode BaseType; typedef LLOctreeNode oct_node; typedef LLOctreeListener oct_listener; LLOctreeNode( const LLVector4a& center, const LLVector4a& size, BaseType* parent, S32 octant = -1) : mParent((oct_node*)parent), mOctant(octant) { mD = (LLVector4a*) ll_aligned_malloc_16(sizeof(LLVector4a)*4); mD[CENTER] = center; mD[SIZE] = size; updateMinMax(); if ((mOctant == -1) && mParent) { mOctant = ((oct_node*) mParent)->getOctant(mD[CENTER]); } clearChildren(); } virtual ~LLOctreeNode() { BaseType::destroyListeners(); for (U32 i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { delete getChild(i); } ll_aligned_free_16(mD); } inline const BaseType* getParent() const { return mParent; } inline void setParent(BaseType* parent) { mParent = (oct_node*) parent; } inline const LLVector4a& getCenter() const { return mD[CENTER]; } inline const LLVector4a& getSize() const { return mD[SIZE]; } inline void setCenter(const LLVector4a& center) { mD[CENTER] = center; } inline void setSize(const LLVector4a& size) { mD[SIZE] = size; } inline oct_node* getNodeAt(T* data) { return getNodeAt(data->getPositionGroup(), data->getBinRadius()); } inline S32 getOctant() const { return mOctant; } inline void setOctant(S32 octant) { mOctant = octant; } inline const oct_node* getOctParent() const { return (const oct_node*) getParent(); } inline oct_node* getOctParent() { return (oct_node*) getParent(); } S32 getOctant(const LLVector4a& pos) const //get the octant pos is in { return pos.greaterThan(mD[CENTER]).getGatheredBits() & 0x7; } inline bool isInside(const LLVector4a& pos, const F32& rad) const { return rad <= mD[SIZE][0]*2.f && isInside(pos); } inline bool isInside(T* data) const { return isInside(data->getPositionGroup(), data->getBinRadius()); } bool isInside(const LLVector4a& pos) const { S32 gt = pos.greaterThan(mD[MAX]).getGatheredBits() & 0x7; if (gt) { return false; } S32 lt = pos.lessEqual(mD[MIN]).getGatheredBits() & 0x7; if (lt) { return false; } return true; } void updateMinMax() { mD[MAX].setAdd(mD[CENTER], mD[SIZE]); mD[MIN].setSub(mD[CENTER], mD[SIZE]); } inline oct_listener* getOctListener(U32 index) { return (oct_listener*) BaseType::getListener(index); } inline bool contains(T* xform) { return contains(xform->getBinRadius()); } bool contains(F32 radius) { if (mParent == NULL) { //root node contains nothing return false; } F32 size = mD[SIZE][0]; F32 p_size = size * 2.f; return (radius <= 0.001f && size <= 0.001f) || (radius <= p_size && radius > size); } static void pushCenter(LLVector4a ¢er, const LLVector4a &size, const T* data) { const LLVector4a& pos = data->getPositionGroup(); LLVector4a gt = pos.greaterThan(center); LLVector4a up; up = _mm_and_ps(size, gt); LLVector4a down; down = _mm_andnot_ps(gt, size); center.add(up); center.sub(down); } void accept(oct_traveler* visitor) { visitor->visit(this); } virtual bool isLeaf() const { return mChild.empty(); } U32 getElementCount() const { return mData.size(); } element_list& getData() { return mData; } const element_list& getData() const { return mData; } U32 getChildCount() const { return mChild.size(); } oct_node* getChild(U32 index) { return mChild[index]; } const oct_node* getChild(U32 index) const { return mChild[index]; } child_list& getChildren() { return mChild; } const child_list& getChildren() const { return mChild; } void accept(tree_traveler* visitor) const { visitor->visit(this); } void accept(oct_traveler* visitor) const { visitor->visit(this); } oct_node* getNodeAt(const LLVector4a& pos, const F32& rad) { LLOctreeNode* node = this; if (node->isInside(pos, rad)) { //do a quick search by octant S32 octant = node->getOctant(pos); BOOL keep_going = TRUE; //traverse the tree until we find a node that has no node //at the appropriate octant or is smaller than the object. //by definition, that node is the smallest node that contains // the data while (keep_going && node->getSize()[0] >= rad) { keep_going = FALSE; for (U32 i = 0; i < node->getChildCount() && !keep_going; i++) { if (node->getChild(i)->getOctant() == octant) { node = node->getChild(i); octant = node->getOctant(pos); keep_going = TRUE; } } } } else if (!node->contains(rad) && node->getParent()) { //if we got here, data does not exist in this node return ((LLOctreeNode*) node->getParent())->getNodeAt(pos, rad); } return node; } virtual bool insert(T* data) { if (data == NULL) { OCT_ERRS << "!!! INVALID ELEMENT ADDED TO OCTREE BRANCH !!!" << llendl; return false; } LLOctreeNode* parent = getOctParent(); //is it here? if (isInside(data->getPositionGroup())) { if (getElementCount() < LL_OCTREE_MAX_CAPACITY && (contains(data->getBinRadius()) || (data->getBinRadius() > getSize()[0] && parent && parent->getElementCount() >= LL_OCTREE_MAX_CAPACITY))) { //it belongs here #if LL_OCTREE_PARANOIA_CHECK //if this is a redundant insertion, error out (should never happen) if (mData.find(data) != mData.end()) { llwarns << "Redundant octree insertion detected. " << data << llendl; return false; } #endif mData.insert(data); BaseType::insert(data); return true; } else { //find a child to give it to oct_node* child = NULL; for (U32 i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { child = getChild(i); if (child->isInside(data->getPositionGroup())) { child->insert(data); return false; } } //it's here, but no kids are in the right place, make a new kid LLVector4a center = getCenter(); LLVector4a size = getSize(); size.mul(0.5f); //push center in direction of data LLOctreeNode::pushCenter(center, size, data); // handle case where floating point number gets too small LLVector4a val; val.setSub(center, getCenter()); val.setAbs(val); S32 lt = val.lessThan(LLVector4a::getEpsilon()).getGatheredBits() & 0x7; if( lt == 0x7 ) { mData.insert(data); BaseType::insert(data); return true; } #if LL_OCTREE_PARANOIA_CHECK if (getChildCount() == 8) { //this really isn't possible, something bad has happened OCT_ERRS << "Octree detected floating point error and gave up." << llendl; return false; } //make sure no existing node matches this position for (U32 i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { if (mChild[i]->getCenter().equal3(center)) { OCT_ERRS << "Octree detected duplicate child center and gave up." << llendl; return false; } } #endif //make the new kid child = new LLOctreeNode(center, size, this); addChild(child); child->insert(data); } } else { //it's not in here, give it to the root OCT_ERRS << "Octree insertion failed, starting over from root!" << llendl; oct_node* node = this; while (parent) { node = parent; parent = node->getOctParent(); } node->insert(data); } return false; } bool remove(T* data) { if (mData.find(data) != mData.end()) { //we have data mData.erase(data); notifyRemoval(data); checkAlive(); return true; } else if (isInside(data)) { oct_node* dest = getNodeAt(data); if (dest != this) { return dest->remove(data); } } //SHE'S GONE MISSING... //none of the children have it, let's just brute force this bastard out //starting with the root node (UGLY CODE COMETH!) oct_node* parent = getOctParent(); oct_node* node = this; while (parent != NULL) { node = parent; parent = node->getOctParent(); } //node is now root llwarns << "!!! OCTREE REMOVING FACE BY ADDRESS, SEVERE PERFORMANCE PENALTY |||" << llendl; node->removeByAddress(data); return true; } void removeByAddress(T* data) { if (mData.find(data) != mData.end()) { mData.erase(data); notifyRemoval(data); llwarns << "FOUND!" << llendl; checkAlive(); return; } for (U32 i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { //we don't contain data, so pass this guy down LLOctreeNode* child = (LLOctreeNode*) getChild(i); child->removeByAddress(data); } } void clearChildren() { mChild.clear(); } void validate() { #if LL_OCTREE_PARANOIA_CHECK for (U32 i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { mChild[i]->validate(); if (mChild[i]->getParent() != this) { llerrs << "Octree child has invalid parent." << llendl; } } #endif } virtual bool balance() { return false; } void destroy() { for (U32 i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { mChild[i]->destroy(); delete mChild[i]; } } void addChild(oct_node* child, BOOL silent = FALSE) { #if LL_OCTREE_PARANOIA_CHECK if (child->getSize().equal3(getSize())) { OCT_ERRS << "Child size is same as parent size!" << llendl; } for (U32 i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { if(!mChild[i]->getSize().equal3(child->getSize())) { OCT_ERRS <<"Invalid octree child size." << llendl; } if (mChild[i]->getCenter().equal3(child->getCenter())) { OCT_ERRS <<"Duplicate octree child position." << llendl; } } if (mChild.size() >= 8) { OCT_ERRS <<"Octree node has too many children... why?" << llendl; } #endif mChild.push_back(child); child->setParent(this); if (!silent) { for (U32 i = 0; i < this->getListenerCount(); i++) { oct_listener* listener = getOctListener(i); listener->handleChildAddition(this, child); } } } void removeChild(S32 index, BOOL destroy = FALSE) { for (U32 i = 0; i < this->getListenerCount(); i++) { oct_listener* listener = getOctListener(i); listener->handleChildRemoval(this, getChild(index)); } if (destroy) { mChild[index]->destroy(); delete mChild[index]; } mChild.erase(mChild.begin() + index); checkAlive(); } void checkAlive() { if (getChildCount() == 0 && getElementCount() == 0) { oct_node* parent = getOctParent(); if (parent) { parent->deleteChild(this); } } } void deleteChild(oct_node* node) { for (U32 i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { if (getChild(i) == node) { removeChild(i, TRUE); return; } } OCT_ERRS << "Octree failed to delete requested child." << llendl; } protected: typedef enum { CENTER = 0, SIZE = 1, MAX = 2, MIN = 3 } eDName; LLVector4a* mD; oct_node* mParent; S32 mOctant; child_list mChild; element_list mData; }; //just like a regular node, except it might expand on insert and compress on balance template class LLOctreeRoot : public LLOctreeNode { public: typedef LLOctreeNode BaseType; typedef LLOctreeNode oct_node; LLOctreeRoot(const LLVector4a& center, const LLVector4a& size, BaseType* parent) : BaseType(center, size, parent) { } bool balance() { if (this->getChildCount() == 1 && !(this->mChild[0]->isLeaf()) && this->mChild[0]->getElementCount() == 0) { //if we have only one child and that child is an empty branch, make that child the root oct_node* child = this->mChild[0]; //make the root node look like the child this->setCenter(this->mChild[0]->getCenter()); this->setSize(this->mChild[0]->getSize()); this->updateMinMax(); //reset root node child list this->clearChildren(); //copy the child's children into the root node silently //(don't notify listeners of addition) for (U32 i = 0; i < child->getChildCount(); i++) { addChild(child->getChild(i), TRUE); } //destroy child child->clearChildren(); delete child; } return true; } // LLOctreeRoot::insert bool insert(T* data) { if (data == NULL) { OCT_ERRS << "!!! INVALID ELEMENT ADDED TO OCTREE ROOT !!!" << llendl; return false; } if (data->getBinRadius() > 4096.0) { OCT_ERRS << "!!! ELEMENT EXCEEDS MAXIMUM SIZE IN OCTREE ROOT !!!" << llendl; return false; } LLVector4a MAX_MAG; MAX_MAG.splat(1024.f*1024.f); const LLVector4a& v = data->getPositionGroup(); LLVector4a val; val.setSub(v, BaseType::mD[BaseType::CENTER]); val.setAbs(val); S32 lt = val.lessThan(MAX_MAG).getGatheredBits() & 0x7; if (lt != 0x7) { OCT_ERRS << "!!! ELEMENT EXCEEDS RANGE OF SPATIAL PARTITION !!!" << llendl; return false; } if (this->getSize()[0] > data->getBinRadius() && isInside(data->getPositionGroup())) { //we got it, just act like a branch oct_node* node = getNodeAt(data); if (node == this) { LLOctreeNode::insert(data); } else { node->insert(data); } } else if (this->getChildCount() == 0) { //first object being added, just wrap it up while (!(this->getSize()[0] > data->getBinRadius() && isInside(data->getPositionGroup()))) { LLVector4a center, size; center = this->getCenter(); size = this->getSize(); LLOctreeNode::pushCenter(center, size, data); this->setCenter(center); size.mul(2.f); this->setSize(size); this->updateMinMax(); } LLOctreeNode::insert(data); } else { while (!(this->getSize()[0] > data->getBinRadius() && isInside(data->getPositionGroup()))) { //the data is outside the root node, we need to grow LLVector4a center(this->getCenter()); LLVector4a size(this->getSize()); //expand this node LLVector4a newcenter(center); LLOctreeNode::pushCenter(newcenter, size, data); this->setCenter(newcenter); LLVector4a size2 = size; size2.mul(2.f); this->setSize(size2); this->updateMinMax(); //copy our children to a new branch LLOctreeNode* newnode = new LLOctreeNode(center, size, this); for (U32 i = 0; i < this->getChildCount(); i++) { LLOctreeNode* child = this->getChild(i); newnode->addChild(child); } //clear our children and add the root copy this->clearChildren(); addChild(newnode); } //insert the data insert(data); } return false; } }; //======================== // LLOctreeTraveler //======================== template void LLOctreeTraveler::traverse(const LLOctreeNode* node) { node->accept(this); for (U32 i = 0; i < node->getChildCount(); i++) { traverse(node->getChild(i)); } } template void LLOctreeTravelerDepthFirst::traverse(const LLOctreeNode* node) { for (U32 i = 0; i < node->getChildCount(); i++) { traverse(node->getChild(i)); } node->accept(this); } #endif