 * @file llcamera.h
 * @brief Header file for the LLCamera class.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2000&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#ifndef LL_CAMERA_H
#define LL_CAMERA_H

#include "llmath.h"
#include "llcoordframe.h"
#include "llplane.h"
#include "llvector4a.h"

const F32 DEFAULT_FIELD_OF_VIEW     = 60.f * DEG_TO_RAD;
const F32 DEFAULT_ASPECT_RATIO      = 640.f / 480.f;
const F32 DEFAULT_NEAR_PLANE        = 0.25f;
const F32 DEFAULT_FAR_PLANE         = 64.f; // far reaches across two horizontal, not diagonal, regions

const F32 MAX_ASPECT_RATIO  = 50.0f;
const F32 MAX_NEAR_PLANE    = 1023.9f; // Clamp the near plane just before the skybox ends
const F32 MAX_FAR_PLANE     = 100000.0f; //1000000.0f; // Max allowed. Not good Z precision though.
const F32 MAX_FAR_CLIP      = 512.0f;

const F32 MIN_ASPECT_RATIO  = 0.02f;
const F32 MIN_NEAR_PLANE    = 0.1f;
const F32 MIN_FAR_PLANE     = 0.2f;

// Min/Max FOV values for square views. Call getMin/MaxView to get extremes based on current aspect ratio.
static const F32 MIN_FIELD_OF_VIEW = 5.0f * DEG_TO_RAD;
static const F32 MAX_FIELD_OF_VIEW = 175.f * DEG_TO_RAD;

// An LLCamera is an LLCoorFrame with a view frustum.
// This means that it has several methods for moving it around
// that are inherited from the LLCoordFrame() class :
// setOrigin(), setAxes()
// translate(), rotate()
// roll(), pitch(), yaw()
// etc...

class LLCamera
:   public LLCoordFrame

    LLCamera(const LLCamera& rhs)
        *this = rhs;

    enum {
        PLANE_LEFT = 0,
        PLANE_RIGHT = 1,
        PLANE_BOTTOM = 2,
        PLANE_TOP = 3,
        PLANE_NUM = 4,
        PLANE_MASK_NONE = 0xff      // Disable this plane
    enum {
        PLANE_TOP_MASK = (1<<PLANE_TOP),
        PLANE_ALL_MASK = 0xf,

    {   // Indexes to mAgentPlanes[] and mPlaneMask[]
        AGENT_PLANE_LEFT = 0,
        AGENT_PLANE_RIGHT = 1,
        AGENT_PLANE_NEAR = 2,
        AGENT_PLANE_TOP = 4,
        AGENT_PLANE_FAR = 5,
    {   // Sizes for mAgentPlanes[].  7th entry is special case for user clip
        PLANE_MASK_NUM = 8          // 7 actually used, 8 is for alignment


    enum {
        HORIZ_PLANE_LEFT = 0,
        HORIZ_PLANE_RIGHT = 1,
        HORIZ_PLANE_NUM = 2
    enum {
        HORIZ_PLANE_ALL_MASK = 0x3

    LL_ALIGN_16(LLPlane mAgentPlanes[AGENT_PLANE_USER_CLIP_NUM]);  //frustum planes in agent space a la gluUnproject (I'm a bastard, I know) - DaveP
    LL_ALIGN_16(LLPlane mRegionPlanes[AGENT_PLANE_USER_CLIP_NUM]);  //frustum planes in a local region space, derived from mAgentPlanes
    LL_ALIGN_16(LLPlane mLastAgentPlanes[AGENT_PLANE_USER_CLIP_NUM]);
    U8 mPlaneMask[PLANE_MASK_NUM];         // 8 for alignment

    F32 mView;                  // angle between top and bottom frustum planes in radians.
    F32 mAspect;                // width/height
    S32 mViewHeightInPixels;    // for ViewHeightInPixels() only
    F32 mNearPlane;
    F32 mFarPlane;
    F32 mFixedDistance;         // Always return this distance, unless < 0
    LLVector3 mFrustCenter;     // center of frustum and radius squared for ultra-quick exclusion test
    F32 mFrustRadiusSquared;

    U32 mPlaneCount;  //defaults to 6, if setUserClipPlane is called, uses user supplied clip plane in

    LLVector3 mWorldPlanePos;       // Position of World Planes (may be offset from camera)
    LLVector3 mAgentFrustum[AGENT_FRUSTRUM_NUM];  //8 corners of 6-plane frustum
    F32 mFrustumCornerDist;     //distance to corner of frustum against far clip plane
    LLPlane& getAgentPlane(U32 idx) { return mAgentPlanes[idx]; }

    LLCamera(F32 vertical_fov_rads, F32 aspect_ratio, S32 view_height_in_pixels, F32 near_plane, F32 far_plane);
    virtual ~LLCamera();

    bool isChanged(); //check if mAgentPlanes changed since last frame.

    LLPlane getUserClipPlane();
    void setUserClipPlane(LLPlane& plane);
    void disableUserClipPlane();
    virtual void setView(F32 vertical_fov_rads);
    void setViewHeightInPixels(S32 height);
    void setAspect(F32 new_aspect);
    void setNear(F32 new_near);
    void setFar(F32 new_far);

    F32 getView() const                         { return mView; }               // vertical FOV in radians
    S32 getViewHeightInPixels() const           { return mViewHeightInPixels; }
    F32 getAspect() const                       { return mAspect; }             // width / height
    F32 getNear() const                         { return mNearPlane; }          // meters
    F32 getFar() const                          { return mFarPlane; }           // meters

    // The values returned by the min/max view getters depend upon the aspect ratio
    // at the time they are called and therefore should not be cached.
    F32 getMinView() const;
    F32 getMaxView() const;

    F32 getYaw() const
        return atan2f(mXAxis[VY], mXAxis[VX]);
    F32 getPitch() const
        F32 xylen = sqrtf(mXAxis[VX]*mXAxis[VX] + mXAxis[VY]*mXAxis[VY]);
        return atan2f(mXAxis[VZ], xylen);

    const LLVector3& getWorldPlanePos() const       { return mWorldPlanePos; }

    // Copy mView, mAspect, mNearPlane, and mFarPlane to buffer.
    // Return number of bytes copied.
    size_t writeFrustumToBuffer(char *buffer) const;

    // Copy mView, mAspect, mNearPlane, and mFarPlane from buffer.
    // Return number of bytes copied.
    size_t readFrustumFromBuffer(const char *buffer);
    void calcAgentFrustumPlanes(LLVector3* frust);
    void calcRegionFrustumPlanes(const LLVector3& shift, F32 far_clip_distance); //calculate regional planes from mAgentPlanes.
    void ignoreAgentFrustumPlane(S32 idx);

    // Returns 1 if partly in, 2 if fully in.
    // NOTE: 'center' is in absolute frame.
    S32 sphereInFrustum(const LLVector3 &center, const F32 radius) const;
    S32 pointInFrustum(const LLVector3 &point) const { return sphereInFrustum(point, 0.0f); }
    S32 sphereInFrustumFull(const LLVector3 &center, const F32 radius) const { return sphereInFrustum(center, radius); }
    S32 AABBInFrustum(const LLVector4a& center, const LLVector4a& radius, const LLPlane* planes = NULL);
    S32 AABBInRegionFrustum(const LLVector4a& center, const LLVector4a& radius);
    S32 AABBInFrustumNoFarClip(const LLVector4a& center, const LLVector4a& radius, const LLPlane* planes = NULL);
    S32 AABBInRegionFrustumNoFarClip(const LLVector4a& center, const LLVector4a& radius);

    //does a quick 'n dirty sphere-sphere check
    S32 sphereInFrustumQuick(const LLVector3 &sphere_center, const F32 radius);

    // Returns height of object in pixels (must be height because field of view
    // is based on window height).
    F32 heightInPixels(const LLVector3 &center, F32 radius ) const;

    // return the distance from pos to camera if visible (-distance if not visible)
    void setFixedDistance(F32 distance) { mFixedDistance = distance; }

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLCamera &C);

    void calculateFrustumPlanes();
    void calculateFrustumPlanes(F32 left, F32 right, F32 top, F32 bottom);
    void calculateFrustumPlanesFromWindow(F32 x1, F32 y1, F32 x2, F32 y2);
