/** * @file llbbox.cpp * @brief General purpose bounding box class (Not axis aligned) * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" // self include #include "llbbox.h" // library includes #include "m4math.h" void LLBBox::addPointLocal(const LLVector3& p) { if (mEmpty) { mMinLocal = p; mMaxLocal = p; mEmpty = FALSE; } else { mMinLocal.mV[VX] = llmin( p.mV[VX], mMinLocal.mV[VX] ); mMinLocal.mV[VY] = llmin( p.mV[VY], mMinLocal.mV[VY] ); mMinLocal.mV[VZ] = llmin( p.mV[VZ], mMinLocal.mV[VZ] ); mMaxLocal.mV[VX] = llmax( p.mV[VX], mMaxLocal.mV[VX] ); mMaxLocal.mV[VY] = llmax( p.mV[VY], mMaxLocal.mV[VY] ); mMaxLocal.mV[VZ] = llmax( p.mV[VZ], mMaxLocal.mV[VZ] ); } } void LLBBox::addPointAgent( LLVector3 p) { p -= mPosAgent; p.rotVec( ~mRotation ); addPointLocal( p ); } void LLBBox::addBBoxAgent(const LLBBox& b) { if (mEmpty) { mPosAgent = b.mPosAgent; mRotation = b.mRotation; mMinLocal.clearVec(); mMaxLocal.clearVec(); } LLVector3 vertex[8]; vertex[0].setVec( b.mMinLocal.mV[VX], b.mMinLocal.mV[VY], b.mMinLocal.mV[VZ] ); vertex[1].setVec( b.mMinLocal.mV[VX], b.mMinLocal.mV[VY], b.mMaxLocal.mV[VZ] ); vertex[2].setVec( b.mMinLocal.mV[VX], b.mMaxLocal.mV[VY], b.mMinLocal.mV[VZ] ); vertex[3].setVec( b.mMinLocal.mV[VX], b.mMaxLocal.mV[VY], b.mMaxLocal.mV[VZ] ); vertex[4].setVec( b.mMaxLocal.mV[VX], b.mMinLocal.mV[VY], b.mMinLocal.mV[VZ] ); vertex[5].setVec( b.mMaxLocal.mV[VX], b.mMinLocal.mV[VY], b.mMaxLocal.mV[VZ] ); vertex[6].setVec( b.mMaxLocal.mV[VX], b.mMaxLocal.mV[VY], b.mMinLocal.mV[VZ] ); vertex[7].setVec( b.mMaxLocal.mV[VX], b.mMaxLocal.mV[VY], b.mMaxLocal.mV[VZ] ); LLMatrix4 m( b.mRotation ); m.translate( b.mPosAgent ); m.translate( -mPosAgent ); m.rotate( ~mRotation ); for( S32 i=0; i<8; i++ ) { addPointLocal( vertex[i] * m ); } } LLBBox LLBBox::getAxisAligned() const { // no rotiation = axis aligned rotation LLBBox aligned(mPosAgent, LLQuaternion(), LLVector3(), LLVector3()); // add the center point so that it's not empty aligned.addPointAgent(mPosAgent); // add our BBox aligned.addBBoxAgent(*this); return aligned; } void LLBBox::expand( F32 delta ) { mMinLocal.mV[VX] -= delta; mMinLocal.mV[VY] -= delta; mMinLocal.mV[VZ] -= delta; mMaxLocal.mV[VX] += delta; mMaxLocal.mV[VY] += delta; mMaxLocal.mV[VZ] += delta; } LLVector3 LLBBox::localToAgent(const LLVector3& v) const { LLMatrix4 m( mRotation ); m.translate( mPosAgent ); return v * m; } LLVector3 LLBBox::agentToLocal(const LLVector3& v) const { LLMatrix4 m; m.translate( -mPosAgent ); m.rotate( ~mRotation ); // inverse rotation return v * m; } LLVector3 LLBBox::localToAgentBasis(const LLVector3& v) const { LLMatrix4 m( mRotation ); return v * m; } LLVector3 LLBBox::agentToLocalBasis(const LLVector3& v) const { LLMatrix4 m( ~mRotation ); // inverse rotation return v * m; } BOOL LLBBox::containsPointLocal(const LLVector3& p) const { if ( (p.mV[VX] < mMinLocal.mV[VX]) ||(p.mV[VX] > mMaxLocal.mV[VX]) ||(p.mV[VY] < mMinLocal.mV[VY]) ||(p.mV[VY] > mMaxLocal.mV[VY]) ||(p.mV[VZ] < mMinLocal.mV[VZ]) ||(p.mV[VZ] > mMaxLocal.mV[VZ])) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL LLBBox::containsPointAgent(const LLVector3& p) const { LLVector3 point_local = agentToLocal(p); return containsPointLocal(point_local); } LLVector3 LLBBox::getMinAgent() const { return localToAgent(mMinLocal); } LLVector3 LLBBox::getMaxAgent() const { return localToAgent(mMaxLocal); } /* LLBBox operator*(const LLBBox &a, const LLMatrix4 &b) { return LLBBox( a.mMin * b, a.mMax * b ); } */