/** * @file llimagej2ckdu.cpp * @brief This is an implementation of JPEG2000 encode/decode using Kakadu * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2010&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llimagej2ckdu.h" #include "lltimer.h" #include "llpointer.h" #include "llmath.h" #include "llkdumem.h" #include "kdu_block_coding.h" class kdc_flow_control { public: kdc_flow_control(kdu_image_in_base *img_in, kdu_codestream codestream); ~kdc_flow_control(); bool advance_components(); void process_components(); private: struct kdc_component_flow_control { public: kdu_image_in_base *reader; int vert_subsampling; int ratio_counter; /* Initialized to 0, decremented by `count_delta'; when < 0, a new line must be processed, after which it is incremented by `vert_subsampling'. */ int initial_lines; int remaining_lines; kdu_line_buf *line; }; kdu_codestream codestream; kdu_dims valid_tile_indices; kdu_coords tile_idx; kdu_tile tile; int num_components; kdc_component_flow_control *components; int count_delta; // Holds the minimum of the `vert_subsampling' fields kdu_multi_analysis engine; kdu_long max_buffer_memory; }; // // Kakadu specific implementation // void set_default_colour_weights(kdu_params *siz); const char* engineInfoLLImageJ2CKDU() { static std::string version = llformat("KDU %s", KDU_CORE_VERSION); return version.c_str(); } LLImageJ2CKDU* createLLImageJ2CKDU() { return new LLImageJ2CKDU(); } void destroyLLImageJ2CKDU(LLImageJ2CKDU* kdu) { delete kdu; kdu = NULL; } LLImageJ2CImpl* fallbackCreateLLImageJ2CImpl() { return new LLImageJ2CKDU(); } void fallbackDestroyLLImageJ2CImpl(LLImageJ2CImpl* impl) { delete impl; impl = NULL; } const char* fallbackEngineInfoLLImageJ2CImpl() { return engineInfoLLImageJ2CKDU(); } class LLKDUDecodeState { public: LLKDUDecodeState(kdu_tile tile, kdu_byte *buf, S32 row_gap); ~LLKDUDecodeState(); BOOL processTileDecode(F32 decode_time, BOOL limit_time = TRUE); private: S32 mNumComponents; BOOL mUseYCC; kdu_dims mDims; kdu_sample_allocator mAllocator; kdu_tile_comp mComps[4]; kdu_line_buf mLines[4]; kdu_pull_ifc mEngines[4]; bool mReversible[4]; // Some components may be reversible and others not int mBitDepths[4]; // Original bit-depth may be quite different from 8 kdu_tile mTile; kdu_byte *mBuf; S32 mRowGap; }; void ll_kdu_error( void ) { // *FIX: This exception is bad, bad, bad. It gets thrown from a // destructor which can lead to immediate program termination! throw "ll_kdu_error() throwing an exception"; } // Stuff for new kdu error handling class LLKDUMessageWarning : public kdu_message { public: /*virtual*/ void put_text(const char *s); /*virtual*/ void put_text(const kdu_uint16 *s); static LLKDUMessageWarning sDefaultMessage; }; class LLKDUMessageError : public kdu_message { public: /*virtual*/ void put_text(const char *s); /*virtual*/ void put_text(const kdu_uint16 *s); /*virtual*/ void flush(bool end_of_message = false); static LLKDUMessageError sDefaultMessage; }; void LLKDUMessageWarning::put_text(const char *s) { llinfos << "KDU Warning: " << s << llendl; } void LLKDUMessageWarning::put_text(const kdu_uint16 *s) { llinfos << "KDU Warning: " << s << llendl; } void LLKDUMessageError::put_text(const char *s) { llinfos << "KDU Error: " << s << llendl; } void LLKDUMessageError::put_text(const kdu_uint16 *s) { llinfos << "KDU Error: " << s << llendl; } void LLKDUMessageError::flush(bool end_of_message) { if (end_of_message) { throw "KDU throwing an exception"; } } LLKDUMessageWarning LLKDUMessageWarning::sDefaultMessage; LLKDUMessageError LLKDUMessageError::sDefaultMessage; static bool kdu_message_initialized = false; LLImageJ2CKDU::LLImageJ2CKDU() : LLImageJ2CImpl(), mInputp(NULL), mCodeStreamp(NULL), mTPosp(NULL), mTileIndicesp(NULL), mRawImagep(NULL), mDecodeState(NULL), mBlocksSize(-1), mPrecinctsSize(-1), mLevels(0) { } LLImageJ2CKDU::~LLImageJ2CKDU() { cleanupCodeStream(); // in case destroyed before decode completed } // Stuff for new simple decode void transfer_bytes(kdu_byte *dest, kdu_line_buf &src, int gap, int precision); void LLImageJ2CKDU::setupCodeStream(LLImageJ2C &base, BOOL keep_codestream, ECodeStreamMode mode) { S32 data_size = base.getDataSize(); S32 max_bytes = (base.getMaxBytes() ? base.getMaxBytes() : data_size); // // Initialization // if (!kdu_message_initialized) { kdu_message_initialized = true; kdu_customize_errors(&LLKDUMessageError::sDefaultMessage); kdu_customize_warnings(&LLKDUMessageWarning::sDefaultMessage); } if (mCodeStreamp) { mCodeStreamp->destroy(); delete mCodeStreamp; mCodeStreamp = NULL; } if (!mInputp && base.getData()) { // The compressed data has been loaded // Setup the source for the codestream mInputp = new LLKDUMemSource(base.getData(), data_size); } if (mInputp) { mInputp->reset(); } mCodeStreamp = new kdu_codestream; mCodeStreamp->create(mInputp); // Set the maximum number of bytes to use from the codestream // *TODO: This seems to be wrong. The base class should have no idea of how j2c compression works so no // good way of computing what's the byte range to be used. mCodeStreamp->set_max_bytes(max_bytes,true); // If you want to flip or rotate the image for some reason, change // the resolution, or identify a restricted region of interest, this is // the place to do it. You may use "kdu_codestream::change_appearance" // and "kdu_codestream::apply_input_restrictions" for this purpose. // If you wish to truncate the code-stream prior to decompression, you // may use "kdu_codestream::set_max_bytes". // If you wish to retain all compressed data so that the material // can be decompressed multiple times, possibly with different appearance // parameters, you should call "kdu_codestream::set_persistent" here. // There are a variety of other features which must be enabled at // this point if you want to take advantage of them. See the // descriptions appearing with the "kdu_codestream" interface functions // in "kdu_compressed.h" for an itemized account of these capabilities. switch (mode) { case MODE_FAST: mCodeStreamp->set_fast(); break; case MODE_RESILIENT: mCodeStreamp->set_resilient(); break; case MODE_FUSSY: mCodeStreamp->set_fussy(); break; default: llassert(0); mCodeStreamp->set_fast(); } kdu_dims dims; mCodeStreamp->get_dims(0,dims); S32 components = mCodeStreamp->get_num_components(); if (components >= 3) { // Check that components have consistent dimensions (for PPM file) kdu_dims dims1; mCodeStreamp->get_dims(1,dims1); kdu_dims dims2; mCodeStreamp->get_dims(2,dims2); if ((dims1 != dims) || (dims2 != dims)) { llerrs << "Components don't have matching dimensions!" << llendl; } } // Get the number of resolution levels in that image mLevels = mCodeStreamp->get_min_dwt_levels(); // Set the base dimensions base.setSize(dims.size.x, dims.size.y, components); base.setLevels(mLevels); if (!keep_codestream) { mCodeStreamp->destroy(); delete mCodeStreamp; mCodeStreamp = NULL; delete mInputp; mInputp = NULL; } } void LLImageJ2CKDU::cleanupCodeStream() { delete mInputp; mInputp = NULL; delete mDecodeState; mDecodeState = NULL; if (mCodeStreamp) { mCodeStreamp->destroy(); delete mCodeStreamp; mCodeStreamp = NULL; } delete mTPosp; mTPosp = NULL; delete mTileIndicesp; mTileIndicesp = NULL; } BOOL LLImageJ2CKDU::initDecode(LLImageJ2C &base, LLImageRaw &raw_image, int discard_level, int* region) { return initDecode(base,raw_image,0.0f,MODE_FAST,0,4,discard_level,region); } BOOL LLImageJ2CKDU::initEncode(LLImageJ2C &base, LLImageRaw &raw_image, int blocks_size, int precincts_size, int levels) { mPrecinctsSize = precincts_size; if (mPrecinctsSize != -1) { mPrecinctsSize = get_lower_power_two(mPrecinctsSize,MAX_PRECINCT_SIZE); mPrecinctsSize = llmax(mPrecinctsSize,MIN_PRECINCT_SIZE); } mBlocksSize = blocks_size; if (mBlocksSize != -1) { mBlocksSize = get_lower_power_two(mBlocksSize,MAX_BLOCK_SIZE); mBlocksSize = llmax(mBlocksSize,MIN_BLOCK_SIZE); if (mPrecinctsSize != -1) { mBlocksSize = llmin(mBlocksSize,mPrecinctsSize); // blocks *must* be smaller than precincts } } mLevels = levels; if (mLevels != 0) { mLevels = llclamp(mLevels,MIN_DECOMPOSITION_LEVELS,MAX_DECOMPOSITION_LEVELS); base.setLevels(mLevels); } return TRUE; } BOOL LLImageJ2CKDU::initDecode(LLImageJ2C &base, LLImageRaw &raw_image, F32 decode_time, ECodeStreamMode mode, S32 first_channel, S32 max_channel_count, int discard_level, int* region) { base.resetLastError(); // *FIX: kdu calls our callback function if there's an error, and then bombs. // To regain control, we throw an exception, and catch it here. try { // Merov : Test!! DO NOT COMMIT!! //findDiscardLevelsBoundaries(base); base.updateRawDiscardLevel(); setupCodeStream(base, TRUE, mode); mRawImagep = &raw_image; mCodeStreamp->change_appearance(false, true, false); // Apply loading discard level and cropping if required kdu_dims* region_kdu = NULL; if (region != NULL) { region_kdu = new kdu_dims; region_kdu->pos.x = region[0]; region_kdu->pos.y = region[1]; region_kdu->size.x = region[2] - region[0]; region_kdu->size.y = region[3] - region[1]; } int discard = (discard_level != -1 ? discard_level : base.getRawDiscardLevel()); //llinfos << "Merov debug : initDecode, discard used = " << discard << ", asked = " << discard_level << llendl; // Apply loading restrictions mCodeStreamp->apply_input_restrictions( first_channel, max_channel_count, discard, 0, region_kdu); // Clean-up if (region_kdu) { delete region_kdu; region_kdu = NULL; } // Resize raw_image according to the image to be decoded kdu_dims dims; mCodeStreamp->get_dims(0,dims); S32 channels = base.getComponents() - first_channel; channels = llmin(channels,max_channel_count); raw_image.resize(dims.size.x, dims.size.y, channels); if (!mTileIndicesp) { mTileIndicesp = new kdu_dims; } mCodeStreamp->get_valid_tiles(*mTileIndicesp); if (!mTPosp) { mTPosp = new kdu_coords; mTPosp->y = 0; mTPosp->x = 0; } } catch (const char* msg) { base.setLastError(ll_safe_string(msg)); return FALSE; } catch (...) { base.setLastError("Unknown J2C error"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // Returns TRUE to mean done, whether successful or not. BOOL LLImageJ2CKDU::decodeImpl(LLImageJ2C &base, LLImageRaw &raw_image, F32 decode_time, S32 first_channel, S32 max_channel_count) { ECodeStreamMode mode = MODE_FAST; LLTimer decode_timer; if (!mCodeStreamp) { if (!initDecode(base, raw_image, decode_time, mode, first_channel, max_channel_count)) { // Initializing the J2C decode failed, bail out. cleanupCodeStream(); return TRUE; // done } } // These can probably be grabbed from what's saved in the class. kdu_dims dims; mCodeStreamp->get_dims(0,dims); // Now we are ready to walk through the tiles processing them one-by-one. kdu_byte *buffer = raw_image.getData(); while (mTPosp->y < mTileIndicesp->size.y) { while (mTPosp->x < mTileIndicesp->size.x) { try { if (!mDecodeState) { kdu_tile tile = mCodeStreamp->open_tile(*(mTPosp)+mTileIndicesp->pos); // Find the region of the buffer occupied by this // tile. Note that we have no control over // sub-sampling factors which might have been used // during compression and so it can happen that tiles // (at the image component level) actually have // different dimensions. For this reason, we cannot // figure out the buffer region occupied by a tile // directly from the tile indices. Instead, we query // the highest resolution of the first tile-component // concerning its location and size on the canvas -- // the `dims' object already holds the location and // size of the entire image component on the same // canvas coordinate system. Comparing the two tells // us where the current tile is in the buffer. S32 channels = base.getComponents() - first_channel; if (channels > max_channel_count) { channels = max_channel_count; } kdu_resolution res = tile.access_component(0).access_resolution(); kdu_dims tile_dims; res.get_dims(tile_dims); kdu_coords offset = tile_dims.pos - dims.pos; int row_gap = channels*dims.size.x; // inter-row separation kdu_byte *buf = buffer + offset.y*row_gap + offset.x*channels; mDecodeState = new LLKDUDecodeState(tile, buf, row_gap); } // Do the actual processing F32 remaining_time = decode_time - decode_timer.getElapsedTimeF32(); // This is where we do the actual decode. If we run out of time, return false. if (mDecodeState->processTileDecode(remaining_time, (decode_time > 0.0f))) { delete mDecodeState; mDecodeState = NULL; } else { // Not finished decoding yet. // setLastError("Ran out of time while decoding"); return FALSE; } } catch (const char* msg) { base.setLastError(ll_safe_string(msg)); base.decodeFailed(); cleanupCodeStream(); return TRUE; // done } catch (...) { base.setLastError( "Unknown J2C error" ); base.decodeFailed(); cleanupCodeStream(); return TRUE; // done } mTPosp->x++; } mTPosp->y++; mTPosp->x = 0; } cleanupCodeStream(); return TRUE; } BOOL LLImageJ2CKDU::encodeImpl(LLImageJ2C &base, const LLImageRaw &raw_image, const char* comment_text, F32 encode_time, BOOL reversible) { // Declare and set simple arguments bool transpose = false; bool vflip = true; bool hflip = false; try { // Set up input image files siz_params siz; // Should set rate someplace here LLKDUMemIn mem_in(raw_image.getData(), raw_image.getDataSize(), raw_image.getWidth(), raw_image.getHeight(), raw_image.getComponents(), &siz); base.setSize(raw_image.getWidth(), raw_image.getHeight(), raw_image.getComponents()); int num_components = raw_image.getComponents(); siz.set(Scomponents,0,0,num_components); siz.set(Sdims,0,0,base.getHeight()); // Height of first image component siz.set(Sdims,0,1,base.getWidth()); // Width of first image component siz.set(Sprecision,0,0,8); // Image samples have original bit-depth of 8 siz.set(Ssigned,0,0,false); // Image samples are originally unsigned kdu_params *siz_ref = &siz; siz_ref->finalize(); siz_params transformed_siz; // Use this one to construct code-stream transformed_siz.copy_from(&siz,-1,-1,-1,0,transpose,false,false); // Construct the `kdu_codestream' object and parse all remaining arguments U32 max_output_size = base.getWidth()*base.getHeight()*base.getComponents(); max_output_size = (max_output_size < 1000 ? 1000 : max_output_size); U8 *output_buffer = new U8[max_output_size]; U32 output_size = 0; // Address updated by LLKDUMemTarget to give the final compressed buffer size LLKDUMemTarget output(output_buffer, output_size, max_output_size); kdu_codestream codestream; codestream.create(&transformed_siz,&output); if (comment_text) { // Set the comments for the codestream kdu_codestream_comment comment = codestream.add_comment(); comment.put_text(comment_text); } if (num_components >= 3) { // Note that we always use YCC and not YUV // *TODO: Verify this doesn't screws up reversible textures (like sculpties) as YCC is not reversible but YUV is... set_default_colour_weights(codestream.access_siz()); } // Set codestream options int nb_layers = 0; kdu_long layer_bytes[MAX_NB_LAYERS]; U32 max_bytes = (U32)(base.getWidth() * base.getHeight() * base.getComponents()); // Rate is the argument passed into the LLImageJ2C which specifies the target compression rate. The default is 8:1. // *TODO: mRate is actually always 8:1 in the viewer. Test different values. llassert (base.mRate > 0.f); max_bytes = (U32)((F32)(max_bytes) * base.mRate); // If the image is very small, code it in a lossless way. // Note: it'll also have only 1 layer which is fine as there's no point reordering blocks in that case. if (max_bytes < FIRST_PACKET_SIZE) { reversible = true; } // This code is where we specify the target number of bytes for each quality layer. // We're using a logarithmic spacing rule that fits with our way of fetching texture data. // Note: For more info on this layers business, read kdu_codestream::flush() doc in kdu_compressed.h U32 i = FIRST_PACKET_SIZE; while ((i < max_bytes) && (nb_layers < (MAX_NB_LAYERS-1))) { if (i == FIRST_PACKET_SIZE * 4) { // That really just means that the first layer is FIRST_PACKET_SIZE and the second is MIN_LAYER_SIZE i = MIN_LAYER_SIZE; } layer_bytes[nb_layers] = i; nb_layers++; i *= 4; } if (reversible) { codestream.access_siz()->parse_string("Creversible=yes"); // *TODO: we should use yuv in reversible mode and one res level since those images are small. // Don't turn this on now though as both create problems on decoding for the moment //codestream.access_siz()->parse_string("Clevels=1"); //codestream.access_siz()->parse_string("Cycc=no"); // In the reversible case, set the last entry of that table to 0 so that all generated bits will // indeed be output by the time the last quality layer is encountered. layer_bytes[nb_layers] = 0; } else { // Truncate the last quality layer if necessary so to fit the set compression ratio layer_bytes[nb_layers] = max_bytes; } nb_layers++; std::string layer_string = llformat("Clayers=%d",nb_layers); codestream.access_siz()->parse_string(layer_string.c_str()); // Set up data ordering, markers, etc... if precincts or blocks specified // Note: This code is *not* used in the encoding made by the viewer. It is currently used only // by llimage_libtest to create various j2c and test alternative compression schemes. if ((mBlocksSize != -1) || (mPrecinctsSize != -1)) { if (mPrecinctsSize != -1) { std::string precincts_string = llformat("Cprecincts={%d,%d}",mPrecinctsSize,mPrecinctsSize); codestream.access_siz()->parse_string(precincts_string.c_str()); } if (mBlocksSize != -1) { std::string blocks_string = llformat("Cblk={%d,%d}",mBlocksSize,mBlocksSize); codestream.access_siz()->parse_string(blocks_string.c_str()); } std::string ordering_string = llformat("Corder=LRCP"); codestream.access_siz()->parse_string(ordering_string.c_str()); std::string PLT_string = llformat("ORGgen_plt=yes"); codestream.access_siz()->parse_string(PLT_string.c_str()); std::string Parts_string = llformat("ORGtparts=R"); codestream.access_siz()->parse_string(Parts_string.c_str()); } // Set the number of wavelets subresolutions (aka levels) if (mLevels != 0) { std::string levels_string = llformat("Clevels=%d",mLevels); codestream.access_siz()->parse_string(levels_string.c_str()); } // Complete the encode settings codestream.access_siz()->finalize_all(); codestream.change_appearance(transpose,vflip,hflip); // Now we are ready for sample data processing kdc_flow_control *tile = new kdc_flow_control(&mem_in,codestream); bool done = false; while (!done) { // Process line by line if (tile->advance_components()) { tile->process_components(); } else { done = true; } } // Produce the compressed output codestream.flush(layer_bytes,nb_layers); // Cleanup delete tile; codestream.destroy(); // Now that we're done encoding, create the new data buffer for the compressed // image and stick it there. base.copyData(output_buffer, output_size); base.updateData(); // set width, height delete[] output_buffer; } catch(const char* msg) { base.setLastError(ll_safe_string(msg)); return FALSE; } catch( ... ) { base.setLastError( "Unknown J2C error" ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL LLImageJ2CKDU::getMetadata(LLImageJ2C &base) { // *FIX: kdu calls our callback function if there's an error, and // then bombs. To regain control, we throw an exception, and // catch it here. try { setupCodeStream(base, FALSE, MODE_FAST); return TRUE; } catch (const char* msg) { base.setLastError(ll_safe_string(msg)); return FALSE; } catch (...) { base.setLastError( "Unknown J2C error" ); return FALSE; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /* STATIC copy_block */ /*****************************************************************************/ static void copy_block(kdu_block *in, kdu_block *out) { if (in->K_max_prime != out->K_max_prime) { std::cout << "Cannot copy blocks belonging to subbands with different quantization parameters." << std::endl; return; } if ((in->size.x != out->size.x) || (in->size.y != out->size.y)) { std::cout << "Cannot copy code-blocks with different dimensions." << std::endl; return; } out->missing_msbs = in->missing_msbs; if (out->max_passes < (in->num_passes+2)) // Gives us enough to round up out->set_max_passes(in->num_passes+2,false); // to the next whole bit-plane out->num_passes = in->num_passes; int num_bytes = 0; for (int z=0; z < in->num_passes; z++) { num_bytes += (out->pass_lengths[z] = in->pass_lengths[z]); out->pass_slopes[z] = in->pass_slopes[z]; } // Just copy compressed code-bytes. Block transcoding not supported. if (out->max_bytes < num_bytes) out->set_max_bytes(num_bytes,false); memcpy(out->byte_buffer,in->byte_buffer,(size_t) num_bytes); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* STATIC copy_tile */ /*****************************************************************************/ static void copy_tile(kdu_tile tile_in, kdu_tile tile_out, int tnum_in, int tnum_out, kdu_params *siz_in, kdu_params *siz_out, int skip_components, int &num_blocks) { int num_components = tile_out.get_num_components(); int new_tpart=0, next_tpart = 1; for (int c=0; c < num_components; c++) { kdu_tile_comp comp_in, comp_out; comp_in = tile_in.access_component(c); comp_out = tile_out.access_component(c); int num_resolutions = comp_out.get_num_resolutions(); //std::cout << " Copying tile : num_resolutions = " << num_resolutions << std::endl; for (int r=0; r < num_resolutions; r++) { kdu_resolution res_in; res_in = comp_in.access_resolution(r); kdu_resolution res_out; res_out = comp_out.access_resolution(r); int b, min_band; int num_bands = res_in.get_valid_band_indices(min_band); std::cout << " Copying tile : num_bands = " << num_bands << std::endl; for (b=min_band; num_bands > 0; num_bands--, b++) { kdu_subband band_in; band_in = res_in.access_subband(b); kdu_subband band_out; band_out = res_out.access_subband(b); kdu_dims blocks_in; band_in.get_valid_blocks(blocks_in); kdu_dims blocks_out; band_out.get_valid_blocks(blocks_out); if ((blocks_in.size.x != blocks_out.size.x) || (blocks_in.size.y != blocks_out.size.y)) { std::cout << "Transcoding operation cannot proceed: Code-block partitions for the input and output code-streams do not agree." << std::endl; return; } kdu_coords idx; //std::cout << " Copying tile : block indices, x = " << blocks_out.size.x << " and y = " << blocks_out.size.y << std::endl; for (idx.y=0; idx.y < blocks_out.size.y; idx.y++) { for (idx.x=0; idx.x < blocks_out.size.x; idx.x++) { kdu_block *in = band_in.open_block(idx+blocks_in.pos,&new_tpart); for (; next_tpart <= new_tpart; next_tpart++) siz_out->copy_from(siz_in,tnum_in,tnum_out,next_tpart, skip_components); kdu_block *out = band_out.open_block(idx+blocks_out.pos); copy_block(in,out); band_in.close_block(in); band_out.close_block(out); num_blocks++; } } } } } } // Find the block boundary for each discard level in the input image. // We parse the input blocks and copy them in a temporary output stream. // For the moment, we do nothing more that parsing the raw list of blocks and outputing result. void LLImageJ2CKDU::findDiscardLevelsBoundaries(LLImageJ2C &base) { // We need the number of levels in that image before starting. getMetadata(base); for (int discard_level = 0; discard_level < mLevels; discard_level++) { //std::cout << "Parsing discard level = " << discard_level << std::endl; // Create the input codestream object. setupCodeStream(base, TRUE, MODE_FAST); mCodeStreamp->apply_input_restrictions(0, 4, discard_level, 0, NULL); mCodeStreamp->set_max_bytes(KDU_LONG_MAX,true); siz_params *siz_in = mCodeStreamp->access_siz(); // Create the output codestream object. siz_params siz; siz.copy_from(siz_in,-1,-1,-1,0,discard_level,false,false,false); siz.set(Scomponents,0,0,mCodeStreamp->get_num_components()); U32 max_output_size = base.getWidth()*base.getHeight()*base.getComponents(); max_output_size = (max_output_size < 1000 ? 1000 : max_output_size); U8 *output_buffer = new U8[max_output_size]; U32 output_size = 0; // Address updated by LLKDUMemTarget to give the final compressed buffer size LLKDUMemTarget output(output_buffer, output_size, max_output_size); kdu_codestream codestream_out; codestream_out.create(&siz,&output); //codestream_out.share_buffering(*mCodeStreamp); siz_params *siz_out = codestream_out.access_siz(); siz_out->copy_from(siz_in,-1,-1,-1,0,discard_level,false,false,false); codestream_out.access_siz()->finalize_all(-1); // Set up rate control variables kdu_long max_bytes = KDU_LONG_MAX; kdu_params *cod = siz_out->access_cluster(COD_params); int total_layers; cod->get(Clayers,0,0,total_layers); kdu_long *layer_bytes = new kdu_long[total_layers]; int nel, non_empty_layers = 0; // Now ready to perform the transfer of compressed data between streams int flush_counter = INT_MAX; kdu_dims tile_indices_in; mCodeStreamp->get_valid_tiles(tile_indices_in); kdu_dims tile_indices_out; codestream_out.get_valid_tiles(tile_indices_out); assert((tile_indices_in.size.x == tile_indices_out.size.x) && (tile_indices_in.size.y == tile_indices_out.size.y)); int num_blocks=0; kdu_coords idx; //std::cout << "Parsing tiles : x = " << tile_indices_out.size.x << " to y = " << tile_indices_out.size.y << std::endl; for (idx.y=0; idx.y < tile_indices_out.size.y; idx.y++) { for (idx.x=0; idx.x < tile_indices_out.size.x; idx.x++) { kdu_tile tile_in = mCodeStreamp->open_tile(idx+tile_indices_in.pos); int tnum_in = tile_in.get_tnum(); int tnum_out = idx.x + idx.y*tile_indices_out.size.x; siz_out->copy_from(siz_in,tnum_in,tnum_out,0,0,discard_level,false,false,false); siz_out->finalize_all(tnum_out); // Note: do not open the output tile without first copying any tile-specific code-stream parameters kdu_tile tile_out = codestream_out.open_tile(idx+tile_indices_out.pos); assert(tnum_out == tile_out.get_tnum()); copy_tile(tile_in,tile_out,tnum_in,tnum_out,siz_in,siz_out,0,num_blocks); tile_in.close(); tile_out.close(); flush_counter--; if ((flush_counter <= 0) && codestream_out.ready_for_flush()) { flush_counter = INT_MAX; nel = codestream_out.trans_out(max_bytes,layer_bytes,total_layers); non_empty_layers = (nel > non_empty_layers)?nel:non_empty_layers; } } } // Generate the output code-stream if (codestream_out.ready_for_flush()) { nel = codestream_out.trans_out(max_bytes,layer_bytes,total_layers); non_empty_layers = (nel > non_empty_layers)?nel:non_empty_layers; } if (non_empty_layers > total_layers) non_empty_layers = total_layers; // Can happen if a tile has more layers // Print out stats std::cout << "Code stream parsing for discard level = " << discard_level << std::endl; std::cout << " Total compressed memory in = " << mCodeStreamp->get_compressed_data_memory() << " bytes" << std::endl; std::cout << " Total compressed memory out = " << codestream_out.get_compressed_data_memory() << " bytes" << std::endl; //std::cout << " Output contains " << total_layers << " quality layers" << std::endl; std::cout << " Transferred " << num_blocks << " code-blocks from in to out" << std::endl; //std::cout << " Read " << mCodeStreamp->get_num_tparts() << " tile-part(s) from a total of " << (int) tile_indices_in.area() << " tile(s)" << std::endl; std::cout << " Total bytes read = " << mCodeStreamp->get_total_bytes() << std::endl; //std::cout << " Wrote " << codestream_out.get_num_tparts() << " tile-part(s) in a total of " << (int) tile_indices_out.area() << " tile(s)" << std::endl; std::cout << " Total bytes written = " << codestream_out.get_total_bytes() << std::endl; std::cout << "-------------" << std::endl; // Clean-up cleanupCodeStream(); codestream_out.destroy(); delete[] output_buffer; } return; } void set_default_colour_weights(kdu_params *siz) { kdu_params *cod = siz->access_cluster(COD_params); assert(cod != NULL); bool can_use_ycc = true; bool rev0 = false; int depth0 = 0, sub_x0 = 1, sub_y0 = 1; for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) { int depth = 0; siz->get(Sprecision,c,0,depth); int sub_y = 1; siz->get(Ssampling,c,0,sub_y); int sub_x = 1; siz->get(Ssampling,c,1,sub_x); kdu_params *coc = cod->access_relation(-1,c); bool rev = false; coc->get(Creversible,0,0,rev); if (c == 0) { rev0 = rev; depth0 = depth; sub_x0 = sub_x; sub_y0 = sub_y; } else if ((rev != rev0) || (depth != depth0) || (sub_x != sub_x0) || (sub_y != sub_y0)) { can_use_ycc = false; } } if (!can_use_ycc) { return; } bool use_ycc; if (!cod->get(Cycc,0,0,use_ycc)) { cod->set(Cycc,0,0,use_ycc=true); } if (!use_ycc) { return; } float weight; if (cod->get(Clev_weights,0,0,weight) || cod->get(Cband_weights,0,0,weight)) { // Weights already specified explicitly -> nothing to do return; } // These example weights are adapted from numbers generated by Marcus Nadenau // at EPFL, for a viewing distance of 15 cm and a display resolution of // 300 DPI. cod->parse_string("Cband_weights:C0=" "{0.0901},{0.2758},{0.2758}," "{0.7018},{0.8378},{0.8378},{1}"); cod->parse_string("Cband_weights:C1=" "{0.0263},{0.0863},{0.0863}," "{0.1362},{0.2564},{0.2564}," "{0.3346},{0.4691},{0.4691}," "{0.5444},{0.6523},{0.6523}," "{0.7078},{0.7797},{0.7797},{1}"); cod->parse_string("Cband_weights:C2=" "{0.0773},{0.1835},{0.1835}," "{0.2598},{0.4130},{0.4130}," "{0.5040},{0.6464},{0.6464}," "{0.7220},{0.8254},{0.8254}," "{0.8769},{0.9424},{0.9424},{1}"); } /******************************************************************************/ /* transfer_bytes */ /******************************************************************************/ void transfer_bytes(kdu_byte *dest, kdu_line_buf &src, int gap, int precision) /* Transfers source samples from the supplied line buffer into the output byte buffer, spacing successive output samples apart by `gap' bytes (to allow for interleaving of colour components). The function performs all necessary level shifting, type conversion, rounding and truncation. */ { int width = src.get_width(); if (src.get_buf32() != NULL) { // Decompressed samples have a 32-bit representation (integer or float) assert(precision >= 8); // Else would have used 16 bit representation kdu_sample32 *sp = src.get_buf32(); if (!src.is_absolute()) { // Transferring normalized floating point data. float scale16 = (float)(1<<16); kdu_int32 val; for (; width > 0; width--, sp++, dest+=gap) { val = (kdu_int32)(sp->fval*scale16); val = (val+128)>>8; // May be faster than true rounding val += 128; if (val & ((-1)<<8)) { val = (val < 0 ? 0 : 255); } *dest = (kdu_byte) val; } } else { // Transferring 32-bit absolute integers. kdu_int32 val; kdu_int32 downshift = precision-8; kdu_int32 offset = (1<>1; for (; width > 0; width--, sp++, dest+=gap) { val = sp->ival; val = (val+offset)>>downshift; val += 128; if (val & ((-1)<<8)) { val = (val < 0 ? 0 : 255); } *dest = (kdu_byte) val; } } } else { // Source data is 16 bits. kdu_sample16 *sp = src.get_buf16(); if (!src.is_absolute()) { // Transferring 16-bit fixed point quantities kdu_int16 val; if (precision >= 8) { // Can essentially ignore the bit-depth. for (; width > 0; width--, sp++, dest+=gap) { val = sp->ival; val += (1<<(KDU_FIX_POINT-8))>>1; val >>= (KDU_FIX_POINT-8); val += 128; if (val & ((-1)<<8)) { val = (val < 0 ? 0 : 255); } *dest = (kdu_byte) val; } } else { // Need to force zeros into one or more least significant bits. kdu_int16 downshift = KDU_FIX_POINT-precision; kdu_int16 upshift = 8-precision; kdu_int16 offset = 1<<(downshift-1); for (; width > 0; width--, sp++, dest+=gap) { val = sp->ival; val = (val+offset)>>downshift; val <<= upshift; val += 128; if (val & ((-1)<<8)) { val = (val < 0 ? 0 : 256 - (1<= 8) { kdu_int16 downshift = precision-8; kdu_int16 offset = (1<>1; for (; width > 0; width--, sp++, dest+=gap) { val = sp->ival; val = (val+offset)>>downshift; val += 128; if (val & ((-1)<<8)) { val = (val < 0 ? 0 : 255); } *dest = (kdu_byte) val; } } else { kdu_int16 upshift = 8-precision; for (; width > 0; width--, sp++, dest+=gap) { val = sp->ival; val <<= upshift; val += 128; if (val & ((-1)<<8)) { val = (val < 0 ? 0 : 256 - (1<= 3) && mUseYCC) { kdu_convert_ycc_to_rgb(mLines[0],mLines[1],mLines[2]); } for (c = 0; c < mNumComponents; c++) { transfer_bytes(mBuf+c,mLines[c],mNumComponents,mBitDepths[c]); } mBuf += mRowGap; if (mDims.size.y % 10) { if (limit_time && decode_timer.getElapsedTimeF32() > decode_time) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } // kdc_flow_control kdc_flow_control::kdc_flow_control (kdu_image_in_base *img_in, kdu_codestream codestream) { int n; this->codestream = codestream; codestream.get_valid_tiles(valid_tile_indices); tile_idx = valid_tile_indices.pos; tile = codestream.open_tile(tile_idx,NULL); // Set up the individual components num_components = codestream.get_num_components(true); components = new kdc_component_flow_control[num_components]; count_delta = 0; kdc_component_flow_control *comp = components; for (n = 0; n < num_components; n++, comp++) { comp->line = NULL; comp->reader = img_in; kdu_coords subsampling; codestream.get_subsampling(n,subsampling,true); kdu_dims dims; codestream.get_tile_dims(tile_idx,n,dims,true); comp->vert_subsampling = subsampling.y; if ((n == 0) || (comp->vert_subsampling < count_delta)) { count_delta = comp->vert_subsampling; } comp->ratio_counter = 0; comp->remaining_lines = comp->initial_lines = dims.size.y; } assert(num_components >= 0); tile.set_components_of_interest(num_components); max_buffer_memory = engine.create(codestream,tile,false,NULL,false,1,NULL,NULL,false); } kdc_flow_control::~kdc_flow_control() { if (components != NULL) { delete[] components; } if (engine.exists()) { engine.destroy(); } } bool kdc_flow_control::advance_components() { bool found_line = false; while (!found_line) { bool all_done = true; kdc_component_flow_control *comp = components; for (int n = 0; n < num_components; n++, comp++) { assert(comp->ratio_counter >= 0); if (comp->remaining_lines > 0) { all_done = false; comp->ratio_counter -= count_delta; if (comp->ratio_counter < 0) { found_line = true; comp->line = engine.exchange_line(n,NULL,NULL); assert(comp->line != NULL); if (comp->line->get_width()) { comp->reader->get(n,*(comp->line),0); } } } } if (all_done) { return false; } } return true; } void kdc_flow_control::process_components() { kdc_component_flow_control *comp = components; for (int n = 0; n < num_components; n++, comp++) { if (comp->ratio_counter < 0) { comp->ratio_counter += comp->vert_subsampling; assert(comp->ratio_counter >= 0); assert(comp->remaining_lines > 0); comp->remaining_lines--; assert(comp->line != NULL); engine.exchange_line(n,comp->line,NULL); comp->line = NULL; } } }